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Posted (edited)

1-is it true that if you go through the whole season wiv HBK at wrestlemania you get attacked / have a match wiv bret hart when done you unlock him

2-whats the difference between raw 1 and raw 2 smackdown 1 smackdown 2 areanas

Edited by jam-t

the bret hart thing aint true (i dont think so any way it comes up on this forum every now and then and its always denied)

and i cant realy tell you the diffrence between the arenas, might just be like the size of titantron or sumin like that.

Posted (edited)

cheers i didn't think the bret thing was true but someone please help me because whats the point of having 2 of the same arenas someone must know

Edited by jam-t

There's a huge difference between the arenas. Ready? The huge difference is that...............................................they have different roofs. No shit. Seems like a waste of space to me.


Actually, I believe that the 2 raw arenas have a different position of the announcer table. I havent played the game lately but that could be it. As for the smackdown arenas i have no clue, maybe different aprons or something


they might just have 2 arenas because they are mod-able by codes on cheat devices. (e.g. the smackdown arena with the climable fist code) its a dumb idea really but its the best i could come up with


smackdown and raw b also have these flickering lights on the very entryway (right before the ramp) on the edges.

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