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Tekken57's 2k17 mods - Steiner released. That's a wrap, my final mod!


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3 hours ago, tekken57 said:

Yes the process is as you described. You don't have to export from mudbox to 3dsmax but  by sending the sculpt layers to max I can code a script to export all 100+ layers in one go instead of one by one in mudbox. 


You can create animations for any of the pc models from 2k15 upwards.


i have made some headway with the script to export the morph targets, hopefully will have something ready for release soon. It's a very complex script. 

Thats pretty cool, its sad to see people bitch about paying a few bucks for your tools, but they don't realize the fact that its because of you that modding community exists and that the game is moddable. I really appreciate your work man!

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5 hours ago, eri619 said:

Thats pretty cool, its sad to see people bitch about paying a few bucks for your tools, but they don't realize the fact that its because of you that modding community exists and that the game is moddable. I really appreciate your work man!

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.


I've released X-Rey 2.3 this morning with the bulk export function. Will be releasing the maxscript to export the morph targets and a tutorial before the end of the week.


I've been testing the new X-Rey functions on my Steiner mod but felt that the mod wasn't up to same standard of my newer mods, so I decided to create a new Steiner mod. Worked a lot on the sculpting and detailing of the face and body. What do you guys think?





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1 hour ago, tekken57 said:

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.


I've released X-Rey 2.3 this morning with the bulk export function. Will be releasing the maxscript to export the morph targets and a tutorial before the end of the week.


I've been testing the new X-Rey functions on my Steiner mod but felt that the mod wasn't up to same standard of my newer mods, so I decided to create a new Steiner mod. Worked a lot on the sculpting and detailing of the face and body. What do you guys think?





I think the face texture could use some work, other than that its pretty much perfect!

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On 2/26/2017 at 11:57 PM, Thunder72 said:

Here's my Hulk Hogan (2002) Red and Yellow porting for WWE 2K17




- **I'm not responsible for any damage to your files or save corruption so make a backup of the ENTIRE Steam WWE 2K17 game folder and (most important) your save data!**
- **Backup your "mot_Patch30.pac" file contained in  "pac/ingame/motion" path of your game**

- My Hogan Port uses slot 500 (for entrance compatibility issues) and  "American Patriot" spot for  "Real American"   theme song

- English is not my mother language so forgive me for any grammar errors

- I spent many night hours  to create this port and to study every tool and Hex editing .

- This is my first port, I am still learning so don't get mad at me if something doesn't work or there's something missing; I'll try to support this port as best as I can.

- My port ha some minor flaws:

1) Hogan's hometown announcement is still from Miami Florida and not from "Venice Beach CA", I'll try to fix it soon

2) A few moves are "inverted" , they're executed with the opposite hand instead of the default  one, even moves you normally can't invert in the game editor (ex: reverse neckbreaker).

I don't consider it a flaw because they look somehow "new" because the animation starts from a different side.





It's a  RE-pack that includes all the required files : pofo, moveset, hacked moves and taunts, theme in wem format, models and entrance  "fixed", proper files from WWE 2K15, winning animations, etc.  and a VERY SIMPLE and complete  tutorial (how to use Sound Editor 2k17 and Cheat Engine amongst the others) , so it's a complete package 100% working.



Im having some major problems with this.


Everything worked fine when it was initially released before the patch to fix the goldberg etc entrances but now buying a new PC and installing it in the description word for word. Hulk Hogan's name doesnt appear in the game at all. Ive no idea why as I followed the guide and tried it 5 times now. When I first tried to load it it would crash so I gave the cache.bin and cache2.bin files a blank version which fixed that but nothings showing up.

Im even getting this on the main screen also.



Dummy smart menu?

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8 minutes ago, steven1977 said:

Im having some major problems with this.


Everything worked fine when it was initially released before the patch to fix the goldberg etc entrances but now buying a new PC and installing it in the description word for word. Hulk Hogan's name doesnt appear in the game at all. Ive no idea why as I followed the guide and tried it 5 times now. When I first tried to load it it would crash so I gave the cache.bin and cache2.bin files a blank version which fixed that but nothings showing up.

Im even getting this on the main screen also.



Dummy smart menu?

You need to use the latest string.pac.  WWE 2k17+ is probably the easiest way to get it. 

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40 minutes ago, AznBlusuazn said:

You need to use the latest string.pac.  WWE 2k17+ is probably the easiest way to get it. 

Actually you can disregard my last post I finally got Hogan showing up. I dont know why but cheat engine didnt work for me so thought heck just try character tools and it worked first time. Maybe we should change this in the text as that was the only way I got this to work.

One thing I was wondering and thats if I change the music in game for Hogan will it muck up his entrance animation?

I want to give him a different theme for his victory music.

With 2K16 it resetted it to a basic one so thought id ask as I dont want to do it then have to restart everything again.

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11 hours ago, Refat said:

Looks even better than your old one which was great, specially the body. Can we get more closeup shots of the face?

As requested:






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11 hours ago, tekken57 said:

As requested:


WOW! Face also looks amazing. Hands down best Steiner mod yet.

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Finally finished the script to export all the morph targets. Tutorial below:


You will need two scripts for this tutorial:

1. Batch import / export script: http://josbalcaen.com/scripts/max/batch-exportimport/

2. Export morph targets script coded by me:



Plain text version of my script above should the link expire:


-- Coded by tekken57 

global counter = 2
global morpherName
global mainSelection = $
global morphes = #()
global arraySize = 0
global i
global j
global t
global morphercount = 0

saveDir = getSavePath caption:"Select path to export animations to" 

out_name = saveDir --+ @"\" + objName 
--print out_name
global out_file 

global UVFormat = "vt % % 0\n"

fn PrintPoint pt = (
		format "v % % %\n" pt.x (pt.z ) (pt.y * -1) to:out_file
	fn PrintPointNormal pt = (
		format "vn % % %\n" (pt.x * -1) (pt.z) pt.y to:out_file

	fn PrintPointUV pt = (
		format "vt % % 0\n" pt.x pt.y to:out_file

	fn PrintPointInt pt = (
		x = (int(pt.x) - 1) + 1
		y = (int(pt.y) - 1) + 1
		z = (int(pt.z) - 1) + 1
		format "f %/% %/% %/% \n" x x y y z z to:out_file

	function ExtractUvs obj whereto =
		n = obj.numTVerts
		for i = 1 to n do 

			v = GetTVert obj i
			append whereto v



	function DumpUvs src = 

		--Format "\"uvs\": [[" to:out_file

		num = src.count

		if num > 0 then

			for i = 1 to num do

				uvw = src[i]

				u = uvw.x

					v = uvw.y

				Format UVFormat u v to:out_file			




	function ExtractColors obj whereto =

		nColors = GetNumCPVVerts obj
		if nColors > 0 then

			for i = 1 to nColors do

				c = GetVertColor obj i
				append whereto c




	function DumpColors src useColors = 


		num = src.count

		if num > 0 and useColors then

			for i = 1 to num do

				col = src[i]
				--format "vs % \n" col.x  to:out_file			
				r = col.r as Float
				g = col.g as float
				b = col.b as float
				--r = r/255
				--g = g/255
				--b= b/255
				hexNum = ( bit.shift r 16 ) + ( bit.shift g 8 ) + b
				--hexColor = formattedPrint hexNum format:"#x"
				-- Format "%" hexColor to:ostream

				--decColor = formattedPrint hexNum format:"#d"
				--Format "% \n" decColor to:out_file		
				--Format "vs % % %\n"	 r g b to:out_file		
				Format "vs % \n"	 hexNum to:out_file		




fn exportMeshTekken out_name2 = 
	out_file = createfile out_name2
for j in selection do

local sel = convertToMesh j
	--print (sel)	
case classOf sel of
editable_poly: polyOp.setFaceMatID sel (polyOp.getFaceSelection sel) counter
		local face_selection = #{}
		local base_obj = sel
		local num_faces = getNumFaces base_obj f
		num_verts = j.numverts 
			-- Vertex Positions 
			for i = 1 to num_verts do
				vert = getVert j i
				PrintPoint vert
			for i = 1 to num_verts do
				vert = getNormal j i				
				PrintPointNormal vert
			-- Vertex Texture Coordinates 
			for i = 1 to num_faces do
				-- Iterate over faces 				
				tvface = getTVFace j i
				for k = 1 to 3 do (
					--if (k > 1) then format ", " to:out_file
					-- Get a specific texture vertex
					tvert = getTVert j tvface[k]		
					PrintPointUV tvert
			mergedUvs = #()
			ExtractUvs j mergedUvs
			DumpUvs mergedUvs
			-- get vertex colors
			if getNumCPVVerts j > 0 then
			mergedColors = #()
			ExtractColors j mergedColors
			DumpColors mergedColors true
			--get faces 
			format "g Object0 \n" to:out_file
			format "s 1 \n" to:out_file
			--format "    \"indices\" : [" to:out_file
			for i = 1 to num_faces do
				--if (i > 1) then format ", " to:out_file
				face = getFace j i
				PrintPointInt face
			--format "]\n" to:out_file


counter = counter + 1
--print (counter)
--print (classOf sel)


close out_file

for t = 1 to 150 do
			morpherName = WM3_MC_GetName $.Morpher t
			if morpherName != "- empty -" then morphercount = morphercount + 1
				if toLower morpherName != "object0" then
					WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher t 0.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher t 100.00
			--print     morpherName

for i = 1 to morphercount do
	select mainSelection	
	morpherName = WM3_MC_GetName $.Morpher i
	print morpherName 

	--If morph name is not empty clone and set morph to 100.00
	if morpherName != "- empty -" and  trimLeft (trimRight morpherName) != ""  then
		WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher i 100.00
		if toLower morpherName != "object0" then
		out_name = saveDir + @"\" + morpherName + ".obj"
		--print out_name
			out_name = saveDir + @"\" + "Anim_0.obj"
			--print out_name			
		--exportMeshTekken out_name
		if selection.count != 0 do
			theClasses = exporterPlugin.classes
			_objIdx = findItem theClasses ObjExp
			-- with *.OBJ export dialog
			--exportFile (GetDir #scene + "/exportTest" ) selectedOnly:on using:theClasses[_objIdx]
			-- without *.OBJ export dialog
			exportFile (out_name) #noprompt selectedOnly:on using:theClasses[_objIdx]
		if toLower morpherName != "object0" then
			WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher i 0.00


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41 minutes ago, tekken57 said:

Finally finished the script to export all the morph targets. Tutorial below:


You will need two scripts for this tutorial:

1. Batch import / export script: http://josbalcaen.com/scripts/max/batch-exportimport/

2. Export morph targets script coded by me:



Plain text version of my script above should the link expire:


-- Coded by tekken57 

global counter = 2
global morpherName
global mainSelection = $
global morphes = #()
global arraySize = 0
global i
global j
global t
global morphercount = 0

saveDir = getSavePath caption:"Select path to export animations to" 

out_name = saveDir --+ @"\" + objName 
--print out_name
global out_file 

global UVFormat = "vt % % 0\n"

fn PrintPoint pt = (
		format "v % % %\n" pt.x (pt.z ) (pt.y * -1) to:out_file
	fn PrintPointNormal pt = (
		format "vn % % %\n" (pt.x * -1) (pt.z) pt.y to:out_file

	fn PrintPointUV pt = (
		format "vt % % 0\n" pt.x pt.y to:out_file

	fn PrintPointInt pt = (
		x = (int(pt.x) - 1) + 1
		y = (int(pt.y) - 1) + 1
		z = (int(pt.z) - 1) + 1
		format "f %/% %/% %/% \n" x x y y z z to:out_file

	function ExtractUvs obj whereto =
		n = obj.numTVerts
		for i = 1 to n do 

			v = GetTVert obj i
			append whereto v



	function DumpUvs src = 

		--Format "\"uvs\": [[" to:out_file

		num = src.count

		if num > 0 then

			for i = 1 to num do

				uvw = src[i]

				u = uvw.x

					v = uvw.y

				Format UVFormat u v to:out_file			




	function ExtractColors obj whereto =

		nColors = GetNumCPVVerts obj
		if nColors > 0 then

			for i = 1 to nColors do

				c = GetVertColor obj i
				append whereto c




	function DumpColors src useColors = 


		num = src.count

		if num > 0 and useColors then

			for i = 1 to num do

				col = src[i]
				--format "vs % \n" col.x  to:out_file			
				r = col.r as Float
				g = col.g as float
				b = col.b as float
				--r = r/255
				--g = g/255
				--b= b/255
				hexNum = ( bit.shift r 16 ) + ( bit.shift g 8 ) + b
				--hexColor = formattedPrint hexNum format:"#x"
				-- Format "%" hexColor to:ostream

				--decColor = formattedPrint hexNum format:"#d"
				--Format "% \n" decColor to:out_file		
				--Format "vs % % %\n"	 r g b to:out_file		
				Format "vs % \n"	 hexNum to:out_file		




fn exportMeshTekken out_name2 = 
	out_file = createfile out_name2
for j in selection do

local sel = convertToMesh j
	--print (sel)	
case classOf sel of
editable_poly: polyOp.setFaceMatID sel (polyOp.getFaceSelection sel) counter
		local face_selection = #{}
		local base_obj = sel
		local num_faces = getNumFaces base_obj f
		num_verts = j.numverts 
			-- Vertex Positions 
			for i = 1 to num_verts do
				vert = getVert j i
				PrintPoint vert
			for i = 1 to num_verts do
				vert = getNormal j i				
				PrintPointNormal vert
			-- Vertex Texture Coordinates 
			for i = 1 to num_faces do
				-- Iterate over faces 				
				tvface = getTVFace j i
				for k = 1 to 3 do (
					--if (k > 1) then format ", " to:out_file
					-- Get a specific texture vertex
					tvert = getTVert j tvface[k]		
					PrintPointUV tvert
			mergedUvs = #()
			ExtractUvs j mergedUvs
			DumpUvs mergedUvs
			-- get vertex colors
			if getNumCPVVerts j > 0 then
			mergedColors = #()
			ExtractColors j mergedColors
			DumpColors mergedColors true
			--get faces 
			format "g Object0 \n" to:out_file
			format "s 1 \n" to:out_file
			--format "    \"indices\" : [" to:out_file
			for i = 1 to num_faces do
				--if (i > 1) then format ", " to:out_file
				face = getFace j i
				PrintPointInt face
			--format "]\n" to:out_file


counter = counter + 1
--print (counter)
--print (classOf sel)


close out_file

for t = 1 to 150 do
			morpherName = WM3_MC_GetName $.Morpher t
			if morpherName != "- empty -" then morphercount = morphercount + 1
				if toLower morpherName != "object0" then
					WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher t 0.00
					WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher t 100.00
			--print     morpherName

for i = 1 to morphercount do
	select mainSelection	
	morpherName = WM3_MC_GetName $.Morpher i
	print morpherName 

	--If morph name is not empty clone and set morph to 100.00
	if morpherName != "- empty -" and  trimLeft (trimRight morpherName) != ""  then
		WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher i 100.00
		if toLower morpherName != "object0" then
		out_name = saveDir + @"\" + morpherName + ".obj"
		--print out_name
			out_name = saveDir + @"\" + "Anim_0.obj"
			--print out_name			
		--exportMeshTekken out_name
		if selection.count != 0 do
			theClasses = exporterPlugin.classes
			_objIdx = findItem theClasses ObjExp
			-- with *.OBJ export dialog
			--exportFile (GetDir #scene + "/exportTest" ) selectedOnly:on using:theClasses[_objIdx]
			-- without *.OBJ export dialog
			exportFile (out_name) #noprompt selectedOnly:on using:theClasses[_objIdx]
		if toLower morpherName != "object0" then
			WM3_MC_SetValue $.Morpher i 0.00


Once again thank you for your hard work! I'll try this out now!

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@tekken57 is there a way to add the trans shader on things that aren't attire/body related? I'm trying to create a transparent banner, to where only the logo is shown above the ring and not the whole flag. I had the trans shader added, and changed the texture from regular to a dxt5 with the alpha, but the whole object showed up as black in game instead of masking what I didn't want to be shown.

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Did the object have a normal map assigned to it which was dxt1?


if so, its possible that the shader parameters don't have anything listed for transparency. I've never tried to add transparency to anything besides wrestlers so I'm not sure. 

You could try copying some of the shader parameters from a wrestler object to your ring object and see what happens. 

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When i send the morph targets to 3DS Max, i get this error

i'm using Mudbox 2015 and 3DS Max 2015

Here is a video of the problem


Edited by eri619
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It seems like a problem with your 3dsmax installation. Try opening any simple object without sculpt layers and sending it to 3dsmax.

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34 minutes ago, tekken57 said:

It seems like a problem with your 3dsmax installation. Try opening any simple object without sculpt layers and sending it to 3dsmax.

tried it, works fine without sculpt layers!

Edit- When i sent morph targets from anim 45-112, it worked. When i do it from 0-112 ,i get that error!

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Maybe there is an issue with the Animations you imported. 


Turn off all the sculpt layers in mudbox. Then turn one on at a time While you have you modded head on, and check if the model is corrupted.  


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45 minutes ago, tekken57 said:

Maybe there is an issue with the Animations you imported. 


Turn off all the sculpt layers in mudbox. Then turn one on at a time While you have you modded head on, and check if the model is corrupted.  


I managed to overcome this by doing the following.

1)Send all morph targets from 1-44

2)Send all morph targets from 45-112

this has solved it for me 

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When that part was solved, now i ran across a new hurdle. I finished all animations, all expressions came out perfect for my Owen Hart head. To confirm everything went right, i imported object 0(head) and anim_47 into blender, seems the scaling and position in space of the animated meshes output from mudbox/3ds max came out wrong. Any idea as to what might have gone wrong? EDIT- everything is perfect until morph targets are exported using the script, for some reason, the 3ds max 2015 and the script is exporting the mesh with wrong scale. I corrected the problem by batch scaling all exported animations by a scaling factor 2.540. Tried it in game and works perfectly!





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7 minutes ago, tekken57 said:

Did that solve your problem @eri619 ?

i checked the export settings and they are fine.i'm able to do the animations, the only issue is i have to do 1-45 in one batch and the others in the next batch, i have to import them in blender, batch scale them by 2.540 and then batch export :)

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