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Replace an existing superstar with a modded one

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hi,i start saying i'm not very expert in modding on wwe 2k16 so if this is a stupid request , sorry ahaha😂.

Can someone tell me how to install a modded superstar by replacing an useless one (colonel mustafa or honky tonk man) instead of adding him to the roster?


Simply use the ID of the Superstar you wish to replace in the ch<ID>.pac, .pofo and .moveset files and install them via Custom Character Tools as if you would when adding one. Overwrite any files when prompted. Make sure to make backups of the files first, though (it's generally a good idea to keep a backup of the complete, clean and unmodded game folder so you can restore anything without hassle later).


As said above, you just have to install your pac, pofo and moveset into their slot instead of a blank one. Note that you will of course still have the original superstars call names and menu screen renders and will have to replace these yourself ;)

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