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Weird Glitch in WWE '13?

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So this occurred after I played an extreme rules/no DQ match with just divas and out of nowhere, all the wrestlers look "fat." Not even kidding. I'd provide a pic but I haven't launched the game yet. I will say that the Bellas definitely do not look slim and fit as they do in this pic. I'll provide a picture later when I have time. Point is imagine that one picture but their body figure is way, way too big. Not sure how to fix it without the risk of deleting my caws if its the save file that corrupted them. The only time the Bellas even look skinny (at least) is if I have my TV picture setting under natural instead of full. (Meaning it doesn't take up my entire screen and that bugs me.)

I'm not sure if this is just a resolution thing or the fact the game decided to derp for no reason because I had no glitches like that before.

Edit: Here are the screenshots, guys. I tried my best to get the best quality using my phone but the sheer size of the model should be a good indicator. I used Nikki Bella as a demonstration since that's who I noticed this appearance glitch happened to.

Here's what happens when I used the "natural" resolution on my TV. Looks normal, right?

Here is the result when I use my default "full" resolution. Notice how the model looks stupidly fat.

Anyone know how to fix this glitch besides apparently fixing the "resolution?"

If you guys can't access the photos, they should be located here under the game glitches album. The comparisons are side by side.

Edited by Rinari

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