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Broken Dreams Mods - Max Moon Released


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I know a lot of people don't remember this guy, but i'm giving myself a challenge making this

Max Moon


Edited by Broken Dreams
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Good start with Max Moon, looking good, attire looks spot on!!! Look forward to seeing the finished article!!! 😊👍

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Wough... the attire looks great, I've been waiting for this Konnan alter ego :D
Now my life is complete :lol

Edited by abumaster
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Awesome job on Max Moon.  Even though he was short lived, he was a favorite of mine when I was a kid.  I remember the Paul Diamond version...didn't realize Konnan played the character as well!

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I'm releasing Wright, can't get the jacket to work properly with the body, it's just gliching on the back area, everything else looks fine, but i only include the inring attire, if i can find a way to add a proper jacket that doesn't glitch, i'll update the file later on.

Download Alex Wright:


Could you also make the Green attire (Light green) and orange (light orange) attires, as they are, you know, his classic attires. (Whenever you can fix the 'glitch from the jacket'). That'd be awesome.

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Titus looks great. And wow, Max Moon isn't an attire I expected to see, but looks really good.

Just wondering though, do you have any plans to do an Xavier Woods mitb attier to go with the others?

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Max Moon Released


Finished Max Moon






Titus O'Neil Released


Titus O'Neil's USA Attire(Worn on 4th of July Raw)


Big Show's USA Attire:


Final Previews for Big Show






Ryder's USA themed attire released


Ryder's USA Themed Attire





Download Link for both the shirt and the new song(wem format)


Disco Inferno nWo entrance shirt Download:



Disco Inferno Released


Disco Inferno Preview



Download Alex Wright:


First previews on Alex Wright, no jacket at the moment, but i'll try to add it up, used a couple of them already, but they were glitching.








Second part of the tutorial is up, more advanced things are talked about in the video link down below


Had a problem at the end of the video with the movement of the model i added, i'll try to find out a way to have it work better later.


Ok so here's the video link for the First Part Of How To Mod WWE 2K16, This is more for the beginners, but you'll might find something useful for yourself aswell:


I hope you guys enjoy the long video, a lot of stuff has been talked about in 1h 30 min time

Links for programs you'll need to use is going to be in the video description


Part 2 of more advanced stuff will be posted later on, haven't recorded it yet and it's pretty late in here anyways, don't want to talk quietly throughout the video.


I'm releasing Big E and Kofi, don't know if i'll go on to make Xavier Woods

Download link:


Big E is finished, now only Xavier is left, gonna take some time, but i'll try to get him finished aswell.


Fully Finished Kofi, i could improve the boots, but eh, its all on the model, it doesn't matter too much what i give to the texture.


Even tho i didn't post anything for nearly 2 days, i wasn't inactive, but it took me this whole time to make Kofi Kingston's MITB attire, but still some stuff is left from this being finished.


And a video of this attire in action, note, that entrances are 30 fps, so the quality of the attire looks way worse in the video, even at 1080p.


I don't know if i'm gonna make every single one of the New Day's trio MITB attires, but i'm trying my shot at Big E first, i'll try to make his jacket later aswell.


Curt Hawkins Released


It's gonna include an entrance and an in-ring file which you'll need to rename to whatever number you want to.

Curt Hawkins Full Preview(Jacket and the hat added after the first previews)


Added the HypeBros shirt for my previous Zack Ryder Mod, that i had made.




Full Entrance for both Mojo and Zack


Mojo Rawley Download:


Mojo Rawley Preview:





Rusev Released:



Rusev final previews(fixed the alphas on boots and some textures)


The Shining Stars released:


Okay so here's a video preview of the Shining Stars(Video is darker compared to what you will get in game!)



Buddy Murphy Released:


NXT's Buddy Murphy

Newest Solo Attire.


Jack Swagger Download:




And a video of it(just saying the quality of the video is different compared to what you will get ingame)
Simon Gotch released



Viktor Released:


The Vaudevillains released



Titus O'Neil




Zack Ryder's New Era Attire Released:


Zack Ryder Previews



Old releases are below(click reveal hidden contents)


Hidden Content


Hello, In the old 'release' that you have, I tried to download Rick Rude's pack. but only one file shows up. Is it possible to have the other in the pac as well? PM me please. Thanks in advance & Keep up the good work.

Edited by pozzum
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I'm done with all the bs, mod stealing and hate.


Wow, what happened? :(

what he means by hate? I think on Youtube coz i saw he got lots of dislikes on most videos and who stole hiz mods?

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It is very sad to see you go but I understand your point

but i still don't understand why he says hate? when did people hate on him?

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Not sure about the hate but I know someone did something they weren't suppose to in another thread. I honestly don't know why people just can't ask. The modding community need to have some kind of encryption pac tool one day if that's even possible. I hate that a certain few can take away great people like this. I mostly concentrate on what I do here but to see people have no respect for the original creators is something that irritates me. I have mad respect for any character modelers because its another art form and know how much is involved. I hope this isn't a permanent leave Broken but I completely understand if it is and wish only the best. One of my fav modders

Edited by BT292
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He was honestly one of my favorite people around here as well. And not just because of his fantastic mods or his openness to everyone's requests. He was one of the very few people who actually took the time to help newcomers get acclimated to the daunting world of WWE character modeling. He willingly created hours worth of tutorials and how-to videos regarding this topic - extremely beneficial for those of us with perhaps the will to get started, but not necessarily the technical know-how.

This community has its fair share of amazing people, and I'm not trying to marginalize anybody when I say this, but losing someone the caliber of Broken Dreams - a guy with over a decade's worth of modding experience under his belt and a rare willingness to teach others - is a pretty tough pill to swallow. 

To the people (or person) who fucked this up, thanks a lot. 

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