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Making world penguin day topics for yourself is pathetic!

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19 hours ago, fufu ÷ said:

but that wouldn't be him that would be a split personality

His name was Prince

4 hours ago, Steenalizer said:

He'd be fine, but bite is a dark type move so it would do regular damage against an ice/steel combo. If you want to beat Penguin you would have to use an electric, fighting or ground type move. I'm guessing Gift of Jericho is an electric type because of the light-up scarf, so he should have a decent moveset against an Empoleon. Penguin has access to ground type moves, but electric types generally have a higher speed so you could easily one-shot him before he has the chance to do any damage.

I would've assumed Gift Of Jericho is a fairy type since it's generally fairies who put their tongues up each other's asses to get a good taste. Even with dual electric/fairy typing that eliminates his resistance to steel moves, add to that Empoleon sits more on the defensive side and can get a special defence boost under a sandstorm that would neutralise his weakness to electric type moves. If Penguin can get the right set up then Gift Of Jericho's chances of a one hit kill are low, and if Empoleon can survive that first hit it has the movepool he needs to tear Gift Of Jericho apart.


I think I can take him, you also gotta add that I'm a higher level into the equation!


Yea, Gift Of Jericho is probably only level 3.


He's 9 at most, I have to be at least level 40.


I bet he couldn't even beat Brock, he'd probably piss himself and run away screaming if he got up to Mt Moon. Even with a type advantage I don't think he's ready for that many Zubat's, not to mention Team Rocket would likely abduct and enslave him.


Team Rocket will make him their bitch, even with them being bitched out on a regular basis.


Must suck being the bitch of the biggest bitches in the region, his quality of life as a Pokemon can't be very good. I feel sorry for Gift Of Jericho, the Pokemon world has not been kind to him.


At least Magikarp's can have great future's once they evolve. Gift Of Jericho will be lucky if whoring himself out for food scraps is even enough to survive.


He's more like a Wishiwashi with no friends to use the schooling ability with.


He probably didn't even go to school either, I doubt he was able to get past route 1.


You mean he was fucking annhialated, and bankrupted by Youngster Joey.


He may have also lost his virginity to Joey too.


Yea, I think it goes without saying that Youngster Joey raped him at least 6 or 7 times.

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