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[Released] Sound Injector / Sound Editor - Updated: 10-11-2016

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Does the new version of sound injector fix the problem with the music of modded superstars? I mean, sometimes the theme sounds like it's double, and goes more loud and loud. It seems that the music plays over the same music, but at different times.



Posted (edited)

SI can't fix that, it's an issue with the game. 2K/Yukes/Qloc needs to fix that.. It's also a well known issue with advanced entrances (like the complete silent crowd or the silent entrance music for the second entrance). You can fix it by yourself => use an easy entrance for you modded superstars!

Edited by TheVisitorX
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Does the new version of sound injector fix the problem with the music of modded superstars? I mean, sometimes the theme sounds like it's double, and goes more loud and loud. It seems that the music plays over the same music, but at different times.

To add to that, it is a bug with advanced entrances, that has nothing to do with mods at all. It occurs with CAWs as well as the original superstars just as well. Anyone you give an advanced entrance, really. It has been fixed in the console versions some time ago, but not the PC version.

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Quick question, I'm sure it's been asked before, but I'm at work right now and don't have the time to read through 20 pages. Can anyone tell me if the sound injector only replaces entrance themes, or can I use it to replace the music that plays during the main menu and loading screens as well? I only ask because I HATE that damn Tricky song and would love to replace it with something else.


Quick question, I'm sure it's been asked before, but I'm at work right now and don't have the time to read through 20 pages. Can anyone tell me if the sound injector only replaces entrance themes, or can I use it to replace the music that plays during the main menu and loading screens as well? I only ask because I HATE that damn Tricky song and would love to replace it with something else.

You can replace the main menu music as well :) 


Oh, that's WONDERFUL! My hats off to you guys. Doin' the work of Christ over here, lol.


I download that Authoring, install and still say i dont have "Wwise CLI or your binary-path variable or version is wrong" 
A really want convert some theme song for my game 

Posted (edited)

I download that Authoring, install and still say i dont have "Wwise CLI or your binary-path variable or version is wrong" 
A really want convert some theme song for my game 

Ensure to have the 64 bit version of Wwise v2014.1.5 build 5282 (newer v2015/v2016 builds won't work) installed and make sure that in the Sound Injector Settings->Settings->WWise bin directory points to the \bin\ directory where WwiseCLI.exe is located.

Edited by Cave Waverider

Hey there, think I may have a tip if anyone is having trouble with a 'File 0 conversion failed' error, with the popup saying to make sure you are running as admin, when you already are running as admin. I noticed that this happened if I tried to convert a file with unusual characters in the name.

For example, I had one with the name 'WWE_This_Fire_Burns_►_CM_Punk_1st_Theme_Song.wav', and this failed. Once I took that character away (so it became 'WWE_This_Fire_Burns__CM_Punk_1st_Theme_Song.wav'), it worked no problem. Tried this with different files as well and the result was the same each time.

Maybe that would have been obvious to some people, but wasn't to me, so thought I'd just highlight it.

Anyway, thanks for creating a very useful tool. :)


Only issue I have encountered is that since the last time my PC restarted (I'm pretty sure this is the timeframe)  File Injector is giving me "error backup could not be created".  As far as certain injections of themes not working, I know from personal trials previously that I had issues injected the Hardy's wem into Lord Steven Regal's and King Haku's slots, but just for hahas, I injected the same Hardyz theme over Zac Brown Band's "heavy is the head" soundtrack song and when I played it back in the menu and jukebox, the Hardyz theme played.


I just used Sound Injector to replace the Evil Diva entrance theme with a song of my own. Now whenever I go to create an entrance and select the Evil Diva theme, my game freezes. As far as I can tell it's only when I select that specific theme that I replaced. I converted the file type to .wem, and didn't get any error messages from anything when I injected the theme. Is there a fix for this?


im sorry to be a pain, but i seem to be having a little bit of trouble installing wwise it just keeps saying failed to verify the package: the pipe is being closed. is it something i have done wrong, or is it just the case of re downloading wwise.. any help would be great  


im sorry to be a pain, but i seem to be having a little bit of trouble installing wwise it just keeps saying failed to verify the package: the pipe is being closed. is it something i have done wrong, or is it just the case of re downloading wwise.. any help would be great  

sorry guys feel like such a twat missed under stood the how to guild got over xsited lol all fixed and working 

im sorry to be a pain, but i seem to be having a little bit of trouble installing wwise it just keeps saying failed to verify the package: the pipe is being closed. is it something i have done wrong, or is it just the case of re downloading wwise.. any help would be great  


Just checking in, been fooling around a bit trying to see what the issue is.  In my case, SI had been working perfectly for a few weeks and only about a week and a half ago have I encountered this issue with the injection not working for superstars' themes.  Even theme slots I'd previously injected over that did work, do not any longer.  Been tooling with some PC/software settings.  To no avail thus far.


I'll keep messing around occasionally with some of these now silent theme slots, which is kinda annoying, but oh well, trial and error.  Something with my backup is screwy


Why when I want to convert music into sound injector, I get this message?



Yet I the right version of Wwise



Posted (edited)

Why when I want to convert music into sound injector, I get this message?

Are you sure you pointed it to the right directory in Sound Injector's Settings->Settings->Wwise bin-directory ? It should be the directory in which the 64 bit WwiseCLI.exe resides ( normally ...\Wwise v2014.1.5 build 5282\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\ ). Also, make sure your user account actually has the privileges to fully access that folder and the files within.

Edited by Cave Waverider

Why when I want to convert music into sound injector, I get this message?

Are you sure you pointed it to the right directory in Sound Injector's Settings->Settings->Wwise bin-directory ? It should be the directory in which the 64 bit WwiseCLI.exe resides ( normally ...\Wwise v2014.1.5 build 5282\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\ ). Also, make sure your user account actually has the privileges to fully access that folder and the files within.

@Cave Waverider  Bro i only setted the directory of game and both things working for me in game and injecting both are fine and converting also!:cool:

Posted (edited)

Why when I want to convert music into sound injector, I get this message?

Are you sure you pointed it to the right directory in Sound Injector's Settings->Settings->Wwise bin-directory ? It should be the directory in which the 64 bit WwiseCLI.exe resides ( normally ...\Wwise v2014.1.5 build 5282\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\ ). Also, make sure your user account actually has the privileges to fully access that folder and the files within.

@Cave Waverider  Bro i only setted the directory of game and both things working for me in game and injecting both are fine and converting also!:cool:

Well, Sound Injector tries to determine the directories itself, but sometimes it fails to do so (especially if you install portable versions and/or in different locations than default) and then you have to set the directory manually in Settings->Settings to get it to work. If it works withot doing so, it's great, if not, set it manually. :)

Edited by Cave Waverider

Why when I want to convert music into sound injector, I get this message?

Are you sure you pointed it to the right directory in Sound Injector's Settings->Settings->Wwise bin-directory ? It should be the directory in which the 64 bit WwiseCLI.exe resides ( normally ...\Wwise v2014.1.5 build 5282\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\ ). Also, make sure your user account actually has the privileges to fully access that folder and the files within.

@Cave Waverider  Bro i only setted the directory of game and both things working for me in game and injecting both are fine and converting also!:cool:

Well, Sound Injector tries to determine the directories itself, but sometimes it fails to do so (especially if you install portable versions and/or in different locations than default) and then you have to set the directory manually in Settings->Settings to get it to work. If it works withot doing so, it's great, if not, set it manually. :)

Yeah But Works For Me!:cool:


I can't replace Extreme 2. In Sound Injector only appears Extreme, so if I replace it, when I go to entrances both themes (extreme 1 and 2) are the same music. Any idea on how to fix it?

Posted (edited)

I can't replace Extreme 2. In Sound Injector only appears Extreme, so if I replace it, when I go to entrances both themes (extreme 1 and 2) are the same music. Any idea on how to fix it?

There isn't any known way to fix this. These themes use the same music as base. The game "remixes" one of them "on the fly" from the other one. There are other songs like that, too. It's just how the game works.

Edited by Cave Waverider

I don't know if it has already been written somewhere, but...which is the password???


There is no password for SI...

Excuse me, can I delete the backup folder ? It takes up too much space but I don't know if it is necessary anymore.

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Sure you can but please make sure that all your sound files are working as expected because you can't go back without the backup.

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