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Posted (edited)

Hello community!!!

Since i have joind this forum i was able to get some incredible mods to make WWE2k16 MUCH MUCH better!

I appreciate the affort of all these modders a lot but now i wanna start creating stuff on my own as well. 

What i wanna focus on in the first place is creating alt. attires for Paige.

Mostly this one:


Extracting files with x-packer, rename & open yobj files with x-rey works fine for me.

I also (almost) managed to "understand" how blender works [thanks to some tutorials ;)

Maybe i should also mention that im 36 years old & english is not my native language. 

These two facts make most of the tutorials out there a bit hard to follow also considering the fact

that nearly all of them are more about "face texturing".

So i would kindly ask if someone is willing to take the time & give me some step by step input on HOW TO.

I'm very very grateful for every single (english or german) advise, tutorial link (maybe i missed one), comment...




PS: I have x-packer, x-rey & blender... Guess that's all i need...right??? 







Edited by Sickboy
Posted (edited)

ok for texturing i can help x-rey i cannot as i dont have it!

1. you need a program like photoshop (cost), paintshop pro (cost), or gimp (free)

2. you need the nvida dds plugins https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload#?dn=texture-tools-for-adobe-photoshop-8-55 download the 32 or 64 version for your painting program in the step before. for gimp google how to install the plugins as i have seen it can be done. Best is Photoshop tho my advice to use it if u have it or can buy it!

after you have these you can start texture edits friend.


X-packer steps

follow tekken57 tutorial here will explain in depth.


let me know if u have any questions further brother i be happy to help you.

Edited by Wizard3
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Posted (edited)


I'm glad that you'll be willing to help me with this one Wizard3 


I managed to get over a few things already! ;)

First of, i know that all my texturing/editing is faaaar from beeing good, BUT it's a start @ least!



Problem i have is injecting the new texture into the 000A (replacing the original brassiere.dds) 'cause it says: "file has to be the same size as original".

I discovered round here there's a solution by "zeroing" out the offset to fit the size.

Only seems to work if the "edited" file is smaller than the "original".


My edits always turn out bigger than the "original brassiere.dds" file located in the 000A folder...


That's where i stuck right now...



Edited by Sickboy
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Posted (edited)






It's still faaar away from beeing finished but for today i'm more than happy!!!





Edited by Sickboy

Nice one mate, looks like you have the basics of texture modding down :) Do you know how to work with Normals as well? Just for future reference re: the 000A file - just use X-Packer to create a new texture archive and save it as 000A.pac, so much easier ;)

As for working with blender/models, have a read over THIS THREAD, I originally asked about tutorials for 3DS Max but started using blender and the guys there were helping me through my first mod as I asked a bunch of questions. Getting the import and export settings is vital so make sure to check the second page for those (the thread is only two pages long). The video that tomwearsglasses posted was particularly helpful in learning how to get the objects ready to open in blender and then how to import them back into the YOBJs.

  • Like 1

Nice one mate, looks like you have the basics of texture modding down :) Do you know how to work with Normals as well? Just for future reference re: the 000A file - just use X-Packer to create a new texture archive and save it as 000A.pac, so much easier ;)

As for working with blender/models, have a read over THIS THREAD, I originally asked about tutorials for 3DS Max but started using blender and the guys there were helping me through my first mod as I asked a bunch of questions. Getting the import and export settings is vital so make sure to check the second page for those (the thread is only two pages long). The video that tomwearsglasses posted was particularly helpful in learning how to get the objects ready to open in blender and then how to import them back into the YOBJs.

good job my man looks great, yea when u save a dds make sure its dxt1  rgb 4bpp  no alpha for textures and Normals DXT5 ARGB 8 bpp interpolated alpha for anything like example tops_n also good baking normals tutorial here http://s15.zetaboards.com/legendsofmodding/topic/8284350/1/ download the video will help at least i do it this way lol :)

Thanks a lot for the kind words, tipps & links folks!!! 

I'll keep on trying!!!

I already took modding to the minimum be relasing this one here:

Paige RAW 04.13.15 Attire Mod Release


Maybe (or for sure) the "smallest" mod 'round here but maybe usefull for some "die-hard-Paige-fans" like myself!

But as already mentioned before: I'll keep on trying! ;)



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