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Tekken57's 2k17 mods - Steiner released. That's a wrap, my final mod!


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Thanks for all your well wishes guys, I really appreciate it. My dad is recovering well and can move around on his own which is a big relief.

Back in my home city and will resume modding as soon as back to speed with everything here. I have many mods which I have not previewed as yet, so stay tuned :)

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Welcome back and I'm glad to hear that your Dad's doing well!  There's nothing scarier than health issues so it's great to hear that he's recovering.

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Glad everything is going ok. I'm new to Smacktalks and PC modding but I've been following your work for years on other sites like CAWS. Glad your still at it. Thanks for your work bro! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you are only done for 2k17 and not forever...

otherwise really enjoyed your mods and if you reduce modding time hopefully you can enjoy the free time ;)

Glad that your father is getting well

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17 hours ago, bravebird31 said:

They look great... Your not done for good, right?

Life is hectic for me at the moment, so I have very little free time. 

I want to finish and release the mods in my video and then take a break from modding for a while. 

I may start new mods when 2k18 is released, time will tell.

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I'm looking forward to your remaining mods. (LOD, Rick Steiner, Double J etc) And wish you privately only the best. Thx for your excellent work

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4 hours ago, tekken57 said:

Life is hectic for me at the moment, so I have very little free time. 

I want to finish and release the mods in my video and then take a break from modding for a while. 

I may start new mods when 2k18 is released, time will tell.

I perfectly understand how you feel, life is like that: time to run and time to walk ;) .

I had a baby on the 9th of july so I am uber-busy right now but sometimes I take 5 minutes of my time to come here and comment with the community.

Thanks tekken for all these years of hard work.


Edited by Thunder72
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All my mods have been released in the first post. Remember to say thank you if you are using my mods.


I haven't included movesets and wrestler info files as these can be found in the database thread in this section.

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