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Pozzum CE Mods & Tutorials: Nameless Slots Soon?


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If I use Match Editor to have a 2v2v2 tornado tag team with no stipulations (so no table or ladder like in the template) what's the best way to do it? Select 6-man tag team, select all my superstars, click Read and then change Team for two superstars of choice? Or should I use another mode instead of 6-man?

Also, I don't remember if I actually asked you already or I'm imagining things, but does this cause problems in Universe mode? As long as the matches play and, especially, end fine with no crashes and without messing the save file I'm good.

 according to @Skeeno it works fine in universe mode, but has some errors with title animations appearing without actually having the title on the link.


I think either way would work fine with the 2v2v2? 


If I use Match Editor to have a 2v2v2 tornado tag team with no stipulations (so no table or ladder like in the template) what's the best way to do it? Select 6-man tag team, select all my superstars, click Read and then change Team for two superstars of choice? Or should I use another mode instead of 6-man?

Also, I don't remember if I actually asked you already or I'm imagining things, but does this cause problems in Universe mode? As long as the matches play and, especially, end fine with no crashes and without messing the save file I'm good.

 according to @Skeeno it works fine in universe mode, but has some errors with title animations appearing without actually having the title on the link.


I think either way would work fine with the 2v2v2? 

Thanks, wasn't sure what was better between selecting a 2v2 and adding two more people or a 3v3 and just change teams around

Do I need to empty the cache.bin file to use matcheditor? Since I still haven't modded much it's still there, and I'd like to keep the shorter loading as long as I can.


 since it doesn't actually edit any files it should be ok.  Also with the 2v2v2 it mainly comes down to spawn location.

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Had a Problem using your trainer and match edit,The trainer says run from main menu but im already in the main menu and for the match edit it doesnt open up Help.sorry for bad english

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Hey @Pozzum, I was just playing around in the match editor, decided to try out a 1v1 2/3 falls match. Interesting thing, the announcer even says it's a 2/3 falls match, but for some reason after the first fall, the match just ends. No bell, no replay, no victory animation. Just a black exit/rematch screen.

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Hey @Pozzum, I was just playing around in the match editor, decided to try out a 1v1 2/3 falls match. Interesting thing, the announcer even says it's a 2/3 falls match, but for some reason after the first fall, the match just ends. No bell, no replay, no victory animation. Just a black exit/rematch screen.

hmm, double check that the 2/3 box is checked?

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Question for Pozzum (or for anyone else that can answer):

An earlier post in this thread mentions that it is possible to change the referee appearing in the game.  As I understand it, you can replace the ref with any other model in the game, except you can't replace the ref with CAWs.

My confusion is on the next step: I believe it says to do this, you just need to replace the ref's .pac file with a new .pac file.  I'm a little unclear about how to do this; first, where is the ref's pac file?

My initial impression is there is some folder somewhere in the steam directory with a bunch of .pac files, and I just need to copy, for example, The Rock's .pac file to replace The Referee's.pac file

 The WWE 2K 16 table has "FF 00" in the "Hex Pac" column of the refereee entry, but I'm not sure if this is what I need to be looking at, or if this is even relevant in this task.

Any insight into this would be most appreciated.  

Also, one related question while we are on this topic -- is it possible to have no ref in the game?  Like maybe have a completely "invisible" model ref?

in WWE2K16\pac\ch there is a a few reff pac files:







you need to replace these files with the wrestler you want to have as the ref.  to do that edit the pac file Like in this video to replace the ref file.

Hopefully that helps you.

Hi Pozzum,

Still having some trouble with changing the referee.  Let me explain what I did and maybe you can see where I went wrong.     There are 8 pac files corresponding to 255 in that \pac\ch directory: ch25500.pac, ch25510.pac, ch25520.pac, ch25530.pac, ch25540.pac, ch25550.pac, ch25560.pac, and ch25570.pac.    Suppose I want to make Lana be the referree.  I first looked up Lana in the memory table.  Under "DEFAULT PACH" her entry is 430.

So then I went back to the \pac\ch directory.  Looks like there is only 1 pac file for Lana, which is named ch43002.pac

So then I made 8 copies of ch43002.pac on my desktop, and renamed them ch25500.pac, ch25510.pac ... ch25570.pac.  Then I went into HXD and edited each of these files.  The only change I made in each file was on lines 800-810 (like in the tutorial) where the pac number is listed.  In this case, 43002 is listed in these files.  I replaced that 43002 with the number corresponding to name of each file, such as 25500 for the first file, 25510 for the second file, etc.   In the process I was careful not to backspace.

So then I moved the original referree eight pac files files ch25500...ch25570 from the pac/ch directory to a backup directory   And finally I copied my new ch25500..ch25570 files on my desktop into the pac/ch directory.  

Now the game matches get stuck loading screen.  I'm thinking I skipped a step or made a wrong turn somewhere in the process.

FYI: I didn't edit anything in the pofo or the moveset; I wasn't sure if I had to do this as well; I suspected not because I'm thinking whatever the default moveset file is for the referee, that's should also be fine for lana to use as the referee.  Not quite sure what the pofo file contains, sounds like wrestler info, so I didn't think I needed to change that either.     

Any insight into this would be most appreciated.

Thanks again



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Question for Pozzum (or for anyone else that can answer):

An earlier post in this thread mentions that it is possible to change the referee appearing in the game.  As I understand it, you can replace the ref with any other model in the game, except you can't replace the ref with CAWs.

My confusion is on the next step: I believe it says to do this, you just need to replace the ref's .pac file with a new .pac file.  I'm a little unclear about how to do this; first, where is the ref's pac file?

My initial impression is there is some folder somewhere in the steam directory with a bunch of .pac files, and I just need to copy, for example, The Rock's .pac file to replace The Referee's.pac file

 The WWE 2K 16 table has "FF 00" in the "Hex Pac" column of the refereee entry, but I'm not sure if this is what I need to be looking at, or if this is even relevant in this task.

Any insight into this would be most appreciated.  

Also, one related question while we are on this topic -- is it possible to have no ref in the game?  Like maybe have a completely "invisible" model ref?

in WWE2K16\pac\ch there is a a few reff pac files:







you need to replace these files with the wrestler you want to have as the ref.  to do that edit the pac file Like in this video to replace the ref file.

Hopefully that helps you.

Hi Pozzum,

Still having some trouble with changing the referee.  Let me explain what I did and maybe you can see where I went wrong.     There are 8 pac files corresponding to 255 in that \pac\ch directory: ch25500.pac, ch25510.pac, ch25520.pac, ch25530.pac, ch25540.pac, ch25550.pac, ch25560.pac, and ch25570.pac.    Suppose I want to make Lana be the referree.  I first looked up Lana in the memory table.  Under "DEFAULT PACH" her entry is 430.

So then I went back to the \pac\ch directory.  Looks like there is only 1 pac file for Lana, which is named ch43002.pac

So then I made 8 copies of ch43002.pac on my desktop, and renamed them ch25500.pac, ch25510.pac ... ch25570.pac.  Then I went into HXD and edited each of these files.  The only change I made in each file was on lines 800-810 (like in the tutorial) where the pac number is listed.  In this case, 43002 is listed in these files.  I replaced that 43002 with the number corresponding to name of each file, such as 25500 for the first file, 25510 for the second file, etc.   In the process I was careful not to backspace.

So then I moved the original referree eight pac files files ch25500...ch25570 from the pac/ch directory to a backup directory   And finally I copied my new ch25500..ch25570 files on my desktop into the pac/ch directory.  

Now the game matches get stuck loading screen.  I'm thinking I skipped a step or made a wrong turn somewhere in the process.

FYI: I didn't edit anything in the pofo or the moveset; I wasn't sure if I had to do this as well; I suspected not because I'm thinking whatever the default moveset file is for the referee, that's should also be fine for lana to use as the referee.  Not quite sure what the pofo file contains, sounds like wrestler info, so I didn't think I needed to change that either.     

Any insight into this would be most appreciated.

Thanks again



hmm.. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the ref model acted a little different.  Double check you don't have any bak files and also check that the ref have the same pac numbers inside the pac just to double check.

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@pozzum what are the ch pac files included with the NPC unlocker?

Who are they?

Those are the Rosebuds etc., since they only come with their 06 attire for Adam Rose's Entrance by default. These are the 02 (and possibly 04 attires, not sure) so you can use them in the ring and regular entrances.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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@pozzum what are the ch pac files included with the NPC unlocker?

Who are they?

Those are the Rosebuds etc., since they only come with their 06 attire for Adam Rose's Entrance by default. These are the 02 (and possibly 04 attires, not sure) so you can use them in the ring and regular entrances.


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hmm.. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the ref model acted a little different.  Double check you don't have any bak files and also check that the ref have the same pac numbers inside the pac just to double check.


Hi Pozzum,

I tried this process out again from scratch trying to make Summer Rae the ref, and then again trying to make the Rock the ref.  I was careful to remove all .bak files; and I double checked the numbers inside each pac file were correct.  The bottom line is I just couldn't make it work on any attempt.  Both times I got the exact same result as the first time, i.e. it would get stuck while it was loading the match, then I would get "WWE 2K 16 has stopped working" message.

I was under the impression that you had already successfully replaced the ref before at least one time, but it sounds like you've never actually done this or seen anyone else who has done this.  So it might not even be possible because as you say, the ref may be implemented in the code differently than the other characters.

That's really a shame because I think it would be cool for people to put in their own own custom ref.  Absent that, I would have liked to at least have had the ability to turn the ref off completely.  

But alas, it looks like the ref is here to stay.   







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hmm.. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the ref model acted a little different.  Double check you don't have any bak files and also check that the ref have the same pac numbers inside the pac just to double check.


Hi Pozzum,

I tried this process out again from scratch trying to make Summer Rae the ref, and then again trying to make the Rock the ref.  I was careful to remove all .bak files; and I double checked the numbers inside each pac file were correct.  The bottom line is I just couldn't make it work on any attempt.  Both times I got the exact same result as the first time, i.e. it would get stuck while it was loading the match, then I would get "WWE 2K 16 has stopped working" message.

I was under the impression that you had already successfully replaced the ref before at least one time, but it sounds like you've never actually done this or seen anyone else who has done this.  So it might not even be possible because as you say, the ref may be implemented in the code differently than the other characters.

That's really a shame because I think it would be cool for people to put in their own own custom ref.  Absent that, I would have liked to at least have had the ability to turn the ref off completely.  

But alas, it looks like the ref is here to stay.   







so people have replaced textures of him,  perhaps we may to actually inject parts of the pach itself over the ref.  I will try to test it this weekend though

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I'm also in favor of replacing the referee. Really don't like him.

Thank you for the match select editor. The options in the vanilla game are painfully limited.

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Using MatchEditor in Universe mode made my 2v2v2 match for the WWEWHC even though I left the "Belt" field blank. It doesn't just display the belt animation like you said could happen, it's a true tital match. It's a minor annoyance since I can just Manage the title back, but I'm wondering if there is something I can do to avoid that?

Also, the application doesn't show in my taskbar (Windows 8.1), I have to minimize all open windows to display the .exe, is it normal?

Edited by cloudropis
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Is it possible to also get a "weight hex" column included for the 100 CAWs as well?  I see this column in the first tab of the memory sheet, but not on the CAW tab.

The reason a weight hex column would be useful for CAWS is because if you are playing around with the intergender wrestlers, you can't just change the weight of your intergender wrestler inside the game.  What happens is if you've made your female wrestler a male using Cheat Engine, when the editor opens up, it automatically switches her back to female/diva, and divas only have two selectable weight classes, and they are the weaker weight classes.  Because of this, you are effectively precluded from making these wrestlers heavyweights, for example.


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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

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Using MatchEditor in Universe mode made my 2v2v2 match for the WWEWHC even though I left the "Belt" field blank. It doesn't just display the belt animation like you said could happen, it's a true tital match. It's a minor annoyance since I can just Manage the title back, but I'm wondering if there is something I can do to avoid that?

Also, the application doesn't show in my taskbar (Windows 8.1), I have to minimize all open windows to display the .exe, is it normal?

I think that was a bug for a while, but I might need to go back and fix that at some point

i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

are you using the up to date game?

Is it possible to also get a "weight hex" column included for the 100 CAWs as well?  I see this column in the first tab of the memory sheet, but not on the CAW tab.

The reason a weight hex column would be useful for CAWS is because if you are playing around with the intergender wrestlers, you can't just change the weight of your intergender wrestler inside the game.  What happens is if you've made your female wrestler a male using Cheat Engine, when the editor opens up, it automatically switches her back to female/diva, and divas only have two selectable weight classes, and they are the weaker weight classes.  Because of this, you are effectively precluded from making these wrestlers heavyweights, for example.


Added Red Colored Column with Weight, let me know if it works.

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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

Hi SneakyCastro,

I'm going to try to help you with changing a wrestler's gender, because I have successfully done this for both the default divas and the CAWs.

Note: you can't have a pirated version of the game, the memory addresses will all be different.  Second, you have to update your game to the most recent version.  I think Steam will do this for you automatically when you run WWE 2K16, provided you have an active internet connection.

Steam Engine 6.5 will work just fine; this is what I'm using.  Run WWE2K 16 first.  Then switch back to your desktop with WWE2K16 still running.  Launch Cheat Engine. select the icon with the red flashing circle around it.  Then Select the WWE 2K16 process from the list of running processes -- it's the only one with a WWE icon next to it.  Once that is done, select memory view.  Then right click anywhere on the bottom pane and select "Goto Address".  Now switch to Pozzum's memory table and find the entry for the wrestler's gender you want to change.  The address you want will be given by the row of that wrestler, and the column indicated as "Gender Hex".  Copy that address, paste it into Cheat Engine "Goto Address", and hit enter.    Now the cell you need to edit is the cell on the very top and very left most portion of the bottom pane.  If Everything has gone well, it should say "01" (indicating female) or "00" indicating male.  You can select this cell and type "00" to change a female to male (or "01" if it starts as "00" to change a male to female)

Do not close Cheat Engine. Just switch back to WWE.  Go to "myWWE".  All you have to do now is make any trivial change to a wrestler and when you press space to accept this change, it will save the contents of RAM to your hard disk.  Typically "Adam Rose" / "Crowd Reaction" gets changed because he's at the top of the list and it's the first category you can change.

I have edited Adam Rose's crowd reactions  100's of times now, 

Let me know if you still are stuck.




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Added Red Colored Column with Weight, let me know if it works.


Hi Pozzum,

Yes, the "Weight Hex" Column works -- I tested it earlier tonight.  Thanks again for adding this to the memory sheet.



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so I figured out how to change manager associations for a project I'm working on,  It's really finicky and would require a constantly loaded exe file in order to keep them changed until we find the correct files to edit.

For anyone that  wants to look into it more, the cheat engine address for the info is at 140a20bb7 

I just wanted to remove managers fomr the game so I have what I need but I could see some people wanting to edit it to edit the manager associations.


Edit: this seems to be a pointer that I can't seem to get a decent path for...

Edited by pozzum
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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

Hi SneakyCastro,

I'm going to try to help you with changing a wrestler's gender, because I have successfully done this for both the default divas and the CAWs.

Note: you can't have a pirated version of the game, the memory addresses will all be different.  Second, you have to update your game to the most recent version.  I think Steam will do this for you automatically when you run WWE 2K16, provided you have an active internet connection.

Steam Engine 6.5 will work just fine; this is what I'm using.  Run WWE2K 16 first.  Then switch back to your desktop with WWE2K16 still running.  Launch Cheat Engine. select the icon with the red flashing circle around it.  Then Select the WWE 2K16 process from the list of running processes -- it's the only one with a WWE icon next to it.  Once that is done, select memory view.  Then right click anywhere on the bottom pane and select "Goto Address".  Now switch to Pozzum's memory table and find the entry for the wrestler's gender you want to change.  The address you want will be given by the row of that wrestler, and the column indicated as "Gender Hex".  Copy that address, paste it into Cheat Engine "Goto Address", and hit enter.    Now the cell you need to edit is the cell on the very top and very left most portion of the bottom pane.  If Everything has gone well, it should say "01" (indicating female) or "00" indicating male.  You can select this cell and type "00" to change a female to male (or "01" if it starts as "00" to change a male to female)

Do not close Cheat Engine. Just switch back to WWE.  Go to "myWWE".  All you have to do now is make any trivial change to a wrestler and when you press space to accept this change, it will save the contents of RAM to your hard disk.  Typically "Adam Rose" / "Crowd Reaction" gets changed because he's at the top of the list and it's the first category you can change.

I have edited Adam Rose's crowd reactions  100's of times now, 

Let me know if you still are stuck.




i discovered through trial and error that the top left digits on mine aren't the ones for the gender. i don't know if something is wonky with my game, but the digits right below it were 01, so i changed it to 00 and she was then a male competitor. I appreciate the help on this.

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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

Hi SneakyCastro,

I'm going to try to help you with changing a wrestler's gender, because I have successfully done this for both the default divas and the CAWs.

Note: you can't have a pirated version of the game, the memory addresses will all be different.  Second, you have to update your game to the most recent version.  I think Steam will do this for you automatically when you run WWE 2K16, provided you have an active internet connection.

Steam Engine 6.5 will work just fine; this is what I'm using.  Run WWE2K 16 first.  Then switch back to your desktop with WWE2K16 still running.  Launch Cheat Engine. select the icon with the red flashing circle around it.  Then Select the WWE 2K16 process from the list of running processes -- it's the only one with a WWE icon next to it.  Once that is done, select memory view.  Then right click anywhere on the bottom pane and select "Goto Address".  Now switch to Pozzum's memory table and find the entry for the wrestler's gender you want to change.  The address you want will be given by the row of that wrestler, and the column indicated as "Gender Hex".  Copy that address, paste it into Cheat Engine "Goto Address", and hit enter.    Now the cell you need to edit is the cell on the very top and very left most portion of the bottom pane.  If Everything has gone well, it should say "01" (indicating female) or "00" indicating male.  You can select this cell and type "00" to change a female to male (or "01" if it starts as "00" to change a male to female)

Do not close Cheat Engine. Just switch back to WWE.  Go to "myWWE".  All you have to do now is make any trivial change to a wrestler and when you press space to accept this change, it will save the contents of RAM to your hard disk.  Typically "Adam Rose" / "Crowd Reaction" gets changed because he's at the top of the list and it's the first category you can change.

I have edited Adam Rose's crowd reactions  100's of times now, 

Let me know if you still are stuck.




i discovered through trial and error that the top left digits on mine aren't the ones for the gender. i don't know if something is wonky with my game, but the digits right below it were 01, so i changed it to 00 and she was then a male competitor. I appreciate the help on this.

guessing that wonky thing is that your game is pirated?

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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

Hi SneakyCastro,

I'm going to try to help you with changing a wrestler's gender, because I have successfully done this for both the default divas and the CAWs.

Note: you can't have a pirated version of the game, the memory addresses will all be different.  Second, you have to update your game to the most recent version.  I think Steam will do this for you automatically when you run WWE 2K16, provided you have an active internet connection.

Steam Engine 6.5 will work just fine; this is what I'm using.  Run WWE2K 16 first.  Then switch back to your desktop with WWE2K16 still running.  Launch Cheat Engine. select the icon with the red flashing circle around it.  Then Select the WWE 2K16 process from the list of running processes -- it's the only one with a WWE icon next to it.  Once that is done, select memory view.  Then right click anywhere on the bottom pane and select "Goto Address".  Now switch to Pozzum's memory table and find the entry for the wrestler's gender you want to change.  The address you want will be given by the row of that wrestler, and the column indicated as "Gender Hex".  Copy that address, paste it into Cheat Engine "Goto Address", and hit enter.    Now the cell you need to edit is the cell on the very top and very left most portion of the bottom pane.  If Everything has gone well, it should say "01" (indicating female) or "00" indicating male.  You can select this cell and type "00" to change a female to male (or "01" if it starts as "00" to change a male to female)

Do not close Cheat Engine. Just switch back to WWE.  Go to "myWWE".  All you have to do now is make any trivial change to a wrestler and when you press space to accept this change, it will save the contents of RAM to your hard disk.  Typically "Adam Rose" / "Crowd Reaction" gets changed because he's at the top of the list and it's the first category you can change.

I have edited Adam Rose's crowd reactions  100's of times now, 

Let me know if you still are stuck.




i discovered through trial and error that the top left digits on mine aren't the ones for the gender. i don't know if something is wonky with my game, but the digits right below it were 01, so i changed it to 00 and she was then a male competitor. I appreciate the help on this.

guessing that wonky thing is that your game is pirated?

no sir, steam all the way. i did however run into an issue with the wwe 2k16 failed to start type error after swapping some custom titantrons and minitrons, so i downloaded an old .exe for the game from a forum and it fixed the problem. The funny thing was the trons i added were fine, i thought it was an error on my part with the trons.

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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

Hi SneakyCastro,

I'm going to try to help you with changing a wrestler's gender, because I have successfully done this for both the default divas and the CAWs.

Note: you can't have a pirated version of the game, the memory addresses will all be different.  Second, you have to update your game to the most recent version.  I think Steam will do this for you automatically when you run WWE 2K16, provided you have an active internet connection.

Steam Engine 6.5 will work just fine; this is what I'm using.  Run WWE2K 16 first.  Then switch back to your desktop with WWE2K16 still running.  Launch Cheat Engine. select the icon with the red flashing circle around it.  Then Select the WWE 2K16 process from the list of running processes -- it's the only one with a WWE icon next to it.  Once that is done, select memory view.  Then right click anywhere on the bottom pane and select "Goto Address".  Now switch to Pozzum's memory table and find the entry for the wrestler's gender you want to change.  The address you want will be given by the row of that wrestler, and the column indicated as "Gender Hex".  Copy that address, paste it into Cheat Engine "Goto Address", and hit enter.    Now the cell you need to edit is the cell on the very top and very left most portion of the bottom pane.  If Everything has gone well, it should say "01" (indicating female) or "00" indicating male.  You can select this cell and type "00" to change a female to male (or "01" if it starts as "00" to change a male to female)

Do not close Cheat Engine. Just switch back to WWE.  Go to "myWWE".  All you have to do now is make any trivial change to a wrestler and when you press space to accept this change, it will save the contents of RAM to your hard disk.  Typically "Adam Rose" / "Crowd Reaction" gets changed because he's at the top of the list and it's the first category you can change.

I have edited Adam Rose's crowd reactions  100's of times now, 

Let me know if you still are stuck.




i discovered through trial and error that the top left digits on mine aren't the ones for the gender. i don't know if something is wonky with my game, but the digits right below it were 01, so i changed it to 00 and she was then a male competitor. I appreciate the help on this.

guessing that wonky thing is that your game is pirated?

no sir, steam all the way. i did however run into an issue with the wwe 2k16 failed to start type error after swapping some custom titantrons and minitrons, so i downloaded an old .exe for the game from a forum and it fixed the problem. The funny thing was the trons i added were fine, i thought it was an error on my part with the trons.

ah.  Yeah, if you download the new exe and apply the patch fix the game should load again. the first patch of the game kind of broke mods.

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i couldn't get any of the gender hexes to work, it seems that digit on all superstars gives me 04.  changing the digit does nothing. same goes for unlock hex and on all superstars. im using cheat engine 6.5

Hi SneakyCastro,

I'm going to try to help you with changing a wrestler's gender, because I have successfully done this for both the default divas and the CAWs.

Note: you can't have a pirated version of the game, the memory addresses will all be different.  Second, you have to update your game to the most recent version.  I think Steam will do this for you automatically when you run WWE 2K16, provided you have an active internet connection.

Steam Engine 6.5 will work just fine; this is what I'm using.  Run WWE2K 16 first.  Then switch back to your desktop with WWE2K16 still running.  Launch Cheat Engine. select the icon with the red flashing circle around it.  Then Select the WWE 2K16 process from the list of running processes -- it's the only one with a WWE icon next to it.  Once that is done, select memory view.  Then right click anywhere on the bottom pane and select "Goto Address".  Now switch to Pozzum's memory table and find the entry for the wrestler's gender you want to change.  The address you want will be given by the row of that wrestler, and the column indicated as "Gender Hex".  Copy that address, paste it into Cheat Engine "Goto Address", and hit enter.    Now the cell you need to edit is the cell on the very top and very left most portion of the bottom pane.  If Everything has gone well, it should say "01" (indicating female) or "00" indicating male.  You can select this cell and type "00" to change a female to male (or "01" if it starts as "00" to change a male to female)

Do not close Cheat Engine. Just switch back to WWE.  Go to "myWWE".  All you have to do now is make any trivial change to a wrestler and when you press space to accept this change, it will save the contents of RAM to your hard disk.  Typically "Adam Rose" / "Crowd Reaction" gets changed because he's at the top of the list and it's the first category you can change.

I have edited Adam Rose's crowd reactions  100's of times now, 

Let me know if you still are stuck.




i discovered through trial and error that the top left digits on mine aren't the ones for the gender. i don't know if something is wonky with my game, but the digits right below it were 01, so i changed it to 00 and she was then a male competitor. I appreciate the help on this.

guessing that wonky thing is that your game is pirated?

no sir, steam all the way. i did however run into an issue with the wwe 2k16 failed to start type error after swapping some custom titantrons and minitrons, so i downloaded an old .exe for the game from a forum and it fixed the problem. The funny thing was the trons i added were fine, i thought it was an error on my part with the trons.

ah.  Yeah, if you download the new exe and apply the patch fix the game should load again. the first patch of the game kind of broke mods.

Yes. You can safely update to the latest version and then use the Data Editor's "Fix Startup Crash with Mods" button to easily install the fix without much hassle if you can't get the instructions in the video to work properly. Check the Data Editor Tutorials for detailed instructions on how to do that.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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