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PC Tutorial - Importing entrances from 2k15 into 2k16

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Posted (edited)

I don't have time write up a tutorial at the moment, but a description of the process is as follows, maybe someone else wants to volunteer to write up a detailed tutorial:

- Identify the entrance animation number you want to import. The easiest way to do this is open up your wwe 2k15 save in X-Packer using the moveset option. Double click the wrestler slot who's entrance motion you want to import. e.g Hogan is slot 363 and his entrance motion is 513.

- Now you need to find the entrance motion in one of the Entrance0* pac files in the evt directory of your wwe 2k15 installation. Open these files using ctrl+h in X-Packer.

- Once you locate the entrance number, in this case entrance number 513, you will notice that there are two entries, one is in the evp folder and the other is in the evz folder.

- Extract both these files somewhere


Now you are done with the 2k15 files and are ready to work with the 2k16 files.

- Navigate to the pac-evt folder in your 2k16 installation

- Make a copy of one of the pac files in here. I like to use the Rock's pac which is 100.pac. rename this pac to something which is unused in this directory, I'm going to name mine 363.pac.

- Open the pac in a hex editor and navigate to offset 00x80C. you will see two entries containing the name of the pach files in here. In this case there are two strings of "100". Rename these to the same number as your pac, in this case 363.

- Open the pac file in X-Packer using the ctrl+h option. Inject both your 2k15 entrance files into the appropriate directories i.e evp and evz. 


Now you have created the entrance motion, the only thing left to do is assign it to a wrestler.

- Open your pc save file using the ctrl+j option.

- Double click the slot of the wrestler who you want to assign this motion to. In this example I will give the Rock Hogan's entrance, so I'll double click slot 100.

- Change the preset entrance field in X-Packer to the entrance number you have created, in this case it is 363. 

- Click inject and then save changes to memory.

Test in game and you'll find the entrance motion should be assigned.


One caveat, you cannot go back into create an entrance if you have set an added entrance motion. So it's best to assign your music, tron, lighting, etc first in the create an entrance mode. Then assign your added entrance, tron, etc to your wrestler.

Edited by tekken57
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thank you so much for this Tekken also just to let you know i started again with a fresh savefile and ran the program with admin rights!! lol I can't believe it wasn't enabled lol all working now managed to install cm punk into slot 256 :)


Glad to hear that you've managed to get it working.


Yep so am I lol was starting to frustrate me lol, can I ask at the moment i'm in process of adding cm punk to the game I've got him in the menu as superstar with no render which i know new added wrestlers won't have which is fine ;) and i know how to change the strings file. What i'd like to ask you tekken is there anyway I can add CM Punk's entrance to the game or do i have to replace someone?

Posted (edited)

Hi tekken i'm not sure if i followed the tutorial properly but I'm trying to get cm punk's entrance working into the slot i've install him in which is 256 and here's what I done

1 - extracted cm punk's 131 evp and 131 evz files from WWE 2K15

2 - Made a duplicate of Rock's entrance 00100.pac file and renamed the duplicate to 00256.pac

3 - opened the created 00256.pac file in HXD and changed the two values to 256 and saved file

4 - Injected the two cm punk evp and evz files into the correct slots on the new 256 pac file

5 - Placed the new 00256.pac into the evt folder

6 - Opened up my save file using the moveset option, scrolled down to slot 256 double clicked it and changed the preset entrance to 256 and champion entrance to 256

7 - Opened up the game on the title screen and saved changes to memory but he doesn't come out with CM Punk's entrance.

Is there any steps i've not followed correctly or is it because 256 isn't a preset entrance in the game? In that case can we not add new entrance motions and only replace?



Edited by Jimmycrane1986

No this tutorial is specifically about adding entrances and not about overwriting. The process you have followed is correct, I've done exactly the same thing with RVD's entrance in slot 256 and he has the correct motion. Are you sure the values are being written into memory?


Good tutorial.

Hogans entrance is 413.

Is entrance music and the name plate working for you or just the anim? In the creation screen they work but when starting a match they're disabled.


I didn't notice before as I was playing without sound. However you are correct, it could be because the animation format is slightly different.

Also the Hogan entrance glitches as the screen remains black and when the match starts.


The screen remains black into the match if you attempt to skip the entrance. Let it play to the end and color will be fine. After he rips his shirt color returns.

Going to look further into this and winning animations.


I'm glad some of you understand this for the life of me I still can't seem to get a character from 15 to 16 no matter what I seem to do. This is highly frustrating for me. I know I must be doing something simple wrong I just have no idea what. And no offense but this tutorial is even harder to follow then other things I've been told.


got it working now Tekken but like you mention must be something to do with how the entrance animations differ from 2k15 to 2k16 because I have the same problem I managed to get CM Punk's 2k15 entrance motion into slot 256 and set it as preset entrance 256 and it works fine but has no music or nameplate so not sure what's going on there hopefully someone will find out :)


The screen remains black into the match if you attempt to skip the entrance. Let it play to the end and color will be fine. After he rips his shirt color returns.

Going to look further into this and winning animations.

Thanks for sharing that. Keep me updated on any other findings.

I'm glad some of you understand this for the life of me I still can't seem to get a character from 15 to 16 no matter what I seem to do. This is highly frustrating for me. I know I must be doing something simple wrong I just have no idea what. And no offense but this tutorial is even harder to follow then other things I've been told.

I would start with the simpler tutorials first, adding wrestlers is a very complex task. Go through all the tutorials I have posted on this site to gain a understanding of how modding this game works.

got it working now Tekken but like you mention must be something to do with how the entrance animations differ from 2k15 to 2k16 because I have the same problem I managed to get CM Punk's 2k15 entrance motion into slot 256 and set it as preset entrance 256 and it works fine but has no music or nameplate so not sure what's going on there hopefully someone will find out :)

Glad to hear that you've got it working now.


Found a workaround for entrance music not playing with 2k15 anims.

We have to use trons with bk2 that also contain music.

I tried Buff Bagwels from 2k15 and it worked.

Posted (edited)

I can confirm that adding winning animations works using the same process. The winning animations are stored the files starting with "6" followed by the wrestler ID. Offset 9C6 and 9C7 contain the reference to the entrance motion in the moveset file.

I can confirm that adding winning animations works using the same process. The winning animations are stored the files starting with "6" followed by the wrestler ID. Offset 9C6 and 9C7 contain the reference to the entrance motion in the moveset file.


Edited by tekken57

Hi Tekken been speaking to bannockburn and he said to mention this to you cos it could be something potential. I followed you're tutorial and extract Alberto Del Rio's 322 evz file and evp from 2k15 and made a duplicate of rock's 2k16 entrance pac file named it to 322 which is unused in the directory. hex edited it and changes the two values to 322 and then injected del rio's evz, evp into the new pac, opened my saved file in xpacker went to slot 504 which is the slot i have del rio, and changed his preset entrance to 322 and champion entrance to 322, saved changes to memory and in game and something very strange happened. I have bannockburn's del rio with the 3 attires he released, 2nd attire and 3rd attire works great but when i chose first attire it accessed a caw? he said to mention this to you as like i said it could be something potential, is one of the default wwe 2k16 caw templates using slot 322 for a entrance???


No this tutorial is specifically about adding entrances and not about overwriting. The process you have followed is correct, I've done exactly the same thing with RVD's entrance in slot 256 and he has the correct motion. Are you sure the values are being written into memory?

RVD is the only Entrance of 20 I'm hoping to port that I can't get to an acceptable level.  Any chance you could send me your animation file?

Posted (edited)

Just tried importing RVD's entrance and also getting bugs. I'll look into when time permits.

Edited by tekken57

Successfully added all Hogan's taunts into the game. The keyword here is ADDED, not replaced. Don't have time to type up the method at the moment, will do so later. His comeback doesn't work though, I think there is a separate animation for the opponent as he starts the comeback but gets stuck. POC:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got Hogan's entrance motions working from 2k15. The key to getting audio and nameplates is to import his advanced entrance files from 2k15 and to assign him an advanced entrance:



  • Like 1

Got Hogan's entrance motions working from 2k15. The key to getting audio and nameplates is to import his advanced entrance files from 2k15 and to assign him an advanced entrance:



Where about are the advanced entrance files from 2K15?


They are contained in the same placeas the normal entrances except they are preceded by 10*, 11*, 12*, etc. 


So the rocks advanced entrance would be 10100, 11100, 12100, etc. The files are contained in both the Evp and Evz directories, so you need to extract both. 

  • Like 2
  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)

I'm having an issue with Hogan's championship entrance. I replace Steven Regal with Hollywood.

I opened up the Entrance03.pac (2K15) with X-Packer. I extracted the 413.bpe ev2 and 413.bpe evz files. I renamed both 413 bpe files to 406 (Regans championship number in evt folder 2K16) I opened up 0406.pac from the 2K16 evt folder, and injected the renamed Hollywood 413 files into ev3 and evz2. He comes to the ring as Hollywood, but no music or name plate. His extra attires work fine though. Now I need to figure out the music and name plate.


So basically I'm having the same issues here as you guys did at first with regular entrance animation. Screen stays black and white if I skip entro. Without the title, his entry is fine. I'm so close, but so far away! Lol Not sure if I need to change something in the 413.bpe files? Not a fan of Hollywood coming to the ring as anyone with the title other than, Hollywood. :)

Edited by laddanator

So as far is I understood, replacing entrances results in the music not playing? 

Just ported 2k17 entrances to 2k16 and in create an entrance all is working well, but when playing a match the music is silent although the titantron is working. I assume there is no fix for that?

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