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My Hogan Caws

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Hollywood Hulk Hogan(red and yellow attire)

credit: me(Wilks, I am logged in as CRW21 at Hacking Hideout)

1. Skin 7 color(-87, -15) shade(8)

2. face 24, model 23 DEFAULT

3. eyes 34 DEFAULT

4. eyebrows 1 color(-94, 20)

5. lips 1 DEFAULT

6. hair 34 color(-80, 9) shade(-14) length(16)

7. underware DEFAULT

*facial hair*

8. facial hair 12 color(-87, -100) trans.(-100)

9. facial hair 37 color(-86, 80) shade(-89)

10. design/wwe/face/34. rotate 3 times, reduce 3 times. move down 50 times and move

left 20 times. color(34, 75) shade(-100)

11. copy step 10. edit: rotate 2 times, move right 1 time

12. design/wwe/face/34. rotate 1 time, reduce 3 times. move down 50 times and move

right 15 times. color(34, 75) shade(-100)

13. copy step 12. edit: rotate 2 times, move left 1 time

14. clothes/long hemline/ 1/1/1 color(100, -15) shade(9) length(100). entrance only

15. design/wwe/body/34 move up 7 times, move right 1 time. color(-56, 50) shade(100)

entrance only

16. design/simple/back/149. reduce 2 times, center on back and move all the way up then

move down 9 times. color(-78, 36). entrance only

17. copy step 16. edit: reduce 1 time, move down 9 times. entrance only

18. copy step 17. edit: reduce 3 times, move down 3 times. entrance only

19. head accessories 64 DEFAULT. entrance only

20. tights(these arent accurate but I thought they looked cool) 1/273 color(-65, 9)


21. kneepads/left only/1/1/1 color(100, 9)

22. shoes 13/128/1 color(-73, 9) shade(100)

23. kneepads/both/5/1 color(100, -2) shade(9)

24. wristbands 1/1 color(12, 100) shade(-100) length(100)

25. accessories/lower/belt 12 color(-63, 44) shade(54)

26. design/simple/body/153. rotate 1 time, reduce 2 times, move down 32 times and move

right 1 time color(-60, 21)

27. copy step 26. edit: move down 2 times

28. design/simple/body/155. reduce 2 times, move down 33 times and right 1 time

color(19, -15) shade(-100)

29. caps and hats 11/1 color(-62, 9) shade(100) Always on or entrance only

30-35. design/letters/back/alphabet 5 of 16

H: reduce 2 times, move down 31 times, move left 16 times

O: reduce 2 times, move down 31 times, move left 7 times

G: reduce 2 times, move down 31 times, move right 2 times

A: reduce 2 times, move down 31 times, move right 11 times

N: reduce 2 times, move down 31 times,move right 21 times

color(100, 9)


body morphing(0, -100)

head(-18, -35, 15)

neck(63, 62, 0)

chest(30, -36, -1)

shoulders(-20, 50, -1)

abdomen(69, 4, 67)

arms(87, 25, 0)

forearms(4, 14)

hands(14, 50, -2)

waist(8, -7)

thigh(18, -2)

legs(14, -1, 0)

feet(-36, -9, -12)



no sorry about that but if someone could take somethat would be great


I just realized that I made some mistakes in the typing on the CAW instructions. Here are the corrections

on both CAWs:steps 16, 17, 18-rotate once before you change size

and the colors should be:color(-81, 46) shade(-47)

Layers 25 and 26 on the nWo attire are unecessary so you can delete them

Also, you dont have to do this but I thought it looked better. Edit the shoes to type 7, 164, 1. Red and yellow attire:colors(-69, 22) shade(100) length(7). nWo attire:colors(30, -40) shade(0) length(7)


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