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Moveset/Pofo Database: CWC pack, Tony Nese and Ted DiBiase Jr added!


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The slot number and the pac number should be the same.

Example: If you are installing ch666.pac then you should be injecting your pofo and moveset into slot 666.

Part of the confusion here may be the fact that some people prefer to replace characters (so they can have renders, etc). Those people are likely making pofos for whatever slot they intend to replace. Most people adhere to @pozzum's memory table and create pofos/movesets for whatever slot he assigns, however some people don't bother asking for him to assign a slot and simply choose an open one themselves without notifying him.

Ideally everyone would consult pozzum before creating pofos/movesets. Unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way, and even if it did some people would still be upset because they would want to use a different slot or replace.

Thankfully @Cave Waverider has created an excellent tool that easily lets you edit pofos and change their slots.

I think the confusing part for a lot of people, and maybe what's going on here, is the "SLOT number" column in Pozzum's chart, which is just numerical order and has no relevance to the pofo or moveset files, even though they are named Slot - xxx.pofo. I see a lot of people here and in tutorials referring to the pach number as slot number, then they look it up on the chart and get confused.


Requesting a Rico pofo/moveset, please.

I try to make the pach number significantly bigger.  the slot umber does have some significance so I can't like hide it or delete it in all fairness even though I know it causes confusion 

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hey bro ! can you make tajiri moveset and pofo pls ??? :)

Yeah... on my list,
Alex Riley, Rico, Tajiri, Doink, etc.

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The slot number and the pac number should be the same.

Example: If you are installing ch666.pac then you should be injecting your pofo and moveset into slot 666.

Part of the confusion here may be the fact that some people prefer to replace characters (so they can have renders, etc). Those people are likely making pofos for whatever slot they intend to replace. Most people adhere to @pozzum's memory table and create pofos/movesets for whatever slot he assigns, however some people don't bother asking for him to assign a slot and simply choose an open one themselves without notifying him.

Ideally everyone would consult pozzum before creating pofos/movesets. Unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way, and even if it did some people would still be upset because they would want to use a different slot or replace.

Thankfully @Cave Waverider has created an excellent tool that easily lets you edit pofos and change their slots.

I think the confusing part for a lot of people, and maybe what's going on here, is the "SLOT number" column in Pozzum's chart, which is just numerical order and has no relevance to the pofo or moveset files, even though they are named Slot - xxx.pofo. I see a lot of people here and in tutorials referring to the pach number as slot number, then they look it up on the chart and get confused.


Requesting a Rico pofo/moveset, please.

IT DOES HAVE RELEVANCE. If you are installing a character with pac 555 you MUST install your pofo/moveset in slot 555. If you install it anywhere else then you are installing it for a different pac.


There is a slight difference in naming between 16 and 15, but the pac number and the slot number are the same.


In 2K15 the pacs were named:


And had sub-pachs inside named:






>> For this example the slot and pac number should be 555.


In 2K16 they decided to keep each sub-pach separate:






>> For this example the slot and pac number should still be 555 NOT 55502. The last two digits just refer to the attire number and whether or not it is entrance or in-ring (2 vs 4).


EDIT: I just took a look at pozzum's table again. I know what you mean now. Just treat the pach number column as being the slot number.

Edited by LordJustice17
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EDIT: I just took a look at pozzum's table again. I know what you mean now. Just treat the pach number column as being the slot number.

Right, I completely understand that now. But, back in March when I was new to WWE2K modding that was a major stumbling point and I'm sure there were/are plenty of other newbs who were confused by the SLOT number from the table not jiving with the pach number (that everyone refers to as slot number). Looking at the 2015 memory table I see that the pach numbers were sequential and would have coincided with the slot number (which is not in the chart), whereas 2016 pach numbers skip a lot of numbers and may not align with the SLOT number column. Knowing this I understand why the veterans of '15 refer to slot number and don't give it a second thought. For those new to the game though, it's confusing and not intuitive. The first mod I attempted to install was RVD after converting his '15 pac file to ch25602.pac per '16 standards. Then for the pofo and moveset I was looking for a Slot - 154 from the SLOT number column on the memory table. Didn't make sense, but eventually figured out what the vets already knew through trial and error. 

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Hello, I am a bit confused.. I am attempting to use the customer character tool, however, I am under the impression that I need a pac file, pofo, and moveset file to install a modded wrestler. How does one get the .pac file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When I add the pofo, and moveset I cannot start a match. (currently I am trying to add Yokozuna0

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Hello, I am a bit confused.. I am attempting to use the customer character tool, however, I am under the impression that I need a pac file, pofo, and moveset file to install a modded wrestler. How does one get the .pac file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When I add the pofo, and moveset I cannot start a match. (currently I am trying to add Yokozuna0

no one has released a yokozuna for 2K16 yet.  Find the pac file for the superstar you want and then find the moveset pofo here not the other way around.

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Hello guys!

Using Cheat Engine to add wrestlers, so far so good, already added like 20 of them :)

I've upped Test's moveset and pofo from here and used LeonRick's pac file. Everything's cool until the load versus screen. Loading bar freezes and I must restart the game...

Are those files compatible? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I've checked Pozzum's Hex editing of pac files maybe to switch the corresponding numbers to match the pofo?

But I really can't tell if I'm on the right track hahah! And I'm definitely no Hex guru...


Any help would be appreciated!

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does anybody have Shelton Benjamin's pofo and moveset please on a decent upload like mediafire or mega because the links I'm trying on the main database page are horrible and everytime i keep clicking skip ad instead of opening the google drive page it's opening other crappy ad page. thanks

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does anybody have Shelton Benjamin's pofo and moveset please on a decent upload like mediafire or mega because the links I'm trying on the main database page are horrible and everytime i keep clicking skip ad instead of opening the google drive page it's opening other crappy ad page. thanks

Hi Jimmy, you need to skip ad, then close the other ad page (whatever it may be) and refresh the page that has the file in... It sucks but that's how I do it. Eventually the page will either let you skip another ad to finally land on the desired page, or show you the download button from google. Keep on clicking! :lol

Hope this helps, actually I am kinda frustrated that most of the pac files are separated from pofos and movesets, rather than being in the same file altogether. It would save time and frustration for people that are new to modding...

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awesome work! thank you. does the .pac , pofo and moveset have to all be the same number? for example I downloaded bravebird31 Sasha Banks mod (ch47602.pac) and the pofo and moveset from your database are Slot 508. would that work? Thanks in advance.

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awesome work! thank you. does the .pac , pofo and moveset have to all be the same number? for example I downloaded bravebird31 Sasha Banks mod (ch47602.pac) and the pofo and moveset from your database are Slot 508. would that work? Thanks in advance.

Yeah... you must match it first. Open up the file in a hex editor, scroll until you see EMD followed by some numbers on the right. The numbers will be in the format 000xxx02 etc. Change the xxx to the pofo and moveset number and save. Then rename the file in the same way

Edited by abumaster
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awesome work! thank you. does the .pac , pofo and moveset have to all be the same number? for example I downloaded bravebird31 Sasha Banks mod (ch47602.pac) and the pofo and moveset from your database are Slot 508. would that work? Thanks in advance.

Yeah... you must match it first. Open up the file in a hex editor, scroll until you see EMD followed by some numbers on the right. The numbers will be in the format 000xxx02 etc. Change the xxx to the pofo and moveset number and save. Then rename the file in the same way

Hi abumaster, but what if I can't find any numbers next to EMD strings? Does this mean the pac file is corrupt?

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awesome work! thank you. does the .pac , pofo and moveset have to all be the same number? for example I downloaded bravebird31 Sasha Banks mod (ch47602.pac) and the pofo and moveset from your database are Slot 508. would that work? Thanks in advance.

Yeah... you must match it first. Open up the file in a hex editor, scroll until you see EMD followed by some numbers on the right. The numbers will be in the format 000xxx02 etc. Change the xxx to the pofo and moveset number and save. Then rename the file in the same way

Hi abumaster, but what if I can't find any numbers next to EMD strings? Does this mean the pac file is corrupt?

There are supposed to be numbers over there. Yeah... maybe the file is corrupt.

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