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Keiji Mutoh - Two slots added (8/12/15)

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This is FANTASTIC should have way more views and replies. 


  • Like 1

Really liking the variety of Mutoh attires. Hopefully we get some Great Muta variations in the future!

Posted (edited)

This is FANTASTIC should have way more views and replies. 


Thanks, Doc! 


For those asking, there are plenty more slots to come. Next ones I'm going to get to work on are Masked Muta... 


Oh, and one thing I could do with some help with is a moveset! I don't have much free time and although I'd love to spend the time watching tapes and putting together a set like I used to I just can't find the time atm :( If anyone could grab my 2K14 moveset for me and maybe record it / type it up so I could use it as a base it'd be much appreciated! 

Edited by Petchy
  • Like 1

Hey petch ask ageofsandow I think he may help

Rest great mutoh as always ..you making any different people or wrestlers after all the mutch slots are done


right on i love masked muta he always comes out with the sickest looking outfits


Good luck doing masked Muta, will be a pain in the ass. I miss last gen.


Your best bet would be to use the demon Kane mask I think. 

Your Mutoh slots are looking incredible!

  • 2 weeks later...

Frankly your work is great and I want to know when you get out Keiji Mutoh?


Petchy I can get started on a Mutoh Moveset if you like.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of updates on this, haven't had time to start a moveset or anything yet! 

To tide some of you over, I did create a Starrcade '97 Sting alternate attire that is up on PSN...


Tags: Sting, Petchy, Smacktalks


Excellent job on both Sting & Mutoh. Looking forward to both. 


right on man love the sting & can't wait for Mutoh also psyched to see the Muta previews when you get there masked especially.


Hi, Petchy. I signed up just to thank you for this. I been wanting a Keiji Mutoh and I don't create an y more. Everything e lse before yours have been bleh. Thanks so much!

Posted (edited)

if you need a moveset, maybe i'll try his...after I finish low ki. if someone's taken him up, I won't bother though. let  me know because I've done sets for people before and in the end they didn't need them.

Edited by AgeofSandow
  • 2 weeks later...

Can't seem to find your Mutoh...what are his search tags?

Posted (edited)

Started work on Masked attires now btw guys.


Also put a few alt attires up on CC too - '02 Goldust and '07 Undertaker. 

Edited by Petchy
  • Like 3

Honestly this CAW is going to be so great I don't even mind waiting.

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