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WWE 2K16 Superstar Mod Index UPDATED 20th July

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can you add my Seth Rollins? i created a 10 attires pack for him 


I just wanna say how insanely helpful this database has been.  Kudos on this.:D

Posted (edited)

I've got a Kurt Angle and Meng that need adding, as well as WCW alt attires for Bret Hart and Fit Finlay. LINK ;)

Edited by 4LifeBrother
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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been able to update the list for a while. Im on holiday at the moment and won't be back for another week so I'm not gonna be able to update it till then sadly. The next update is gonna be a big one as there have been a large amount of mods which have been created and released over the past couple of weeks. 

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Posted (edited)

Hey Guys, I downloaded Cesaro and removed the towel prop and everything is good.. Except in ring action, Cesaro's feet clips through his boots and it's really noticable.. Is this a problem that's been made aware? Can anything be done to fix it? thanks!

Edited by brandonkb2010`

hey is there any way to mark anything that you add to the list so you can tell its new.......its just that the list is gonna get long and it might be hard to tell what has been added


hey is there any way to mark anything that you add to the list so you can tell its new.......its just that the list is gonna get long and it might be hard to tell what has been added

Agreed, Mr. T. A "Date Added" column might be helpful, maybe mark the latest batch of additions in bold text, too.


Hey Guys, I downloaded Cesaro and removed the towel prop and everything is good.. Except in ring action, Cesaro's feet clips through his boots and it's really noticable.. Is this a problem that's been made aware? Can anything be done to fix it? thanks!

That'd indicate that there were some issues with the skin textures after messing around with the models which were remedied by nulling a bunch of values in the 00CE file. The feet can be made invisible (or simply removed) in the 0000.YOBJ to stop them clipping through, visibly at least.


Hey Guys, I downloaded Cesaro and removed the towel prop and everything is good.. Except in ring action, Cesaro's feet clips through his boots and it's really noticable.. Is this a problem that's been made aware? Can anything be done to fix it? thanks!

That'd indicate that there were some issues with the skin textures after messing around with the models which were remedied by nulling a bunch of values in the 00CE file. The feet can be made invisible (or simply removed) in the 0000.YOBJ to stop them clipping through, visibly at least.

I have no idea how to mod man... What would that require? Is it just deleting something?


Hey Guys, I downloaded Cesaro and removed the towel prop and everything is good.. Except in ring action, Cesaro's feet clips through his boots and it's really noticable.. Is this a problem that's been made aware? Can anything be done to fix it? thanks!

That'd indicate that there were some issues with the skin textures after messing around with the models which were remedied by nulling a bunch of values in the 00CE file. The feet can be made invisible (or simply removed) in the 0000.YOBJ to stop them clipping through, visibly at least.

I have no idea how to mod man... What would that require? Is it just deleting something?

Afraid not mate, requires paid-for tools and knowledge of how these things work so it'd pretty much be up to the creator to fix the issue.


I really don't feel like this works. The links just lead to the random pages with nothing highlighted. 


updated the table 20th July.

because I haven't updated it for so long I feel like I've DEFINITLEY left some mods out. if I have please leave the superstar name and the link below and I will update the table again ASAP


Just a small change! 

Adam Cole By The AMBROs Community



I like the NEW column!

Next time you update, can you add Miss Elizabeth (link)?


I recall someone doing an Enzo Amore hair color change mod a while ago which I noticed is not listed. Does anyone know where I can find this?


Its Not WrestlingGaming Its WrestlingEmpire


How can I install the character that are "update" and not "superstar"? I tried with CCT but not found.


can you add my Roman Reigns mod? made 2 attires of him and Seth Rollins 10 Attires Pack


I've released nWo manager Rick Rude and a 10 attire WCW pack for Booker T '96, link http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62905-4-lifes-wcw-attitude-mods-10-attire-wcw-booker-t-pack-released-render-pack-preview-pg7-nwo-manager-rick-rude-sexual-chocolate-fit-finlay-bret-hart-wcw-pack-angle-meng-syxx/

How can I install the character that are "update" and not "superstar"? I tried with CCT but not found.

"Update" means alt attire, generally. You either need to rename the file to make it the default attire, or unlock more attires with Universal Attire Unlocker.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I've released nWo manager Rick Rude and a 10 attire WCW pack for Booker T '96, link http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62905-4-lifes-wcw-attitude-mods-10-attire-wcw-booker-t-pack-released-render-pack-preview-pg7-nwo-manager-rick-rude-sexual-chocolate-fit-finlay-bret-hart-wcw-pack-angle-meng-syxx/

How can I install the character that are "update" and not "superstar"? I tried with CCT but not found.

"Update" means alt attire, generally. You either need to rename the file to make it the default attire, or unlock more attires with Universal Attire Unlocker.

Thanks for help man


Edited by condenade47

Its Not WrestlingGaming Its WrestlingEmpire

come on man! if he wrote my name instead of our team name,its ok,after all the link is of our topic,so if anyone wants to download one of our mods,he will click on the Superstar name and he'll go to our topic(on our topic there is written WrestlingEmpire Community mods,so i dont see whats the problem)

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