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Replacing Renders Without X-Packer


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The offsets just refer to the position of the image file in the pach file, I already tried this by swapping a couple round, so all I have found to do is swap one character who can have renders with another which is kinda pointless.

I think the renders are hard coded to ch slots, so ch 100 will always have the render type b of 38F7B178.

I have been scanning through hex codes of loads of files to try and find some sort of alignment but so far no joy after hours of looking.

Edited by Perfectplex
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Bro I Have Now Cena's New Render Pac What Should I Do Put It In Tybe B Folder Or Rename It!


I don't mind helping you but you really need to read the guide, you have asked this four times now and I have explained in detail what to do.

Don't take offence to that by the way I just feel you are maybe missing some step along the way, there is a blue highlighted text step in the tutorial which references naming the pac and then where to place it, also read the bottom part of the tutorial about nulling (XXXXXXXX) out the original ID in the original pac file to ensure it doesn't apply the original render which will class with the new one.

Place the file in your newly created typeb folder (if you are starting with all new renders)


If you are using a mix of old renders and new you will need to add it to the folder alongside the original pac file that contains that ID for that render (typeb if its Cena) and then you will need to hex edit to null out the original Cena ID code from the original ltag_typeb.pac file.

If it doesn't work then retry from scratch following the guide step-by-step because as I said, if you skip over parts or do something wrong it wont work.

I know the guide seems long and daunting but this is because I wanted to make sure that I gave the step by step detailed instructions as to not make any mistakes, take your time with the tutorial and make sure you read each step.

The name of the pac is really irrelevant, what is important is to remember that the game searches inside the files for the correctly named pach files and other files.

In this case it is very important to have placed the ID tag in the LTSA line of the header hex code so the game can assign it to Cena.


You will need to change the XXXXXXXX to 6E5F392D.

Edited by Perfectplex
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i see so you are saying there is no pattern to the offset being assigned to the ch slot.

if that is so i think it is in the memory.

so you are saying we should find the location where the game assigns the offsets to the slot.  and maybe just maybe we could assign the offset to a modded superstar, but that seems impossbile :(

Edited by JonasSlasher1994
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If you are savvy with cheat engine you may be able to find some sort of memory reference where it calls up the 8 digit ID for the render and try to see what it changes to when you highlight a character without a render, I tried myself twice but uninstalled cheat engine because it seems to cause me problems with my pc and I didn't like the instability, made me a bit paranoid to use it any further.

Edited by Perfectplex
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Update: New zip download (check first post)

Removed unneeded Shade128 file

Corrected a missing byte in one of the default premade render pacs.

Removed an unneccessary offset reference from each header.

Updated tutorial to remove references to Shade128

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Update: New zip download (check first post)

Removed unneeded Shade128 file

Corrected a missing byte in one of the default premade render pacs.

Removed an unneccessary offset reference from each header.

Updated tutorial to remove references to Shade128

If you are savvy with cheat engine you may be able to find some sort of memory reference where it calls up the 8 digit ID for the render and try to see what it changes to when you highlight a character without a render, I tried myself twice but uninstalled cheat engine because it seems to cause me problems with my pc and I didn't like the instability, made me a bit paranoid to use it any further.

cAN i  Make A Video Tutorial?Easy For Community To Understand

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If you wish to do so, that's completely your call. I'd do one but my upload speed is so shoddy that it would take too long and most likely fail, plus my Yorkshire accent would be difficult for some to understand I guess.

I'm hoping someone like Pozzum will make a tutorial using my guide (hint hint ;)).

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If you wish to do so, that's completely your call. I'd do one but my upload speed is so shoddy that it would take too long and most likely fail, plus my Yorkshire accent would be difficult for some to understand I guess.

No Worrires Mate Working Like A Charm Fr Me Making Tutorial Right Now!

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Glad you got it all working in the end :)



Just as I use the large png files from the WWE website for the large renders I also use the small full body shots for the 512x512 renders.

I use this as my 512x512 blank character


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If this is a work-around for compressing the image, running it through VS, trying to inject it, getting an error because the original image wasn't compressed enough and having to start over, then finally getting it working and then sometimes finding that it crashes the game.... this is invaluable :) Will certainly be giving this method a try with some troublesome renders at some point and seeing what happens.

Just a heads up and feel free to add this info into your tutorial as well mate - you'll notice that the type a match-up screen renders look a bit stretched, this is because the game automatically resizes them. I wrote a very easy tutorial for fixing this problem http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62731-fix-for-custom-render-match-up-screen-stretching/

Just to confirm a couple of questions that have been floating about as well. The type C's are indeed the in-game health bar renders and cover everything that isn't the selection or match-up screen. As for replacing the renders for modded superstars, all the blank slots and NPC slots all share the same dummy render, and of course renders are tied to slots, so replacing the render for one would replace them all with the same render, so it's pretty much impossible. Unless there's some way to give each slot a new render ID but that's one that only the most hardened of Cheat Engine vets could answer, and from my admittedly limited knowledge I don't think it's possible.

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Hi 4life, I didn't go into any intricate details about resizing the images for any stretching issues because I wanted to keep things as simple and focused on the actual process rather than all the editing which is why I just used quick and easy available masked png images from the WWE site but you raise a good point that may result in people asking about the problem so I will include your thread link in the first post so people have no reason to ask here about it.

Yes it should fix any issues of the size issue because it isn't going to be badgering you about size limits to fit inbetween other files which is what the problem is when X-PacKer raises the issue, it has to fit within the allotted assigned offsets, with this method you shouldn't have that problem at all....SHOULDN'T, I can't promise its completely bug free as I haven't done a full render set test.

As for the renders for modded superstars I know they share the same blank placeholder render but this isn't so much as assigned to them but defaulting to them, this is also the case if you null out one of the characters who do have a render, it will default them to the placeholder blank render which is why I still hold hope for assigning renders, I am currently as I write this looking at more hex codes looking at patterns and trying to work stuff out, I will of course make a thread should I discover something that works, I am focusing on reassigning unused renders to modded characters rather than adding, if I can work that out then I will focus on how to get more renders added for assigning to ones without renders instead of reassigning them. It's a learning curve but I remain slightly optimistic, no harm in trying.

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Yeah it seems like the ltag pacs are fragile as hell. Wondering if, with this method, it's actually necessary to use VS to compress them to DXT10 format and instead just using Photoshop or paint.net to save them as DXT5 images, would save a shitload of time. I know I Can I Will managed to get DXT5 format dds images working but a lot of the time they wouldn't work because the ltag file is easily corrupted and caused crashes.

It'd certainly be awesome if we could give mods new renders, here's to hoping you can get some guys on board to help out and hopefully make a big discovery :D

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Didn't work, it glitches out all the renders once I roll over it.

It looks like there was a problem with the DDS format, I have fixed it and voila.


Wondering if, with this method, it's actually necessary to use VS to compress them to DXT10 format and instead just using Photoshop or paint.net to save them as DXT5 images...

Yes, I have updated the first post and the tutorial, no more 5-10 minute boring wait :)

Edited by Perfectplex
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New zip without the shade files, you don't need these, you can just work with the image directly and save out of paint.net in dds format.

Updated Tutorial with new method avoiding Visual Studio and removed references to shade files and reworded with new instructions and added an extra image to show the needed DDS Format settings in paint.net.

Fixed Japanese Referee render file.

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Yes, I have updated the first post and the tutorial, no more 5-10 minute boring wait :)

This is my favourite thread right now :D Those waits kill my productivity. Is it absolutely vital to use the settings detailed or was it just a case of using the right DXT format? Be cool to be able to do it with Photoshop as well.

Had an idea, not gone through the whole tutorial so this may be useless but I think this is how it works from the gist I got... for the guys that wanna use a combination of new and unedited renders and don't have X-Packer, would it work to just have a download link to the three folders (types a, b & c) with all of the original PACH files in them (the files that are normally injected straight into the ltag_type file)? Then when they wanna replace a render it'd be a case of looking up the ID on the table, then finding the PACH file (since they're named by their ID), then deleting it and following the tutorial to replace it? I know you said your internet is giving you trouble atm so I'd be happy to create a link if it'd help people out :) EDIT: Nvm, doesn't work, the hex is totally different. This probably also means that creating a new PACH with X-Packer won't work either.

I tend to use this table for the IDs btw, so much easier to follow and you can just bookmark it as opposed to downloading it ;)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1alcicgXxqjhTCRWRTWkJrqDUKLqFmgbi6VrxQiwLEk0/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0

EDIT: Been testing this on some renders I was having trouble with and there have been no issues whatsoever, nice one mate :D Getting all 3 renders done in the space of 5 minutes as well, used to take me about half an hour and that's if everything went well :lol

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Didn't work, it glitches out all the renders once I roll over it.

It looks like there was a problem with the DDS format, I have fixed it and voila.


Wondering if, with this method, it's actually necessary to use VS to compress them to DXT10 format and instead just using Photoshop or paint.net to save them as DXT5 images...

Yes, I have updated the first post and the tutorial, no more 5-10 minute boring wait :)

This is my favourite thread right now :D Is it absolutely vital to use the settings detailed or was it just a case of using the right DXT format?

Had an idea, not gone through the whole tutorial so this may be useless but I think this is how it works from the gist I got... for the guys that wanna use a combination of new and unedited renders and don't have X-Packer, would it work to just have a download link to the three folders (types a, b & c) with all of the original PACH files in them (the files that are normally injected straight into the ltag_type file)? Then when they wanna replace a render it'd be a case of looking up the ID on the table, then finding the PACH file (since they're named by their ID), then deleting it and following the tutorial to replace it? I know you said your internet is giving you trouble atm so I'd be happy to create a link if it'd help people out :)

I tend to use this table for the IDs btw, so much easier to follow and you can just bookmark it as opposed to downloading it ;)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1alcicgXxqjhTCRWRTWkJrqDUKLqFmgbi6VrxQiwLEk0/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0

I Linked This One In Video!

Yeah it seems like the ltag pacs are fragile as hell. Wondering if, with this method, it's actually necessary to use VS to compress them to DXT10 format and instead just using Photoshop or paint.net to save them as DXT5 images, would save a shitload of time. I know I Can I Will managed to get DXT5 format dds images working but a lot of the time they wouldn't work because the ltag file is easily corrupted and caused crashes.

It'd certainly be awesome if we could give mods new renders, here's to hoping you can get some guys on board to help out and hopefully make a big discovery :D

You Are Right But Mine Renders Are Clear I Get No Crashes No Loss Of Quality!

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You Are Right But Mine Renders Are Clear I Get No Crashes No Loss Of Quality!

Yeah they do work in general but I think the more renders you replace, then that method begins to cause problems because the ltag files are so fragile. But yeah, with this method it shouldn't cause issues because there's no other pacs in the file to conflict with, it just reads them on a per-file basis :)

Edited by 4LifeBrother
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You Are Right But Mine Renders Are Clear I Get No Crashes No Loss Of Quality!

Yeah they do work in general but I think the more renders you replace, then that method begins to cause problems because the ltag files are so fragile. But yeah, with this method it shouldn't cause issues because there's no other pacs in the file to conflict with, it just reads them on a per-file basis :)

Yup I Discovered Randomly!

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You Are Right But Mine Renders Are Clear I Get No Crashes No Loss Of Quality!

Yeah they do work in general but I think the more renders you replace, then that method begins to cause problems because the ltag files are so fragile. But yeah, with this method it shouldn't cause issues because there's no other pacs in the file to conflict with, it just reads them on a per-file basis :)

Yup I Discovered Randomly!

Yeah as soon as I saw this tutorial I thought as well, well the game reads DXT5 files so on this per-file read basis I thought they should be able to be read. Thought maybe DXT1s may even work as well but it matters not anyway, no extra effort to save it as a DXT5 ;)

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I tend to use this table for the IDs btw, so much easier to follow and you can just bookmark it as opposed to downloading it ;)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1alcicgXxqjhTCRWRTWkJrqDUKLqFmgbi6VrxQiwLEk0/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0 

Thanks for that, I usually do use Pozzums guides for most things but this seems incomplete.

But saying that I can't find some references in the downloadable table either :\

I will link it in the first post though.


Can someone give me Finn Balor ID?

I will get back to you on this, it appears both guides are missing Finn's render ID's.

Might have to just make my own complete guide to the ID's.

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I tend to use this table for the IDs btw, so much easier to follow and you can just bookmark it as opposed to downloading it ;)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1alcicgXxqjhTCRWRTWkJrqDUKLqFmgbi6VrxQiwLEk0/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0 

Thanks for that, I usually do use Pozzums guides for most things but this seems incomplete.

But saying that I can't find some references in the downloadable table either :\

I will link it in the first post though.


Can someone give me Finn Balor ID?

I will get back to you on this, it appears both guides are missing Finn's render ID's.

Might have to just make my own complete guide to the ID's.

Yeah there were a few IDs missing like Finn, Brad Maddox, Hunter Hearst Helmsley etc. Not tried this myself but someone wrote a tutorial on finding them HERE.

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