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Preset minitron/walltron list. Is anybody having this ?? :(

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As i want to replace certain trons directly, so can anyone give the preset list ?? 


just use the CH PAC List ;)



the pac numbers are corresponding to the minitron slots ;)


Yeah.. Thanks man for replying but i want to state that i did this thing earlier by replacing Seth Rollins tron, Aj Style tron and it worked perfectly but after 3 days whenever i tries to select the trons (the one which i replaced earlier) it comes as a blank black screen in the preview and instead of any tron its shows up the arena's logo. So, now whichever tron i replace it just shows black in the game.......Also, one more query is that where should i put the files in bg trons (bg mini/bg wall) or ss trons (ss mini/ss wall)........Thanks in advance !! :):D


SS. BG= Background ( Arena Trons) SS?= Superstar videos (Minitrons/Walltrons)


Okay !! Can you give the answer of the first question ????

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