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where is the code for caw 31 to have 1 leg?

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where is it? i saw it b4 but i cant find it

im pretty sure it was tokidoim who hacked it


Example : CAW 31 is named Zach & missing right leg ( HEX ) ( I know Zach Gowen's Left Leg is gone, but the game uses the left leg to determine ring height...when I did this to the left leg, his right leg was beneath the ring level )

0041EB2D 00000080 : CAW 31 R Thigh Height is minimum

1041EB2E 00008080 : CAW 31 R Leg + R Ankle1 Height are minimum

0041EB2F 00000080 : CAW 31 R Ankle2 Height is minimum

0041EB43 00000080 : CAW 31 R Leg Width is minimum

1041EB44 00008080 : CAW 31 R Ankle1 + R Ankle2 Width is minimum

1041EB58 00008080 : CAW 31 R Leg + Ankle1 Thickness is minimum

2041EC58 6863615A : CAW 31's Name ( or first 4 letters if you already have a CAW 31 ) is Zach

Directions : If you have no CAW 31, don't freak out when you go to edit appearance and there's nobody there. You'll first have to select a base model. After you do, hit decision until you're back on the New/Edit/Copy/Delete/Save+Exit Menu. Then go back in and You'll see the effects of the code. You'll still see a couple of spots where there's tiny spikes sticking out of his upper thighs. Once you give him short pants ( solid black ) and black boots you won't see it anymore. This code automatically puts CAW 31 as a season entry. If you don't want him in season mode, once you've got the appearance you want, you can copy him to another slot and delete CAW 31.

Finally there's a use for that stupid bunny hop animation.


For a cool effect wit that code u can put some dark red patterns with a little bit of white down by his stump to make it look like he got his leg cut off or sumthin. Everyone probly already figured that by now tho.


its in hex form and yeah, he still runs like he has 2 legs but u can use create a walk to yer.. create a walk for him


Here's one:

One legged CAW in Slot 31:










When people ask that you should say wat format, like PAL or NTSC, becoz they are 2 different things

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