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Sound Editor 2017 3.2.0 / Custom Character Tools 2017 1.0.3 / [LAST UPDATE 08/24]


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No, it's not. Must be something on your side. Could you try to download it again with another browser or in private mode?

Edited by TheVisitorX
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1 hour ago, TheVisitorX said:

No, it's not. Must be something on your side. Could you try to download it again with another browser or in private mode?

Thank you! I downloaded with another browser

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Unfortunately you still can't add new songs. It is the same like last year. You can create a new pck archive and also new sound banks but that is not enough because the game will not play the new sounds! It's not like "add a new sound file and it will work". All sound-archives and events are hard-coded, also all the events which trigger that sounds.

It is not like the procedure with pac files where you can add new files and the game reads them. The whole process is a lot more complex because of the Wwise event based system. So adding new sounds is "easy", to tell the game how to play this sounds is not. But I think we have enough generic themes this year so it is not such a big problem.

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49 minutes ago, Twistedmisery666™ said:

How can we get the songs louder for entrence music soo low I cant hear it.

Already mentioned here. Convert the sounds with the converter tool in SE, move the volume slider all to the right, check track gain and it should be louder, because the file has now 105db!!! And that is more than enough..

If not, download mp3gain, open your mp3 file and set the volume higher there.

But "soo" low that you can't hear anything? I can't believe that!

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In that case you try to replace a file with the "wav" extension (look in the grid column header, there should be wav as file extension). WEM import does only work with wem files. WAV is mostly the case when a file import went wrong and your sound file is damaged. Or you have selected wav as file extension in the open file dialog window. Or your Wwise path isn't properly set. Set the path to WwiseCLI in the settings.

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5 hours ago, Twistedmisery666™ said:

How can we get the songs louder for entrence music soo low I cant hear it.

So I had the same issue but as Visitor mentioned, if you download MP3gain, http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/download.php, and run your song in that program, you can make the volume louder.  Thiers 5 options, i had to download a few but option 3 finally worked for me. Made my custom track go from disappearing behind the crowd noise to being just as loud as the normal tracks in the game!  Thanks Visitor X for all the help on this one!

Edited by Alex47
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1 minute ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Alex47 Which settings do you use? Maybe I can implement them into SE directly because it also uses mp3gain to increase the volume.

I just did the track analysis and it set the track at 105.7

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2 hours ago, Alex47 said:

I just did the track analysis and it set the track at 105.7

Seems like the one used in SE isn't working as expected for some users because that also uses 105db! I will check that...

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I inserted some songs from the WWE 2k16 .wem file database made by someone, and when I went to play a match it literally turned off crowd noise. not like last year where it would come back after the next entrance it literally disappeared. even in the next match there was no crowd noise, is there a fix to this?

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1 hour ago, List of Jericho said:

I inserted some songs from the WWE 2k16 .wem file database made by someone, and when I went to play a match it literally turned off crowd noise. not like last year where it would come back after the next entrance it literally disappeared. even in the next match there was no crowd noise, is there a fix to this?

Yukes has to fix that :/. Really similar as last year with the advanced entrances. I don't think that this is an issue with SE. Most issues this year are because of custom content like arenas, championships, ...

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Hey, bro, first and foremost, thank you for this amazing tool :D
However with this year's iteration, I can't get it to work. I'm getting that "Input string was not in a correct format" error while trying to replace the file, although my number system is correct, I tried with a comma and with a dot, and I still get the error :( Any advice? My windows10 is set to Poland with English as system language.

Best wishes :D

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Still this error???? It should be fixed with the newest version 2.1.1!

Please check your windows region/language settings and the separator for numbers. Could you attach a screenshot from your windows settings?

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3 hours ago, amazing-maze said:

Can I ask. In the WEM-Export directory settings?? Do I put the game location there? Why am I so confused with this version

It is up to you. That setting is only necessary for the "Sound-Converter" tool. By default (if no other directory is specified) it saves all converted files in the same directory as the source file.

Edit: Thank you to the person, which has donated recently :).

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