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Brave's Part-Timer Heel Turn: AJ Styles (Entrance Attire) Release


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Update: I just replaced the original Puma/ Ricochet files with an updated version where the bodies should be less shiny. 

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Dude Ricochet/Prince Puma is awesome! Thank you so much for creating him. Top notch work man :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 




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I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 




this one is truly #phenomenal1 :D

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I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 




Your Aj Styles is my favourite and I still use it in my game,  the only thing missing from the model is the hood/jacket for his ring entrance.

I hope you'll update it soon.

Thanks in advance and congratulations for your work.

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I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 




I'd love to create an attire pack for this one. :)

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I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 




Been waiting for a long time bro. Wonderful :p

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shall you be making Will Ospreay and if yes then please make the and cold variant  




Edited by Shekhar29
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I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 




just one request bro...... only update the attire.. other than that ur AJ is pure perfection..... please dont change the model or the face .. its just an opinion though... 

also if u could adjust the skin tone of the face and the body to an equilibrium @bravebird31

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I was bored and started on an update on AJ Styles a couple of weeks ago (No other attires at the moment, don't have the time): 

Love the face texture... looks great :)

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I like the AJ v216, especially the details on the attire and the face and eyes looking wonderful from up front. Thank you very much for releasing him. :)
While the V216 AJ looks amazing great from up front and from afar, although at different angles he looks a little odd, especially profile shots, but they haven't been great with any of the mods so far (although arguably the best with your V1 AJ).
he hair looks like a wig when in action at times, not sure why. Maybe it's the 2D hair that doesn't quite match up with the 3D hair. Maybe brightening the hair texture would help, or even removing the 2D hair that shows through, not sure. Perhaps he also looks a little bit too "clean" and like an action figure in the face and the body both skin and facial/body hair (Tekken's version sure looks a bit more rugged, but possibly too much so, as can be seen in the side-by-side shot in the bottom right), some wrinkles and a bit more pronounced facial/body hair could probably help with that. Nothing some texture tweaks won't fix.

Overall I still prefer your V1 AJ from a model standpoint as it still gives me the most authentic AJ Styles vibe. If he'd be given the actual tights, boots, gloves, elbow pad and jacket from V2 as well as less blurry body textures (especially the Tattoo on his side), he'd be close to perfect.

Here are Brave's AJ Styles V1 (Black, Blue, White) and AJ Styles V2 (Black, White, Silver) together in the ring for side-by-side comparisons:
When just thinking of them individually, I thought V1 was just slightly better from a model standpoint. But seeing them together in the ring, it's like night and day. As if V2 is an impostor or son of V1 (who actually looks like the real AJ is standing in the ring there), haha. V1 looks great from almost all angles, too.
I'd really love to see V1 with the 3D gear and gear textures (as well as it's textures and maps) from V2 instead of the painted on tights and gloves and perhaps a clearer Tattoo on the side of his torso. Would you perhaps be willing and able to do that, Brave, if you find the time? Or, since you're likely short on time, perhaps outsource it to someone good with adding the 3D gear from V2 to the model of V1, if there are any volunteers (I'd definitely think there would be)?

The combination of the two would truly be one of the most phenomenal mods to date, if not the most phenomenal. I'd certainly be willing to help out and create an attire pack for such. :)

Edited by Cave Waverider
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