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someone can help me please ?????

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I try to import mods , I followed video tutorial step by step ...... but Hulk Hogan is Still named WCW Clash of Champions and when I try to edit him in the geme , the game crush !!!!!!!

with Goldberg , I can't import pofo and moveset because after copy the pac file in my ch folder there isn't ( ch361 ) ......... I 've renamed the pac files , I edit all I can edit following the video tutorial but nothing ......... I need some help please , I 've donate to have x-packer but I can't use it , I need some help to use it ..........


Why nobody want help me ???? I don't understand ....... I just want import 3 Mods in my game : Hulk Hogan , Hollywood Hogan and Goldberg ........ but I don't undestand what Step I've missed ....... I can't import nothing ........ and I don't know why .........


Thank you Kim666 , yes my games is in Italian and I don't know how to edit string file for Italian language ...... 

And yes , I download Hogan from the port over projekt ..... why ?? 

...... Did you know where are the community dlc thread ?? I want tekken's Mods ...... 


I thought you may downloaded hogan from somewhere else and his pac file is not renamed correctly. Check if you placed hogans pac into the correct folder "pac/ch" and if you injected his pofo/moveset into the right slot.

Don't tinker with the strings.pac until you get your installed mods running. I would suggest to change the game language to english.


thank you ....... if I replace another superstar with Hogan ?? If I rename his pac file with the pac file of the rock for ex. this will work ????

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