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[TUTORIAL] Hollywood Hogan Monochrome Entrance Effect Removal

4 Life

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Hi folks, so I've been wanting to do this for a while as I and other people have wanted to remove the black & white effect from Hollywood Hogan's entrance, most of us have tried messing around with the moveset file but this doesn't work. However, I've discovered that if you REPLACE Advanced Entrance animation parts, set them and then edit the screen effect in-game to set it to None instead of Monochrome, then you can remove the effect! Here's how to do it:

NOTE: You will need Data Editor to do this, however only for information purposes if you already have Hogan's moveset file installed. You should also already have Hogan's 2K15 entrance files copied into your game, which the moveset file would have then linked to. You will also need HxD

NOTE 2: For anyone not very technically gifted and finding the initial steps a little confusing and doesn't mind replacing the Flying High entrance, you can download these ready made files:

Simply paste them into your 2K16 installation directory\pac\evt folder. Then skip to step 6.

1) Find the numbers of the entrance files you want to replace. You can do this by opening Data Editor; open the Entrance and Moveset Editor tab; check the Advanced Entrance Enabled box; click Intro; then use the Motion drop-down to find the Wrestler's intro file.

For example, if I wanted to replace Flying High, I'd find it on the drop-down. The file number is 10327. So all the filenames for Flying High would be as follows:

10327.pac = Intro

11327.pac = Stage

12327.pac = Ramp

13327.pac = Ring-in

14327.pac = Ring

Note how only the second digit increases by 1 for each segment of the entrance.

NOTE: Upon a couple guys finding an issue where the music doesn't play during the entrance, I discovered that it's best to not bother replacing the Intro part of the entrance - when using the Hogan intro in this manner, it not only causes the no music issue, but also the screen effect stays monochrome regardless of what edits you make. I've updated the following steps accordingly, so follow the advice and just choose someone else's Intro instead, they all tend to pan around the arena anyhow so all is good and it'll fix the problem.

2) With your file numbers established, browse to your 2K16 installation directory\pac\evt. Find all the files in this folder, and cut and paste them somewhere safe, apart from the 10327 Intro file as you don't need to replace this.

3) Now, in the same folder, find Hollywood Hogan's Advanced Entrance files apart from his Intro file, as discussed. These will be 11413; 12413; 13413; and 14413.pac. Copy & paste them into the same folder to make copies of each file.

4) Now rename each file to that of the file you wish to replace. For example, you'd rename 11413 - copy.pac to 11327.pac, 12413 - copy.pac to 12327.pac and so on.

5) Now open each of the renamed files in HxD. Take note of the column on the right. After the first line, you will see all blanks (just a load of dots). Scroll down slowly until you come across some text. There will be 3 lines of text, which will read:


3   ........EVZ2


Change the parts that say 413, to the last 3 digits of the file numbers of the files you're replacing. So for example, I replaced Flying High, the numbers always ended in 327. So I'd change the text to the following by clicking just before the 413 text and then typing over it (do not highlight or delete anything, just type and it will overwrite):




Save the file, then delete the .bak file that appears in your evt folder.

6) Now you can start the game and go to the Advanced Entrance creator to edit Hogan's entrance and remove the screen effects! Set all the motions to whatever ones you replaced (so Flying High in my case) - remember, we didn't replace the Intro file for reasons I discussed earlier, so choose any one you like - I personally use the Sting '99 intro as it's a good length for Hogan.

If you've already installed Hogan's moveset as mentioned earlier, then you'll see that when you edit the screen effect part for each segment, it's filled with monochrome effect. Do NOT delete it - instead, just hit the Edit button, then Replace. Replace it with the None option, or if nothing is there then add a new screen effect, choosing None and you can still add it. If you simply remove it, it'll still be monochrome. However, actually having the screen effect filled with None will ensure there is no screen effect at all. Hence why this won't work by going through Data Editor, since choosing None will simply remove it and the game will default to the monochrome effect. It has to be done via the in-game editor, otherwise I'd also have made a moveset file to go with the Flying High replacement files ;)

That's it :D

Video of finished result:


Edited by 4 Life
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I'll try when I log back on Windows... Dealing with this glitchfest that's 2K17 right now lol

Does all his shirts rip no matter what attire ?

Sort of. Basically, at the moment he rips his shirt, the shirt is replaced by the nWo shirt prop and he always rips that, IIRC the logo stays on the front of the shirt but there's also a reversed nWo logo on the inside haha. The boa also just appears at that part on the attires that don't have it, it can probably be done away with completely by hex editing the prop file but I dunno where to start there :lol

I love this, but for some reason I lose any Hogan's entrance music with it.  Not sure why.  

Might be worth checking the button in Data Editor that fixes the entrance music to all attires and injecting the moveset, tends to fix a lot of sound issues I find ;)

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Yeah, I can 2nd the no entrance music glitch. Not 100% on how to fix it. I downloaded the files you provided and placed them accordingly and was able to remove the monochrome effect by going into advanced entrance in-game, editing each segment and choosing Flying High for each segment, I also edited the screen effect for each segment and chose none like you instructed. All is good, full entrance is in color, only the entrance music is mute. Selecting anything in-game doesn't work. Not sure what to do in Data editor, loading the 460 moveset I have will undo the changes I've made in advanced entrance in-game, and you said yourself that choosing "none" in data editor will remove it and cause the game to default to monochrome effect. So, what do I do in this instance?

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I love this, but for some reason I lose any Hogan's entrance music with it.  Not sure why.  


Yeah, I can 2nd the no entrance music glitch. Not 100% on how to fix it. I downloaded the files you provided and placed them accordingly and was able to remove the monochrome effect by going into advanced entrance in-game, editing each segment and choosing Flying High for each segment, I also edited the screen effect for each segment and chose none like you instructed. All is good, full entrance is in color, only the entrance music is mute. Selecting anything in-game doesn't work. Not sure what to do in Data editor, loading the 460 moveset I have will undo the changes I've made in advanced entrance in-game, and you said yourself that choosing "none" in data editor will remove it and cause the game to default to monochrome effect. So, what do I do in this instance?

Right guys, done some messing around and I found out the cause of the problem - it's the Intro part of the Advanced Entrance. Not only does it cause the no music bug, but it also stays black and white regardless. Easy solution, just choose someone else's, all it does is pan around the arena anyway ;) Reason why it was working for me was because I wanted to delay Hogan coming out a little more so I chose Sting 99's intro when I was editing it anyway. As I was testing it just now, every time I tried using Hollywood's intro it was screwing up for me too, yet when I changed it to anyone else's who was already in the game then it works just fine.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention guys, I'll edit the tutorial :)

Edited by 4 Life
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