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Moveset/Pofo Database: CWC pack, Tony Nese and Ted DiBiase Jr added!


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This is a thread intended to be a centre for all pofo and moveset files. I'm currently porting some over from the 2k15 mods. Other than the entrance formula, everything else is custom/copied from preset movesets. It's going to take a lot of work to convert all the files over, and I'm not going to do it alone... Anyone interested please PM me and I'll tell you exactly what needs to be done :) 

Please give me all the links so that it can all be in this one database. I'll be highlighting all newly added superstar files in blue, so they're easy to find.

For installation of these superstars, please check out the awesome Custom Character Tools, Pozzum's tutorials on YouTube, and his 2k16 memory table: http:adf.ly/1YFRe0

Anyone interested in making pofos and movesets themselves, please check out Cave Waverider's awesome tool, and also check out Pozzum's tutorial on how to edit pac, pofo and moveset files in HxD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCfl0YtIFA

Abyss (by Abumaster)


Adam Bomb (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/DcrF2oT (pofo)

http://bc.vc/Q6lGiox (moveset)

Adam Cole (by Abumaster)


Ahmed Johnson (by Cramirez11)


AJ Lee (by abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!btU2BIrI!BXk-0wby-mJeaboP4ZqD1WmOmzsygQ7878AmJ2PjFSQ (updated pofo and moveset)

AJ Styles 

By Ewan - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aQ2RWSDRlcmpubjA/view?usp=sharing (pofo)

                       https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aOGo3SnJkd2JZdms/view?usp=sharing  (moveset)

By Abumaster - https://mega.nz/#!nxVnWSwD!r6-KudOL8uM6JD0IQVMfC93rmXGG4NSdNLrxiylRtUc (updated moveset)

Akeem (by Sitrush)

https://mega.nz/#!IB8yEADa!Aiqvxic0o-ExynOE1-TPANy3ca0wRj6FCkEiZgSl9uY (pofo)

https://mega.nz/#!EMVzgJyK!cJfkYD_uDlAiA7VUvrqhumeIDDituPq8XSzk407Pfk0 (moveset) 

Akira Tozawa (by Ewan)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aUG5yZndvQ3lJYzA/view?usp=sharing (moveset only)

Al Snow (by Cave Waverider)




Alberto Del Rio

Ewan - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B35uTtXB4J_aV2ZxNXo4NVNYSG8 (pofo)

                  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aTzU2XzNFTmVvU2c/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

Pozzum - http://adf.ly/12819869/pozadrpofo (pofo)

                     http://adf.ly/12819869/pozadrmove (moveset)

http://bc.vc/AIuGCN (updated moveset)

BannockBurn - *can be downloaded as part of his ADR mod*

http://bc.vc/UmgcQd (tron)

Alex Riley (by Abumaster)


Alex Shelley

http://bc.vc/fuLU24 9pofo)

http://bc.vc/JL0RwF (moveset)

Alex Wright (by Cramirez11)


Andrade "Cien" Almas

By TheHeartbrokenKid - http://bc.vc/D592vzp (pofo)

                                                     http://bc.vc/6Qh35af (moveset; credit to Ozgenesiis) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fSzdyOUdPUEhxZFE/view?usp=sharin

By Ewan - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aUkpvMmpVVENWSGc/view?usp=sharing (moveset)


http://bc.vc/owjSCk (pofo)

http://bc.vc/lDof5E (updated moveset)

http://bc.vc/9Np9lL (theme)

Antonio Inoki (by Cramirez11)


Apollo Crews

http://bc.vc/KdeT4R (pofo)

http://bc.vc/eCvj7Z (updated moveset)

Austin Aries

http://bc.vc/WRxhOF (pofo)

http://bc.vc/iBjes2 (moveset)

Ax (by Abumaster)


Bayley (by Abumaster)


Becky Lynch (by Adm King)


Big Daddy V (by Abumaster)


Big Damo (by Cave Waverider)


Big John Studd (by Abumaster)


Billy Kidman (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/zKEVbCi (pofo)

http://bc.vc/rf6dzLJ (moveset)

Bobby Lashley

http://bc.vc/a96fTn (pofo)

http://bc.vc/ALi6aZ (updated moveset)

http://bc.vc/nZukCK (theme)

http://bc.vc/djJt5l (tron)

Bobby Roode

http://bc.vc/xqANRx (pofo)

http://bc.vc/35GdwI (moveset)

The Boogeyman (by Abumaster)


Braun Strowman

http://bc.vc/yrKkQe (pofo)

http://bc.vc/8x5q3H (updated moveset)

Brian Kendrick (by Cave Waverider)


Brodus Clay (by Abumaster)


Bruno Sammartino

http://bc.vc/mdEJqT (pofo)

http://bc.vc/tFk3jW (updated moveset)

Brutus Beefcake 

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fX3lINVJINjV4TU0/view?usp=sharing (pofo)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31faWswMDNyaXg5NTQ/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

Bubba Ray Dudley (by Abumaster)


Buff Bagwell

http://bc.vc/Jd4vnZ (pofo)

http://bc.vc/WZbOe6 (moveset)


By TheHeartbrokenKid - http://bc.vc/eeDRe1 (pofo)

                                                      http://bc.vc/Cyc7kL (moveset - credit to xavosix)

By Abumaster - https://mega.nz/#!ut93SAAa!RilZ7CbGBh-js7HDInhIRldKGxEbz1EbrJhWyv_dt88

Carmella (by Abumaster)


Chad Gable (by comptongangbang)


Charlie Haas

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31feWpMR25ESW1GX00/view?usp=sharing (pofo)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fTW9MYXRiVG83OXM/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

Charlotte (by Abumaster)


Chavo Guerrero (by Auday Elyafe)

*can be downlaoded as part of his Los Guerreros pack*

Updated moveset by TheHeartbreakKid - http://bc.vc/qfs8B2 

Chris Benoit

http://bc.vc/vrDuj4 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/7zIR5h (updated moveset)

http://bc.vc/G4fCHL (theme)

http://bc.vc/9nWv9G (tron)

Chris Hero (by Abumaster)


Chris Masters (by Abumaster)


Christopher Daniels (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/931nfxo (pofo)

http://bc.vc/sXaOzhL (moveset)

Chuck Palumbo (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/THZAE5w (pofo)

http://bc.vc/6nQDOXY (moveset)

Chyna (by JonasSlasher1994)


CM Punk  

Ewan https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B35uTtXB4J_aX3NHWDMxQ01aSmc (pofo)                                         

                 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aQnJ0Z1FFTE1yVHM/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

Pozzum - http://adf.ly/12819869/pozpunkpofo (pofo)

                      http://adf.ly/12819869/pozpunkmove (moveset)

http://bc.vc/0ymGnq (updated moveset)

http://bc.vc/7CrIpG (tron)

Cody Rhodes (by Abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!yldlXKoI!b4POvCrr0N-cr2_19qhGFftb1tbyc2VrbGnXp7RyCZM (updated pofo and moveset)

http://bc.vc/Ky5WzC (tron)

Corey Graves  (by Abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!j89ywQDQ!Ud7i5wTefujjnfaOSVEDSi7FJ4U82IwvkP-Z2_cOAyI (updated pofo and moveset)

Crash Holly (by Cave Waverider)


Curt Hawkins (by Cave Waverider)


CWC Pack (by Cramirez11 and Ewan)


(Contains: Akira Tozawa, Cedric Alexander, Jack Gallagher, Kota Ibushi, Rich Swann, TJ Perkins)

Dash Wilder (credit to Apost Khan)

http://bc.vc/QnE1Lp (pofo)

http://bc.vc/ecgNVQ (moveset)

Davey Richards (by comptongangbang)


Dean Malenko (by Abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!vt1yRaQQ!DeNXXMjuHKkxlzj3bJbdth_NjIB-zl6tRvFfb-okNR8 (pofo and moveset)

http://bc.vc/ZeTvbE (theme)

http://bc.vc/rxWwDA (tron)

Disco Inferno (by Cave Waverider)

http://adf.ly/11132393/disco-inferno-pofo-and-moveset (includes Boogie Knights team info) 

Doink the Clown (by abumaster)


Drew Galloway

http://bc.vc/Co4UO8 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/bnr0Hd (moveset)

D-von Dudley


Dynamite Kid (by MOUNTAINMAN)


Eddie Edwards (by comptongangbang)


Eddie Guerrero

By Abumaster - https://mega.nz/#!nw9khYBa!DN69FYrjhZDWn3jS2Husfh0nRliZnyxpoVOXPZNXvdM

*pofo and moveset can be downlaoded as part of Auday Elyafe's Los Guerreros pack*

http://bc.vc/loW1zP (tron)

Eric Young 

By Ecklesias - https://mega.nz/#!bpRRHY7I!P1amEZwE4scLPR7O8vKx7OoRM0k-BNxPJhlrLEoE1Gs (moveset may have some issues)

By Abumaster - https://mega.nz/#!GhsQkaCS!gR-Msp_aMG4kbWwGMGXtxWM0HwcsSabsCqQtyjpfZqY

Essa Rios (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/GeHDsdW (pofo)

http://bc.vc/gHsKmZu (moveset)

Ethan Carter III

http://bc.vc/zswi7M (updated pofo)

http://bc.vc/grvozP (updated moveset)

Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal

TheHeartbreakKid - http://bc.vc/iXyiT5 (pofo)

                                            http://bc.vc/HdmIrj (moveset)

Ewan - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aMk9hVk5SYUNicG8/view?usp=sharing (pofo)

                https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_ad0t6R0hzNGJaTEE/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

http://bc.vc/ovrxXN (theme)

http://bc.vc/I6Jtl2 (tron)

Gangrel (by abumaster)


George 'The Animal' Steele (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/Bf7FBZx (pofo)

http://bc.vc/dRSUO6R (moveset)

Giant Gonzalez

http://bc.vc/6D0kfJ (pofo)

http://bc.vc/YzmygK (moveset - credit to web.god.666)

The Godfather (by Cave Waverider)



http://bc.vc/MeeRql (pofo) 

http://bc.vc/vWWaph (moveset) (Eva Marie's lcd apron screen is visible in the entrance for a second or two, I noticed that much later and was too tired to change it. It can be changed once we learn how to change walltrons)

http://bc.vc/wH9fQL (theme)

http://bc.vc/73QRJ3 (tron)

Grandmaster Sexay

http://bc.vc/0LzvIF (pofo)

http://bc.vc/B873aE (moveset - credit to Gangsta)

Great Muta/Keiji Mutoh (by Abumaster)

http://bc.vc/syi0hm (pofo)

http://bc.vc/SP5Tnw (moveset)

The Great Khali (by pozzum)

http://adf.ly/12819869/pozkhalipofo (pofo)

http://adf.ly/12819869/pozkhalimove (moveset)

http://bc.vc/BFLb17 (updated moveset)

Hakushi (by Abumaster)


Hardcore Holly

http://bc.vc/vOxcQp (pofo)

http://bc.vc/5xKjqU (moveset)


http://bc.vc/VvW8Q6 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/9vDZkR (updated moveset)

*see Animal's spoiler for theme*

Hollywood Hogan (by 4LifeBrother)


Hulk Hogan (by pozzum)

http://adf.ly/12819869/pozhulkpofo (pofo)

http://adf.ly/12819869/pozhulkmove (moveset)

http://bc.vc/m9XrCw (tron)

Hurricane (by MOUNTAINMAN)


James Storm 

http://bc.vc/denvf4 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/W3nbiB (moveset)

Jamie Noble (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/BOlKX3h (pofo)

http://bc.vc/olrk4Qe (moveset)

Jason Jordan (by comptongangbang)


Jay Lethal (by CRamirez11)


Jeff Hardy

http://bc.vc/aLfDQ6 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/mWs8Z4 (moveset)

http://bc.vc/1OIosJ (theme)

http://bc.vc/xPkuWZ (tron)

Jeff Jarrett (by Abumaster)


Jim Duggan (by MOUNTAINMAN)


Jimmy Snuka

http://bc.vc/aQQTkW (pofo)

http://bc.vc/uWWnIZ (moveset)

Joe Hendry (by Abumaster)


John Morrison (by MOUNTAINMAN)


Johnny Gargano (by Cramirez11)


Jushin Liger (by Abumaster)


Justin Gabriel (by pozzum)

http://adf.ly/12819869/pozpjbpofo (pofo)

http://adf.ly/12819869/pozpjbmove (moveset)

http://bc.vc/019HKD (updated moveset)

http://bc.vc/BZOank (tron)

Junkyard Dog (by Abumaster)


Juventud Guerrera (by Cramirez11)



http://bc.vc/PbdWLx (pofo)

http://bc.vc/D8g5up (moveset - credit to Scrimshaw)

Karl Anderson (by Abumaster)


Kazuchika Okada (by comptongangbang)


Kenny Omega

http://bc.vc/m63dLK (pofo)

http://bc.vc/oYN0oB (moveset)

Kerry Von Erich (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/gLr7PmG  (pofo)

http://bc.vc/FEPGUVv (moveset)

King Kong Bundy 

http://bc.vc/Og8cZ3 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/KBaX2o (moveset - credit to norulf)

Koko B Ware (by Abumaster)


Konnan (by Abumaster)


Kurt Angle 

http://bc.vc/S2cKGL (pofo)

http://bc.vc/wBLKbT (moveset)

http://bc.vc/ABCG58 (theme)

La Parka (by Abumaster)


Lance Archer (by comptongangbang)


Lance Storm (by Abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!7ksDxRZK!e1Ky2geSZMtf9kGlLzONdfReJR_97YAZ4C3R1cKC9q0 (pofo and moveset)

http://bc.vc/Ua3syg (theme)

http://bc.vc/Qya2MU (tron)

Luke Gallows

http://bc.vc/X49Cwy (pofo)

http://bc.vc/86Ojd5 (moveset)

Madusa (by Abumaster)


Marty Jannetty (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/il9BEkC (pofo)

http://bc.vc/acCr3du (moveset)

Matt Hardy (by Abumaster)


Matt Jackson

http://bc.vc/vndITh (pofo)

http://bc.vc/dyeVE9 (moveset)

Maven (by Abumaster)


Max Moon (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/VdmcW2A (pofo)

http://bc.vc/XtD0CBJ (moveset)

Melina (by JonasSlasher1994)


Meng (by 4LifeBrother)


Mickie James (by JonasSlasher1994)


Mike Tyson

http://bc.vc/g0NsEx (pofo)

http://bc.vc/HrmhG6 (moveset)

Mojo Rawley (by Cave Waverider)

http://adf.ly/11132393/mojo-rawley-pofomoveset-team-info (includes Hype Bros team info)

Mr Fuji (by Abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!iws1RZRR!xqQd-BJn_qVSTNvZsD1EDrhpxozm6El2EIsuB3QxvGs (pofo and moveset)

https://mega.nz/#!Sx930K6L!48JQOBTWFEYgiCypK7FV8v7UtSngBFggb4ZyZfRepDI (themese and tron)

Mr Kennedy (by MOUNTAINMAN)



http://bc.vc/8nKRJF (pofo)

http://bc.vc/ircSQJ (moveset)


http://bc.vc/PgguEG (pofo)

http://bc.vc/RoP7pU (moveset)

Nick Jackson

http://bc.vc/MQN7X4 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/T5FniY (moveset)

Nick Miller (by Cramirez11)


No Way Jose

http://bc.vc/OtgtdbH (pofo)

http://bc.vc/z5o5stm (moveset; credit to Negritude Junior)

Owen Hart

http://bc.vc/irXTSt (pofo)

https://mega.nz/#!sRBSlZpS!L0gOUD8MhAacSTwVLdSRl5xz9dwDiwfYVgjym12b6Rk (updated moveset by MOUNTAINMAN)

Papa Shango (by Abumaster)


Paul London (by Cave Waverider)


Pentagon Jr (by comtptongangbang)


Perry Saturn (by Abumaster)


Prince Puma

http://bc.vc/dg1XHc (pofo)

http://bc.vc/ljdWgO (moveset - credit to Ozgenesiis)

Randy Savage (nWo) (by Dennis-Bieser)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/osp3c3plxo6e6v8/Yokozuna Pofo %26 Moveset by Dennis-Bieser.rar?dl=0


By MOUNTAINMAN - https://mega.nz/#!hIhDxCYa!KGKDrHU-NmAoWXlsV4ux9wvZ19BlDxxEVJXq6GUDvVU

By Abumaster - https://mega.nz/#!v4kDCDzB!GbcwhJo3L6GUxZJIyCRyo5ADPRZRXEMKIOCkrFqqiu8

Rey Mysterio 

https://mega.nz/#!m0cl3KJb!ULfVfGJz_azkFx_nDehbwl7DoRhrXlgXHNWKL6Zgcwo (updated pofo and moveset by Abumaster)

http://bc.vc/wqAATbl (updated moveset)

http://bc.vc/4pzNHE (tron)

Rhyno (by Abumaster)


Rick Martel

http://bc.vc/UlQ3KB (pofo)

http://bc.vc/CvYbKq (moveset)

Rick Steiner


http://bc.vc/3HVxhB (moveset)

Rico (by Abumaster)


Ricochet (by CRamirez11)


Road Dogg

http://bc.vc/iqyUk8 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/E8LlTd (moveset)

http://bc.vc/mpnDmt (theme)

http://bc.vc/Zrk1sa (tron)

Rob Van Dam

TheHeartbreakKid - http://bc.vc/k2pNBR (pofo)

                                            http://bc.vc/8jqWcZ (moveset)

Pozzum - http://adf.ly/12819869/pozrvdpofo (pofo)

                    http://adf.ly/12819869/pozrvdmove (moveset)

http://bc.vc/fNIPFD (tron)

Roderick Strong

http://bc.vc/pL7If7K (pofo)

http://bc.vc/Hnmuqmc (moveset; credit to Apost Khan)

Ronda Rousey (by Abumaster)



http://bc.vc/sf54oF (pofo)

http://bc.vc/WoOCaZ (moveset)

http://bc.vc/XXRI5b (theme)

http://bc.vc/RF1Onh (tron)

Sandman (by Abumaster)


Sasha Banks (by Abumaster)


Scott Dawson (by CRamirez11)


Scott Steiner

http://bc.vc/l8fWl6 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/Kc1TrY (moveset)

http://bc.vc/A0dm1k (theme)

http://bc.vc/5oHgKi (tron)

Scotty 2 Hotty 

http://bc.vc/e4cRWy (pofo)

http://bc.vc/lxhXGu (moveset - credit to Gangsta)

Sean O'Haire

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fRkZQRENFQ042ZjQ/view?usp=sharing (pofo)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fT1V2ZERaakg3bUk/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

Sensational Sherri/Sister Sherri (by Tomwearsglasses)


Shane Douglas (by Cave Waverider)


Shane Thorne (by Cramirez11)


Shelton Benjamin

http://bc.vc/Libu4U (pofo)

http://bc.vc/1sFWhz (moveset)

http://bc.vc/RcF129 (theme)

http://bc.vc/rZwNsx (tron)

Shinsuke Nakamura 

http://ul.to/iv2zh6xb (updated pofo by rhaziel)                                                             

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35uTtXB4J_aVzFzNXE5a2RfcWc/view?usp=sharing (moveset by Ewan)

http://bc.vc/K2hNoK (theme)

http://bc.vc/q9ioNg (tron)

Smash (by Abumaster)


Spike Dudley (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/dVZNw2H (pofo)

http://bc.vc/KJ1krfY (moveset)

Solomon Crowe 

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fOVd1anY1azM4dDQ/view?usp=sharing (pofo)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Q_LYDmG31fQURhczlZNjBUWlU/view?usp=sharing (moveset)

Steve Blackman (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/kcrgHG3 (pofo)

http://bc.vc/UNjRdOM (moveset)

Steven Richards (by Cramirez11)

http://bc.vc/0bAsbxG (pofo)

http://bc.vc/jXzlRvF (moveset)

Suicide (by comptongangbang)


Sycho Sid

http://bc.vc/JkPVDJ (pofo)

http://bc.vc/HBn3fK (moveset) (after installing, please go to moveset editor and fill the two empty slots in standing strikes)

http://bc.vc/VhL78g (theme)

http://bc.vc/YMI4ir (tron)

Syxx (by 4LifeBrother)


Tajiri (by Abumaster)


Tama Tonga (by Cave Waverider)

http://adf.ly/11132393/guerrilas-of-destiny-pofo-moveset (includes Guerrilas of Destiny team info)

Tanga Roa (by Cave Waverider)

http://adf.ly/11132393/guerrilas-of-destiny-pofo-moveset (includes Guerrilas of Destiny team info)

Tatanka (by Cave Waverider)



http://ul.to/qd2o81gp (updated pofo by rhaziel)

http://bc.vc/Pp1yFo (moveset)

Ted DiBiase Jr (by Lunero406)


Terry Funk (by Abumaster)



http://bc.vc/8lMjBg (pofo)

http://bc.vc/aUgvKd (moveset)

Tiger Mask (by Abumaster)

https://mega.nz/#!Gk0jmCxZ!kP9S_65ITpgVGnHle7NfRsdr5GTJlnhRhLztxh0dIGY (pofo and moveset)

https://mega.nz/#!jo0Q3K4J!_j7OKCJ_q2sXIVxEmKJo26L3fRiVV2D6wcmguo77QSg (theme and tron)

Tito Santana 

http://bc.vc/BjUZkt (pofo)

http://bc.vc/eSRfvK (moveset)

Tommaso Ciampa

http://bc.vc/kMTKhB (pofo)

http://bc.vc/8sYZOw (moveset)

Tommy Dreamer 

http://ul.to/p9rhumyy (updated pofo by rhaziel)

http://bc.vc/z39sodh (by Ecklesias) 

Tony Nese (by Ewan)


Tye Dillinger

http://bc.vc/DMd2QkH (pofo)

http://bc.vc/GzicIP3 (moveset; credit to NuJerzeeDevil)

Tyson Tomko

http://bc.vc/qLliJc (pofo)

http://bc.vc/FNDsBT (moveset)

Ultimo Dragon (by Cave Waverider)



http://bc.vc/hXA4XV (pofo)

http://bc.vc/pJGAJk (moveset)

Val Venis 

http://bc.vc/8DICtm (pofo)

http://bc.vc/HxDVwe (moveset - credit to Chaotic Mess)

Vampiro (by conptongangbang)



http://bc.vc/qSTgnd 9pofo)

http://bc.vc/BIwjbz (moveset)


By Cave Waverider - http://adf.ly/11132393/virgil-vincent-pofo-and-moveset

By MOUNTAINMAN - https://mega.nz/#!QIAFkA6Y!i6ApYZjrrHZzq4g6PHMKPlxzGO1xwMmjG_Jx4apbSnI

Viscera (by Abumaster)


Vladimir Kozlov 

http://bc.vc/4q9e1a (pofo)

http://bc.vc/VrIeu3 (moveset)


By TheHeartbreakKid - http://bc.vc/Shn9Pt (pofo)

                                                    http://bc.vc/QDkKc3 (updated moveset)

By Dennis-Bieser - https://www.dropbox.com/s/osp3c3plxo6e6v8/Yokozuna Pofo %26 Moveset by Dennis-Bieser.rar?dl=0

By Abumaster - https://mega.nz/#!X08RmJrL!hjgQ0_hMRTVYPWQ-ZSxOSv1AI0xwpYT6QTrg1yc-BNg 

http://bc.vc/YBifuY (theme)

Zack Sabre Jr. (by Abumaster)


Zeus (by Sitrush)

https://mega.nz/#!VV0iQBiT!WZb_hbF8AI0-UjkRR0GRZcZXvVgvQaKHxkbO3YGP03c (pofo)

https://mega.nz/#!YNEWFIiA!ETcKDtts4KIv4OMb2glgLNm5qTX9KPtpwMNZdbEXGKQ (moveset) 

Edited by TheHeartbrokenKid
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Thanks for spending your precious time to make this bro :) Can you please port the original wwe 2k15 pofo and moveset files of Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and AJ Lee?

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

Oh... what does it have to be to work on Xpacker? I only install mods through cheat engine, so I couldn't test that.

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

Oh... what does it have to be to work on Xpacker? I only install mods through cheat engine, so I couldn't test that.

just add the bytes on the end that I stated total file length should be 1A0 in HxD I can send you the edited pofo if you want.

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

Oh... what does it have to be to work on Xpacker? I only install mods through cheat engine, so I couldn't test that.

just add the bytes on the end that I stated total file length should be 1A0 in HxD I can send you the edited pofo if you want.

Oh that I did. I edited the pofo in game and thought I extracted it. That's why Goldberg's pofo size is correct. 

Well, corrected Jeff Hardy and RVD coming soon :) 

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

Oh... what does it have to be to work on Xpacker? I only install mods through cheat engine, so I couldn't test that.

just add the bytes on the end that I stated total file length should be 1A0 in HxD I can send you the edited pofo if you want.

Oh that I did. I edited the pofo in game and thought I extracted it. That's why Goldberg's pofo size is correct. 

Well, corrected Jeff Hardy and RVD coming soon :) 

also did you use the pofo I included in my patch?  it seems the entrance name isn't the same as the other names in the pofo, that's a personal change I did to add extra credits on the select screen.

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

Oh... what does it have to be to work on Xpacker? I only install mods through cheat engine, so I couldn't test that.

just add the bytes on the end that I stated total file length should be 1A0 in HxD I can send you the edited pofo if you want.

Oh that I did. I edited the pofo in game and thought I extracted it. That's why Goldberg's pofo size is correct. 

Well, corrected Jeff Hardy and RVD coming soon :) 

also did you use the pofo I included in my patch?  it seems the entrance name isn't the same as the other names in the pofo, that's a personal change I did to add extra credits on the select screen.

For Jeff or Goldberg?

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Oh dam, that was the one I extracted from 2k15. I made a correct size pofo for 2k16, but it was very late here, I must have uploaded the wrong file... I'll correct it soon :) 

well you have the 00 00 00 00 at the beginning meaning it would work for anyone using cheat engine but would not work for anyone using xpacker

Oh... what does it have to be to work on Xpacker? I only install mods through cheat engine, so I couldn't test that.

just add the bytes on the end that I stated total file length should be 1A0 in HxD I can send you the edited pofo if you want.

Oh that I did. I edited the pofo in game and thought I extracted it. That's why Goldberg's pofo size is correct. 

Well, corrected Jeff Hardy and RVD coming soon :) 

also did you use the pofo I included in my patch?  it seems the entrance name isn't the same as the other names in the pofo, that's a personal change I did to add extra credits on the select screen.

For Jeff or Goldberg?


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Updated the Jeff Hardy link :) 

I'm having a few problems with RVD though, his name just doesn't appear in the superstar list. It just shows an empty slot :/ I verified the string several times but no luck

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This is a thread intended to be a centre for all pofo and moveset files. I'm currently porting some over from the 2k15 mods. Other than the entrance formula, everything else is custom/copied from preset movesets. It's going to take a lot of work to convert all the files over, and I'm not going to do it alone... Anyone interested please PM me and I'll tell you exactly what needs to be done :) 

After this weekend, I'm probably going to start attire mods, so it would be good if more people take this over. Please give me all the links so that it can all be in this one database.

On a side note, I'm also happy to have discovered that multiple attires work from the same .pac file, provided you rename the pachs and pac file correctly. 


Goldberg - http://bc.vc/GabfMS   (slot 463, string 69EA) (Eva Marie's lcd apron screen is visible in the entrance for a second or two, I noticed that much later and was too tired to change it. It can be changed once we learn how to change walltrons)

Jeff Hardy - http://bc.vc/WHCqBo (slot 471, string 69FC)

Rob Van Dam - http://bc.vc/Ik8ICj (slot 256, string 69E4) (entrance set to Justin Gabriel's, I didn't want to spend time making an advanced entrance for him since people are figuring out how to port entrances from 2k15) 

Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal - http://bc.vc/VrxAmU (slot 474, string 6A48)

Up next: Probably Steiner, Styles and Nakamura :) 

I'll offer my help with this if you want it.

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Do you know for what these 01 01 01 01 01 01 do? I just filled my pofo files with 00 and it worked also fine.


Here is how i convert movesets from 2k15 to 2k16. Just open a 2k15 and a 2k16 moveset in a hexeditor, then just copy paste offset 0 -> 1DB from the 2k15 moveset into the 2k16 moveset. Then just inject the edited 2k16 moveset and edit the entrance in x-packer/ingame.

Here is a pic of my hexeditor with the selected area that you need to copy/paste:

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Do you know for what these 01 01 01 01 01 01 do? I just filled my pofo files with 00 and it worked also fine.


Here is how i convert movesets from 2k15 to 2k16. Just open a 2k15 and a 2k16 moveset in a hexeditor, then just copy paste offset 0 -> 1DB from the 2k15 moveset into the 2k16 moveset. Then just inject the edited 2k16 moveset and edit the entrance in x-packer/ingame.

Here is a pic of my hexeditor with the selected area that you need to copy/paste:

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you left some bytes off the end of the jeff hardy pofo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

these are the same for every pofo but they are technically there.

Do you know for what these 01 01 01 01 01 01 do? I just filled my pofo files with 00 and it worked also fine.


Here is how i convert movesets from 2k15 to 2k16. Just open a 2k15 and a 2k16 moveset in a hexeditor, then just copy paste offset 0 -> 1DB from the 2k15 moveset into the 2k16 moveset. Then just inject the edited 2k16 moveset and edit the entrance in x-packer/ingame.

Here is a pic of my hexeditor with the selected area that you need to copy/paste:

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Great discovery man, this will save a LOT of time for those who aren't in preset movesets. Maybe you could post your converted pofos and movesets to add to the OP, and do some more when you have time? :) 

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  • pozzum pinned this topic

I have almost all the pofos and modest files on my computer at home, I can map the strings to the future string but I'm not sure what slot to map mods to.  I'm still trying trying to get more useable slots.

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