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Posted (edited)

hi im looking for a wwf smackdown 2 know your role! rom or iso. i already own the game however my autistic brother decided that it was getting destroyed by a hammer! if any body could help me out please. thanks in advance :)

Edited by scoot
  • 3 weeks later...


im sure you can spare $2 to get another copy....


autisim, is not something to joke about, baillie, my 5 year old son happens to be autistic, if i were you, think before you open mouth >:


I dunno, I find it hard to believe a man with a 5 year old sun posts on a SmackDown! board, not only that, but he's uses an angry smiley while he's at it...

i already own the game however my autistic brother decided that it was getting destroyed by a hammer!

It's like parents that bitch that their 12 year old son murdered another kid because he played a violent game which wasn't intended for him to play. How'd the kid get the game? The parents.

How'd the brother get the hammer? The whole story has plot holes...it's like an The X-Files all over again...


hi i havent been looking on the smackdown 2 forum latley but im glad to see that other people are on the same mind set as me on autism i would also like to add that what kosstamojan 666 said about joking about autism is right its no lafin matter ive been very annoyed with people over the years who have 'joked' about it before my brother cant help what happened to him and i love him all the same as a brother who wouldent have autism. he beats me up day in and day out and i dont even fight back i simply block his attacks. oh and just to clear another thing up my brother saw an episode of the simpsons were maggie sees something on t.v and copys it with a malet on homer. he copys everything he possibly can from the simpsons/futurama he even goes to the lengths of letting the dog out to roam free, then i have to chase him. so when i say i feel very strongly about my brother and what he cant help i damm wel meen it! again thanks to the people who have backed me up over this so far.


i smell a "serious issues" topic coming on....

Posted (edited)

not really twist, i dont see it happening, jitz is just being an asshole, btw scoot, i applaud you on that ability, it takes a lot of patience to deal with an autistic child, belive me i know, fourtuanetley my parents have been gracious enough to help, by adopting him in to our family they have the ability to deal with the situation better than i can, i wouldnt take too seriously what jitz or jizz if you prefere to call him, seriously, people like him have no fucking clue what we deal with on a daily basis, as always people that dont understand are likely to insult people that have this problem or deal with this problem on a basis

and this guy just asked where to find a iso for sd2! and you people give him shit about it because his brother broke it, you should be ashamed of it, and if you aint you are sad little people.

btw scoot i have a couple of rom sites that might have it, http://www.emuparadise.org is one, if not i would sugesst that you use either google to find them or try ask jeeves

Edited by kosstamojan 666

thanks kosstamojan 666 for the site name advice and for been kool about the subject. at least there are some people out there that have the decency and can understand what its like unlike some people i wont mention names coz it would only cause more arguments!

Posted (edited)

no prob scoot, anything to help a fellow hacker, i suggest getting some n64 roms including the no mercy rom, you have to have a emulator though to play the games. project 64 is the best for emulating the 64,

epsxe is the psx emulator but you have to have the bios to run it

any questions, pm me on here and ill get back to you

Edited by kosstamojan 666

Fuck sake, I just thought you might have been joking, don't get all whatever...


listen it aint too nice avin people bitchin bout your familly all the time. it might sound like im joking but im not. its realy not the best circumstances having an autistic child in the familly, and i can understand that some people have it worse but you should still take in to consideration what is been said before you say it. having said all that im willing to leave it at that if you feel the same way.


hi just to let you know i have the iso file now so theres no need to post anymore on this topic


i wouldnt bet on it....it was probably done till i decided to post this :p

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