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Help with Hex / Renders

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Hiya guys i have been playing about with the renders and with HEX to see how we can finally link our community DLC wrestlers to a render. So far i have managed to locate the mysterious black render which is located as B0E1B27F.pac amongst the rest of the renders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WWE 2K15\pac\menu\Assets\_SingleRead\ssface\typeb - After opening the Pac file in HEX and comparing it to others this is the difference. Is there anyone that is solid in HEX that could reassign this to different slots?

Blank :





I don't think the assigning happens in this file. It probably happens in the slot number, as we have seen slot 471 randomly showing a Triple H render. This is not proven however, just what I'm guessing.

Posted (edited)

Is it possible that the NPCs that don't have renders assigned are automatically given the dummy render as there is a number in 0BCDC029.pac in offset 030 that shows 0417_tripleh_retro.dds. Could it be that when those values of bytes are changed to dummy.dds that he has the dummy render? The 0417 would suggest that the file comes from what is referenced in the pac. I know that @tekken57 was able to rename the file names for HTM and Sgt. Slaughter, and they showed up with no issues.

Edited by jakeypearce

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