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How do i start fresh in WWE 2k17???


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Ok basically what I'm asking is, how do you delete everything from my wwe 2k17 steam game. I want to start fresh. Like getting the game on day one.....I want all of my mod files gone. I tried just deleting the game off steam, but when I reinstalled the 2k17 the mod files were still there. I remember back on wwe 2k16 all I had to do was start the game in window mode and delete your save in the Steam folder and everything would be gone. But this year it doesent work that way....

I'm also really not sure what user data file 2k17 uses this year.

anyone know how to fully delete everything off of the steam 2k17 so I can start fresh....




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In addition to deleting all the modded files, you'll have to delete your savegame as well.

To do this:

1. Start Steam.
2. Click on the Steam menu entry.
3. Click on Go Offline and confirm.
4. Once Steam is in offline mode, exit steam.
5. Open your ...\Steam\userdata\<steamUserId>\ directory with Windows Explorer or your file manager of choice.
6. Delete the 510510 folder.
7. Start Steam in Offline mode (at the prompt, pick start offline).
8. Start the game.
9. It should now start a blank savegame.
10. Once in the main menu, go to Superstars and change a value (attribute or whatever) for any superstar and save.
11. Your game should now be saved.
12. Exit the game.
13. Click on Steam->Go Online and confirm.
14. Start the game again when online.
15. The game should ask you which save to use. Choose "Upload to Steam Cloud" (the lower option). This will overwrite your old save in the cloud with the new one.
16. Wait until the upload is completed.
17. In the game, change the attribute you changed back to normal and save.
18. Exit the game and let the newest save be uploaded just to be safe.

That should do the trick.

Be aware that this will completely reset your game and you'll loose any created content like superstars, belts, arenas, etc. as well.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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