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The Rock '00 titantron for The Rock '01

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Posted (edited)

Hey all,

I had been meaning to share this for 2K16, but never got a chance to. So I am going to share a titantron mod for The Rock '01. Alright, here it is.The titantron has been ripped from SmackDown! 2, and converted to a 19 second bk2 video, with very, very, VERY loud crowd audio. This was done to give it that 2000 feel, as the crowd don't really cheer that loud. If you want to have my edited MP3 that has the theme amplified, please let me know.

Note that I've still left the filename as ent_0596_0_0.bk2, so this will have to be changed when 2K17 is out. From my memory, the titantron is called (on the PS3) ent_0344_0_3.bik. The PC version is likely going to use a bk2 extension (much like 2K15 and 2K16 on PC).

Edited by jakeypearce

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