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[GUIDE] Unlocking moves in WWE 2K16/explanation of createmode.pac

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Hey guys. I have here a guide to unlock moves for WWE 2K16. This guide will also work for 2K15 as well.

As an example, I am going to unlock the taunt "Cut Air Shout". First thing you need to do is open createmode, which can be found in the pac folder, and find the move (or taunt) you want to unlock.


As you can see, there are bytes that tells the game what move to place it under, the ID, etc. The bytes at 12078-12079 is the animation ID. If you want to find the move, you must flip it. In this case, "E6 91" becomes "91 E6". The next 4 bytes after the 00 00, I'm not entirely sure what they are. If someone could look at that for me, that would be great!

Now, on to the byte that the game will read to lock the move (ie. not make it available for selection), or unlock it (ie. make it available for selection). In older games, this was the opposite; 00 locked it, and 01 unlocked it. Now, 00 unlocks it, 01 locks it. Change it to 00 to unlock Cut Air Shout.


The next byte tells the game if the move is new or not (01 or 00 respectively). That is up to you.

Offset 12090 tells the game where to place said move. 03 in this case makes the move a taunt. If I were to change the byte to "10", the game reads it as a comeback. 0C/2C makes it available for signatures/finishers ONLY.

Then, there are bytes for the move information, as well as where the move will target said body part. Finally, there is the move name itself. Interestingly enough, some moves/taunts can be longer than their original name. Eg. I was able to change the Heating Up taunts to Eddie Guerrero. When you load up the game, the taunt will be available for selection, HOWEVER, there is no animation. That is another tutorial for another day.

That's it. I can't make it any more simpler than that. :) Hope it helps!

  • Like 2

Cool. Do you have a list of locked moves? I know about RKO 1. Don't know much else.


I was originally compiling a list of the locked moves, however I haven't had much time, and I suspect that the information may be wrong. It's here in the spoiler:

Ring in/out

Jumping Ring In 2 (no animation, slot still exists. Leftover from WWE 2K14, as it was removed in 2K15)
Mr McMahon Ring In (animation is the run ring in when you are in the first tier of stamina. Leftover from 2K14)
Outlaw Ring In (no animation, slot info still exists. Used for Stone Cold and is a leftover from 2K14)
Quick Ring In 1(?) (animation plays and slot info still exists. Unsure where it's used. Leftover from 2K14)
Rolling Ring In 1 (no animation, slot still exists. Leftover from 2K14)
Slide Ring In 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Slide Ring In 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Triple H Ring In 1 (animation plays. Unsure where it's used. Leftover from 2K14)
Handstand Ring Out (animation that's seen is the running ring out when you have full stamina. Leftover from 2K14)
Quick Ring Out (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Roll Down Ring Out 2 (animation that's used is when you are on your second tier of stamina and you run ring out. Leftover from 2K14)

===TOTAL: 11===

Apron Ring In/out

Jumping Ring In 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Over the Rope In 2 (dup. Marked as new) (No animation. Looks to be a leftover from 2K14?)
Quick Ring In 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Rolling Ring In 2 (looks VERY out of place - how would you roll from the apron to ring? No animation, thank goodness! Leftover from 2K14)
Triple H Ring In 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Woman Ring In 1 (no animation. The naming of it looks peculiar as "woman" are called "Divas". Redundant slot. Leftover from 2K14)
Woman Ring In 2 (no animation. The naming of it looks peculiar as "woman" are called "Divas". Redundant slot. Leftover from 2K14)
Jumping Ring Out 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Normal Ring Out 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Woman Ring Out 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
===TOTAL: 10===


Assassin (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K15?)
Batista 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15. Debuted in SvR 11)
Big Wiggle (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Bionic (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Boss (no animation. It was in 2K14, but I can't remember if it's in 2K15)
Chris Jericho 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Clown 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Cody Rhodes 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Cut Air Shout (no animation. Was used for Lesnar. Leftover from 2K15)
Cyborg 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Diva 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Diva 6 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Diva 16 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Dolph Ziggler 2 (Ziggler's handstand. Leftover from 2K14)
Dominate (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Dynasty (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Hammerlock 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15?)
High Flyer 3 (no animation. Former RVD taunt. Leftover from 2K15)
Jack Swagger 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15?)
Jack Swagger 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15?)
John Cena 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15?)
Kamikaze (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Latino Heat 3 (no animation. Removed Chavo Guerrero taunt. Doesn't look like a leftover from 2K15)
Lucha 3 (no animation. Rey Mysterio taunt. Leftover from 2K15?)
Lucha 4 (no animation. Rey Mysterio taunt. Leftover from 2K15?)
M.T. 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Mark Henry 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15?)
My Fault (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Nuts 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Oozing Charisma 1 (no animation. Removed Christian taunt. Leftover from 2K15?)
Opportunist 2 (animation plays, but then freezes. Edge taunt. Leftover from 2K15)
Paparazzi (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Parkour 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Powerful 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Spank 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Spank 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15)
Super Hero 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Texas 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K15?)
The Miz 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
The Miz 6 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Version One 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Version One 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Woo! 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
===TOTAL: 43===

Standing Strike Attacks

Snap Jab 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Woman's Slap 1 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
===TOTAL: 2===

Standing Strong Attacks

Cena Punch 4 (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K14)
Discus Punch (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K15?)
Haymaker 2 (no animation. Seems to be a leftover from 2K14)
Haymaker 3 (animation plays, but never connects, which results in the attacker freezing. Leftover from 2K15)
Haymaker 4 (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K14?)
Pushing 1(!?) (animation plays. Why is it a strong strike?)
Uppercut 1 (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 7===

Running Strike (front)

Big Boot 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Clothesline 3 (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K14?)
Jumping Heel Kick (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Jumping Knee Attack 1 (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K15?)
===TOTAL: 4===

Standing Kick reversal ==> submission

Figure 4 Leglock Removed (does exactly what it says on the tin!)
===TOTAL: 1===

Front Facelock ==> grapple

Ankle Lock 1 (standing behind ankle lock. It was locked in 2K15, but was still accessible in the AJ Styles preset moveset. No animation)
Backbreaker Drop 1 (no animation. Looks like a leftover from 2K14?)
Hairpull Whip (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Pendulum Backbreaker 1 (no animation. Kane move? Looks like a leftover from 2K14?)
People's Punch 4 (no animation. Rock punch. How could it be a front facelock grapple? It could be the HCTP punch animation that was reanimated in 2K15? Leftover from 2K14)
Reverse Atomic Drop 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
Side Headlock Takedown (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 7===

Medium Grapples (front)

Butterfly Suplex 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 1===

Strong Grapples (front)

World's Strongest Slam 4 (duplicate of WSS 3)
===TOTAL: 1===

Running Grapples (front)

Reverse Atomic Drop 3 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 1===

Medium Grapples (rear)

Back Suplex 4 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Cross Rhodes 1 (no animation. Replaced with The Queen's Crossbow. Leftover from 2K15)
===TOTAL: 2===

Strong Grapples (rear)

Neckbreaker 7 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 1===

Ground Grapple (head)

Low Dropkick_Hidden (nothing to say here! :p )
===TOTAL: 1===

Ground Grapple (side)

Chickenwing Camel Clutch (no animation. Wear down hold. Leftover from 2K14)
The Worm (renamed to "W O R M!". Old Scotty Worm that was replaced with one without the theatrics. Works just fine with no issues!)
===TOTAL: 2===

Ground Grapple (lower)

California Dream (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
===TOTAL: 1===

Strong Strikes (face up upper)

Boxing Ground Punch (no animation. Leftover from 2K14)
Seated Senton (animation plays, but freezes. Leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 2===

Strong Strikes (face up side)

Boom Drop 1 (animation works. Kofi's old Boom Drop from 2K15)
World's Strongest Splash 2 (no animation. Leftover from 2K14?)
===TOTAL: 2===

Limb Target (ground side)

Glam Slam Stretch (Beth Phoenix's finisher. Works. Leftover from 2K14)
===TOTAL: 1===

Front Facelock ==> submission

Snapmare & Chin Lock (animation works. Leftover from 2K14)


hi jakeypearce can the glam slam stretch be used as a finisher?


I do believe so! Follow my instructions above, substituting Cut Air Shout for Glam Slam Stretch. Offset 1F050 is the byte the game uses for the placement of Glam Slam Stretch. Change it to either 0C, or 2C. That makes the game put the move in the signature/finisher category.


Rolling Ring In 2 from the apron is the animation where the wrestler would do a front flip over the ring ropes and land on his feet in the ring. Happy to hear that the Ziggler headstand and full Worm are functional as well, definitely missed those this (and past for the headstand) year.

  • Like 1

gday mate is the arabian facebuster unlockable

Posted (edited)

Moves that are locked (they have a 01 on the FF (sometimes 0F) FF line can be unlocked. The only problem is that the vast majority of moves/taunts have no animation (ala SVR11), so they will need to be added in. Interestingly, I was doing this for the PS3 version as well, and I came across Hogan's taunts and comeback moves... It's Chris Benoit all over again! :p

Edited by jakeypearce
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey jakeypearce,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial.  You stated 0c and 2c would make it available for sign and finisher only.  Do you have the values to make moves available in other spots ? I would to like to make my medium moves have the same access as the strong grapples and other moves available in other areas. I use xpacker and hex to edit movesets and would like it better to do it this way. Thanks for your help.

  • 2 weeks later...

has anyone found a hidden low blow or flairs mule kick low blow?


Hey jakeypearce,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial.  You stated 0c and 2c would make it available for sign and finisher only.  Do you have the values to make moves available in other spots ? I would to like to make my medium moves have the same access as the strong grapples and other moves available in other areas. I use xpacker and hex to edit movesets and would like it better to do it this way. Thanks for your help.

Hey there,

Thanks for your reply. I don't have the other values, no. What you could do is find a move that is strong grapple exclusive, search the name, then copy the byte that is under the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01), then find the medium grapple move and paste the byte that is under the same spot as the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01).

has anyone found a hidden low blow or flairs mule kick low blow?

I haven't found a hidden low blow or the Mule Kick low blow.


Hey jakeypearce,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial.  You stated 0c and 2c would make it available for sign and finisher only.  Do you have the values to make moves available in other spots ? I would to like to make my medium moves have the same access as the strong grapples and other moves available in other areas. I use xpacker and hex to edit movesets and would like it better to do it this way. Thanks for your help.

Hey there,

Thanks for your reply. I don't have the other values, no. What you could do is find a move that is strong grapple exclusive, search the name, then copy the byte that is under the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01), then find the medium grapple move and paste the byte that is under the same spot as the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01).

has anyone found a hidden low blow or flairs mule kick low blow?

I haven't found a hidden low blow or the Mule Kick low blow.

Is there a way to get it from a previous game? Doing some WcW stuff flair and nWo really need to have these lol


Hey jakeypearce,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial.  You stated 0c and 2c would make it available for sign and finisher only.  Do you have the values to make moves available in other spots ? I would to like to make my medium moves have the same access as the strong grapples and other moves available in other areas. I use xpacker and hex to edit movesets and would like it better to do it this way. Thanks for your help.

Hey there,

Thanks for your reply. I don't have the other values, no. What you could do is find a move that is strong grapple exclusive, search the name, then copy the byte that is under the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01), then find the medium grapple move and paste the byte that is under the same spot as the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01).

has anyone found a hidden low blow or flairs mule kick low blow?

I haven't found a hidden low blow or the Mule Kick low blow.

Thanks for the reply jakeypearce. 


If the hidden "Diving Moonsault 2" from 2k15 is still laying about somewhere, I'd love to have that as one of my main CAW's signatures. The elevation on it separates it from the other moonsaults. If it's there / you know where it is. I can't even imagine how much work went into what you have here so I'm not about to make an unreasonable request.


Hey jakeypearce,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial.  You stated 0c and 2c would make it available for sign and finisher only.  Do you have the values to make moves available in other spots ? I would to like to make my medium moves have the same access as the strong grapples and other moves available in other areas. I use xpacker and hex to edit movesets and would like it better to do it this way. Thanks for your help.

Hey there,

Thanks for your reply. I don't have the other values, no. What you could do is find a move that is strong grapple exclusive, search the name, then copy the byte that is under the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01), then find the medium grapple move and paste the byte that is under the same spot as the first 2 00 00 (or 00 01).

has anyone found a hidden low blow or flairs mule kick low blow?

I haven't found a hidden low blow or the Mule Kick low blow.

Is there a way to get it from a previous game? Doing some WcW stuff flair and nWo really need to have these lol

Unfortunately not, as the animation format is different between 2K15/2K16 on the PC and 2K16 and earlier on the PS3/360.

If the hidden "Diving Moonsault 2" from 2k15 is still laying about somewhere, I'd love to have that as one of my main CAW's signatures. The elevation on it separates it from the other moonsaults. If it's there / you know where it is. I can't even imagine how much work went into what you have here so I'm not about to make an unreasonable request.

There is a Diving Moonsault 2 with the ID B0 C5 (reverse it in HxD). I will soon make a guide for adding the animation to the game.


Cool tutorial man I'm definitely going to tinker with it when I have some time


You've mentioned there's a way to add missing animations to the game. What moves will that apply to? And when do you think you'll release that tutorial? 

Thanks for working hard to find this stuff out.

If the hidden "Diving Moonsault 2" from 2k15 is still laying about somewhere, I'd love to have that as one of my main CAW's signatures. The elevation on it separates it from the other moonsaults. If it's there / you know where it is. I can't even imagine how much work went into what you have here so I'm not about to make an unreasonable request.

There is a Diving Moonsault 2 with the ID B0 C5 (reverse it in HxD). I will soon make a guide for adding the animation to the game.

Thank you good sir!

Posted (edited)

You've mentioned there's a way to add missing animations to the game. What moves will that apply to? And when do you think you'll release that tutorial? 

Thanks for working hard to find this stuff out.

That applies to taunts as well as moves. If you recall, Tekken added Hogan's taunts, however the way he added them was unnecessary. The way I add them involves the all_mot files, thus eliminating the need for a new PACH file. I need the original all_mot files, so if you could send me a link to the original files, that would be great. :) I will release it soon.

Tell me how i can unlock stone cold stunner 1

Substitute Cut Air Shout for the move you want. :)

Edited by jakeypearce

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