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Moveset Hacking

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Would it be possible to make the pop up powerbomb reversal work as a regular move with this?

I think you can't use a reversal as a regular move it will only damage yourself.


Here's the list of moves from Moves Pack DLC :-

E5C5 - Backslide Driver

E2C5 - Bridging Package Powerbomb

B4E2 - Calf Killer

B8C7 - Chicken Wing Gut Buster

C9C5 - Cravate Suplex

E0C5 - Cross-Leggeg Fisherman Buster

DEC5 - Crunchy

8084 - Discus Big Boot

E9C5 - Double Underhook Piledriver

B6C7 - Electric Chair German Suplex

E4C5 - End of Days

FAE2 - Figure Four Head Scissor

E8C5 - Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker

E7C5 - Fireman's Carry Overhead Kick

46D9 - Gutwrench Suplex Combo

7EDB - Handspring Cutter

6D85 - Hart Attack

E1C5 - Knee Drop Brainbuster

DFC5 - Kudo Driver

BCC7 - Lumbar Check

6F85 - More Bang

7085 - New Generation Combo

E6C5 - Northern Lights/Brainbuster

B5C7 - Rack Attack

C7E2 - Rear Naked Choke

87DB - Running Knee Smash

32EA - Sister Abigail 3

EAC5 - Somersault Cutter

6E85 - Spike Piledriver 2

7185 - Spike Tombstone Piledriver

E3C5 - Spinning Powerbomb

B7C7 - Straight Jacket German Suplex

7E84 - Strong Style Knee Strike

B3E2 - Tequila Sunrise

86DB - Uso Crazy      


Here's the list of moves from Moves Pack DLC :-

E5C5 - Backslide Driver

E2C5 - Bridging Package Powerbomb

B4E2 - Calf Killer

B8C7 - Chicken Wing Gut Buster

C9C5 - Cravate Suplex

E0C5 - Cross-Leggeg Fisherman Buster

DEC5 - Crunchy

8084 - Discus Big Boot

E9C5 - Double Underhook Piledriver

B6C7 - Electric Chair German Suplex

E4C5 - End of Days

FAE2 - Figure Four Head Scissor

E8C5 - Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker

E7C5 - Fireman's Carry Overhead Kick

46D9 - Gutwrench Suplex Combo

7EDB - Handspring Cutter

6D85 - Hart Attack

E1C5 - Knee Drop Brainbuster

DFC5 - Kudo Driver

BCC7 - Lumbar Check

6F85 - More Bang

7085 - New Generation Combo

E6C5 - Northern Lights/Brainbuster

B5C7 - Rack Attack

C7E2 - Rear Naked Choke

87DB - Running Knee Smash

32EA - Sister Abigail 3

EAC5 - Somersault Cutter

6E85 - Spike Piledriver 2

7185 - Spike Tombstone Piledriver

E3C5 - Spinning Powerbomb

B7C7 - Straight Jacket German Suplex

7E84 - Strong Style Knee Strike

B3E2 - Tequila Sunrise

86DB - Uso Crazy      

Very nice work malan1998


Thanks for the movelist. Here are the complete list of moves from all the dlc's:


Move IDMove text  
F42C10 Count Punch 
94C8110th Street Slam 
EEC312 Step 
25EA123 Kicks 
53D72 Small & 1 Big Elbow Drop 
59D73 Point Handstand Headlock 
32B0450 Splash 
4AB0450 Splash 2 
9B90A Rich Man 
2E92A Very Bad Guy 1 
2F92A Very Bad Guy 2 
90E2Abdominal Stretch 
A0E2Accordion Rack 
62E3Achilles Tendon Lock 
BCC4Adjustment Piledriver 
07EAAh Funk It 
3E85Aided Cross Body 
4D85Aided Shoulder Block 
6A85Aided Splash 
7091Air Boom 1 
7191Air Boom 2 
25C4Air Raid Siren 
5FC5Airplane Spin 
A8C4Alabama Slam 
CE91Alberto Del Rio 1 
4192Alberto Del Rio 2 
4292Alberto Del Rio 3 
63A4Alberto Del Rio Comeback 
1BC4Alley Oop 1 
2ADBAlley Oop 2 
25DBAlley Oop Bomb 
3EC4Alley Oop Facebuster 
6485Alley Us 
9CC5Alpamare Waterslide 
95E2Anaconda Vise 1 
26E3Anaconda Vise 2 
FC9EAngry Stomp 
5CE3Ankle Lock 
93C3Ankle Lock 1 
2F6FAnnounce Table Attitude Adjustme 
306FAnnounce Table Chokeslam 1 
316FAnnounce Table Chokeslam 2 
2D6FAnnounce Table Diving Body Press 
2C6FAnnounce Table Diving Elbow 
2E6FAnnounce Table Diving Moonsault 
296FAnnounce Table Moves 
5CD7Appealing Elbow Drop 
54D7Appealing Jumping Elbow 
3ACFApron Backbreaker 
21DCApron Big Boot 
20DCApron Choke 
53B2Apron Clothesline 
1EDCApron Elbow Attack 
5EA8Apron Elbow Drop 
3CCFApron Facelock 
5FA8Apron Fist Drop 
ACDEApron Guillotine Drop 
09CFApron Hip Toss 
54B2Apron Hurricanrana 
5CA8Apron Leg Drop 1 
1FDCApron Leg Drop 2 
9FCFApron Low Blow 
52B2Apron Senton 
3BCFApron Shoulder Block 
ADDEApron Slap 
5DA8Apron Stomp 
A9DEApron Suplex 1 
AADEApron Suplex 2 
0ACFApron Suplex 3 
69C7Argentine Backbreaker 
50C7Argentine Sidewalk Slam 
92C4Arm Drag 1 
70C8Arm Drag 3 
84C8Arm Drag 4 
C4DAArm Drag 5 
FDD2Arm Drag 6 
09D3Arm Drag 7 
89DBArm Drag 8 
61DBArm Lock 1 
D73CArm Press 
0B92Arm Shaking 
57D7Arm Stomping 
F3E3Arm Trap Cross-Legged STF 
E5D6Arm Trap Elbow Strikes 
6DC8Arm Trap Neckbreaker 
5EC3Arm Twist/Leg Lariat 
EACBArm Wrench 
71C5Arm Wrench/Arm Breaker 
B3C5Arm Wrench Clothesline 
2DC5Arm Wrench DDT 
57C4Arm Wrench Kick & Punch 
58C4Arm Wrench Slap 
90C4Arm Wringer/Leg Drop 
4CC4Arm Wringer Flip 1 
91C4Arm Wringer Flip 2 
91E2Armbar 3 
96E2Armbar 4 
6BD7Armbar Stretch 
C6C3Armlock Scoop Slam 
98DBAstro Scissors Whip 
DF91At Ease 1 
1292At Ease 2 
39C7Atomic Drop 1 
A2EAAtomic Drop 2 
5485Atomic Drop & Big Boot 
EA3CAttitude Adjustment 1 
92EAAttitude Adjustment 2 
BEEBAttitude Adjustment 3 
6DC4Attitude Adjustment 2 
96C4Attitude Adjustment 4 
7484Avada Kedavra 
0DEAAvalanche Bulldog 
A0DBAvalanche Butterfly Suplex 
A2DBAvalanche Facebuster 
99DBAvalanche Flip Bottom 
9FDBAvalanche Samoan Drop 
A1DBAvalanche Sit-Out Suplex Slam 
53A4Axe Bomber 
2BA8Axe Handle to Ringside 
B5C5Back Body Drop 1 
6EC8Back Body Drop 2 
FCD6Back Dropkick 
55C4Back Elbow 
C09EBack Flip Kick 1 
AD9EBack Flip Kick 2 
E1CDBack Flip Kick Reversal 
B99EBack Kick 
48C7Back Neckbreaker 
7EC7Back Rake 1 
94D9Back Rake 2 
17C5Back Rotation Suplex 
60C7Back Side Slam 1 
D4C4Back Side Slam 2 
BA9CBack Spin Kick 
86C7Back Stabber 2 
BADBBack Superplex 
E23CBack Suplex 
3FC5Back Suplex & Kip-Up 
5CC7Back Suplex 2 
74C7Back Suplex 3 
81C7Back Suplex 4 
1EC4Back Suplex 5 
93C7Back Suplex 7 
B0C7Back Suplex 8 
BBC7Back Suplex 9 
5FC7Back Suplex Elbow Drop 
B1C7Back Suplex Facebuster 
58C7Back Suplex Neckbreaker 
8AC7Back Suplex Side Slam 3 
10CFBack Suplex to Apron 
B6C3Back Wheel Trip 
4C85Backbreaker & Elbow 1 
5F85Backbreaker & Elbow 2 
6185Backbreaker & Elbow 3 
BCC5Backbreaker & Fallaway Slam 
CCC4Backbreaker & Leg Sweep 
52C3Backbreaker 1 
96C3Backbreaker 2 
98C4Backbreaker 3 
50C3Backbreaker Drop 1 
7BC3Backbreaker Drop 2 
B8C4Backbreaker Drop 6 
3DC7Backbreaker Drop 7 
73C7Backbreaker Drop 8 
7DC7Backbreaker Gutbuster 
7DC3Backhand Blow 
CC3CBackhand Chop 
D43CBackhand Chop  
60EABackhand Chop   
549CBackhand Chop 1 
919CBackhand Chop 2 
AE9EBackhand Chop 3 
E39CBackhand Strike 
46C5Backpack Stunner 
F491Bad News Barrett 1 
4492Bad News Barrett 2 
CA91Bad News Barrett 3 
1F82Ballin' Elbow 
E791Bang! Bang! 
5DD7Banzai Drop 1 
1FEABanzai Drop 2 
D2A5Baseball Slide 
FB80Basement Dropkick 1 
16A4Basement Dropkick 2 
E391Batista 1 
E491Batista 2 
E591Batista 3 
E891Batista 4 
FDC4Batista Bomb 
6C85Batista Bomb & RKO 
5BA4Battering Ram Headbutt 
BDE3Beast Bite 
C2EBBeast Bomb 
CF90Beat Chest 
02B1Beautiful Disaster 1 
78DBBeautiful Disaster 2 
8CC5Bella Buster 
AAD7Belly Stomp 
3BC7Belly to Back 
36C5Belly to Back Inverted Slam 
AEC3Belly to Belly 1 
D1C3Belly to Belly 2 
D5C4Belly to Belly 4 
10C5Belly to Belly 5 
E4D4Belly to Belly 6 
ADCDBelly to Belly Reversal 
9CC8Belly to Belly Suplex 
13A4Bicycle Kick 
862DBig Boot 1 
B92DBig Boot 2 
6FA5Big Boot 1 
BD9CBig Boot 2 
10A4Big Boot 3 
26A4Big Boot 4 
5EA4Big Boot 5 
55A4Big Boot 6 
9B9EBig Boot 7 
A39EBig Boot 8 
AF9EBig Boot 9 
4892Big E 
48D7Big Elbow Drop 
9AC5Big Ending 
F190Big Show 1 
FA90Big Show 2 
BB91Big Show 3 
4792Big Show 4 
669EBig Show Comeback 
5EDBBig Slap 
3582Big Splash 
3EC5Big Swing Punch 
BC90Big Wiggle 
AAE2Billy Goat's Curse 
5CC4Bionic Elbow 
A3C5Bionic Elbow Stamp 
AEE2Black Widow 
D0AFBlockbuster 1 
DCDABlockbuster 2 
DDC5Blue Thunder Bomb 
DAC5Bo Dazzler 
39EABo Dog 
F8D9Body Avalanche 
D784Body Blow 1 
869CBody Blow 2 
31A0Body Blow 1  
32A0Body Blow 2  
659CBody Hook 
469CBody Punch 1 
63EABody Punch 2 
D79CBody Punch Left 
D69CBody Punch Right 
4CC5Body Punches & Uppercut 
B8C5Body Scissors Pin 
E4A4Body Splash 1 
ECA4Body Splash 2 
C4B0Body Splash 3 
E6DABody Splash 4 
84B2Body Splash 5 
B2C4Book End 
F790Booker T 1 
2791Booker T 2 
1982Boom Drop 1 
2A82Boom Drop 2 
5BD7Booty Popping Moonsault 
58E3Boston Crab 
94C3Bow Backbreaker 
6291Boxer 1 
6391Boxer 2 
8291Boxer 3 
2CA4Boxing Dash Punch 
FD9EBoxing Down Punch 
DED6Boxing Ground Punch 
419CBoxing Hook 1 
449CBoxing Hook 2 
409CBoxing Jab 
599CBoxing Left Jab 
D8A4Boxing Punch 1 
3DA5Boxing Punch 2 
B89EBoxing Right Hook 
5FDBBoxing Rope Body Rush 
439CBoxing Straight Punch 
99C4Brain Buster 
CE3CBrain Chop 
69C3Brain Chop 1 
CCD8Brain Chop 2 
A69EBrain Chop 3 
37F2Bray Wyatt 1 
3BF2Bray Wyatt 2 
3CF2Bray Wyatt 3 
5392Brie Bella 
0C92Bring It On 
D390Brock Lesnar 
67E3Brock Lock 
45A4Brogue Kick 
2EDBBronco Buster 
AB90Brooklyn 1 
2491Brooklyn 2 
BD90Brooklyn 3 
BE90Brooklyn 4 
7491Brooklyn 5 
5B9CBrother Snap Jab 
85C5Bull Hammer 
D5DABulldog 1 
FAD2Bulldog 2 
FCD2Bulldog 3 
0CD3Bulldog 4 
9EC5Burning Hammer 
9D90Bush Walkers 
7891Butt Slap 
E1C3Butterfly Backbreaker 1 
53C3Butterfly Backbreaker 2 
D7C5Butterfly DDT 
18C4Butterfly Suplex 1 
51C3Butterfly Suplex 2 
D6C4Butterfly Suplex 3 
BF90C.T 1 
C090C.T 2 
C190C.T 3 
11A4Calf Kick 
95D9California Dream 
96D9Camel Clutch 1 
BCE3Camel Clutch 2 
C1E3Camel Clutch 3 
BEE3Camel Clutch w/Theatrics 
ACE2Canadian Backbreaker 
F7C3Canadian Backbreaker 1 
DFC4Canadian Neckbreaker 2 
10B0Cannonball Senton 
9BC4Capture Suplex 
F5D6Cartwheel Elbow Drop 
F8E2Cattle Mutilation 
5191Celtic Bruiser 
A0D7Celtic Knot 
33A4Cena Comeback 
7094Cena Punch 1 
7194Cena Punch 2 
7294Cena Punch 3 
7394Cena Punch 4 
AB9ECena Punch 5 
7ACDCena Punch Reversal 
2392Cesaro 1 
2492Cesaro 2 
3EF2Cesaro 3 
72C5Chain of Punches 
F4C4Chick Kick 2 
5685Chin Lock & Kenka Kick 
6DD7Choke Hold 
D6C3Choke Toss Suplex 
E93CChokeslam 1 
96EAChokeslam 2 
CFEAChokeslam 3 
BFEBChokeslam 4 
17C4Chokeslam 3 
CAC4Chokeslam 5 
12C5Chokeslam 6 
74C5Chokeslam 7 
78C5Chokeslam 8 
79C5Chokeslam 9 
99C5Chokeslam 10 
8CC7Chop Block 2 
54D3Chop Block 3 
90C7Chop Block 4 
8890Chris Jericho 1 
1491Chris Jericho 2 
1591Chris Jericho 3 
7591Chris Jericho 4 
7691Chris Jericho 5 
C491Chris Jericho 6 
96C5Clash of the Titus 
A2E2Claw Hold 
4FA4Clothesline 1 
D0EAClothesline 2 
E0A4Clothesline & Bulldog 
D884Clothesline & Chop Block 
5885Clothesline & Spear 
429CClothesline 1 
1BA4Clothesline 2 
1CA4Clothesline 3 
2AA4Clothesline 4 
2BA4Clothesline 5 
32A4Clothesline 6 
39A4Clothesline 7 
44A4Clothesline 8 
97C3Clothesline 9 
DFDAClothesline 10 
EFDAClothesline 11 
9E9EClothesline 13 
AC9EClothesline 14 
0AA5Clothesline 15 
5DA4Clothesline From Hell 
78CDClothesline Reversal 1 
7ECDClothesline Reversal 2 
9BD9Cloverleaf Breaker 
9AD9Cloverleaf Pain 
9E90Clown 1 
9F90Clown 2 
A090Clown 3 
2A91CM Punk 1 
AD90CM Punk 2 
2891CM Punk 3 
2991CM Punk 4 
8C90CM Punk 5 
BE91CM Punk 6 
0492CM Punk 7 
FEC4CM Punk Comeback 
5985Coast to Coast 1 
2FDBCoast to Coast 2 
C3E2Cobra Clutch 1 
C4E2Cobra Clutch 2 
6AC7Cobra Clutch Backbreaker 
49C7Cobra Clutch Legsweep 
71C3Coconut Crush 
70C4Codebreaker 1 
9EEACodebreaker 2 
C6EACodebreaker 3 
3A91Cody Rhodes 1 
3B91Cody Rhodes 2 
3C91Cody Rhodes 3 
1D91Cody Rhodes 4 
8AE3Colossal Clutch 
64C4Combination 1 
46C4Combination 2 
C9C4Combination 3 
D584Combination Cutter 
1FC5Combination Punch 
4B92Common Man 1 
4D92Common Man 2 
F1A4Condominium Crash 1 
23EACondominium Crash 2 
2AEAConsecutive Corner Punches 
38F2Corey Graves 
4583Corkscrew Axekick 
23B2Corkscrew Body Attack 1 
27B1Corkscrew Body Attack 2 
BDB1Corkscrew Body Attack 3 
BA9ECorkscrew Calfkick 
F980Corkscrew Elbow Drop 
A2C3Corkscrew Neckbreaker 
85B2Corkscrew Senton 
11EACorner Back Elbow 
1BEACorner Back Elbow Strikes 
FBDACorner Backbreaker 
F4DACorner Bulldog 
34EACorner Clubs 
35EACorner Exploder Suplex 
03EACorner Foot Choke 
DBDACorner Forehand Chop 
12EACorner Headbutts 
8FA0Corner Hip Attack 
3AEACorner Kick Combo 
06EACorner Multiple Clothesline 
27EACorner Punches 
19EACorner Repeating Kick 
13EACorner Right Hook Punch 
F8A4Corner Running Crossbody 
EEA4Corner Running Dropkick 
37EACorner Running Knee Strike 
3CA5Corner Senton 
EAA4Corner Step Up Enzuigiri 1 
22EACorner Step-Up Enzuigiri 2 
E6D4Corner Top High Kick 
CBDACornerflip Armdrag 
4291Cowboy Time 1 
ABC5Cradle DDT 
C0C5Crawling Headbutts 
53C5Cross Arm Neckbreaker 2 
F7E2Cross Armbar 
9BE2Cross Armbreaker 
5E9CCross Chop 
A99CCross Chop to Throat 
5AC7Cross Rhodes 1 
A2C7Cross Rhodes 2 
F1D2Crucifix Head Scissor 
D8C3Crucifix Powerbomb 1 
73C5Crucifix Powerbomb 2 
9CC7Curtain Call 
E691Cut Air Shout 
6DCFCut Down 
D790Cyborg 1 
7F91Cyborg 2 
ECDAD. Bryan Comeback 
6BC8Da Shout Out 
2192Damien Sandow 1 
2292Damien Sandow 2 
3DC5Dance Appealing Punch 1 
40C5Dance Appealing Punch 2 
4CD7Dancing Leg Drop 1 
DE82Dancing Leg Drop 2 
0192Daniel Bryan 1 
4992Daniel Bryan 2 
3AF2Daniel Bryan 3 
ABE2Danielson Special 
76C3DDT 1 
89C3DDT 2 
A5C3DDT 3 
B8C3DDT 4 
E5C3DDT 5 
10C4DDT 7 
14C4DDT 8 
2BC5DDT 9 
F7D2DDT 10 
0AD3DDT 12 
A816Deadly Drive 
3A92Dean Ambrose 1 
3FF2Dean Ambrose 2 
A7C3Death Valley Driver 1 
26C5Death Valley Driver 2 
4AC5Delayed Butterfly Suplex 
F6D6Delayed Falling Fist Drop 
9690D-Generation X 
5FA4Dingo Bomber 
A5C5Dirty Deeds 
B79EDiscus Clothesline 1 
BBC5Discus Clothesline 2 
37C5Discus Clothesline Combo 
B49EDiscus Punch 
A890Diva 1 
A990Diva 2 
AA90Diva 3 
CB90Diva 4 
D090Diva 5 
D290Diva 6 
5F91Diva 7 
6091Diva 8 
6191Diva 9 
C690Diva 10 
0291Diva 11 
CA90Diva 12 
C890Diva 13 
DB91Diva 14 
DD91Diva 15 
D791Diva 16 
D891Diva 17 
D991Diva 18 
DA91Diva 19 
B191Diva 20 
E890Diva 21 
D690Diva 22 
B791Diva 23 
B891Diva 24 
7F92Diva Ring In 1 
E392Diva Ring In 2 
4793Diva Ring Out 1 
7993Diva Ring Out 2 
20B2Dive Through Ropes 
E6AFDiving Arm Drag 
D4AFDiving Axe Handle 
86B0Diving Axe Handle 1 
4585Diving Axe Handle 2 
1DEADiving Back Elbow Drop 
3CB0Diving Body Press 
4DB0Diving Body Splash 
DCAFDiving Brain Chop 1 
E0AFDiving Brain Chop 2 
2BEADiving Clothesline 
D8AFDiving Clothesline 1 
CDAFDiving Clothesline 2 
E5AFDiving Clothesline 3 
C6B0Diving Corkscrew Splash 
CEAFDiving Cross Body 1 
D7AFDiving Cross Body 2 
E8AFDiving Cross Body 3 
F2AFDiving Cross Body 4 
DEAFDiving Double Axe Handle 1 
E3AFDiving Double Axe Handle 2 
CEDADiving Down Dropkick 
E4AFDiving Dropkick 
2CB0Diving Elbow Drop 1 
2DB0Diving Elbow Drop 2 
2FB0Diving Elbow Drop 3 
43B0Diving Elbow Drop 4 
45B0Diving Elbow Drop 5 
48B0Diving Elbow Drop 6 
D4DADiving Elbow Drop 7 
D7DADiving Elbow Drop 8 
EBDADiving Elbow Drop 9 
4CB0Diving Elbow Drop 10 
0FB0Diving Elbow Stamp 
D6DADiving European Uppercut 
3DB0Diving Fist Drop 1 
36B0Diving Fist Drop 2 
38B0Diving Fist Drop 3 
F1DADiving Fist Drop 4 
E1AFDiving Five Knuckle Shuffle 
44B0Diving Foot Stomp 1 
4785Diving Foot Stomp 3 
92B0Diving Forearm Drop 
91B0Diving Giant Press 
51B0Diving Headbutt 
C6DADiving Headbutt 1 
E1DADiving Headbutt 2 
37B0Diving Headbutt 3 
39B0Diving Headbutt 4 
47B0Diving Headbutt 5 
D6AFDiving Heel Kick 
3FB0Diving Hip Press 
CFAFDiving Hurricanrana 1 
89B0Diving Hurricanrana 2 
D5AFDiving Kick 
30B0Diving Knee Drop 
52B0Diving Leg Drop 
C8DADiving Leg Drop 1 
E2DADiving Leg Drop 2 
34B0Diving Leg Drop 3 
33B0Diving Leg Drop 4 
3BB0Diving Leg Drop 5 
CBAFDiving Leg Drop Bulldog 
DBAFDiving Leg Lariat 1 
D9DADiving Leg Lariat 2 
C2B0Diving Moonsault 1 
FEB1Diving Moonsault 2 
C5B0Diving Moonsault 2 
08EADiving Moonsault 3 
DAAFDiving Reverse Elbow 
C3B0Diving Rolling Senton 
1EEADiving Scissors Whip 
DFAFDiving Seated Senton 
40B0Diving Senton Bomb 
DDAFDiving Shoulder Block 
D9AFDiving Side Kick 
C9AFDiving Spear 
5385Diving Throw Suplex 
84C5Divo Drop 
8891Dolph Ziggler 
F391Dolph Ziggler 2 
6285Doomsday Device 
3BD9Double Arm Camel Clutch 
ADC4Double Arm DDT 2 
43C5Double Arm Lock Sault 
5B85Double Arm Whip 
0D05Double Attitude Adjustment 
069FDouble Axe Handle 1 
079FDouble Axe Handle 2 
C8AFDouble Axe Handle 3 
75A4Double Axe Handle 4 
A29EDouble Axe Handle 5 
B09EDouble Axe Handle 6 
B19EDouble Axe Handle 7 
B29EDouble Axe Handle 8 
5CA0Double Axe Handle 9 
33DBDouble Axe Handle 10 
E0C4Double Axe Handle Combo 
872DDouble Axehandle 
4285Double Back Body Drop 
65C8Double Back Chop 
3D85Double Back Elbow 
6385Double Back Stabber 
5585Double Back Suplex 
E084Double Backbreaker 
64D7Double Boot Stomp 
70C7Double Chicken Wing 
0E05Double Chokeslam 1 
D984Double Chokeslam 2 
BC9CDouble Chop 1 
C09CDouble Chop 2 
5CDBDouble Chop 3 
BB9EDouble Chop 4 
4A85Double Corner Whip 
4185Double Cross Body 
D184Double DDT 
EA84Double Enzuigiri 
E184Double Facebuster 
DA84Double Facecrusher 
4385Double Flapjack 1 
E384Double Flapjack 2 
DD84Double Gut Buster 
34D9Double Hammer Punch 
3F85Double Hip Toss 
2DEADouble Jump Body Splash 
EC84Double Kick Combination 
DBC4Double Knee Armbreaker 
30B1Double Knee Attack 
EDDBDouble Knee Backbreaker 
08D3Double Knee Drop 
E5A4Double Knee Strike 
A2D7Double Leg Drop to Groin 
4BC4Double Leg Trip Slap 
E784Double Neck Hanging Bomb 
EB84Double Neckbreaker 
AA9CDouble Palm Strike 
DE84Double Punch 
E984Double RKO 
E284Double Russian Leg Sweep 
0C05Double Shell-Shocked 
E684Double Side Effect 
5785Double Slingshot Suplex  
6685Double Super Kick 
D084Double Suplex 
4E85Double Turnbuckle Throw 
44C7Double Underhook Bulldog 
65C4Double Underhook Lock 
8CDBDouble Underhook Suplex 1 
6BC5Double Underhook Suplex 2 
80C4Double Wrist Suplex 
2582Down Body Splash 
CFC4Downward Spiral 
0EC5Dragon Screw 
ABCDDragon Screw Reversal 
F5E2Dragon Sleeper 
7AC7Dragon Suplex 
DCCDDragon Whip Reversal 
5BC7Dream Street 
A991Dress Man 
64C3Drive-by Kick 1 
6FC3Drive-by Kick 2 
C9C8Drop Down 
3685Drop Toe & Elbow Drop 
7DC4Drop Toe Facecrusher 
81C8Drop Toe Hold 1 
F9D2Drop Toe Hold 2 
B52DDropkick 1 
DC3CDropkick 2 
67EADropkick 3 
D3EADropkick 4 
5D85Dropkick & Complete Shot 
D284Dropkick & Leg Drop 
699CDropkick 1 
6F9CDropkick 2 
1BCCDropkick 3 
0DCFDropkick 4 
6EA5Dropkick 5 
A1A5Dropkick 6 
A99EDropkick 7 
AA9EDropkick 8 
BC9EDropkick 9 
539CDropkick 10 
97C5Dropkick 11 
3EA5Dropkick To Groin 
7C9CDropkick to Knee 1 
7E9CDropkick to Knee 2 
66A4Dropkick to Knee 3 
2EEAEast Coast Comeback 
80C3Eat Defeat 
E6A4ECW Shoulder Thrust 
8F94Elbow 1 
8EA8Elbow 2 
12CFElbow/Back Stabber Combo 
7DC8Elbow & Backnuckle 
5AD7Elbow & Kip Up 
1AA4Elbow Attack 1 
1DA4Elbow Attack 2 
029FElbow Drop 1 
089FElbow Drop 2 
099FElbow Drop 3 
76A4Elbow Drop 4 
E2D6Elbow Drop 5 
CDD8Elbow Drop 6 
1582Elbow Drop 7 
42D7Elbow Drop 8 
43D7Elbow Drop 9 
37D9Elbow Drop 11 
AED7Elbow Drop 12 
61D7Elbow Drop 13 
55D7Elbow Drop 14 
01D7Elbow Drop to Face 
3FD9Elbow Drop w/Push-Ups 
02D7Elbow of Disdain 
7CCDElbow Reversal 
C23CElbow Smash 1 
D53CElbow Smash 2 
62EAElbow Smash 3 
479CElbow Smash 1 
8494Elbow Smash 2 
84CBElbow Smash 3 
E8CBElbow Smash 4 
B9CBElbow Smash 5 
1CCCElbow Smash 6 
EBD6Elbow Stomp 
67DBElbow to Back 
3FC7Electric Chair Drop 
FBD6Elevated Knee Drop 
04C4Elevated Wristlock 
A7C4Emerald Fusion 2 
BEC5Enzu Lariat 
832DEnzuigiri 1 
B72DEnzuigiri 2 
999EEnzuigiri 2 
A79EEnzuigiri 3 
C2A0Enzuigiri 4 
DFCDEnzuigiri Reversal 
C43CEuropean Uppercut 1 
9394European Uppercut 2 
F6A4European Uppercut 3 
86CBEuropean Uppercut 1 
45C4European Uppercut 2 
54C4European Uppercut 3 
E290Excellence 1 
E390Excellence 2 
4491Experience 1 
4591Experience 2 
9C90Experience 3 
20C4Exploder Suplex 2 
00C5Exploder Suplex 3 
E09CExplosive Dropkick 
3885Extreme Combination 
3EB0Extreme Leg Drop 
F690Extremer 1 
0991Extremer 2 
5291Extremer 3 
D23CEye Poke 1 
6AEAEye Poke 2 
59C4Eye Rake 1 
5FC4Eye Rake 2 
B8CBEye Rake 3 
ACC4F-5 3 
EDC4F-5 4 
ABDEFace Scrub 
D6D8Face Scrub & Elbow Drop 
7CDBFace Slaps & Front Dropkick 
E0D6Face Stomp 1 
FAD6Face Stomp 2 
E1D6Face Stretch 1 
E9D6Face Stretch 2 
29DBFace Wash 
EBC3Facebuster 1 
F5D2Facebuster 3 
8BC7Facebuster 4 
44C5Facebuster 5 
56C5Facebuster 6 
F0D2Facebuster Knee Smash 
C2C3Facecrusher 1 
E6C3Facecrusher 2 
FCC3Facecrusher 3 
30D9Facecrusher 4 
0CEAFacecrusher 5 
D3A5Fake Diving Attack 
C8C3Falcon Arrow 
D5C5Fallaway Samoan Drop 
D6C5Fallaway Slam 
A6C4Fallaway Slam 2 
76C5Fallaway Slam 3 
FF9EFalling Chop 
1CD3Falling Dropkick 
FE9EFalling Headbutt 1 
72D7Falling Headbutt 2 
5692Fandango 1 
5592Fandango 2 
F590Feel Bitter 
0491Fighting Spirit 1 
8091Fighting Spirit 2 
BA91Fighting Spirit 3 
5AE3Figure 4 Leglock 1 
5BE3Figure 4 Leglock 2 
21EAFigure Four Around Ringpost 
C7DAFigure Four Necklock 
F3DAFinal Cut 
3FC4Final Cut 1 
0792Fired Up 
4FC4Fireman's Carry 1 
2EC4Fireman's Carry 2 
D0C5Fireman's Carry Backbreaker 
CEC4Fireman's Carry Cutter 
9DC4Fireman's Carry Gutbuster 2 
81C5Fireman's Carry Gutbuster 3 
A4C4Fireman's Carry Slam 2 
95C5Fisherman DDT 
9CC3Fisherman Driver 
9BC3Fisherman Suplex 1 
ADC3Fisherman Suplex 2 
D3C3Fisherman Suplex 3 
71C4Fisherman Suplex 4 
EFD6Fist Drop 1 
F0D6Fist Drop 2 
DBD6Fist Drop 3 
F8D6Fist Drop 4 
E5C4Fist Drop 5 
1A82Five Knuckle Shuffle 
49B0Five Star Frog Splash 
6885Flapjack & Cutter Combo 
A9C4Flapjack 1 
8FC8Flapjack 2 
BFC4Flapjack 4 
B4C4Flapjack 5 
66DBFlapjack 6 
91C8Flapjack 7 
34C4Flatliner 1 
82C5Flatliner 2 
66D7Flex & Drop 
AAC4Flip Bottom 2 
009FFlip Leg Drop 
30C4Flip Piledriver 
049FFlip Senton Attack 1 
77A4Flip Senton Attack 2 
4ED7Flip Senton Attack 3 
C9C3Flip Sideway Flapjack 
EF80Flipping Neckbreaker 
F3D2Float-Over DDT 1 
11D3Float-Over DDT 2 
F2D2Float-Over Neckbreaker 
D2AFFlying Clothesline 1 
38A4Flying Clothesline 2 
21A4Flying Elbow 
17A4Flying Forearm Smash 1 
28A4Flying Forearm Smash 2 
8CC3Flying Heel Kick 
5ADBFlying Hotshot 
D1AFFlying Knee Attack 
B19CFlying Mayorana 
4485Flying Shoulder Block 
27A4Flying Wheel Kick 
27DBFoot Choke 1 
EEDBFoot Choke 2 
A5D7Foot DDT 
63D7Foot Press 
65C5Forearm Punch 
31EAForearm Rake 
852DForearm Smash 1 
9194Forearm Smash 2 
1ACCForearm Smash 1 
5AA0Forearm Smash 2 
689CForearm Smash 3 
79C3Forehead Bite 1 
75DBForehead Bite 2 
3EC7Forward Russian Leg Sweep 
D9C3Frankensteiner 1 
7FC7Frankensteiner 2 
8EDBFrankensteiner 3 
F8C3French Kiss 
31B0Frog Splash 1 
4BB0Frog Splash 2 
739CFront Dropkick 1 
0CA5Front Dropkick 2 
8DC7Front Dropkick 3 
D5D8Front Dropkick 4 
73A4Front Flip Clothesline 
14A4Front Flip Heel Kick 
60A4Front Kick 
5BC4Front Neck Lock Knee Lift 
A3C7Front Neck-Chancery 
A1E2Front Necklock 
D4C3Front Slam 
072DFrying-Pan Chop 
E9DAFrying-Pan Punch 
A6E2Fujiwara Armbar 
C2E2Full Nelson 
52C7Full Nelson Bomb 
45C7Full Nelson Bulldog 
9EC7Full Nelson Facebuster 
83C7Full Nelson Slam 2 
7CC7Full Nelson Slam 3 
18EAFull Nelson Turnbuckle Smash 
62C5Fury Punch 
2FC4Future Shock 1 
EBC4Future Shock 2 
46C7FW Electric Chair Drop 
48C4G.T.S. 1 
97C4G.T.S. 2 
3B85G9 1 
5E85G9 2 
1592Gaijin 1 
1692Gaijin 2 
D7D8Gator Roll 
90EBGerman Suplex 
78C7German Suplex 1 
79C7German Suplex 2 
84C7German Suplex 4 
08C4German Suplex 5 
0AC4German Suplex 6 
0BD3German Suplex 7 
FF91Get Funky 1 
0092Get Funky 2 
A791Get'cha 1 
8E90Get'cha 2 
6985Ghetto Blaster 
A3D7Giant Swing 
CCC5Girl Bye! 
6DC3Glam Slam 1 
99C7Glam Slam 2 
27E3Glam Slam Stretch 
D3AFGo Round 
8A91Goldust 1 
8B91Goldust 2 
E0C3Gorilla Press 
A3C4Gory Bomb 3 
BBC3Gory Neckbreaker 
D63CGouging 1 
55C5Gouging 2 
6BEAGouging 3 
DFC3Gourdbuster 2 
2AC5Gourdbuster 3 
3BC5Gourdbuster 4 
F9D6Ground Punch 1 
3ED9Ground Punch 2 
569CGut Kick 1 
B49CGut Kick 2 
9094Gut Knee Attack 
639CGut Punch 
0FC4Gutbuster 1 
65C3Gutbuster 2 
8EC3Gutbuster Drop 
39C5Gutwrench Gutbuster 
FAC3Gutwrench Powerbomb 
43D9Gutwrench Suplex 
C4C3Gutwrench Suplex 1 
B6C4Gutwrench Suplex 2 
54C5Gutwrench Suplex 3 
CDC5Hair Pull Mat Slam 
CEC5Hair Whip 
52C4Hairpull Lift 
53C4Hairpull Whip 
86C5Half Hatch Knee Strikes 
A0C7Half Nelson Backbreaker 
B5C4Half Nelson Bulldog 
4DC7Half Nelson Choke Suplex 
5EC7Half Nelson Suplex 1 
85C7Half Nelson Suplex 2 
A8C7Half-Nelson Neckbreaker 
BFE3Hammer & Chin Lock 2 
74C3Hammer & Sickle 
E3DAHammer Blows 
1391Hammerlock 1 
AB91Hammerlock 2 
D890Hammerlock 3 
4FD7Hand Spring Moonsault 
EFA4Handspring Back Strike 
9BDBHandspring Headscissors 
F5A4Handspring Shoulder Thrust 
4993Handstand Ring Out 
DEDAHanging Overhead Kick 
0CCFHangman's DDT 
84C3Hangman's Elbow 
AAC5Hangman's Facebuster 
DEC3Hangman's Neckbreaker 2 
3AC5Hangman's Neckbreaker 3 
C0C4Hangman's Neckbreaker 4 
6AC3Harlem Side Kick 
28C5Hatch Suplex 
5D9CHaymaker 1 
9F9EHaymaker 2 
989EHaymaker 3 
A89EHaymaker 4 
6DA4HBK Comeback 
B69EHead Block 
6ED7Head Butt 
532DHead Kick 
649CHead Punch 1 
EAD6Head Punch 2 
E4D6Head Scissors Elbow 
00D3Head Scissors Takedown 
1AD3Head Scissors Whip 
F32CHead Slam 
4AD7Head Smash 
5085Head Thrown to Big Boot 
EC2DHeadbutt 1 
1C2EHeadbutt 2 
DADAHeadbutt & Kick 
D13CHeadbutt 1 
6EEAHeadbutt 2 
72C3Headbutt 3 
75C3Headbutt 4 
77C3Headbutt 5 
4DD7Headbutt 6 
9A9EHeadbutt 7 
5A85Headbutt Groin 
7AC3Headbutt to Shoulder 
DC84Headlock Headbutt 
F3D6Headstand Leg Drop 
78C3Heart Punch 
3F92Heath Slater 
9A90Heating Up 1 
EE90Heating Up 2 
6491Heating Up 3 
B192Heavy on the Apron 
61E3Heel Hold 
60E3Hell's Gate 
3DEAHelluva Kick 
63C5High Angle Scoop Slam 
EFE3High Angle Single Leglock 
C8C5High Angle Slam 
02D3High Angle Uppercut 2 
ECC4High Cross 2 
22B2High Flying Body Press 
60C3High Impact Uppercut 
CA3CHigh Kick 1 
98C3High Kick 2 
6DEAHigh Kick 3 
DD9CHigh Kick Left 
DC9CHigh Kick Right 
3BEAHigh Knee & Clothesline 
5BD3High Knee Smash 
EADAHip Attack 1 
3FA5Hip Attack 2 
F9D9Hip Attack 3 
35D9Hip Drop 1 
36D9Hip Drop 2 
62D7Hip Drop 3 
0FEAHip Hop Drop 
1CEAHip Press 
D9A4Hip Splash 
3A85Hip Toss & Elbow 
4085Hip Toss & Low Kick 
4EC4Hip Toss 1 
72C8Hip Toss 3 
79C8Hip Toss 4 
80C8Hip Toss 5 
83C8Hip Toss 6 
87C8Hip Toss 7 
8CC8Hip Toss 9 
98C8Hip Toss 10 
92C8Hip Toss Neckbreaker 
9990Hold Up 1 
A490Hold Up 2 
7B84Honor Roll 
9BC7Hook & Ladder 
D99CHook Left 
D89CHook Right 
A8DEHotshot 1 
08CFHotshot 2 
42B0Houston Hangover 
3092Hulk Hogan 1 
3192Hulk Hogan 2 
3292Hulk Hogan 3 
6492Hulk Hogan 4 
8AC5Hulk Hogan Comeback 
88C3Hurricanrana 1 
85C4Hurricanrana 2 
27C4Hurricanrana 3 
D2DAHurricanrana 4 
71C7Hurricanrana 5 
F6D2Hurricanrana 6 
90DBHurricanrana 7 
62C7Hurricanrana DDT 
C5C4Hurricanrana Pin 
B7C4Hurricanrana Whip 1 
C7C4Hurricanrana Whip 2 
24C5Hurricanrana Whip 3 
42C5Impaler DDT 1 
E7C3Impaler DDT 2 
81C4Impaler DDT 3 
F6C4Implant Buster 
30DBIn Yo Face 1 
31DBIn Yo Face 2 
68E3Indian Deathlock 
C6C4Inside Cradle Pin 
92C7Inverted Backbreaker 
1A2EInverted DDT 1 
A4C7Inverted DDT 2 
A1D7Inverted Figure-4 Leg Lock 
38C7Inverted Frankensteiner 
A0C3Inverted Front Powerslam 
3AC4Inverted Overdrive 
4BC7Inverted Powerslam 
63E3Inverted Sharpshooter 
1B2EInverted Suplex 
95C3Irish Curse 
04D7It's Prime Time 
B0C5Jab & Straight Punch  
CF9CJab Left 
CE9CJab Right 
7CC5Jack Hammer 2 
B190Jack Swagger 1 
B290Jack Swagger 2 
B390Jack Swagger 3 
8591Jack Swagger 4 
CF91Jack Swagger 5 
C391Jack Swagger 6 
75C8Japanese Arm Drag 
A5C4Jawbreaker 2 
F390JBL 1 
E790JBL 2 
FB91JBL 3 
FC91JBL 4 
DE90John Cena 1 
1191John Cena 2 
2E91John Cena 3 
0891John Cena 4 
FE91John Cena 5 
B991John Cena 6 
0592John Cena Word Life 1 
0692John Cena Word Life 2 
AFC4Judgement Slam 
08C5Jumping Armbreaker 
C4A0Jumping Back Kick 
E3A4Jumping Body Splash 
6EA4Jumping Clothesline 
42A4Jumping Clothesline 1 
52A4Jumping Clothesline 2 
58A4Jumping Clothesline 3 
BEC3Jumping Complete Shot 
DEA4Jumping Corner Clothesline 
22C4Jumping DDT 1 
7BC5Jumping DDT 2 
059FJumping Elbow Drop 
5DD3Jumping Facebuster 
74A4Jumping Headbutt 
1FA4Jumping Heel Kick 
BE9CJumping High Knee 
2EA4Jumping Kick 
12A4Jumping Knee Attack 1 
20A4Jumping Knee Attack 2 
3AA4Jumping Knee Attack 4 
4DA4Jumping Knee Attack 5 
0BA5Jumping Knee Attack 6 
C3A0Jumping Knee Attack 7 
EDA9Jumping Knee Attack 8 
DDD6Jumping Knee Drop 
ABC4Jumping Leg Lariat 
5CD3Jumping Neckbreaker 
7E92Jumping Ring In 1 
E292Jumping Ring In 2 
8892Jumping Ring In 2 
E792Jumping Ring In 3 
4693Jumping Ring Out 1 
7893Jumping Ring Out 2 
7A93Jumping Ring Out 3 
04D3Jumping Snapmare 
19C5Jumping Spin Heel Kick 
C79EJumping Super Kick 
F091Kamikaze Kid 1 
F191Kamikaze Kid 2 
9691Kane 1 
5891Kane 2 
BD91Kane 3 
F2A4Kane Comeback 
839CKane Punch 
5C9CKane Uppercut 
C19EKarate Chop 1 
02C5Karate Chop 2 
779CKeylock Combo 1 
789CKeylock Combo 2 
799CKeylock Combo 3 
7A9CKeylock Combo 4 
8294Kick 1 
2DA0Kick 2 
8394Kick 3 
2EA0Kick 4 
A6D7Kick to Back 1 
41D7Kick to Back 2 
6AD7Kick to Back 3 
F0A0Kick to Gut 
DCD6Kick to Head 1 
33D9Kick to Head 2 
2AA8Kick to Ringside 
E13CKicks it Down 
EE3CKillswitch 1 
3DC4Killswitch 2 
A5E2Kimura Lock 
019FKing Stomp 
5CA4Kitchen Sink 
74DBKitchen Sink/Leg Sweep Combo 
B42DKnee Attack 
D3D8Knee Attack 2 
5DC4Knee Breaker 
07D7Knee Drop 
0C9FKnee Drop 1 
D9D6Knee Drop 2 
DAD6Knee Drop 3 
E7D6Knee Drop 4 
EDD6Knee Drop 5 
31D9Knee Drop 6 
FDD9Knee Drop 7 
FED6Knee Drop 8 
07D3Knee Facebuster 2 
ED2DKnee Lift 1 
69EAKnee Lift 2 
98D9Knee Slam 
1D82Knee Smash 
7ADBKnee Smash 2 
CFD8Knee Stomp 1 
46D7Knee Stomp 2 
9CD9Knee Stomp 3 
85CBKnee Strike 1 
87CBKnee Strike 2 
73C3Knee Strike 3 
A7D7Knee to Groin 
B7CBKnee to Head 
30A4Knee Trembler 1 
CBEAKnee Trembler 2 
BA2DKneeling Clothesline 
B9C5Kneeling Kick Combo 
D684Knife Edge Chop 1 
A59EKnife Edge Chop 2 
BFA0Knife Edge Chop 3 
28A0Knife Edge Chop 4 
FFE9Knife Edge Chop 5 
34C5Knife Edge Chop 6 
E9C4Knuckle Part 
08D7Knuckle Sandwich 
F2C4Kofi Comeback  
4691Kofi Kingston 1 
A390Kofi Kingston 2 
5E91Kofi Kingston 3 
C291Kofi Kingston 4 
A9E2Koji Clutch 
DBA4Koronco Buster 1 
EBA4Koronco Buster 2 
F990Kung Fu 
86C4Landing Clash 
64A4Lariat Takedown 
F2E3Lasso From El Paso 
94C4Last Call 
E490Latino Heat 1 
A891Latino Heat 2 
9390Latino Heat 3 
5B91Latino Heat 4 
46B0Leap of Faith 
6BDBLeapfrog Flying Back Elbow 
B6C5Leaping Tombstone Piledriver 
23A4Left Arm Clothesline 
50A4Left Arm Clothesline 2 
512DLeft Forearm Club 
8694Left Kick 
E3CDLeft Kick Reversal 
AF9CLeft Middle Kick 
C29CLeft Punch 2 
ABD7Leg Breaker 
18D3Leg Drop Bulldog 1 
EE80Leg Drop Bulldog 2 
16C5Leg Drop Bulldog 3 
FAD9Leg Drop Guillotine 
91C7Leg Hook Belly to Back 
BF9CLeg Lariat 1 
70A5Leg Lariat 2 
A9D7Leg Snap 
A8D7Leg Stomps 
C99CLeg Sweep 1 
50C4Leg Sweep 2 
51C4Leg Sweep 3 
2CC4Leg Sweep Kneecrusher 
69C5Leg Trap Spinebuster 
15A4Lie Detector 
13C4Lift & Cutter 
61C5Lift Single Underhook DDT 
E584Lift Up Heel Kick 
B0D7Lift Up Powerbomb 
4FC7Lifting Reverse DDT 
1BD3Lil' Jimmy 
AC90Linebacker 1 
2691Linebacker 2 
F2B1Lionsault 1 
E082Lionsault 2 
04EALocomotive Splash 
1F92Loose Cannon 1 
2092Loose Cannon 2 
C5E2Lotus Lock 
6FC8Lou Thesz Press 1 
EA91Love 1 
EB91Love 2 
EC91Love 3 
0FC5Love Handle 
9D91Love Machine 1 
9E91Love Machine 2 
1B91Love Machine 3 
3691Love Machine 4 
5BC5Low Blow 
4BD7Low Clothesline 
CED8Low Dropkick 1 
A0A5Low Dropkick 2 
ADD7Low Dropkick 3 
66EALow Kick 
4985Low Kick 1 
5A9CLow Kick 2 
AD9CLow Kick 3 
7FC5Low Super Kick 
F6DALucha DDT 
F291Lucha Lucha 
6AE3Lucky 13 
34F2Luke Harper 
6EDBLunatic Clothesline 
F891M.T. 1 
F991M.T. 2 
03C5Mandible Claw 1 
A3E2Mandible Claw 2 
5991Mark Henry 1 
5A91Mark Henry 2 
35F2Mark Henry 3 
4791Masked Assassin 1 
B090Masked Assassin 2 
54A4Meat Hook 
7084Meat Hook Clothesline 
D291Michael Cole 
44C4Michinoku Driver 1 
B9C3Michinoku Driver 2 
E9CBMiddle Kick 1 
F2A0Middle Kick 2 
2BA0Middle Kick 3 
FEE9Middle Rope Splash 
B4DEMiddle Rope Suplex 
1FC4Military Drop Gutbuster 
A0EAMilitary Press Drop 
45C5Military Press Oklahoma Slam 
BBC4Military Press Slam 1 
66C5Military Press Slam 2 
6CC5Military Press Spinebuster 
CCAFMissile Dropkick 1 
E7AFMissile Dropkick 2 
0EEAMissile Dropkick 3 
A9C3Mizard of Oz 
7BC4Modified Russian Leg Sweep 
4EB0Money Shot 
4B9CMongolian Chop 1 
4C9CMongolian Chop 2 
7B9CMongolian Chop 3 
DDA4Monkey Flip 1 
E4DAMonkey Flip 2 
01D3Monkey Flip 3 
0D92Moon Walking 
BDC3Moonlight Drive 
F4B0Moonsault Attack 1 
EEB1Moonsault Attack 2 
E7DAMoonsault Attack 3 
17EAMoonsault Attack 4 
88B0Moonsault DDT 
DAA4Moonsault Kick 
3ED7Moonsault Splash 1 
52D7Moonsault Splash 2 
DA90Most Valuable Player 1 
DB90Most Valuable Player 2 
DC90Most Valuable Player 3 
DD90Most Valuable Player 4 
6F91Most Valuable Player 5 
56D7Mount Punch 1 
58D7Mount Punch 2 
5ED7Mount Punch 3 
9591Mr. McMahon 
8192Mr. McMahon Ring In 
6CC4Mr. McMahon Stunner 
24DBMudhole Stomping 
C3DAMug Shot 
DDCDMule Kick Reversal 1 
E0CDMule Kick Reversal 2 
07C5Multiple Powerbombs 
7DC5Multiple Punch 
1691Mushroom 1 
2F91Mushroom 3 
3091Mushroom 4 
5391My Fault 
F0DAMysterio Comeback 
51D7Mysterio Middle Kick 
40A5Mysteronco Buster 
C990Natalya 1 
1792Natalya 2 
1892Natalya 3 
4BC5Nattie by Nature 
DCC3Neck Lock Suplex 
ECD6Neck Snap 
6085Neck Snap & Soccer Kick 
D83CNeck Twist 
1D2ENeckbreaker 1 
F03CNeckbreaker 2 
D3C4Neckbreaker 1 
D9C4Neckbreaker 2 
9EC3Neckbreaker 4 
B5C3Neckbreaker 5 
1DC5Neckbreaker 6 
66C7Neckbreaker 7 
F4D2Neckbreaker 8 
FED2Neckbreaker 9 
05D3Neckbreaker 10 
C1DBNeckbreaker 11 
0892Never Scared 
A590New York's Finest 1 
8191New York's Finest 2 
D391New York's Finest 3 
5492Nikki Bella 
A893Normal Apron Out 1 
A993Normal Apron Out 2 
AE92Normal on the Apron 1 
AF92Normal on the Apron 2 
B092Normal on the Apron 3 
B492Normal on the Apron 4 
7C92Normal Ring In 1 
E092Normal Ring In 2 
4493Normal Ring Out 1 
7693Normal Ring Out 2 
7C93Normal Ring Out 3 
AEC4Northern Lights Bomb 2 
BFC3Northern Lights Driver 
8AC4Northern Lights Suplex 2 
1F91Nuts 1 
3D91Nuts 2 
4A91Nuts 3 
4B91Nuts 4 
96C7O'Connor Roll 
9DE2Octopus Stretch 
40C4Oklahoma Slam 1 
A1EAOklahoma Slam 2 
8FEBOklahoma Slam 3 
2CC5Oklahoma Stampede 
F080Old School 
A1C7Omega Driver 
94C7One & Only 
7FC3One-handed Backbreaker 
59D3One-handed Bulldog 1 
58D3One-handed Bulldog 2 
55D3One-handed Bulldog 3 
F8C4One-handed Chokeslam 
F6C3One-handed Spinebuster 1 
6CC8One-handed Spinebuster 2 
0091Oozing Charisma 1 
8991Oozing Charisma 2 
8491Oozing Charisma 3 
D591Oozing Charisma 4 
9891Opportunist 1 
EC90Opportunist 2 
5791Opportunist 3 
6791Opportunist 4 
6D91Opportunist 5 
D491Opportunist 6 
D691Opportunist 7 
3CA4Opportunistic Comeback 
3EA4Orton Comeback 
7694Orton Kick 
7494Orton Punch 1 
859COrton Punch 2 
7594Orton Punch 3 
7794Orton Punch 4 
19D3Orton Thesz Press 
43C7Osaka Street Cutter 
F0B1Out of Ring Leg Drop 
E5DAOuter Limitz Elbow Drop 
B392Outlaw on the Apron 
8392Outlaw Ring In 
F1D6Outlaw Stomp 
3E91Outlaw Texan 1 
3F91Outlaw Texan 2 
5491Outlaw Texan 3 
7D92Over the Rope In 1 
E192Over the Rope In 2 
E992Over the Rope In 2 
4593Over the Rope Out 1 
7793Over the Rope Out 2 
30A0Overhand Punch 1 
8FA8Overhand Punch 2 
4D9COverhand Punch 1 
5BA0Overhand Punch 2 
9FC5Package Piledriver 
4EC5Parallel Snapmare 2 
4391Parkour 1 
5C91Parkour 2 
C791Parkour 3 
F0E3Patriot Lock 
7CC4Pedigree 1 
9EC4Pedigree 2 
7CC3Pendulum Backbreaker 1 
C1C5Pendulum Backbreaker 2 
1782People's Elbow 
669CPeople's Punch 1 
C39EPeople's Punch 2 
C29EPeople's Punch 3 
0A9FPeople's Stomp 
FCB0Phoenix Splash 1 
F8B1Phoenix Splash 2 
DCA4Pierce's Elbow 
4685Pinioning Body Blow 
F5E3Pin-Up Strong  
C7EAPlayer's Boot 
E1A4Player's Boot 1 
E7A4Player's Boot 2 
3785Poetry in Motion 
5CC3Poison Mist 
4DC5Poison Mist Claw 
0F92Pop Locking 
8BC3Power of the Punch 
E92DPowerbomb 1 
9AEAPowerbomb 2 
8EEBPowerbomb 3 
3585Powerbomb & Senton 
72C4Powerbomb 1 
7EC4Powerbomb 2 
33C4Powerbomb 3 
35C4Powerbomb 4 
A1C5Powerbomb Lungblower 
A290Powerful 1 
A790Powerful 2 
E690Powerful 3 
F691Powerful Flex 
C83CPowerful Punch 
ABC3Powerslam 1 
8FC4Powerslam 3 
24C4Powerslam 4 
3BC4Powerslam 5 
71C8Powerslam 6 
71DBPsych Out Rebound Lariat 
9DC5Psycho Driver 
6CCFPull Down 1 
9ECFPull Down 2 
5ACBPull-Back Armbar 
52CBPull-Back Backbreaker 1 
5ECBPull-Back Backbreaker 2 
57CBPull-Back Belly to Belly 
2ACBPull-Back Big Boot 
23CBPull-Back Chop 1 
2BCBPull-Back Chop 2 
21CBPull-Back Clothesline 2 
59CBPull-Back Drop Toe Hold 
28CBPull-Back Elbow 
5BCBPull-Back Fireman Carry 
25CBPull-Back Headbutt 
5DCBPull-Back Hip Toss 
53CBPull-Back Hurricanrana 
2CCBPull-Back Jumping Knee 
22CBPull-Back Kitchen Sink 
27CBPull-Back Knee Strike 
26CBPull-Back Leg Lariat 
58CBPull-Back Neckbreaker 
54CBPull-Back Powerslam 
5CCBPull-Back Samoan Drop 
29CBPull-Back Shoulder Block 
55CBPull-Back Side Slam 
56CBPull-Back Spinebuster 
24CBPull-Back Uppercut 
91DBPump Up Buster 
42C7Pumphandle Drop 1 
CDC4Pumphandle Drop 2 
14C5Pumphandle Drop 3 
61C7Pumphandle Fallaway Slam 
70C3Pumphandle Gutbuster 
ACC5Pumphandle Neckbreaker 
FCC4Pumphandle Powerslam  
9CEAPumphandle Slam 
68C5Pumphandle Slam 1 
57C5Pumphandle Slam 2 
8094Punch 1 
8194Punch 2 
849CPunch 3 
8E94Punch 1  
9294Punch 2  
A4D7Punch to Groin 
F1A0Punch to Gut 
C03CPunch to Head 
B6CBPunch to Head 1 
BEA0Punch to Head 2 
29A0Punch to Head 3 
8DA0Punch to Head 4 
4F91Punjab 1 
5091Punjab 2 
F290Punjab 3 
97EAPunjabi Plunge 
6F84Punt Kick 
6CEAPush It 
06D3Pushing 1 
27C5Pushing 2 
DF3CPushing Down 1 
C3EBPushing Down 2 
E03CPushing Down Side 
77C7Queen Suplex 
629CQuick Jab 
8692Quick Ring In 1 
E892Quick Ring In 2 
4B93Quick Ring Out 
59C7R W & B Thunder Bomb 
FB90Raise Arm 1 
FC90Raise Arm 2 
0992Raise The Roof 
3C85Rana Whip Powerbomb 1 
5C85Rana Whip Powerbomb 2 
9791Randy Orton 1 
0C91Randy Orton 2 
1091Randy Orton 3 
B391Randy Orton 4 
BF91Randy Orton 5 
F4D6Randy Orton Stomp 
D2C4Rapid Kicks to Chest 1 
05EARapid Kicks to Chest 2 
6BC4Ravishing Neckbreaker 
33F2Real Americans 
4383Reality Check 1 
C8EAReality Check 2 
A9C7Rear European Uppercut 
6CC7Rear Headbutt 
72A4Rear View 
67A4Rebound Big Boot 
DF9CRebound Elbow Strike 
80DBRebound Lariat  
F5DARebound Suplex 
50B0Red Arrow 
D8C5Repeat Inverted Atomic Drop 
6FDBRepeated Forearm Smash 
11CFRepeated Forearm Smash 2 
99C8Repeating Head Slam 
11C5Repeating Low Kick 
02EARepeating Punch 1 
09EARepeating Punch 2 
BFC5Repeating Rib Breaker 
8EC5Repeating Stomping 
CAB0Reverse 450 Splash 
62C3Reverse Atomic Drop 1 
82C3Reverse Atomic Drop 3 
CBC3Reverse DDT 1 
D0C3Reverse DDT 2 
4CC7Reverse DDT 3 
BBDBReverse Death Valley 
65DBReverse Hotshot 
EA2DReverse Matslam 1 
192EReverse Matslam 2 
5DC3Reverse Shoulderbreaker 
CFC3Reverse STO 
BCDBReverse Superplex 
FFD2Reverse Swing Neckbreaker 2 
97C7Reverse Twist of Fate 
F490Rey Mysterio 1 
CD90Rey Mysterio 2 
BA90Rey Mysterio 4 
AE91Rey Mysterio Latino 
1A92Ric Flair 1 
1B92Ric Flair 2 
1C92Ric Flair 3 
8794Right Back Kick 
23C5Right Body & Upper Punch 
2CA0Right Body Blow 
502DRight Forearm Club 
38D9Right Hand Hook 
8594Right Kick 
C19CRight Punch 
DE9CRight Punch 2 
21C5Right Straight Punch 
8092Ring In Roll 
E73CRKO 1 
8EC4RKO 1 
9091Rob Van Dam 1 
0791Rob Van Dam 2 
9391Rob Van Dam 3 
30F2Rob Van Dam 4 
ED3CRock Bottom 1 
E2C3Rock Bottom 2 
4893Roll Down Ring Out 1 
4A93Roll Down Ring Out 2 
BB9CRolling Elbow 1 
A19ERolling Elbow 2 
4FC5Rolling Elbow 3 
93EARolling Fireman's Carry 
9CC4Rolling Fireman's Carry 2 
8FDBRolling Fireman's Carry 3 
E2CDRolling Kick Reversal 
A8E2Rolling Kneebar 
5CC5Rolling Neck Snap 
5AC5Rolling Pin 
8792Rolling Ring In 1 
E592Rolling Ring In 2 
00B1Rolling Savate 1 
FCB1Rolling Savate 2 
B39ERolling Savate 3 
50D7Rolling Thunder 
3B92Roman Reigns 1 
44F2Roman Reigns 2 
F1E3Romero Special 2 
FDE9Rope Assisted Bulldog 2 
5BDBRope Attack 
57DBRope Choke 1 
FBD9Rope Choke 2 
FCD9Rope Choke 3 
68DBRope Down Cross Body 
21B2Rope Flip 1 
24B2Rope Flip 2 
2FEARope Flip Arm Drag 
76DBRope Grapple Facebuster 
E5D4Rope Grip High Kick 
FFD9Rope Hang Knee Strike 
FED9Rope Hang Slap 
73DBRope Hang Stomping 
92DBRope Hung Jawbreaker 
7BDBRope Hung Kick to Mid-Section 
7FDBRope Hung Knee Lifts 
70DBRope Hung Knee Strike 
13CFRope Hung Neckbreaker 
7DDBRope Hung Suplex 
C0DARope Stretch Chicken Wing 
6ADBRope Stretch Surfboard 
5DDBRope Whip Scoop Slam 
2091Rough Texan 1 
2191Rough Texan 2 
2291Rough Texan 3 
BAC5Roundhouse Kick 
759CRoundhouse Kick 1 
9D9ERoundhouse Kick 2 
50C5Roundhouse Kick 3 
0691Rowdy 1 
8C91Rowdy 2 
CAEARR The 619 
C290R-Truth 1 
C390R-Truth 2 
9790R-Truth 3 
9890R-Truth 4 
4092R-Truth 5 
4392R-Truth 6 
0BEARump Shaker 
35A4Running Back Elbow 
2382Running Big Boot 
4EA4Running Body Attack 1 
A2A5Running Body Attack 2 
65A4Running Body Block 
E0DARunning Bulldog 2 
41C5Running Bulldog 3 
18A4Running Cross Body 1 
6CDBRunning Cross Body 2 
69A4Running Crossbody 
36A4Running Double Axehandle 
F280Running Dropkick 
40D7Running Elbow Attack 
67D7Running Elbow Drop 
EDA4Running Elbow Smash 
ECA9Running Elbow Strike 
2CDBRunning Face Wash 1 
32DBRunning Face Wash 2 
34A4Running Forearm Smash 1 
70A4Running Forearm Smash 2 
47A4Running Front Chop Block 
7984Running High Knee 
34DBRunning Hip Attack 
F0A4Running Hip Attack 1 
24A4Running Hurricanrana 1 
1DD3Running Hurricanrana 2 
03D7Running Jumping Knee Drop 
52C5Running Kick 
1C82Running Knee Drop 1 
DC82Running Knee Drop 2 
7384Running Knee Lift 
90C5Running Knee Lift 2 
F7A4Running Knee Strike 
44A5Running Knee Strike 1 
2DDBRunning Knee Strike 2 
4BA4Running Leaping Clothesline 
78A4Running Leg Drop 1 
79A4Running Leg Drop 2 
E880Running Leg Drop 3 
2E82Running Leg Drop 4 
DD82Running Leg Drop 5 
0E92Running Man 
DFD6Running Neck Twist 
2DA4Running Neckbreaker 
BAC4Running Powerslam 
2482Running Senton 1 
3282Running Senton 2 
25A4Running Shoulder Attack 
F3A4Running Shoulder Block 
0DD3Running STO 
36A6Running Superkick 
12D3Running Swing Neckbreaker 
26EARunning Turnbuckle Smash 
43A5Running Wash 
A6C7Russian Leg Sweep 
D384Russian Leg Sweep & STO 
72C7Russian Leg Sweep 1 
A4C3Russian Leg Sweep 2 
58C5Russian Leg Sweep 3 
37A6RVD Comeback 
0392Ryback 1 
1392Ryback 2 
1492Ryback 3 
3E92Ryback 4 
61A4Ryback Comeback 
47C7Saito Suplex 
93C4Sambo Hip Toss 
C1C3Sambo Suplex 
0A92Samoan Butt Slap 
3CC5Samoan Driver 
95EASamoan Drop 
A1C3Samoan Drop 1 
67C8Samoan Drop 2 
7BC8Samoan Drop 3 
B4C3Samoan Drop 4 
1EC5Samoan Drop 5 
67C3Samoan Strike 1 
98EASamoan Strike 2 
C9EASamoan Strike 3 
81C3Santino Cobra 1 
32C5Santino Cobra 2 
3791Santino Marella 1 
3891Santino Marella 2 
3991Santino Marella 3 
1C91Santino Marella 4 
BB90Santino Marella 5 
4E91Santino Marella 6 
8391Santino Marella 7 
DDC4Santino Stunner 
88C7Saving Grace 
30C5School Boy 1 
31C5School Boy 2 
EA80Scissors Kick 1 
F9C4Scissors Kick 2 
6AC4Scoop Powerslam 
6AC5Scoop Powerslam 2 
F180Scoop Slam & Dropkick 
1AC4Scoop Slam 2 
1CC4Scoop Slam 3 
01C5Scoop Slam 4 
6DC5Scoop Slam 5 
75C5Scoop Slam 6 
7EC5Scoop Slam 7 
B3C7Scorpion Death Drop 
AFE2Scorpion Deathlock 1 
69E3Scorpion Deathlock 2 
D8D6Seated Senton 
28EASecond Rope Bulldog 
3C92Seth Rollins 1 
45F2Seth Rollins 2 
AD91Sexy 1 
2C91Sexy 2 
13C5Shake Rattle & Roll Rattle & Roll
0AEAShattered Dream 2 
C091Shawn Michaels 
D191Shawn Michaels DX 
D990Sheamus 1 
CD91Sheamus 2 
4592Sheamus 3 
679ESheamus Comeback 
3AC7Shin Breaker 
B62DShining Wizard 
E8A4Shining Wizard/Bulldog 1 
D3DAShining Wizard/Bulldog 2 
4283Shining Wizard 1 
DEC4Shining Wizard 2 
47C5Shining Wizard 3 
EDDAShiranui 1 
48C5Shiranui 2 
ED91Shooter 1 
EE91Shooter 2 
EF91Shooter 3 
25B2Shooting Star Press 1 
2AB1Shooting Star Press 2 
C0B1Shooting Star Press 3 
3AB0Shooting Star Press 4 
51C5Short-Arm Chops 
25C5Short-Arm Clothesline 
05C5Shoulder Arm Breaker 
6CC3Shoulder Backbreaker 1 
AFC7Shoulder Backbreaker 2 
D2EAShoulder Block 
10EAShoulder Block & Club 
5AA4Shoulder Block 1 
1EA4Shoulder Block 2 
22A4Shoulder Block 3 
2FA4Shoulder Block 4 
2AA0Shoulder Block 5 
DDDAShoulder Block 6 
F9E2Shoulder Claw 
7EC3Shoulder Jawbreaker 
EDC3Shoulder Neckbreaker 
9BC5Shoulder Switch Powerslam 
5DA0Shoulder Thrust 1 
68EAShoulder Thrust 2 
DECDShove Back Reversal 
9FC4Side Effect 2 
83C5Side Effect 3 
7AC4Side Headlock Takedown 
522DSide Kick 
69C8Side Slam 1 
BEDBSide Slam 2 
3485Side Walk & Reverse DDT 
12C4Sidewalk Slam 1 
6AC8Sidewalk Slam 2 
B1C4Sidewalk Slam 3 
2AC4Silver Spoon DDT 
9FC3Single Knee Facebreaker 
DCC4Single Knee Gutbuster 
5FE3Single Leg Boston Crab 
C0E3Single Leg Camel Clutch 
59A4Single Leg Dropkick 
4CA4Single Leg High Knee 
BDC5Sister Abigail 1 
7A84Sister Abigail 2 
49C5Sit-Out Chokebomb 
DBC3Sit-Out Facebuster 
D0C4Sit-Out Gourdbuster 
ACC3Sit-Out Jawbreaker 
66C4Sit-Out Mat Slam 
21C4Sit-Out Piledriver 
F5C4Sit-Out Powerbomb 2 
38C5Sit-Out Powerbomb 3 
0AC5Sit-Out Shoulder Armbreaker 
BAC3Sit-Out Spinebuster 
CBC5Sit-Out Suplex Slam 
76C7Skull Crushing Finale 
A591Slamma 1 
9090Slamma 2 
5591Slamma 3 
EB2DSlap 1 
C63CSlap 2 
489CSlap 1 
7F9CSlap 2 
809CSlap 3 
C1A0Slap 4 
8EA0Slap 5 
98E2Sleeper Hold 1 
9CE2Sleeper Hold 2 
8BC8Sleeper Slam 2 
9FC7Sleeper Suplex  
8492Slide Ring In 1 
8592Slide Ring In 2 
B82DSliding Clothesline 
56DBSlingshot Backbreaker 1 
69DBSlingshot Backbreaker 2 
01EASlingshot Body Press 
CFDASlingshot Body Splash 
28B1Slingshot Senton 1 
BEB1Slingshot Senton 2 
AFDESlingshot Shoulder Block 
63DBSlingshot Suplex 
5185Slingshot to Turnbuckle 
60C5Small Package Driver 
C1C4Small Package Hold 
D03CSmash to Ladder 1 
D33CSmash to Ladder 2 
E8DASnake Eyes 1 
F8DASnake Eyes 2 
06C4Snap DDT 1 
D1C5Snap DDT 2 
06D7Snap Elbow Drop 
499CSnap Jab 1 
589CSnap Jab 2 
7CC8Snap Powerslam 
EAC3Snap Reverse DDT 
EFC3Snap Suplex 
67C5Snap Swing Neckbreaker 2 
ED80Snapmare & Big Boot 
92E2Snapmare & Butterfly Lock 
93E2Snapmare & Chin Lock 
F880Snapmare & Dropkick 
0DC5Snapmare & Elbow 
E2C4Snapmare & Soccerball Kick 
FBC4Snapmare Driver 
E8D6Soccerball Kick 1 
45D7Soccerball Kick 2 
3AD9Soccerball Kick 3 
9DDBSoda Plunge 
06C5Soda Twist 
D8DASomersault Enzuigiri 
84DBSpaceman Plancha 
3191Spank 1 
1991Spank 2 
3291Spank 3 
AE90Spank 4 
AF90Spank 5 
7184Spear 1 
7C84Spear 2 
C4EASpear 3 
8CEBSpear 4 
48A4Spear 3 
49A4Spear 4 
6D84Spear 5 
BFDBSpider Suplex 
FA80Spike DDT 1 
72DBSpike DDT 2 
6FC5Spike Piledriver 
3985Spin Cycle 
F5C3Spin Fisherman Suplex 2 
56C7Spin Headlock Elbow Drop 
A49CSpin Kick 1 
AB9CSpin Kick 2 
7BCDSpin Kick Reversal 
9DC8Spin Sideslam 
8EC7Spin Sit-Out Powerbomb 
03C4Spinebuster 1 
76C8Spinebuster 2 
7FC8Spinebuster 3 
8DC8Spinebuster 4 
8EC8Spinebuster 5 
8AC8Spinebuster 6 
0BC4Spinebuster 7 
66C8Spinebuster 8 
68C8Spinebuster 9 
85C8Spinebuster 10 
86C8Spinebuster 11 
9AC8Spinebuster 12 
6B9CSpinning Back Kick 
F7C4Spinning Backfist 
F3C3Spinning Complete Shot 
5EC5Spinning Double Leg Takedown 
4E9CSpinning Elbow 
18C5Spinning Heel Kick 1 
B7C5Spinning Heel Kick 2 
BDC4Spinning High Kick 3 
CC9CSpinning Kick 
E6D6Spinning Leg Drop 
CCC3Spinning Side Slam 1 
1CC5Spinning Side Slam 2 
49C4Spinning Toe Hold 
6EC7Spin-Out Powerbomb 2 
53C7Spin-Out Powerbomb 3 
B0C4Spin-Out Powerbomb 4 
0B9FSpiral Leg Drop 
71D7Split-Legged Leg Drop 
30EASplit-Legged Moonsault 1 
38EASplit-Legged Moonsault 2 
E7B1Springboard 450 Splash 
FFB0Springboard Back Elbow 1 
FBB1Springboard Back Elbow 2 
C7B1Springboard Block Buster 
FAB0Springboard Body Splash 1 
F6B1Springboard Body Splash 2 
20EASpringboard Body Splash 3 
FDB0Springboard Bulldog 1 
FBB0Springboard Clothesline 1 
2EB1Springboard Clothesline 2 
C5B1Springboard Clothesline 3 
F7B1Springboard Clothesline 4 
58B1Springboard Clothesline 5 
16EASpringboard Clothesline 6 
C9B1Springboard Crossbody 1 
29EASpringboard Crossbody 2 
2CEASpringboard Crossbody 3 
F9B0Springboard DDT 1 
FEB0Springboard DDT 2 
F5B1Springboard DDT 3 
FAB1Springboard DDT 4 
F8B0Springboard Dropkick 1 
2DB1Springboard Dropkick 2 
C4B1Springboard Dropkick 3 
F4B1Springboard Dropkick 4 
2FB1Springboard Elbow 1 
C6B1Springboard Elbow 2 
59B1Springboard Enzuigiri 
2BB1Springboard Hurricanrana 1 
C1B1Springboard Hurricanrana 2 
5AB1Springboard Hurricanrana 3 
CAB1Springboard Hurricanrana 4 
EEDASpringboard Hurricanrana 5 
CBB1Springboard Knee Strike 
F6B0Springboard Leg Drop 1 
F7B0Springboard Leg Drop 2 
F3B1Springboard Leg Drop 3 
03B1Springboard Moonsault 
2CB1Springboard Senton 1 
C2B1Springboard Senton 2 
01B1Springboard Spinkick 1 
FDB1Springboard Spinkick 2 
BFDASpringboard Sunset Flip 
79DBSpringboard Swiss Uppercut 
E1C4Stalling Suplex 
69D7Standing Corkscrew Moonsault 
35C5Standing Cutter 
6CD7Standing Leg Drop 
3FD7Standing Moonsault 1 
F2D6Standing Moonsault 2 
4EC7Standing Sea Fire 
68D7Standing Shooting Star Press 
86B2Starship Pain 1 
CDDAStarship Pain 2 
62C4Step Kick 
D4D8Step on Face Knee drop Knee Drop
28C4Step Up Enzuigiri 1 
D1C4Step Up Enzuigiri 2 
46A4Step Up Enzuigiri 3 
6CA4Sting Comeback 
3FEAStinger Splash 
CAC3STO Backbreaker 
33C5Stomach Block 
28DBStomp & Choke 
3DD9Stomp to Arm 
41A5Stomping 1 
ECDBStomping 2 
8CA0Stomping 3 
6FD7Stomping Kick 
8791Stone Cold 1 
C991Stone Cold 2 
76C4Stone Cold Stunner 1 
A6C5Stone Cold Stunner 2 
2EC5Stone Cold Stunner 3 
D39CStraight Left 
C59EStraight Punch 
D29CStraight Right 
E62DStrike Attack 
822DStrong Kick 
842DStrong Punch 
04C5Stump Puller Piledriver 
27B2Suicide Dive 
81DBSuicide Dive 1 
82DBSuicide Dive 2 
5892Summer Rae 
1E92Sumo 1 
3992Sumo 2 
DE3CSunset Flip Powerbomb  
6FC4Sunset Flip Powerbomb 1 
84C4Sunset Flip Powerbomb 2 
16D3Sunset Flip Powerbomb 3 
0ECFSunset Flip Powerbomb 4 
CEC3Sunset Split 
CCDASuper Armbreaker 
87C7Super Atomic Drop 2 
C0DBSuper Back Suplex 
94DBSuper Chokeslam 
C2DBSuper German Suplex 
E590Super Hero 1 
AA91Super Hero 3 
FE90Super Hero 4 
7D91Super Hero 5 
7E91Super Hero 6 
95DBSuper Hurricanrana 
DAC4Super Kick 2 
31A4Super Kick 3 
51A4Super Kick 4 
7684Super Kick 5 
C49ESuper Kick 6 
96DBSuper Last Call 
97DBSuper Powerslam 
4191Super Samoan 1 
8691Super Samoan 2 
A690Superfly 1 
11B0Superfly Splash 
2EB0Superfly Splash 1 
6785Superkick & Pedigree Combo 
6BA4Superman Punch 
B491Superstar 1 
B591Superstar 2 
B691Superstar 3 
40A4Superstar Comeback 
E82DSuplex 1 
EF3CSuplex 2 
8DEBSuplex 3 
D5C3Suplex 1 
DDC3Suplex 2 
00C4Suplex 3 
0CC4Suplex 4 
6EC5Suplex 6 
C6C5Suplex 7 
A0C5Suplex Backbreaker 
98C5Suplex Piledriver 
CFC5Suplex Toss 
99D9Surfboard Facecrusher 1 
32D9Surfboard Facecrusher 2 
9DD9Surfboard Leg Breaker 
F4E2Surfboard Stretch 
41B0Swanton Bomb 
AECDSweep Reversal 
6E84Sweet Chin Music 1 
83C3Sweet Chin Music 2 
99EASweet Chin Music 3 
CCEASweet Chin Music 4 
C1EBSweet Chin Music 5 
DBC5Swing Gutbuster 
9DC3Swing Jawbreaker 
F2C3Swing Neckbreaker 1 
F4C3Swing Neckbreaker 2 
60DBSwing Neckbreaker 3 
B3C3Swing Sidewalk Slam 
A2C5Swinging Knee Lift 
AEC5Swinging Reverse STO 
87C5Swiss Uppercut 
DF84Tag Punch 
AACDTake Down Reversal 
09C5Takedown & Armbreaker 
0BC5Takedown & Kneedrop 
0CC5Takedown & Leg Breaker 
9BEAT-Bone Suplex 
42C4T-Bone Suplex 2 
A1C4T-Bone Suplex 3 
65C7Teardrop Suplex 
47C4Testicular Claw 
A291Texas 1 
A391Texas 2 
2D91Texas 3 
FD90Texas 4 
4AC4Texas Jab 
A8C3Texas Piledriver 
6C84The 619 
C2E3The Accolade 
38C4The Code Blue 
3392The Condominium 1 
3492The Condominium 2 
0F91The Eighth Wonder 1 
2592The Eighth Wonder 2 
A3A5The Elbow of Woe 
15EAThe Face Lift 
4AA4The Fall of Humanity 
A7E2The Hart Lock 
E091The King 1 
E191The King 2 
E291The King 3 
C0EBThe Last Ride 
A4C5The Last Ride 2 
A191The Lunatic 1 
E991The Lunatic 2 
3592The Millionaire 1 
3692The Millionaire 2 
3391The Miz 1 
3491The Miz 2 
3591The Miz 3 
1A91The Miz 4 
5D91The Miz 5 
B690The Miz 6 
7291The Miz 7 
CC91The Miz 8 
B291The Miz 9 
6B91The Rock 1 
1E91The Rock 2 
C891The Rock 3 
C790The Snake 
3792The Ultimate Warrior 1 
3892The Ultimate Warrior 2 
DE91The Ultimate Warrior 3 
1092The Vampire 
EAC4The Verdict 
5FD7The Worm 
64EAThroat Thrust 
4F9CThroat Thrust 1 
509CThroat Thrust 2 
6EC3Throat Thrust 3 
F380Throat Thrust 4 
C8C4Throat Thrust 5 
4F85Throwback & Elbow Drop 
519CThrust Kick 
79C4Tiger Bomb 3 
7BC7Tiger Suplex 
15D3Tilt-A-Whirl Arm Drag 
9FE2Tilt-A-Whirl Armbar 
7AC8Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker 2 
14D3Tilt-A-Whirl Hurricanrana 
95C8Tilt-A-Whirl Sideslam 
93C8Tilt-A-Whirl Slam 
13D3Tilt-A-Whirl Small Package 
3D92Titus O'Neil 
65EAToe Kick 
75C4Tombstone Piledriver 3 
B3C4Tombstone Piledriver 4 
9CDBTop Rope Brainbuster 
64DBTop Rope Choke 
C3B1Tope Atomico 
83DBTope Con Hilo 
77DBTope Suicida 
BDDBTornado Bomb 
C5DATornado DDT 
F5B0Tornillo 1 
EFB1Tornillo 2 
9EE2Torture Rack 
FADAToss Into Ring Post 
8ADBTower of London 
1AEATriangle Dropkick  
F6E2Triangle Hold 
83C4Triple German Suplex 1 
98C7Triple German Suplex 2 
ED90Triple H 1 
9F91Triple H 2 
F890Triple H 3 
EFC4Triple H Comeback 
7391Triple H DX 
7C94Triple H Punch 1 
7D94Triple H Punch 2 
7F94Triple H Punch 3 
819CTriple H Punch 5 
8292Triple H Ring In 1 
E692Triple H Ring In 2 
8BC4Triple Rolling Suplex 
7AC5Trouble in Paradise 
CDEATrouble in Paradise  
D7C4True Conviction 
D8C4Truth or Consequences 
DFA4Turnbuckle Clothesline 
E2A4Turnbuckle Dropkick 1 
42A5Turnbuckle Dropkick 2 
26DBTurnbuckle Dropkick 3 
00EATurnbuckle Powerbomb 
14EATurnbuckle Reverse STO 
E83CTwist of Fate 
A0C4Twist of Fate 2 
D0DATwist of Fate 3 
71A4Twisting Forearm Smash 
5AD3Two-Handed Bulldog 
C0C3Two-Handed Choke Toss 
ADC5Two-Handed Chokeslam 1 
92C3Two-Handed Chokeslam 2 
AAC3Two-Handed Chokeslam Bomb 
3A84Ultimate Splash 
62A4Ultimate Warrior Comeback 
2692Undefeated 1 
2892Undefeated 2 
2792Undefeated 3 
2992Undefeated 4 
02C4Underhook Piledriver 
7A91Undertaker 1 
9491Undertaker 2 
8D91Undertaker 3 
5691Undertaker 4 
CB91Undertaker 5 
1992Undertaker 6 
BC91Undertaker 7 
4C92Undertaker 8 
4E92Undertaker 9 
E9A4Undertaker Comeback  
56C4Undertaker Knee Strike 
7894Undertaker Punch 1 
7994Undertaker Punch 2 
7A94Undertaker Punch 3 
7B94Undertaker Punch 4 
829CUndertaker Punch 5 
619CUndertaker Punch 6 
039FUndertaker Stomp 
DB9CUpper Left 
DA9CUpper Right 
9C9EUppercut 1 
C0A0Uppercut 2 
1BC5Uppercut 3 
D3C5Uranage 1 
05C4Uranage 2 
64C5Uranage 3 
E8C4Uranage Sideslam 
6585Uso Splash 
C89EVan Daminator 
B4C5Various Boxing Punches 
26B2Vaulting Body Press 1 
26B1Vaulting Body Press 2 
29B1Vaulting Body Press 3 
BCB1Vaulting Body Press 4 
BFB1Vaulting Body Press 5 
9A91Version One 1 
1291Version One 2 
A491Version One 3 
4891Version One 4 
8B90Version One 5 
57C3Vertical Reverse STO 
20C5Vertical Suplex 
5DC5Vertical Suplex Powerslam 
97C8Very European Uppercut 
C3C4Victory Roll Pin 1 
C4C4Victory Roll Pin 2 
C2C4Victory Roll Pin 3 
40C7Vise Grip 1 
CEEAVise Grip 2 
D9C5Waist Lift Side Slam 
3DD7Walk Over 
99E2Walls of Jericho 1 
5DE3Walls of Jericho 2 
29A4Wheel Kick 
1ED3Wheelbarrow Stunner 
E884Wheelbarrow Suplex 1 
96C8Wheelbarrow Suplex 2 
4885Whip Big Boot 
5285Whip Clothesline 
4B85Whip Knee Strike 
D1DAWhisper in the Wind 
EC3CWhite Noise 
9AC4White Noise 2 
7DCDWindmill Reversal 
29C5Winds of Change 
B292Woman on the Apron 
E492Woman Ring In 1 
EA92Woman Ring In 2 
AA93Woman Ring Out 
7B93Woman Ring Out 2 
609CWoman's Elbow Smash 
A79CWoman's Kick 
579CWoman's Slap 1 
0D9FWoman's Stomp 
2C92Wonderful 1 
2D92Wonderful 2 
8A90Woo! 1 
A2C4World's Strongest Slam 1 
94EAWorld's Strongest Slam 2 
9991Wrestling Hero 
89C7Wrestling Hero Slam 2 
E4C4Wrestling Hero Slam 3 
0E9FWrestling Hero Stomp 
39D9Wrestling Rolling 
5192Wrestling Superstar 1 
5292Wrestling Superstar 2 
5AC4Wrist Clutch & Elbow 
A5C7Wristlock Lariat 
33EAWristlock Springboard DDT 
4991Xtreme 1 
B490Xtreme 2 
B590Xtreme 3 
EF90Xtreme 4 
4C91Xtreme 5 
9AE2Yes Lock 
9AC7Zig Zag 2 
8F90 1 
9190 2 
9290 3 
9490 4 
9590 5 
C490 6 
DF90 7 
EB90 8 
FF90 9 
1891 10 
6A91 11 
9191 12 
B091 13 
C591 14 
559C 15 
D09C 16 
D19C 17 
D49C 18 
D59C 19 
A49E 20 
B59E 21 
BD9E 22 
19A4 23 
35B0 24 
F9B1 25 
54C3 26 
55C3 27 
56C3 28 
58C3 29 
59C3 30 
5AC3 31 
5BC3 32 
61C3 33 
63C3 34 
66C3 35 
68C3 36 
6BC3 37 
85C3 38 
86C3 39 
87C3 40 
8AC3 41 
8DC3 42 
8FC3 43 
90C3 44 
99C3 45 
9AC3 46 
A6C3 47 
AFC3 48 
B0C3 49 
B1C3 50 
B7C3 51 
C5C3 52 
CDC3 53 
D2C3 54 
D7C3 55 
DAC3 56 
E4C3 57 
E8C3 58 
E9C3 59 
F0C3 60 
F1C3 61 
FBC3 62 
FFC3 63 
01C4 64 
07C4 65 
09C4 66 
0DC4 67 
0EC4 68 
11C4 69 
15C4 70 
16C4 71 
19C4 72 
1DC4 73 
23C4 74 
26C4 75 
29C4 76 
31C4 77 
32C4 78 
36C4 79 
37C4 80 
39C4 81 
41C4 82 
43C4 83 
4DC4 84 
5EC4 85 
60C4 86 
61C4 87 
67C4 88 
68C4 89 
69C4 90 
6EC4 91 
73C4 92 
77C4 93 
78C4 94 
82C4 95 
87C4 96 
88C4 97 
89C4 98 
8CC4 99 
8DC4 100 
95C4 101 
F3C4 102 
22C5 103 
2FC5 104 
4AC7 105 
54C7 106 
55C7 107 
57C7 108 
5DC7 109 
63C7 110 
64C7 111 
67C7 112 
68C7 113 
6BC7 114 
6DC7 115 
6FC7 116 
75C7 117 
80C7 118 
82C7 119 
64C8 120 
73C8 121 
74C8 122 
77C8 123 
82C8 124 
88C8 125 
89C8 126 
20CB 127 
2DCB 128 
79CD 129 
ACCD 130 
0BCF 131 
F8D2 132 
03D3 133 
0ED3 134 
0FD3 135 
10D3 136 
E3D6 137 
EED6 138 
3CD7 139 
44D7 140 
47D7 141 
49D7 142 
ACD7 143 
D0D8 144 
3CD9 145 
97D9 146 
C1DA 147 
C9DA 148 
CADA 149 
F7DA 150 
2BDB 151 
59DB 152 
9ADB 153 
FCE9 154 
61EA 155 
DLC 10  
D2C5Attitude Adjustment Piledriver 
4EF2Bam Bam Bigelow 
CBB0Bam Bam Sault 
F6C5Greetings From Asbury Park 
F4C5Kneeling Reverse Piledriver 
F3C5Samoan Drop 6 
F5C5Short-Arm Clothesline 2 
DLC 20  
BAC7Killswitch 3 
F7C5World's Strongest Slam 3 
3882World's Strongest Splash 1 
DLC 30  
F1C5Khali Bomb 
F9C5RKO 4 
F8C5World's Strongest Slam 4 
2082World's Strongest Splash 2 
DLC 40  
E5C5Backslide Driver 
E2C5Bridging Package Powerbomb 
B4E2Calf Killer 
B8C7Chicken Wing Gutbuster 
C9C5Cravate Suplex 
E0C5Cross-Legged Fisherman Buster 
8084Discus Big Boot 
E9C5Double Underhook Piledriver 
B6C7Electric Chair German Suplex 
E4C5End of Days 
FAE2Figure Four Headscissor 
E8C5Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker 
E7C5Fireman's Carry Overhead Kick 
46D9Gutwrench Suplex Combo 
7EDBHandspring Cutter 
6D85Hart Attack 
E1C5Knee Drop Brainbuster 
DFC5Kudo Driver 
BCC7Lumbar Check 
6F85More Bang 
7085New Generation Combo 
E6C5Northern Lights/Brainbuster 
B5C7Rack Attack 
C7E2Rear Naked Choke 
87DBRunning Knee Smash 
32EASister Abigail 3 
EAC5Somersault Cutter 
6E85Spike Piledriver 2 
7185Spike Tombstone Piledriver 
E3C5Spinning Powerbomb 
B7C7Straight Jacket German Suplex 
7F84Strong Style Knee Strike 
B3E2Tequila Sunrise 
86DBUso Crazy 
DLC 50  
46F2Adam Rose 1 
4BF2Adam Rose 2 
EDC5Adam Rose Comeback 
39DBBack Stomps 
38DBChoo Choo Buster 
FBA4Clothesline 17 
FAA4Corner Clothesline 
7385Double Shoulder Block 
40F2Emma 1 
41F2Emma 2 
F6E3Emma Lock 
45A5Emma Sandwich 
7285Fall of Man 
4CF2JBL 5 
F2C5Single Arm Back Body Drop 
EFC5Snap Suplex 2 
9FC8Spinebuster 13 
B9C7Tiger Suplex 2 
7485Whip and Clothesline 
DLC 60  
F7E3Camel Clutch 4 
49F2Col. Mustafa 
93B0Diving Fist Drop 5 
47F2Honky Tonk Man 1 
48F2Honky Tonk Man 2 
F0C5Rude Awakening 
DCC5Shake rattle and roll 
2B82Ultimate Splash 2 

  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...

I just found two unused moves leftover from 2K14. They are the handstand ring out with a different animation, and '144' which suggests a deleted move. Can someone check?

Posted (edited)

At the moment, I'm working on cataloging what each byte related to moves in a .moveset file. I'll post it as soon as I've finished it. It might take a couple of days, though, as there is a lot to wade through and compare. 
Thank you for the great work on the lists of moves, by the way, it helps me figure out the moves in the .moveset files so I can implement an editing function for it in my tool.

Does anyone have the move lists posted in this thread in standard decimal instead of hex, by any chance? I'm just asking before I waste time converting it that I could spend for work on other things.



Edited by Cave Waverider
Posted (edited)

Secondly, the moveset file itself needs to be examined and the individual move positions in the file needs to be listed. The method I am using at the moment is to extract the moveset, change a move using the game, extract the moveset again and then compare the moveset files. I use a program called vbdiff which lists the differences and is free, however as you can imagine, the process is very time consuming. I also need help in this regard.

To get you started, offset 00x1a6 is Irish whip rebound and offset 00x228 is standing medium grapple. The list of moves excluding the dlc moves is below, be warned there are 2722 moves so it is a long list. You will also notice that there are empty slots listed. Theoretically, you could inject other moves into these slots. 

Here is the byte-by-byte breakdown of the moves in a .moveset file:


0 - 1 Ring In
2 - 3 Ring Out
4 - 5 EMPTY
6 - 7 Apron Ring Out
8 - 9 Apron Ring In
10 - 11 EMPTY
12 - 13 Taunt Down
14 - 15 Taunt Left
16 - 17 Taunt Up
18 - 19 Taunt Right
20 - 21 EMPTY

22 - 23 Comeback
24 - 25 Signature 1
26 - 27 Signature 2
28 - 29 Finisher 1
30 - 31 Finisher 2
32 - 35 EMPTY

36 - 37 Leverage Pin

38 - 39 Suicide Dive

40 - 47 EMPTY

48 - 49 Royal Rumble Rope Finisher 1
50 - 51 Royal Rumble Rope Finisher 2
52 - 53 Royal Rumble Apron Finisher 1
54 - 55 Royal Rumble Apron Finisher 2

56 - 63 UNKNOWN (B220 B320 A820 A920)

64 - 65 Ladder Strike
66 - 67 Ladder Strong Strike
68 - 69 Ladder Grapple
70 - 71 Ladder Stun Grapple
72 - 73 Ladder Finisher 1
74 - 75 Ladder Finisher 2

76 - 77 Cell Ceiling Grapple
78 - 79 Cell Finisher

80 - 85 EMPTY

86 - 87 Strike Attack 1
88 - 89 Strike Attack 2
90 - 91 Strike Attack 3 
92 - 93 Strike Attack 4
94 - 95 Strike Attack 5
96 - 97 Strike Attack 6
98 - 99 Strike Attack 7

100 - 101 Strike Combination 1
102 - 103 Strike Combination 2
104 - 105 Strike Combination 3

106 - 107 Strong Strike 1
108 - 109 Strong Strike 2

110 - 111 Kick Reversal: Attack
112 - 113 Kick Reversal: Grapple
114 - 115 EMPTY
116 - 117 Kick Reversal: Kick Reversal
118 - 119 EMPTY
120 - 121 Kick Reversal: Reversal

122 - 149 UNKNOWN (2003 2A03 2003 2A03 8403 8403 8403 8403 6700 6600 6400 6500 0000 6600)

150 - 151 Front Strong Grapple 1
152 - 153 Front Strong Grapple 2
154 - 155 Front Strong Grapple 3
156 - 157 Front Strong Grapple 4

158 - 159 EMPTY

160 - 161 UNKNOWN (6700)

162 - 163 Rear Strong Grapple 1
164 - 165 Rear Strong Grapple 2
166 - 167 Rear Strong Grapple 3
168 - 169 Rear Strong Grapple 4

170 - 185 EMPTY

186 - 187 Front Facelock 1: Attack
188 - 189 Front Facelock 3
190 - 191 Front Facelock 4
192 - 193 Front Facelock 5
194 - 195 Front Facelock 6
196 - 197 Front Facelock 7
198 - 199 Front Facelock 2: Submission

200 - 227 EMPTY

228 - 251 UNKNOWN (E903 6405 4D04 6505 2828 6605 1B04 6705 7F04 6805 3228 6905)

252 - 255 EMPTY

256 - 257 Face Up Grapple Upper
258 - 259 Face Up Grapple Side
260 - 261 Face Up Grapple Lower

262 - 263 Face Down Grapple Upper
264 - 265 Face Down Grapple Side
266 - 267 Face Down Grapple Lower

268 - 269 Ground Submissions Upper
270 - 271 Ground Submissions Side
272 - 273 Ground Submissions Lower

274 - 279 EMPTY

280 - 281 Stunned Against Ropes
282 - 283 Stunned Against Middle Rope
284 - 285 Rope Springboard Attack
286 - 287 Outside Springboard Attack
288 - 289 Out of Ring Dive Attack (Run)
290 - 291 Running Springboard

292 - 293 UNKNOWN (2003)
294 - 295 UNKNOWN (2A03)
296 - 303 EMPTY
304 - 307 UNKNOWN (2003 2A03)
309 - 311 EMPTY
312 - 313 UNKNOWN (0A05)
314 - 315 EMPTY

316 - 317 Corner Front Strike 1
318 - 319 Corner Front Running Strike
320 - 321 Corner Front Grapple 1
322 - 323 Corner Front Grapple 2
324 - 325 Corner Rear Strike
326 - 327 Corner Rear Running Strike
328 - 329 Corner Rear Grapple 1
330 - 331 Corner Rear Grapple 2
332 - 333 Seated Corner Strike
334 - 335 Seated Corner Running
336 - 337 Seated Corner Grapple
338 - 339 Corner Front Top Rope Strike
340 - 341 Corner Front Top Rope Running
342 - 343 Corner Front Top Rope Springboard
344 - 345 Corner Front Top Rope Grapple 1
346 - 347 Corner Front Top Rope Grapple 2
348 - 349 Corner Rear Top Rope Grapple 1
350 - 351 Corner Front Top Rope Grapple 2
352 - 353 Tree of Woe Grapple 
354 - 355 Tree of Woe Strike
356 - 357 Tree of Woe Running
358 - 359 Corner Springboard
360 - 361 Running Top Rope Grapple

362 - 363 Rope Strike Attack
364 - 365 Diving Middle Rope vs. Downed
366 - 367 EMPTY
368 - 369 Diving Middle Rope vs. Standing
370 - 371 EMPTY
372 - 373 Diving Top Rope vs. Downed 1
374 - 375 Diving Top Rope vs. Downed 2
376 - 377 Diving Top Rope vs. Standing 1
378 - 379 Diving Top Rope vs. Standing 2

380 - 381 EMPTY

382 - 383 Apron Springboard to Ring

384 - 385 Apron Grapple to Ring

386 - 387 UNKNOWN (942A)

388 - 389 Apron Strike Attack
390 - 391 Apron Springboard to Ringside
392 - 393 Running on Apron to Ringside
394 - 395 Running on Apron to Apron
396 - 397 Apron Grapple To Apron (Ring)
398 - 399 Apron Grapple To Apron Behind (Ring)
400 - 401 Apron Grapple to Apron (Floor)
402 - 403 Apron Grapple To Apron Behind (Floor)
404 - 405 Apron Ground Attack
406 - 407 Apron Ground Grapple

408 - 409 Running Strike 1
410 - 411 Running Strike 2

412 - 413 UNKNOWN (75A4 Double Axe Handle 4)
414 - 415 Running Front Grapple 1
416 - 417 Running Front Grapple 2
418 - 419 Running Rear Grapple 1
420 - 421 Running Rear Grapple 2

422 - 423 Irish Whip Rebound Grapple 1
424 - 425 Irish Whip Rebound Grapple 2
426 - 427 Irish Whip Rebound Strike

428 - 429 Drop Down/Leapfrog 1st

430 - 431 Running Pull-Back Attack
432 - 433 Running Pull-Back Grapple

434 - 435 Rope Strong Strike

436 - 439 EMPTY

440 - 441 Standing Tag Team Down
442 - 443 Standing Tag Team Left
444 - 445 Standing Tag Team Up
446 - 447 Standing Tag Team Right
448 - 449 Corner Tag Team Down
450 - 451 Corner Tag Team Left
452 - 453 Corner Tag Team Up
454 - 455 Corner Tag Team Right

456-461 EMPTY

462 - 467 UNKNOWN (349E 359E A7A4)

468 - 469 Limb Target Standing Head
470 - 471 Limb Target Standing Arm 1
472 - 473 Limb Target Standing Arm 2
474 - 475 Limb Target Standing Leg

476 - 507 EMPTY

508 - 509 Limb Target Ground Upper
510 - 511 Limb Target Ground Side
512 - 513 Limb Target Ground Lower

514 - 549 EMPTY

550 - 551 Front Medium Grapple 1
552 - 553 Front Medium Grapple 2
554 - 555 Front Medium Grapple 3
556 - 557 Front Medium Grapple 4

558 - 559 Drop Down/Leapfrog 2nd

560 - 561 Rear Medium Grapple 1
562 - 563 Rear Medium Grapple 2
564 - 565 Rear Medium Grapple 3
566 - 567 Rear Medium Grapple 4

568 - 569 UNKNOWN (6DC5 Scoop Slam 5)
570 - 571 UNKNOWN (6EC5 Suplex 6)
572 - 573 UNKNOWN (3EEA)

574 - 575 Corner Front Strike 2

576 - 577 Ground Strike Head
578 - 579 Ground Strike Body
580 - 581 Ground Strike Legs

582 - 583 Running Ground Strike Upper
584 - 585 Running Ground Strike Side
586 - 587 Running Ground Strike Lower

588 - 589 EMPTY

590 - 591 Close Range Strike

592 - 613 EMPTY

614 - 615 Kneeling Opponent Strike
616 - 617 Kneeling Opponent Strong Strike
618 - 619 Kneeling Opponent Running
620 - 621 Kneeling Opponent Front Grapple
622 - 623 Kneeling Opponent Behind Grapple

624 - 625 Announce Table Finisher
626 - 627 Double Finisher
628 - 629 Catching Finisher

630 - 1017 EMPTY

1018 - 1019 Weight Detection Front Facelock
1020 - 1021 UNKNOWN (90C7 Chop Block 4)
1022 - 1023 Weight Detection Limb Target Head
1024 - 1025 Weight Detection Limb Target Arms
1026 - 1027 Weight Detection Limb Target Leg
1028 - 1029 Weight Detection Strong Grapple Front
1030 - 1031 Weight Detection Strong Grapple Behind
1032 - 1033 UNKNOWN (76C3 DDT 1)
1034 - 1035 UNKNOWN (05C5 Shoulder Arm Breaker)
1036 - 1037 UNKNOWN (0EC5 Dragon Screw)
1038 - 1039 Weight Detection Corner Grapple Front
1040 - 1041 Weight Detection Corner Grapple Behind
1042 - 1043 Weight Detection Top Rope Grapple Front
1044 - 1045 Weight Detection Top Rope Grapple Behind
1046 - 1047 Weight Detection Stunned Against Ropes
1048 - 1049 Weight Detection Apron Grapple to Ring
1050 - 1051 Weight Detection Apron Grapple to Apron
1052 - 1053 Weight Detection Running Grapple Front
1054 - 1055 Weight Detection Running Grapple Behind
1056 - 1057 Weight Detection Irish Whip Rebound
1058 - 1059 Weight Detection Pull-Back Attack
1060 - 1061 Weight Detection Ladder Grapple
1062 - 1063 Weight Detection Medium Grapple Front
1064 - 1065 Weight Detection Medium Grapple Behind

While creating the list, I noticed that lots of move types that are in the .moveset files can't be changed via in-game moveset editor. Really shows the sloppy and rushed work they did with 2k15. I've figured some of the unknown bytes that have moves assigned out, but some more UNKNOWNs are in there. If anybody has an idea what they are, please let us know! Making this list already took what seemed to be an eternity. I think that WWE 2k16 for the PC will be out before I finish implementing this in my Wrestler Information and Moveset Creator tool! :p

Edited by Cave Waverider
  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

Well done. It's good to see someone else take the initiative and contribute to the community. I've checked the values you posted against the Rocks moveset and they are correct. Looking forward to waht you come up in your tool, I know it's going to take some work.

Edited by tekken57
  • 2 months later...

God bless you Tekken i wish i have money on paypal so i can give it to you as reward for what you did $100 is good start lol
 , im trying to figure out how to change/transfer/add moveset and it looks like you did it , Good Job


sorry to ask of you guys but , where do i found this -> (0014.pach) file ?

does this fil exists in ps3 wwe 2k16?

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