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4 Life's WCW & Attitude Era Mods | 2K17 PORT PACK - New Age Outlaws, Ivory, Jacqueline, Albert, Godfather, Bossman, Big Show and Sid | PROBABLY CLOSING SHOP!

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Undertaker WM14 v2 released :D

As I said above, I'm considering applying the face update to all the Ministry attires, I'll see what sort of response this release gets.










I was just going to suggest you do this.
That face is such an improvement to the in-game model.

I'd love if you could fix Ministry 'Taker's goatee too!

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I was just going to suggest you do this.
That face is such an improvement to the in-game model.

I'd love if you could fix Ministry 'Taker's goatee too!

I was showing my brother the difference between 2K's model and my model as we were both Taker fans when we were little, he was laughing his ass off at 2K's model and pretty much said the same thing I said above, that it just looks like they've taken the 50-odd year old Undertaker, put a wig on him and dressed him up in all his old gear :lol

Any suggestions as to what you wanna see changed with the goatee are welcomed, I've not really studied the difference tbh.

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Their model's goatee is just a pasted on fuzzball on his chin,. That era he hat this long bat-shaped thing like a trident around his bottom lip.

Image result for undertaker '99 wwe 2k16Image result for undertaker '99Image result for undertaker may 1999

If you also notice, he started taking more liberties with his hair style-- pulling back the top, trimming the sides, and I do believe I remember a time when Undertaker had blonde streaks (but may have just been his scalp being exposed as I can find picture evidence... but I swear it happened for a time.):

Image result for corporate ministry

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@IWL Gamesmaster Yeah I can see what you mean, the goatee starts to thicken too far up and it's not pointy enough. I think they've done an alright job on the hairstyles for the attires they've included and the idea was mostly to update the head models, but yeah, I'll probably fiddle around with the facial hair if I do go ahead with it, as I said I'll see what sorta response the WM14 attire update with new head gets, if nobody seems too interested in that then I doubt it'd be worthwhile me working on this if it's not going to be something anyone's interested in :lol:

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*Sigh* So I had a busy week or two, was just hoping to get back to some modding this weekend and then... after @Broken ALC, @LeonRick and @Dennis-Bieser, I've joined the growing list of modders who's PCs have fucked up. Pretty sure it's the SSD, second Kingston one I've had that's gone kaput so I won't be buying one of those again. Got stuck in an error/restart loop, tried everything I could to fix it but it just wasn't happening, so I tried reinstalling the OS and I keep getting errors there too, so yeah I'm guessing the SSD is screwed. Just ordered a new one but it's not gonna be with me until Tuesday and I hope I can then get everything rocking and rolling again whenever I get time to sit and reinstall everything. Luckily my games are on a separate drive so all my modded files should be safe at least, obviously though I've got a lot of software to set up again.

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*Sigh* So I had a busy week or two, was just hoping to get back to some modding this weekend and then... after @Broken ALC, @LeonRick and @Dennis-Bieser, I've joined the growing list of modders who's PCs have fucked up. Pretty sure it's the SSD, second Kingston one I've had that's gone kaput so I won't be buying one of those again. Got stuck in an error/restart loop, tried everything I could to fix it but it just wasn't happening, so I tried reinstalling the OS and I keep getting errors there too, so yeah I'm guessing the SSD is screwed. Just ordered a new one but it's not gonna be with me until Tuesday and I hope I can then get everything rocking and rolling again whenever I get time to sit and reinstall everything. Luckily my games are on a separate drive so all my modded files should be safe at least, obviously though I've got a lot of software to set up again.

That sucks. Hope you get it fixed in time.

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That sucks. Hope you get it fixed in time.

Thanks pal. If I do end up doing anything in the mean time then at least I can get a bunch of other shit done like making call names, themes, trons etc :)

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*Sigh* So I had a busy week or two, was just hoping to get back to some modding this weekend and then... after @Broken ALC, @LeonRick and @Dennis-Bieser, I've joined the growing list of modders who's PCs have fucked up. Pretty sure it's the SSD, second Kingston one I've had that's gone kaput so I won't be buying one of those again. Got stuck in an error/restart loop, tried everything I could to fix it but it just wasn't happening, so I tried reinstalling the OS and I keep getting errors there too, so yeah I'm guessing the SSD is screwed. Just ordered a new one but it's not gonna be with me until Tuesday and I hope I can then get everything rocking and rolling again whenever I get time to sit and reinstall everything. Luckily my games are on a separate drive so all my modded files should be safe at least, obviously though I've got a lot of software to set up again.

I've never been the biggest fan of SSD. They're more expensive, and they don't last long compared to a traditional HDD.

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I've never been the biggest fan of SSD. They're more expensive, and they don't last long compared to a traditional HDD.

Well, technically because they don't have moving parts and it's much less stress on the drive to overwrite data, SSDs should technically last a lot longer. I've had the misfortune of using two Kingston drives which have both failed on me, whereas the Samsung one I use to store my games on thats data is rewritten very regularly has lasted me a good few years so far. They are indeed more expensive, but the cost/performance trade off is worth it IMO. HDDs tend to get slower over time the longer you've had your operating system installed, whereas with an SSD that doesn't happen to any great degree due to the flash memory.

I've never been the biggest fan of SSD. They're more expensive, and they don't last long compared to a traditional HDD.


Your post and current avatar couldn't go together any better :lol

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I've never been the biggest fan of SSD. They're more expensive, and they don't last long compared to a traditional HDD.

Well, technically because they don't have moving parts and it's much less stress on the drive to overwrite data, SSDs should technically last a lot longer. I've had the misfortune of using two Kingston drives which have both failed on me, whereas the Samsung one I use to store my games on thats data is rewritten very regularly has lasted me a good few years so far. They are indeed more expensive, but the cost/performance trade off is worth it IMO. HDDs tend to get slower over time the longer you've had your operating system installed, whereas with an SSD that doesn't happen to any great degree due to the flash memory.

I've never been the biggest fan of SSD. They're more expensive, and they don't last long compared to a traditional HDD.


Your post and current avatar couldn't go together any better :lol

I'm confused :p

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Minor update, I had the awful realisation last night that my savegame was gone since that was on the C drive, which would have meant all my roster modifications so far would have been reversed due to no save file. Luckily though, when I plug in the drive via USB caddy everything is still there, so the drive isn't completely screwed thankfully and all my old files are still there :) Think I'll just keep everything on it and keep it in the drawer for safekeeping.

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dang dude that sucks i had the same thing happen to me! I got all my Nash files posted on my thread backed up but my new stuff that ive been working on slowly the last 2 weeks i lost yea HDD failure! I wonder if the hdd do this on purpose so we have to buy them right before Christmas lol its a conspiracy!!! ok so add me to that list of people with troubles 4Life! hope you and dennis get up and running soon i got a new hdd ordered from amazon so hope to be back up and running by next week, still like you got reinstall all my programs! I just got the Nash Ponytail right too :(

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dang dude that sucks i had the same thing happen to me! I got all my Nash files posted on my thread backed up but my new stuff that ive been working on slowly the last 2 weeks i lost yea HDD failure! I wonder if the hdd do this on purpose so we have to buy them right before Christmas lol its a conspiracy!!! ok so add me to that list of people with troubles 4Life! hope you and dennis get up and running soon i got a new hdd ordered from amazon so hope to be back up and running by next week, still like you got reinstall all my programs! I just got the Nash Ponytail right too :(

It does seem weird! The 3 guys I tagged, seen another couple say they've had problems since, and myself and you as well! Cosmic :lol Yeah also turns out X-Packer and X-Rey will need a new activation code as they won't work on the new drive so I've had to email tekken, Dennis managed to get his sorted out and tekken is cool. I had a number of unfinished mods on the go but luckily the files are still on my old drive :D You can pick up a hard drive caddy on ebay really cheap, might be worth plugging it into your PC and seeing if your files are still on there. My SSD came today and I've reinstalled my OS, I guess one good thing that's come out of it is that I had Windows 8 before and Windows forced me to upgrade to Windows 10 and I've had so much stuff that hasn't been compatible with it. Whereas now, the free upgrade is no longer available, so I get to stay with 8 now :D


Just transferring a bunch of my old stuff to my new system now, all my old mod files and stuff mainly. Then gonna back up my 2K16 from my games drive before I reinstall steam, just in case it wants to verify my game cache and wipe over all my modded files :lol From the way it's looking atm, there's been a lot of file restructuring going on with 2K17, whether or not that's also gonna be the case on PC when it's released is another question but if it's that different that none of my current work can port over then I'll just end up finishing my project up on 2K16. The way it's looking though is that they're no longer using PACH's and just using another file type, but I assume we'd then have to use a different tool, extract all the yobj and pac files and then create a suitable file for 2K17 instead of a pach. Will have to wait and see I guess.

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So my new drive came today. Installed my operating system, added my games drive, copied my 2K16 game files to my desktop in case Steam had to verify my files when I reinstalled it. Very wise choice, as Steam did indeed verify and then overwrite any modded files, so I'd have lost a lot of stuff :lol Anyhow, copied my modded files back in after the verification, game is running exactly as it was before, modded to hell :D

Now I've gotta reinstall all my modding software (X-Rey, X-Packer and other tools, Photoshop and Blender) and I'll be groovin' :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just getting started the game again, your work looks great man....

Thanks man. Working on some Triple H DX-Attitude attires atm. Also re-organised the duplicates so I can have a few attires for each and have a suitable entrance for each one.

Converted current Triple H to 2001 (first Motorhead theme)

Converted Triple H '01 to 99-2000 era (My Time theme)

Converted Hunter Hearst Helmsley to 97-98 DX era Triple H.

A few attires I'm looking at doing for each.

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Also (unrelated) are you still gonna do Taker's ministry face update?

I dunno, might do if I feel like it one day, but as I said before I'll see what the response is like to my WM14 attire face update, and nobody really gave a shit about that one by the looks of it :lol

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Also (unrelated) are you still gonna do Taker's ministry face update?

I dunno, might do if I feel like it one day, but as I said before I'll see what the response is like to my WM14 attire face update, and nobody really gave a shit about that one by the looks of it :lol

I think he looks great.  I haven't been keeping up with other people's mods - but my recent plan is to collect all of your (and everyone else's) nice WWF Attitude era mods and make 2K16 my Attitude game; and 2K17 my WCW game.

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Converted current Triple H to 2001 (first Motorhead theme)

Converted Triple H '01 to 99-2000 era (My Time theme)

Converted Hunter Hearst Helmsley to 97-98 DX era Triple H.

A few attires I'm looking at doing for each.

Nice... looking forward for it :-D

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UPDATE: V2 released. I wasn't happy with the head on the first version, as 2K had been really lazy in scanning Taker's head and then practically placing his baggy old face on 20 year old attires, but I didn't wanna lose the facial animations so I left it. With this update, I've used his model from 2K15 which looks much younger, transferred everything onto that, worked on the face normals a bit and now I think he looks much more accurate for the era this attire was from without losing the face animations :D

Dennis-Bieser created a retro Undertaker attire pack and I've been making room in my roster to cover Undertaker's WrestleMania 11-14 attires so his pre-Ministry era of the Attitude era is also covered. Dennis created on WrestleMania 11-13 (among other attires from earlier eras), so I still needed 14 and it was basically just swapping hair files and textures around (before the model update). As usual, click the images to view enlarged versions!










Now, why couldn't 2K do this themselves last year? Lazy bastards! This is one of the many reasons exactly why I'm converting to PC gaming next year. Fuck this shit. I'm sold. Between, the constant console glitches, logo issues, & online fuckery, I'm done.

Edited by jbl328
Deleted unnessary texts that I didn't need to respond to
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@tomwearsglasses Great idea :D Might be fairly difficult to pack out a roster of 100 wrestlers for the Attitude roster, but WCW had so many guys that made the program what it was throughout the space of those last 5 years.

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