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Sound Editor 2017 3.2.0 / Custom Character Tools 2017 1.0.3 / [LAST UPDATE 08/24]


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I'm going to bite the bullet, and buy the game today I think. I'd like to be part of the all this new testing going on instead of being a year behind. 🙂

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Thanks for the update!

Curious, I can't seem to find the Club's music in the game_sound_m.pck. I found one track called "The Club" but it wasn't the rock music that Anderson and Gallows comes out to.

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3 minutes ago, shanafan said:

Thanks for the update!

Curious, I can't seem to find the Club's music in the game_sound_m.pck. I found one track called "The Club" but it wasn't the rock music that Anderson and Gallows comes out to.

That's probably on one of the DLC sound pck I assume.

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Hey @TheVisitorX great work on the updates

I'll try to finish ra_m.pck This week 

BTW could you add the ability to export more than one file once as they don't work for me so I have to export them first then listening to them

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17 minutes ago, Ahmed Anter said:

Hey @TheVisitorX great work on the updates

I'll try to finish ra_m.pck This week 

BTW could you add the ability to export more than one file once as they don't work for me so I have to export them first then listening to them

That would be awesome!  I finished the commentary for the HOF DLC pack last night, so I can merge them together for a nice big update.

In the meantime, if you can't listen to them from Sound Editor, try using Ravioli Game Tools:

You can't inject with it, but you can preview the sounds with it.  It might also do batch export.

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1 hour ago, Ahmed Anter said:

Hey @TheVisitorX great work on the updates

I'll try to finish ra_m.pck This week 

BTW could you add the ability to export more than one file once as they don't work for me so I have to export them first then listening to them

I'll try to fix the playback because there seems to be a lot of people with the same issue. Hopefully for the next update but I can't promise, because I don't have that issue so I can't test it.

Edited by TheVisitorX
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@Cave Waverider @Ahmed Anter @xXJHARDYFAN92Xx I've published another new version (2.2.3). Could you please test if the playback feature is working for you? I'm now using bass.dll to play the ogg files. Install that update with the build-in update.exe (with version > 2.2.0).

5 hours ago, laddanator said:

I'm going to bite the bullet, and buy the game today I think. I'd like to be part of the all this new testing going on instead of being a year behind. 🙂

Yeah, definitely buy the game - You are welcome here :).

5 hours ago, esbatmusic said:

thinking of it now, is there a 'import multiple at once' way? That'd be helpeful, even if just 2-3 at the time lol. It's getting there , slowly but surely.

There is a multi file selection in the converter tool, but not in the import. I will think about it. But I have no idea how I could manage this multiple file selection there.

Edited by TheVisitorX
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23 minutes ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Cave Waverider @Ahmed Anter @xXJHARDYFAN92Xx I've published another new version (2.2.3). Could you please test if the playback feature is working for you? I'm now using bass.dll to play the ogg files. Install that update with the build-in update.exe (with version > 2.2.0).

Yeah, definitely buy the game - You are welcome here :).

There is a multi file selection in the converter tool, but not in the import. I will think about it. But I have no idea how I could manage this multiple file selection there.

Thank you, @TheVisitorX! Bought the game, and testing stuff now. Not having any issue with wem play backs from sound editor 2017. For the guys that are, I would check to make sure you have the right version of Wwise installed, and the path is correct.

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1 hour ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Cave Waverider @Ahmed Anter @xXJHARDYFAN92Xx I've published another new version (2.2.3). Could you please test if the playback feature is working for you? I'm now using bass.dll to play the ogg files. Install that update with the build-in update.exe (with version > 2.2.0).

Yeah, definitely buy the game - You are welcome here :).

There is a multi file selection in the converter tool, but not in the import. I will think about it. But I have no idea how I could manage this multiple file selection there.

Tested and it works @TheVisitorX

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1 hour ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Cave Waverider @Ahmed Anter @xXJHARDYFAN92Xx I've published another new version (2.2.3). Could you please test if the playback feature is working for you? I'm now using bass.dll to play the ogg files. Install that update with the build-in update.exe (with version > 2.2.0).

Thank you. It's playing back everything fine now with version 2.2.3 for me as well! :) 

Edited by Cave Waverider
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I haven't been in the WWE 2K modding scene you had to use hex editing to get the theme you want in the game, so I love this tool. I also have a quick question, where are the .pck backups stored?

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2 hours ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Cave Waverider @Ahmed Anter @xXJHARDYFAN92Xx I've published another new version (2.2.3). Could you please test if the playback feature is working for you? I'm now using bass.dll to play the ogg files. Install that update with the build-in update.exe (with version > 2.2.0).

Yeah, definitely buy the game - You are welcome here :).

There is a multi file selection in the converter tool, but not in the import. I will think about it. But I have no idea how I could manage this multiple file selection there.

Outside of what I'm doing, it wouldn't serve much purpose really. I'll tough it out :p just need to have the time to finish this.

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3 hours ago, JMike said:

I haven't been in the WWE 2K modding scene you had to use hex editing to get the theme you want in the game, so I love this tool. I also have a quick question, where are the .pck backups stored?

In a folder called 'backups' within the Sound Editor 2017 main program folder.

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Hi Visitor, I found an issue with the tool.

I´ve managed to add 4 themes successfully, but after that I get "Error: Could´nt create backup file"  immediately after I try to add a 5th one.

I´m aware its not an issue with the particular file since i´ve tried to re-add the ones I could into new slots and that also did not work, and I can confirm that its not a problem with the song i´m trying to replace since i´ve tried in up to 10 different sounds to replace, obtaining the same result as earlier.

My thoughts here is that the app (or something related to it) is acting like it had a limit of sounds to replace, I hope you can give me some hints to bypass this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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That message does not have something to do with the sound replacement, it is the backup of your pck file which causes that issue. You can turn the backups off in the settings. But I don't recommend that. Maybe your hdd is full? The backup files are large, so maybe that causes your issue?

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15 minutes ago, TheVisitorX said:

That message hasn't something to do with the sound replacement, it is the backup of your pck file which causes that issue. You can turn the backups off in the settings. But I don't recommend that. Maybe your disk runs out of space? The backup files are large, so maybe that causes your issue?

Thanks for the quick reply, you´re right I believe im running out of space, however I turned off the backup option but now if I try to import a file, it only gives me the option to import WAV instead of WEM.

Please ignore that reply, i´ve solved it (actually I said that because I was used to the previous tool)

Thanks a lot.

Edited by Darth Dinho
My Bad
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9 hours ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Cave Waverider @Ahmed Anter @xXJHARDYFAN92Xx I've published another new version (2.2.3). Could you please test if the playback feature is working for you? I'm now using bass.dll to play the ogg files. Install that update with the build-in update.exe (with version > 2.2.0).

It worked bro, now it will be more easier thanks

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How to solve Error: Couldn't inject file data?

I tried to import Bodybuilder song with Brown Strawman's theme song , but that Error phrase has appeared.


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1 hour ago, Creampus said:

How to solve Error: Couldn't inject file data?

I tried to import Bodybuilder song with Brown Strawman's theme song , but that Error phrase has appeared.


Do you use the current version 2.2.3?Try it with a wem file, your Wwise seems to be not proper installed. And make sure that you have admin rights. 

34 minutes ago, CR7 JACKHAMMER said:

When will the custom character tool be ready

Soon. I'm focusing on it now. 

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