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Moveset request for AKI Original Characters

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Back during the N64 and PS1 generation AKI and THQ created some really fun games in WCW vs NWO World Tour and WCW vs NWO Revenge. While those games paled in comparison to WWF No Mercy and Wrestlemania 2000, the WCW games gave us some rather unquie original characters. It wasn't until years later I began to understand that these OC's were stand-ins for real life Japanese Stars. I am trying to recreate the original characters from these games and modernize their look a bit, but I was looking for some parteners more familiar with Japanese wrestling to help me out with move sets.

If anyone is willing here are the first five movesets I could use in the development of this project.

Mitsuharu Misawa Wu Fang The Jaguar
Toshiaki Kawada Shogun
Kenta Kobashi Sam ""the Executioner" Song
Jumbo Tsuruta Dr. Frank
Steve Williams/Gary Albright Jekel 
Akira Taue Maya Inca Boy

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