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Request: Please help us with a WIP Community Project to update Brave's AJ Styles V1 Model with V2 3D clothing for the best AJ Styles Attire Pack possible

Cave Waverider

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Project status

The first version of the the AJ Styles 10+ Attire Pack based on this project is now available for download. You can download the latest version in the AJ Styles 10+ Attire Pack thread.

The attire pack will be updated in the future and there still is some work to be done. Please scroll down to read who has contributed with which tasks so far and see how you could help!


Completed tasks:

  • Create initial AJ Styles V1 and V2 models
    Completed by: @bravebird31
  • Inject V1 head into V2 model
    Completed by: @GameElite™
  • Inject V1 Hair
    Completed by: @Cave Waverider
  • Fix Hair Textures
    Completed by: @Cave Waverider
  • Textures for 13 attires
    Completed by: @Cave Waverider@bravebird31 @tekken57, @MinchoSheen
  • Add 3D T-Shirt underneath entrance jacket for an additional entrance attire
    Completed by: @Cave Waverider
  • Close gaps between head and body areas as well as possible
    Completed by: @GameElite™
    Comments: Some minor gaps are still left at certain arm motions, probably not fixable due to two fused skeletons.
  • Fix Body Textures
    Completed by: @Cave Waverider
    Comments: Still some differences at the seams between head and body from some angles and lighting conditions, but due to the Frankenstein approach of fusing two different skeletons it likely can't be done much better.
  • Resize/resculpt both 3D T-Shirt and Jacket to fix clipping errors with each other and the body.
    Completed by: 
  • Texture AJ's new The Club Jacket
    Completed by: @Cave Waverider

Tasks in progress:

  • Textures for more attires
    Assigned to: @Cave Waverider
    Prioritization: Medium Priority
  • Resculpt Jacket 3D Model to resemble AJ's The Club Jacket more closely
    Assigned to:
    Prioritization: High Priority
  • Create Bullet Club Full Face Mask for Wrestle Kingdom 10 Attire
    Assigned to:
    Prioritization: High Priority

Open tasks:

  • None

Failed Tasks:

  • None

Prioritization legend:
Top Priority ... this task must be done first and is vital for the success of the project.
High Priority ... this task must be done and is vital for the success of the project, but top priority items should be ideally dealt with first.
Medium Priority ... this task would be good to get done, but isn't vital for the success of the project. It should be done only after higher priority items are finished
or being worked on by others.
Low Priority ... this task isn't vital for the success of the project. It's an added bonus if somebody wishes to undertake it, but should be done only if all the higher priority items are finished or being worked on by others.


As you may know there are many great AJ Styles mods out there, although @bravebird31 's original AJ Styles V1 is arguably the best looking AJ Styles model available right now. However, it has some flaws since it was an early version.
The tights and gloves are only painted onto the body instead of being proper 3D objects. Now while this makes creating attires for him hard, it doesn't make it impossible. However, the model doesn't include an entrance attire with Jacket and/or T-Shirt.
On the other hand, Brave's AJ Styles V2 has great looking 3D tights, gloves, boots, kneepads and entrance jacket, while the body and especially head model and it's textures and the hair doesn't resemble AJ as well from various angles as V1 does.

Here is a side-by-side comparison between Brave's original AJ Styles V1 and V2 in the ring together so you can see what I'm talking about (the one with Blue in the attire is V1, the one with more white is V2):

Now, Brave sadly doesn't have enough time to do this himself and has thus given permission to modify his work and create attires for it (with proper credit, of course).

While I myself can handle texturing in a rather acceptable manner and won't require any help with that, I don't have the skills or the tools to add and fit these 3D objects to the model. Thus I'm asking for some help from an experienced modder that is well-versed with these things to somehow add the 3D gear from V2 to V1.

I'm unsure what the best options are, but here are some that have been suggested:


Option I. Injecting AJ Styles V1 head and body parts into V2 model
This might be the easiest method, although I'm unsure if it would require fitting the clothes to the model with 3D modelling software or just splicing it in with X-Rey.

1. Inject body and head parts (including head, heair, eyes, teeth, arms, and whatever else may be needed) from AJ Styles V1 into AJ Styles V2 both Entrance and Ring gear.
2. Add a 3D T-Shirt underneath the Entrance Jacket (from T-Shirt Attire from 10+ Attire Pack for Tekken's AJ Styles) for an additional entrance attire model. Note that we need one entrance pac file with this T-Shirt and one without it.
3. Possibly replace the 3D Gloves with the ones from Brave's V2 AJ Styles model.

Option II. Injecting 3D Clothing parts into AJ Styles V1 model:
Now, it could very well be that adding all of the V2 clothing objects won't be possible as I'm unsure how many slots can be made available. Thus I've created a priority list (1 is highest priority, 2 second highest, etc.). The highest priority items are a must, the lower priority ones I can work without, but it will make it less complicated to add and update attires and look much better if we'd get those, too:

Priority List:

1. 3D Entrance Jacket from Brave's AJ Styles V2 for the Entrance attire (this is really the bare minimum I'd like to see done).
3. 3D Gloves from Brave's AJ Styles V2 model.
4. 3D Tights from Brave's AJ Styles V2.
5. 3D T-Shirt underneath the Entrance Jacket (from T-Shirt Attire from 10+ Attire Pack for Tekken's AJ Styles). Note that we need one entrance pac file with this T-Shirt and one without it.
6. Replace 3D Boots with the ones from Brave's AJ Styles V2 (least important as it already has boots).

I'd greatly appreciate it if somebody with lots of experience in matters of adding 3D attire pieces to a model and replacing them would volunteer, help and collaborate with this project, as I'd like for the community to be able to play with the best looking AJ Styles possible and am planning to create a 10+ attire pack for it that will get updated with additional attires frequently.

Here is an unfinished version of AJ's current The Club ring gear from Extreme Rules I've created for Brave's AJ Styles V1 (still with painted-on tights and gloves, of course). This will serve as the base for our project, as I've made some tweaks to improve some things:


Download Links for the project
Here are the links with the necessary Downloads for the project:

Coming soon!

Please reply here if you are interested, willing and able to collaborate with me on the project. You will of course receive your well-deserved credit on any attires based on your work I'll release in the future. :)

Thank you very much!

PS.: Special thanks to @bravebird31 for allowing us to use his work.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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Well I wouldn't classify myself as an "experienced modder", but I'll see what I can do :) Hopefully should be able to get around to it tomorrow or at the latest day after, because my daily schedule is really hectic

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i also thought that v2 looks better than v1 until i tried it ingame.

if its ok with you i will do the porting currently i have 

styles v1 and v2 entrance and ring

i can get the 10+ attire pack tomorrow.

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Well I wouldn't classify myself as an "experienced modder", but I'll see what I can do :) Hopefully should be able to get around to it tomorrow or at the latest day after, because my daily schedule is really hectic

i also thought that v2 looks better than v1 until i tried it ingame.

if its ok with you i will do the porting currently i have 

styles v1 and v2 entrance and ring

i can get the 10+ attire pack tomorrow.

Thanks guys!

Feel free to work together on it if you like and share updates here. One might have ideas where the other stumbles upon problems.
There is no need to rush this either, feel free to take your time so we'll have a top notch product to share with the community. :)

Also, please use this version of V1 that I've modified slightly as a base instead of the original one (it's also linked in the top post).

Update:  @LeonRick I've now added a download for a single attire with T-Shirt from the 10+ Attire pack as ~20MB download so you won't have to download the whole pack.

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Just reinject the head and body into the new model. 

That sounds like an even better idea.
Is this possible simply through X-Packer or would you have to do some work with X-Rey, modelling software and such so that the clothing fits the body or whatever you need to do?

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Just reinject the head and body into the new model. 

That sounds like an even better idea.
Is this possible simply through X-Packer or would you have to do some work with X-Rey, modelling software and such so that the clothing fits the body or whatever you need to do?

You would need xrey to inject the objects but other than that it will be trial and error. I can inject the old head into the new body if you want? 

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Just reinject the head and body into the new model. 

That sounds like an even better idea.
Is this possible simply through X-Packer or would you have to do some work with X-Rey, modelling software and such so that the clothing fits the body or whatever you need to do?

You would need xrey to inject the objects but other than that it will be trial and error. I can inject the old head into the new body if you want? 

That'd be great, friend. Sadly, I don't have X-Rey to try it myself. If you could help with injecting the body too, that'd be very helpful.
If that works we won't have to screw around with a bunch of attire parts, except perhaps adding a T-Shirt under the Jacket for an alternate version of the entrance attire.

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Send me both models then please - clearly labeled, old and then new.

Of course. Here are the files (45.34MB .7z 7-zip Archive) as requested. I hope the files are labelled clearly enough. In any case, the included readme file includes description and instructions. If you have any questions or anything is unclear feel free to ask here.
Thank you for giving this a shot. :)

Edited by Cave Waverider
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Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

Ouch, too bad. :( I guess we'll have to add the 3D attire parts to the V1 model then after all, unless somebody else has an idea on why this happened and how to fix it.
I hope that'll work, at least.

Once again, thank you very much for offering your help and the attempt!

If you'd like to try your hand on adding the attire parts from the new er V2 model to the older V1 model or have any other ideas, you are welcome to do so as well, of course.

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Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he suggests:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


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Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he suggests:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


If brave injected the v1 head on to v2, isn't that the end of the problem? You can take the finished files from him right? 

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Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he suggests:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


If brave injected the v1 head on to v2, isn't that the end of the problem? You can take the finished files from him right? 

Yes, although @bravebird31 says we'd likely have to fix up the shoulders to fit, but we'll see. I'll post the files here once he sends them to me so you guys can try to fix the shoulders if needed, unless he posts them here himself, of course. :)

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Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he suggests:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


If brave injected the v1 head on to v2, isn't that the end of the problem? You can take the finished files from him right? 

Yes, although @bravebird31 says we'd likely have to fix up the shoulders to fit, but we'll see. I'll post the files here once he sends them to me so you guys can try to fix the shoulders if needed, unless he posts them here himself, of course. :)

Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he did:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


If you get brave to send it over then I will fix the shoulder problem!

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Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he suggests:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


If brave injected the v1 head on to v2, isn't that the end of the problem? You can take the finished files from him right? 

Yes, although @bravebird31 says we'd likely have to fix up the shoulders to fit, but we'll see. I'll post the files here once he sends them to me so you guys can try to fix the shoulders if needed, unless he posts them here himself, of course. :)


Problem... the head will not inject properly which screws that idea up. 

I've talked with Brave about it, and here is what he had to say. Perhaps you can get it to work like he did:

Also, I just tried injecting V1's head in V2's yobj and it worked fine. The key is to use extract button for the body parts then using inject smaller to inject the V1 head, not just injecting an obj into the head slot.  


If you get brave to send it over then I will fix the shoulder problem!

Sounds great, thank you! I'll let you know once he gets it to us. :)

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Thank you all guys  for  your efforts to create the best Aj Styles model to date (thanks to Bravebird for creating it) .

We're expecting nothing more than the best from you  ;) .

Keep us updated please.

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You fine folks asked for an update, and we actually have one today:

Thanks to the hard and awesome work of @GameElite™ aka Dr. Frankenstein ;) , we've been able to make some significant progress in the project today, transplanting the head from the V1 model onto the V2 model without killing the patient:
While it already looks pretty good on that shot, there are still some problematic areas that are more visible on up-close camera angles, like some gaps between the head and body parts that are more visible when the jacket is off as well as some weirdness with the hair. Hopefully we'll be able to sort it out soon. :)

Update: Hair fixed.
We're slowly but surely getting there. :)

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I'm... I'm just going to add a 4th AJ Styles Slot because I'll probably need it soon.  (And I plan on updating my match tool soon.) 

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I'm... I'm just going to add a 4th AJ Styles Slot because I'll probably need it soon.  (And I plan on updating my match tool soon.) 

Haha, yeah, that's a good idea. ;)

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I'm... I'm just going to add a 4th AJ Styles Slot because I'll probably need it soon.  (And I plan on updating my match tool soon.) 

Smart idea! So many AJ attires now.

What's the limit's to additional attire slots you can add? And has the limit for new superstars that can be added to the game already been hit? Also, what updates are planned for the match tool? 

Thanks so much for working on the tool, it really adds a lot to the game.

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