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HUGE SHOUTOUT TO @esbatmusic: He is currently working on an AMAZING Howard Finkel mod(among other audio mods) and I just wanted to say that if you have any extra upvotes, please go to his page and give them to him, this guy weeded through tens of thousands of audio files to single out the Howard Finkel audio, the amount of time and passion that he is putting into his mods is truly amazing!

New Tutorial! (If you installed any .pofos using the tutorial on this page prior to March 27th, 2017 you might want to run them through Data Editor as seen in step 3 to reinstall it, I haven't noticed any problems using the previous method, but just in case.. don't worry, it won't change anything in your game other than prevent possible glitches in the future, big thanks to @Cave Waverider for clearing this up for me and for Data Editor.)

*If you are new to modding, make sure you have the super string installed, also make sure you remove/backup your chunk_cache.bin and chunk_cache2.bin files(found at Steam/steamapps/common/WWE2k17), then create new text files(in the same directory) and name then chunk_cache.bin and chunk_cache2.bin(the file extension must change from .txt to .bin) this creates a "fixed" version of the file and allows mods to run without the game crashing. :) 

*You can only use mods on the Steam version of the game

Step 1. CCT is awesome, install it!

Step 2. Data Editor is awesome, install it!

Step 3. Load your .pofo into Data Editor, chose whatever slot you want to use, save it and then click on the "Install .pofo via CCT" button.(Make sure your game is running and at the main menu when you open CCT)

Step 4. Install whatever .pac you are using in CCT by clicking Install-> Mass Character-Pac Installer(if you have issues installing the .pac files this way, you can always rename the .pac file(s) to whatever slot you are using(Example: ch10402.pac), then open it with HxD, scroll down until you see "EMD" and overwrite the number to match whatever slot number you are installing to(never backspace/delete in HxD), it should look like THIS after you overwrite the #, keep in mind that all .pac files that end with a "2" is an in-ring attire, and every .pac that end with a "4" is an entrance attire)

Step 5. Load the .moveset file into CCT(you don't need to rename it or edit it, just make sure you have the slot # set to the one you want to install to, in the dropdown box) and press install

Step 6. In-game, go to edit superstars, change someone from cheer to boo (or vice versa) and press enter(this saves the mod/changes into the game, you need to do this anytime you add something to the game) (you will need to restart the game for the .pac files to show up)

Step 7. See Steps 1 and 2  #done :) 

*If you find that you can't make a team with Demolition, LoD, etc, just open each of their .pofo files into Data Editor, click announcer settings, and where it says "commentary name" make sure it is set to the slot # that you want to install them to and then save it, I extract all of these files(for the most part) from the same slot.

*If you run into a .pac that looks different when you open it with HxD: (just go here: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/65684-hex-editing-attire-one-this-year-is-different-s/, scroll down and read @4 Life's step by step tutorial on how to inject it into a 2k16 .pac file, and give that man an upvote, he wrote that tutorial with a BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK!)



Just a disclaimer: None of these .pac files are mods made by me, I only only uploaded the vanilla ch models that I got to work in 2k17(most of these are WWE 2k15/2k16 mods that I found to work in 2k17, when/if a 2k17 version of them are released, I will update the links), all other links are to the modders' original forums, if you like the file, give them an upvote! (let me know if I botched any links :D)

Disclaimer #2:  If you don't see a .moveset or .pofo for a wrestler that you are looking for, check here

Attention modders/moderators:  Feel free to use any of the files on my page for whatever reason you want, I'm not concerned about credit or anything, just sharing with the community :) 

If you want a .pofo file for any wrestler that is already in the game, I highly suggest that you check out the new Data Editor release here, it has a default .pofo and .moveset file for everyone on the roster, among a TON of other great features!





If you want to tell me that a file is uploaded to the wrong folder, or have a question about something, just click the reply section at the bottom of the page(instead of quoting something, you can also PM me) it just saves space, especially for people searching through the thread for help, etc, thanks.

Edited by WhereTheFdidTheEgo
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9 minutes ago, jakeab1995 said:

Thanks for all of these! Do you plan on doing pofos for any of them as well? 

No problem, let me know that they work(I just used X-packer to extract/name them) and yeah, I could probably do that at some point, I just can't think of the tutorial I used before to change them via hex, I'll have to find it(Most of my wrestlers are installed to slots that differ from the norm), I just use X-packer now, it's way more convenient for me.  I like the Jim Cornette pic btw :D 

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Thanks for these. You have a few that I've been looking for. Where did you get the pac files for some of these? Haven't seen them on the boards here for 2k17.

Edited by WillieB31
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Imported D'Lo Brown into my game. He shows up on my roster but I immediately get a pop up message "Save Failed. System storage access error occurred." Never seen this before with my other imports. Any ideas?

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1 minute ago, WillieB31 said:

Imported D'Lo Brown into my game. He shows up on my roster but I immediately get a pop up message "Save Failed. System storage access error occurred." Never seen this before with my other imports. Any ideas?

Did you follow the tutorial to change the .pofo to whatever slot you have D'lo installed to?  They should all work, I have tested all of these guys in-game multiple times, all I did was extract the .moveset and .pofo files with X-packer and rename them..

Dustin Rhodes .moveset added

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1 minute ago, WillieB31 said:

Hmmm. Was using the pofo I already had on my drive for him. Using slot 498 as that's what my pacs at set up for.

So it was the .moveset file that did it?  That doesn't make any sense, unless maybe you don't have the DLC, I'm sure I have some DLC moves included in some of these movesets, other than that they should be fine.

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Just re-tried it with your pofo this time and the moveset and still getting the issue. I do have all the DLC, outside of HOF as I don't think that's been released yet.

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1 minute ago, Dennis-Bieser said:

Awesome. Many thanks for this files. Can you make some classic guys like Yokozuna, Kamala or Doink? 

Not a problem, and yes I plan to do a lot of the classic wrestlers, I will do one for each of your mods for sure!

5 minutes ago, WillieB31 said:

Just re-tried it with your pofo this time and the moveset and still getting the issue. I do have all the DLC, outside of HOF as I don't think that's been released yet.

Damn, I wish I could help you but I have no idea why that would be happening, I just downloaded the D'lo Brown .moveset that I posted and injected it into Triple H's slot # to test it and all the moves, etc showed up fine... maybe see if there is a newer tutorial for cheat engine/2k17, I only use X-packer now so I'm not too familiar with the other methods of installing .movesets and .pofos.   If anyone else has a problem with any of them, let me know.

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I've been using Cheat Engine for importing superstars. Using slot 498, pofo hex is  142CF1D20 and moveset hex is 142B63A26, least according to the memory sheet.

And we figured it out. Was using different slots. Gotta love it. lol

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Just now, jakeab1995 said:

Which Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy pac files did you use?

I used 4Life's Attitude Era Kurt Angle from 2k16: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62905-4-lifes-wcw-attitude-era-mods-2k17-port-pack-new-age-outlaws-ivory-jacqueline-albert-godfather-bossman-big-show-and-sid-probably-closing-shop/ 

Also, Tekken's Kurt Angle from 2k15: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/56825-pc-community-dlc-1-buff-bagwell/


attire 3 from the 8 attire Jeff Hardy pack(fishnet top) from this page: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/61674-louevil76-2k16-mods-2k152k17-ports-re-opening/








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1 minute ago, hhhgames said:

just a little question .. the pac for kurt angle points to slot 129, right ? 

I don't remember, you can change it though, just change the name of the file(Example: ch46802.pac) and then open it with HxD, scroll down until you see "EMD" on the right side of HxD, then just match those numbers to match the file name, I think Tekken's Kurt Angle had 10 attires in it, I'm pretty sure they all work, I'm using the blue/red attire(think it was the 3rd one) :) 

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Just now, WhereTheFdidTheEgo said:

I don't remember, you can change it though, just change the name of the file(Example: ch46802.pac) and then open it with HxD, scroll down until you see "EMD" on the right side of HxD, then just match those numbers to match the file name, I think Tekken's Kurt Angle had 10 attires in it, I'm pretty sure they all work, I'm using the blue/red attire(think it was the 3rd one) :) 

thanks !! i will try, im soooo rookie xD 

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2 minutes ago, hhhgames said:

thanks !! i will try, im soooo rookie xD 

It's easy, just make sure you don't use backspace/delete within HxD, just click behind the numbers you want to change and overwrite them, then just save and all should be fine.

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1 minute ago, LorenzDerBoss said:

do u know if there is an working kurt angle or jeff hardy pac ?


2 hours ago, WhereTheFdidTheEgo said:


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