the King Lives Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) Update V1. Added Pre-Match, In-Game and Victory.added Entrance section. will have that done by Thursday Promo(it's not yet known whether or not i'll post the promo stuff since most of that is my career based and tied to either Heyman, Lesnar, Stephanie & HHH)Backstage Cutscene 01 Enters Authority OfficeCutscene 02 Backstage Talking, Joins ForcesCutscene 03 Backstage asking to be partners, walks awayCutscene 04 Backstage asking to be partners, backs awayCutscene 05 bumping into someone, brawl startsCutscene 06 bumping into each other, walks awayCutscene 07 backstage attacked from behind by tag rivals, tag partner makes saveCutscene 08 Ref goes to check on lockerroom, Rival A opens the door, walks out, Rival B is laid out on the floorCutscene 09 Superstar 1 goes into lockerroom, Superstar 2 goes in behind and closes the doorCutscene 10 Superstar being interviewed by Renee, keeps walkingCutscene 11 Superstar 1 Approached by Superstar 2, Superstar 1 slams Superstar 1 into wall, Keeps Walking Entrance •Cutscene 01 Tag Rivals Approaching ring, attacked by Tag Rivals B•Cutscene 02 Opponent 1 waiting in ring for Opponent 2, Opponent 2 ambushed by rival on the way to the ring, tossed in the ring, ref ejects Rival•Cutscene 03 Rival A awaiting Opponent, Rival B attacks Opponent, Takes Match•Cutscene 04 Rival A waiting on opponent, opponent has appears on stage injured•Cutscene 05 Rival A waiting on Rival B, Rival B runs in from Crowd Barricade, Attacks Rival A from Behind•Cutscene 06 Tag Team A waiting on Rival B, Rival B shows up with Partner•Cutscene 07 Tag Team A waiting on Tag Team B, Tag Team B Taunts Tag Team A, Tag Team A exits the ring and beats down Tag Team B•Cutscene 08 Tag Team A Waiting on Tag Team B, Tag Team B enters as just one person not sure where his partner is, This is a Handicap Match•Cutscene 09 Rival A waiting on Rival B, Rival B introduces manager•Cutscene 10 Brawl 1 Between Rival A and Rival B•Cutscene 11 Attacked from behind with World Heavyweight Championship•Cutscene 12 Attacked from behind with Chop Block•Cutscene 13 attacked from behind, thrown into steel steps•Cutscene 14 Brawl 2 between Rival A & rival B•Cutscene 15 Tag Team A attacked behind by Tag Champs with Title Belts (for some reason they attack with the WHC)•Cutscene 16 Rival B attacks Rival A and doesn't stop, ref calls security to pull him off•Cutscene 17 Brawl 3 between Rival A and Rival B•Cutscene 18 Rival A waiting on opponent, opponent has appears on stage injured•Cutscene 19 Finn Balor win scene from my career•Cutscene 20 My Career Backstage Debut Scene•Cutscene 21 Backstage preparing to enter gorilla position•Cutscene 22 Backstage walking thru the halls, meet and greet•Cutscene 23 Backstage Walking thru halls (heel)•Cutscene 24 Backstage in locker room, looking for partner•Cutscene 25 Backstage Approached by Heyman 1•Cutscene 26 Backstage Approached by Heyman 2•Cutscene 27 Backstage Approached by Heyman 3•Cutscene 28 Backstage Approached by Heyman 4•Cutscene 29 Backstage Texting•Cutscene 30 Backstage Approached by Heyman 5•Cutscene 31 Backstage Approached by Heyman 6•Cutscene 32 Backstage Approached by Heyman and Lesnar/Lesnar Staredown•Cutscene 33 Backstage Punked•Cutscene 34 Backstage not flinching•Cutscene 35 Backstage Heyman talking to two Heyman Guys, 3rd is approached by rival, heyman guys tries to break it up•Cutscene 36 Backstage Heyman talking to two Heyman Guys, 3rd is approached by rival, heyman guys tries to break it up 2•Cutscene 37 backstage, vince, HHH, Rollins talking•Cutscene 38 backstage, vince, HHH, Rollins talking 2•Cutscene 39 Backstage approached by rival, Slapped•Cutscene 40 Backstage Talking•Cutscene 41 Backstage Talking 2•Cutscene 42 Backstage Talking 3•Cutscene 43 Backstage Talking 4•Cutscene 44 Backstage Approached by Heyman 7•Cutscene 45 Backstage Approached by Heyman 8•Cutscene 46 Backstage Approached by Heyman 9•Cutscene 47 Backstage Approached by Heyman 10•Cutscene 48 Backstage Approached by Heyman 11•Cutscene 49 Backstage Approached by Heyman 12•Cutscene 50 Backstage Approached by Heyman 13•Cutscene 51 Heyman Cutting Promo with Lesnar, Lesnar Jumping up and down Rival appears and enters the ring•Cutscene 52 Heyman Lesnar and Rival in ring, Rival becomes Paul Heyman Guy•Cutscene 53 Heyman Lesnar and Rival in ring, Rival turns down heyman guy offer Pre-Match Cutscene 01 Tag match start, Supertar 1 decides to start the match first after a bit of arguingCutscene 02 Guest competitor joins commentaryCutscene 03 Partner/Manager comes out to manager superstar 1Cutscene 04 Tag partners High-FivingCutscene 05 MITB Cash InCutscene 06 Superstar 1 offers handshake at start of match, Superstar 2 is hesitant, Superstar 1 punches Superstar 2 insteadCutscene 07 Superstar attempts to get a head start by attempting a clothesline but hits referee insteadCutscene 08 Respect HandshakeCutscene 09 Superstar 1 waiting for superstar 2 to enter ring, attacks superstar 2 in the cornerCutscene 10 Blind tag at start of matchCutscene 11 ref rings bell, superstar 2 rushes superstar 1, back and forth brawl leading towards out the ring, ref ko'dCutscene 12 superstar 1 offers handshake, superstar 2 begins to accept, superstar 1 touches his headCutscene 13 superstar 1 offers handshake, superstar 2 begins to accept, superstar 1 retracts, superstar 2 slaps superstar 1Cutscene 14 Performance center Contract scene from my careerCutscene 15 performance center Samoa Joe Scene from my careerCutscene 16 performance center promo scene from my career (intro)Cutscene 17 performance center promo scene from my career (enzo's slot) In-Game Cutscene 01 Superstar 1 abandons matchCutscene 02 Superstar 1 irish whips Superstar 2 into turnbuckle, Guest Superstar distracts Superstar 1, Superstar 2 attacks Superstar 1Cutscene 03 Guest Superstar runs into the ring, Superstar 1 attacks both superstar 2 and Throws Guest superstar out the ringCutscene 04 Managers/Tag Partners fighting outside ref ejects them from matchCutscene 05 Partner refuses tag and drops down from apron, leaves matchCutscene 06 Partner blind tags in, other partner decks him, leaves matchCutscene 07 Superstar 3 comes in, attacks Superstar 1 & 2, leaves ring. (old WWE12 Cutscene reanimated looks much better)Cutscene 08 back and forth striking between superstars 1 &2, superstar 3 runs in, stops superstar 2 from attacking, attacks superstar 1, leaves ringCutscene 09 superstar 1 irish whips superstar 2 into ropes, superstar 3 (or manager) holds superstar 2's leg, ref ejects superstar 3 (manager) from ringsideCutscene 10 Match where tag partner didn't show up, superstar 2 beating down superstar 1, tag partner arrives, clotheslines superstar 2, knocks superstar 3 off apron, this is now a tag match playa!Cutscene 11 Superstar 1 stomping Superstar 2 on mat repeatedly, Rival's music plays, rival doesn't show up, distracts superstar 1 long enough for superstar 2 to get back upCutscene 12 Superstar 1 performs irish whip to rope, superstar 2 reverses, superstar 3 (manager) grabs superstar 1's legs, superstar 2 clotheslines superstar 1 because of the distractionCutscene 13 same as cutscene 12 for some reasonCutscene 14 Superstar 1 & 2 brawling, superstar 3 attacks superstar 1, ref throws match outCutscene 15 (branching) superstar 1 irish whips superstar 2 into corner, goes to splash in corner, moves out of way, ref takes the bump, superstar 3 hands superstar 1 chair.Cutscene 16 Superstar 1 goes for pin near ropes, superstar 2's manager puts his foot on bottom rope, ref deems it a 2 countCutscene 17 superstar 1 is picking up superstar 2, superstar 3 tries to steal the WWE Championship Victory Cutscene 01 Congratulated by HHH BackstageCutscene 02 given adviceCutscene 03 given advice 2 (not happy)Cutscene 04 given advice 3 (what's going on with you?)Cutscene 05 Congratulating champCutscene 06 arguing with champCutscene 07 champ with heyman 1Cutscene 08 champ with heyman 2Cutscene 09 champ walks to celebrate with factionCutscene 10 congratulated by factionCutscene 11 with heyman 1Cutscene 12 with heyman 2Cutscene 13 change of heart post match attackingCutscene 14 change of heart post match attacking with chairCutscene 15 attacking rivals with chairsCutscene 16 ordering manager to get chair, scares ref out ring, attacks with chair, partner then attacks with chairCutscene 17 post match manager upset at lossCutscene 18 manager holds winner's hand upCutscene 19 offering handshake to rival, rival slaps it awayCutscene 20 Tag rivals attackCutscene 21 Kendo StickCutscene 22 Undertaker 1Cutscene 23 Partner betrayedCutscene 24 Partner Attacked from behindCutscene 25 Stretcher SceneCutscene 26 punched after matchCutscene 27 attacked with chair/savedCutscene 28 respect handshakeCutscene 29 celebrate with managerCutscene 30 handshake turned into low blowCutscene 31 tag team attack/saved by tag partnerCutscene 32 3-on-1 attackCutscene 33 rival attacks both opponentsCutscene 34 attacked with beltCutscene 35 attacked with tag beltsCutscene 36 trio on stageCutscene 37 champ with belt trio arrives on stageCutscene 38 victor leaves, rival attacks opponent, victor makes saveCutscene 39 brawl on stage 1Cutscene 40 rival attacks opponent with chair, other rival runs in for saveCutscene 41 tag partner helps take out the trashCutscene 42 tag celebration 1 (revival)Cutscene 43 trio congratulates winner in ringCutscene 44 attack champion from behind, whacks them with the beltCutscene 45 post match attack irish whip into steel stepsCutscene 46 rival about to attack with chair, tag partner runs in, scares rival, he leaves the ringCutscene 47 Branching: Uneasy tag alliance wins match, handshake extendedCutscene 48 Tag Celebration 2Cutscene 49 Champ Hands WWE Title to ChampionCutscene 50 Branching: Attack Rival with chair given by partner/managerCutscene 51 Partner arguing cause other partner lost matchCutscene 52 Not too sure (looks like rivals music hits and is supposed to be hit from behind cutscene but the cutscene ends)Cutscene 53 rival tries to attack opponent, opponent reversesCutscene 54 continuous attack on rivalCutscene 55 3-on-1 atttack in ringCutscene 56 championship victoryCutscene 57 rival taunting opponentCutscene 58 Undertaker (or kane) 2 rival leaves ringCutscene 59 opponent in disgust cause he lostCutscene 60 upset win, opponent hits the refCutscene 61 attacking arm with chairCutscene 62 attacking leg with chairCutscene 63 checking on partner's armCutscene 64 victor celebrating (limping on leg)Cutscene 65 victor celebrating hurt body (injury)Cutscene 66 post match stare downCutscene 67 post match stare down with championCutscene 68 post match champ arriving staredownCutscene 69 ref holds up x, helped out of arenaCutscene 70 ref holds up x, injured star refuses helpCutscene 71 post match stare down, heel leaves cowardly (tag match)Cutscene 72 post match tag partners arguingCutscene 73 post match shoving managerCutscene 74 post match calling for back up opponent tries to fight backCutscene 75 post match whc celebrates, trio appears on stage.Cutscene 76 Performance center 1Cutscene 77 performance center 2Cutscene 78 performance center 3Cutscene 79 performance center 4Cutscene 80 performance center 5Cutscene 81 performance center 6Cutscene 82 performance center 7Cutscene 83 post match champ (heel) celebrationCutscene 84 opponent shakes his head in disgust as he leavesCutscene 85 opponent pissed at lossCutscene 86 undertaker 3 post match rival celebrates, undertaker sits up offers hand shake, rival acceptsCutscene 87 undertaker 4 post match undertaker sits up, offers handshake, rival slaps hand away, taker walks towards opponent, opponent rolls out of ringCutscene 88 undertaker 5 post match (taker celebration) rival pissed he lost, rolls out of ringCutscene 89 post match hand shakeCutscene 90 post match handshake into rock bottomCutscene 91 post match rock celebrationCutscene 92 post match staredown and handshakeCutscene 93 post match staredown, handshake, low kick into pedigreeCutscene 94 post match triple hCutscene 95 Joins 4 man stableCutscene 96 Emotional Victory Thanks for viewing guys! I'm glad to have been able to do this. Edited December 28, 2016 by Jai 1 Quote
the King Lives Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Updated with all Victory outcome cutscenes. will work on prematch tomorrow Quote
SuperBad Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 Thank you Jeffrey, I know which is which now because they normally take a year to load Quote
the King Lives Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Thank you Jeffrey, I know which is which now because they normally take a year to loadyeah i can definitely confirm 2k wasn't lying when they said they redid all the cutscenes. so far every single scene i've seen has been redone. only problem is even if you preview them they don't have any kind of sound effect like how story designer did. but i'm sure i'm not the only one that would consider adding cutscene a or b into their youtube videos for more immersion. i started on victory first cause i was looking to make a tron for tyrant and shawn's shamrock and then i figured why the hell now make a log. Quote
Tornado_X Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 (edited) Are these from Create a Video? Thank you thank you thank you! this should be pinned Edited November 14, 2016 by Tornado_X Quote
the King Lives Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Are these from Create a Video? Thank you thank you thank you! this should be pinnedyeah they are.i'm not 100% sure if i'm going to do the promo stuff cause most of that is just Heyman/lesnar stuff with a few generic ones in between but right now i want to get the actual cutscenes done first. and no problem man. Quote
HiPcavallo Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 No zebras? Ugh, can someone remind me why I bought this game again? 1 Quote
the King Lives Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 No zebras? Ugh, can someone remind me why I bought this game again?maybe to play a wrestling game and not to play a remake of the lion king? LOL anyway i'll have backstage up later on today. Quote
Cerb Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 Thanks a lot for this dude, I agree this should be pinned. Appreciate you taking time to do this, I don't get why they didn't just put names in the game. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Thanks a lot for this dude, I agree this should be pinned. Appreciate you taking time to do this, I don't get why they didn't just put names in the problem i don't know. i planned on doing some more today/yesterday but i had a bunch of errands to run, then tried to finish my raw show which ended in complete disaster lol. i'll try to work on backstage later today. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 (edited) Updated with Entrance, In-Game and Prematch!Enjoy! Edited November 16, 2016 by Jai 1 Quote
Marlon Anthony Posted November 17, 2016 Posted November 17, 2016 I take it there's no way to change the attires superstars wear in these cutscenes?I'm trying to work out how guys are getting on with these in their YouTube universes with the decreased quality and default attires? Was going to use them myself if not for the aforementioned issues. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 17, 2016 Author Posted November 17, 2016 I take it there's no way to change the attires superstars wear in these cutscenes?I'm trying to work out how guys are getting on with these in their YouTube universes with the decreased quality and default attires? Was going to use them myself if not for the aforementioned can always make a superstar not a alt attire and put that alt caw in a scene. that's really the only way.for video if you're on ps4 i recommend using sharefactory if you don't already have it. it's what i use for all my videos. check my status updates i have a custom smackdown live intro i made there's no way to fix the quality cause it renders the cutscenes and then you're rendering again when you export out of sharefactory and rendering again when you upload to youtube. Quote
TooSweetBayBay Posted November 18, 2016 Posted November 18, 2016 Wish they had a going through table cutscene be good for my ECW intro. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 19, 2016 Author Posted November 19, 2016 Wish they had a going through table cutscene be good for my ECW intro. yeah unless it's entrance or promo i don't think it's there but you know you can always save a highlight reel clip Quote
TooSweetBayBay Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 Yeah could do that may have to. I like all the generic ones but would be nice if they had more superstar specific ones too like superstars hitting their finishers and even doing their taunts and victory scenes. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 20, 2016 Author Posted November 20, 2016 Yeah could do that may have to. I like all the generic ones but would be nice if they had more superstar specific ones too like superstars hitting their finishers and even doing their taunts and victory scenes. well as listed, there is a handshake into rock bottom and low kick into pedigree (pretty much rock/triple h specific) but yeah i really wish that cutscene that was in wwe12 where orton comes for commentary then RKO's the rival was still in the game lol i loved that cutscene! Quote
TooSweetBayBay Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 Yeah I'm running a universe with Nitro, ECW, NXT, Smackdown, Raw Is War, and Saturday Night Main Event. And they all have unique rosters to them so I don't want to use the generic videos so more would be better lol. And if these didn't take so long to load geeze. But definitely appreciate your dedication to sit through these so it's not as long of a process. The Kendo stick one is great for Sandman. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 20, 2016 Author Posted November 20, 2016 Yeah I'm running a universe with Nitro, ECW, NXT, Smackdown, Raw Is War, and Saturday Night Main Event. And they all have unique rosters to them so I don't want to use the generic videos so more would be better lol. And if these didn't take so long to load geeze. But definitely appreciate your dedication to sit through these so it's not as long of a process. The Kendo stick one is great for Sandman. yeah i have a wcw universe, wwf attitude, current wwe and whenever some more RA caws surface i'll have that as well so yeah i know what you mean. what i hate the most is even though they're just usable for video making, they don't have any type of sound when you preview. i wish they did lol Quote
TooSweetBayBay Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 I wish you could implement the directly into universe mode as cutscenes and build your shows completely. I mean if you are a video content guy you could have the videos edited in but still not as cool as it would be to set up a whole complete show experience. I like the improvements to Universe mode don't get me wrong but to be the total experience they need to make more customization options available. Also maybe with the promo engine make it where you can put your own text and even set up what's going to be said before they go out so it's not that confusing mini game. Quote
the King Lives Posted November 20, 2016 Author Posted November 20, 2016 I wish you could implement the directly into universe mode as cutscenes and build your shows completely. I mean if you are a video content guy you could have the videos edited in but still not as cool as it would be to set up a whole complete show experience. I like the improvements to Universe mode don't get me wrong but to be the total experience they need to make more customization options available. Also maybe with the promo engine make it where you can put your own text and even set up what's going to be said before they go out so it's not that confusing mini game. i've fucking wanted that forever lolfor me i'm okay with it since my stuff is always uploaded to my channel, primarily because of the no custom music stuff.and yeah i will never use those promos if i do anything i'll record promo segments from the video editor, add in the crowd effects and my own text. i know not everyone is doing that but i'm just glad it can work for me lol that minigame is so damn retarded lol Quote
The WrestleDude Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 I'm sorry but you two guys your universe modes sound badass, send me the links to your channels so I can subscribe and could I get a subscribe back? I run an NXT universe mode and an all women's show called RESURGENCE which was way better than what it was called before, I also do simulations, podcast's and CAW showcases, also if you want I do shootouts during "Commercial breaks" if you wanna send me a little video to use and I'll add your name down in the description, it helped a lot with some of my friends channels. Quote
mrelectriccity Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 is there any way u could do a list of what clothing is exclusive to superstars only and clothing exclusively for the divas, because u can choose most of the same clothing rather u male or female, but theres a few that aren't for both. and also possibly which ones are entrance only Quote
Cerb Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 Just have to say again, thanks for this dude. I've used it several times already, really handy. Quote
HiPcavallo Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 is there any way u could do a list of what clothing is exclusive to superstars only and clothing exclusively for the divas, because u can choose most of the same clothing rather u male or female, but theres a few that aren't for both. and also possibly which ones are entrance only Don't you just hate it when your requests get ignored? Quote
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