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Genghismantastic's Background Replacements- Brock Lesnar Theme Pack Released!


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I've been looking for someway to contribute back to this community and after a long night of digging around in X-Packer I decided to start work on replacing Stone Cold on the Main Menu...and its taken off from there.

UPDATE: Taking Requests for the time being.


Replacement Background Videos


Directions for Installation: 

navigate to:


copy new file and paste into ui_bg_movie (MAKE SURE TO BACKUP ORIGINAL!)







download link: https://mega.nz/#F!QxoSRDBZ!CeWZl8RKRvKrVLFBT7qDow



download link:https://mega.nz/#F!U1ZzXZzB!BaClZK0_tlLUSgXHjixqJQ


Superstar Replacement Backgrounds



Directions for Installation: 

navigate to:


copy new file and paste into top_bgss (MAKE SURE TO BACKUP ORIGINAL!)



John Cena:


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!4ggnSSpL!rrcEdZ43t5J268BpWETj5A

Brock Lesnar:

download link:https://mega.nz/#F!N9oH1QBQ!3sl9N-66yOMTPOJQnUGc1g


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!pl42WTCa!07IfVaaPgEACIx2iDrhySg



download link: https://mega.nz/#F!Il5g3JhT!8GyV1DzHaCiTw7LKTxNpDQ

Kevin Owens: 


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!pxYQXBjC!f8nNQfipW7A_7fdeBSqseg

Sasha Banks:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!hoZFiQYS!dreixNm4_nosltZGQHmYDQ

The Club:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!htJiWTiQ!sSsf8hfY4F2ibnNs3HPgig

Sami Zayn:
download link: https://mega.nz/#F!wxZ1ibAa!-8SndfZdtQowOm1jWnz76g

Finn Balor:


download link:https://mega.nz/#F!kxhlHYaS!QxRHQF3q46PqSz50f6WtGA

Aj Styles:


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!9xI3VaJb!xPB0RazbLU_gYkHco7gmIQ


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!8sI2kKrY!H0-X6dlo8oV6gmu6zJ2NhA

Samoa Joe:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!EhwSybia!YNb0yfpIACuWNXnllP-6Eg


Shinsuke Nakamura: 


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!Aoo1EShI!7NmPZWeQKOZ6cuvDi5ApJQ


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!I5xRxTwD!Yxge9cZyvdqjVZgQ6Xux8w


The New Day:


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!YlxxmbTJ!vtaf6V5ZnQcf-GZAp55A7Q


Dean Ambrose:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!A85RmCZZ!8ombZdnpW_I1yDkX2rAG6Q






download link: https://mega.nz/#F!tsYR0biI!SUO3VxrR5RY6pY7Gw0ZAHQ

Becky Lynch:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!MlgiSTBK!tTeDm0mNVd3QOsRW5hNnAA

CM Punk:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!01hBGIIS!l1oFPLiBaX1qFMFKy_9dJg


download link: https://mega.nz/#F!Q8JAEKKY!9zvprXVjLNOpZBiSrehESQ

Daniel Bryan:

download link: https://mega.nz/#F!F1AS0bRJ!m2hkOgXcrst6XwTxVc4FRQ


Theme Packs


Directions for Installation of Background video: 

navigate to:


copy new file and paste into ui_bg_movie (MAKE SURE TO BACKUP ORIGINAL!)


Directions for Installation of Superstar Image: 

navigate to:


copy new file and paste into top_bgss (MAKE SURE TO BACKUP ORIGINAL!)




Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!UlxVCAhK!smi2-65LZxFTZ-5o_hu63A 


Old School Kane:

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!N0oWkKYR!za2x-YWPuKhVpGYrt-wrWQ



Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!llAXEDTI!C6GWbiQfgzVzgkwL2Vg4_w


CM Punk:

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!wlwQVACK!qAUhGsyDS1ndLyW9Fl-vlg



Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!csZ1iY6I!P13hvz17r504QUA0pT4-9g


Wyatt Family:

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!91xGTTZb!plW9VwWJke3B6CZ8l5BB0A


Randy Orton:

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!Rw4FUJSB!AeemwV_EMJcR1cmqp22DTQ

Jeff Hardy:

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!doRSiILJ!ygXedeAt99bCyGUAfm99Tw

John Cena: 

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!QoAHmKAa!NmfA0ToqWdZ5fdiODfP8yQ


Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!BgBQ0bjS!h23aJQcSVlXNLYoPQSKOqA

Nikki Bella: 

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!w8ZnEIQK!lGoJb6UgzEhv8PDQFywKHQ


Brock Lesnar:

Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!UhxGkDSS!SowuN793eX6PwFg6zE-zSw

Coming Soon:

AJ Styles Theme Pack



Edited by genghismantastic
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Nice work mate :) Did you by any chance note down what other files are in your search? Would be awesome if we had a list of what files correspond to what images.

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Aj styles preview added

Nice work mate :) Did you by any chance note down what other files are in your search? Would be awesome if we had a list of what files correspond to what images.

Thanks for the look, I have the path I took saved, Im at work now but its somewhere in the  pac/menu/assets anime files. When I get home I can let you know the full path.

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can i request Paige?

Sure!.  I'm still getting the hang of making these so I'm not fully taking requests just yet, but I use alot of your Sin Cara and Kalisto mods so I have no problem working on this one.



Also, Nakamura preview added to first post.

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I see that you arent taking requests yet, but whenever you start to it would be awesome to have a New Day one!

Here you go



Huge thanks and credit to Punkamania for the red background video I used in original posts.   http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62552-wwe-2k16-glass-shattering-background-swap-with-wwe-2k316-logo-v15/

Edited by genghismantastic
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Aj styles preview added

Nice work mate :) Did you by any chance note down what other files are in your search? Would be awesome if we had a list of what files correspond to what images.

Thanks for the look, I have the path I took saved, Im at work now but its somewhere in the  pac/menu/assets anime files. When I get home I can let you know the full path.

Yeah that'd be cool dude, tbh I've been meaning to open up some of the files with Packer and see what's in them but a lot of them give me errors, maybe opening the wrong stuff though. There are tonnes of images I wanna edit.

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Aj styles preview added

Nice work mate :) Did you by any chance note down what other files are in your search? Would be awesome if we had a list of what files correspond to what images.

Thanks for the look, I have the path I took saved, Im at work now but its somewhere in the  pac/menu/assets anime files. When I get home I can let you know the full path.

Yeah that'd be cool dude, tbh I've been meaning to open up some of the files with Packer and see what's in them but a lot of them give me errors, maybe opening the wrong stuff though. There are tonnes of images I wanna edit.

PM'd you


Also Ambrose up.

Any chance for cesaro neville or sheamus?

Cesaro preview up, Im going to work on Neville next, will try and throw together a sheamus once I get the others finalized.

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NICE work man! These are awesome

Thanks man, appreciate the kind words.

Any chance for cesaro neville or sheamus?

Sheamus up.

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i think its best for the 2k16 logo to not have polka dots 

I think they can't figure out how to replace it.

Im actually trying to help out and figure this out as well. I think I've found the files and am currently editing them in Visual Studio. main problem which anyone who has been using VS can attest to is once you have to save a file it can take 10-15 min to save before you can do anything else.

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