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Is if possible to add music and select it using cheat engine

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Posted (edited)

I don't know if anyone has looked onto this or not, but is it possible to add music to the game_sound_.pk, instead of replacing.

Edited by sahailee
Posted (edited)

I think it is possible to select music off cheat engine, so maybe if we put a them in the game sound M file, and find a way to select it in cheat engine. Sort of like how the Titantrons work. And Question: How do i open the pck file.

Edited by sahailee
Posted (edited)

you can use the ravioli game tools to open pck files (adding dont work for me...only replace) maybe you can find a way

Edited by HerFyre

you can use the ravioli game tools to open pck files (adding dont work for me...only replace) maybe you can find a way

Ok thanks I have been trying, and I see that the music can be selected in cheat engine. They have some sort of pattern in byte decimal, and in 4 byte hex it is usually the pac I'd with two 0s after

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