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Menu Mod plus Tutorial

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Posted (edited)


I was going to create a complete overhaul for the entire menu system but gave up after losing a hell of a lot of work on a disastrous hard drive failure where I lost nearly 4TB of years of stuff, so instead I just decided instead to give a condensed version which just replaces the render, logo and background and provide a tutorial to help out if you don't already know how to replace these items.

So if you just want to make your own stuff just skip the download and follow the tutorial, you will need X-Packer or maybe you will be fine with the new pac tools, this also requires photoshop or another image editing software which supports video exporting.

If you just want a quick to go mod that I made then just download and extract into your WWE2K16 folder and the files will place themselves (choose yes to overwrite) where they need to be, if you only want parts of it then you would have to extract somewhere and pick out and replace manually just the parts you want to replace.

Contains Logo and render, no audio replacements used.

Download (7.62mb)

After 3 damn attempts on my crappy upload speed and zippyshare deciding to restart from 0% on the second attempt I decided to leave out the background video to vastly reduce the size here is the link.

Use the tutorial to add one yourself, If you want the one used in my example then use a youtube converter on this video.


The Tutorials.


Replacing the static render.

pac > menu > assets > wwe16_anime > mainmenu > top_bgss
Back it up and copy it/move it to somewhere to work on.
Extract the C429B582.pach

Extract the 0001 file and rename it to 0001.dds
Modify as you would any texture
Create new 1024x1024 dds file as new render.

Reinject the 0001.dds file into C429B582.pach
Reinject the C429B582.pach into ltag_top_bgss.pac
Copy ltag_top_bgss.pac over to the original folder you took it from.
Replacing the fade in render.

pac > menu > assets > WWE16_movie > ui_bg_movie
Back up the ltag_ui_bg_movie.pac file and copy it/move it to somewhere to work on.
Extract the 25E0A5F2.pach file

Extract the 0003 file and rename to 0003.bk2

Use bink tools to convert to AVI format
Import into Photoshop (Video Frames to Layers)
Now you can edit as you see fit.
Make a new animation in photoshop
I made a fade in render of 34 frames
Make sure all layers are unhidden

In the Animation Timeline window in the top right corner click to open menu
Choose Document Settings
Alter Durtion to match the frames, in my case 34 frames at 30fps = 1:04 (0:00 = frame 1)
Click the menu again, choose frames from layers.
Now for whatever reason the allignment needs adjusting, move it to the left by grabbing all frames/layers and moving on the x axis to the left, this will take some trial and error.
Now Export > Render Video
QuickTime Movie, Document size 1024 x 1024 (see pic)
All Frames


Inject this into the 0003 slot in the 25E0A5F2 pach file.
Inject the 25E0A5F2 pach into the ltag_ui_bg_movie.pac
Copy ltag_ui_bg_movie.pac over to the original folder you took it from.

Replacing the Logo.

pac > menu > assets > WWE16_movie > ui_bg_movie
Back up the ltag_ui_bg_movie.pac file and copy it/move it to somewhere to work on.
Extract the 25E0A5F2.pach file

Extract 0001 and rename it to 0001.bk2 for the logo loop.
Extract 0002 and rename it to 0002.bk2 for the fade in logo.

Use the guide I used for the fade in render modding but in 1024x512.

You don't have to worry about moving it on the x axis so that's a relief.

Replacing background animation.

movies > menu > wwe16_movie > ui_bg_movie
Back up the wwe16_loop_bg.bk2 file and copy it/move it to somewhere to work on.

Use Rad Tools to convert a 1920x1080 video to a bink video file.
Rename to wwe16_loop_bg.bk2

Place in the movies > menu > wwe16_movie > ui_bg_movie folder.

Locations of background animation, render and logo.

movies > menu > wwe16_movie > ui_bg_movie
    wwe16_loop_bg.bk2 (1920 x 1080) (Background anim)
    wwe16_loop_logo.bk2 (1024 x 512) (unused logo loop anim)

movies > titantron
    wwe16_loop_bg.bk2 (unused background anim)
    WWE16_START_SS.bk2 (unused fade in render anim)

pac > menu > assets > wwe16_anime > mainmenu > top_bgss
        0001.dds (1024 x 1024) (static render)

pac > menu > assets > WWE16_movie > ui_bg_movie
    ltag_ui_bg_movie.pac [25E0A5F2.pach]
        0001.bk2 (1024 x 512) (logo loop anim)
        0002.bk2 (1024 x 512) (fade logo anim)
        0003.bk2 (1024 x 1024) (fade in render anim)
    WWE16_LOOP_BG.bk2 (1920 x 1080) (unused background anim)


Edited by Perfectplex
  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...

A video for what?

If you mean a tutorial then no, I don't make video tutorials as my upload speed is pathetically slow.


Alright can we change the playable menu pics e.g Brock lesnar pic on play menu

Posted (edited)

Yes, all the images are able to be replaced.

You will just have to go through the pac files to find which dds files are the ones you wish to replace.

I already had all of them ready to replace and had been working on a full overhaul but when my harddrive fried (dont buy seagate backup drives, they're shite) I lost all of the references and files and so I gave up on that project and just replaced the main render and added an animated logo replacement and background instead.

Strangely I found some images not used in the game, like AJ Lee leaning against the ropes for example. Edited by Perfectplex
Posted (edited)

You sir are GLORIOUS!

Edited by kaa992

This looks awesome and I would love to have that as my new menu screen, but it all sounds too complicated and I don't have the programs necessary to do it :(

Posted (edited)

This looks awesome and I would love to have that as my new menu screen, but it all sounds too complicated and I don't have the programs necessary to do it :(

Just download and unzip to the WWE2K16 folder, it just wont have the background video but you will have the animated logo and new render.

can we do it without x packer

I haven't tried it with pactool (free) but you could give it a shot.

Edited by Perfectplex

Alright i will try

whenever i tied to make it into pach it says it is greater than 4 character


can i make a tutorial of video on it?

Yes, it would be very helpful.

Posted (edited)

This looks awesome and I would love to have that as my new menu screen, but it all sounds too complicated and I don't have the programs necessary to do it :(

Just download and unzip to the WWE2K16 folder, it just wont have the background video but you will have the animated logo and new render.

can we do it without x packer

I haven't tried it with pactool (free) but you could give it a shot.

Oh sweet! I'll do that.

But I DO want that background video, so if anyone could download it and make it a .bk2 video, I would greatly appreciate it!

EDIT: Or does that background video need to be in .pac format?

Edited by xXJHARDYFAN92Xx

Use Rad Video Tools and convert it yourself, its really straight forward.

Start with a really short video first and get to grips with the tool and its settings.

No it doesn't need to be in a pac either. Also it doesn't matter if you call it .bk2 or .bik the game will read it.


Load video file, use settings above but also change width and height if required, click bink button, done.



I will try it, but I've been having a problem converting .mp4 files into .bnk files.


can I just check that you haven't got that file open in another program while trying to load it in?

You should be able to select the file then click on Bink it! then the options for converting should appear.


That's Happen To Me Too When I Try to Convert My Raw Vs Smackdown Background!!!

          Try Renaming The File The Name Is Too Long!!!

  • Like 1

Ah yes, it contains brackets, the program has problems with some characters, good call ThePhenomenalMr I completely forgot about that.

Posted (edited)

That's Happen To Me Too When I Try to Convert My Raw Vs Smackdown Background!!!

          Try Renaming The File The Name Is Too Long!!!


Ah yes, it contains brackets, the program has problems with some characters, good call ThePhenomenalMr I completely forgot about that.

I renamed the video to just 'Video' and I got the same error. It won't let me convert it to .bk2

Edited by xXJHARDYFAN92Xx

really not sure why its doing that then, try a different video, grab a video of about 10 seconds long so its small enough to mess about with, try an avi conversion maybe.



How do I convert it to an AVI? You think the fact that its an MP4 is the reason why I am having an issue?

Is there anything else I need to download aside from the basic RAD Tools?

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