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Undertaker Request

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Is there a code to make the biker undertaker wear the retro undertakers hat and jacket for entrance or in the match

any help would be great!


it will be able to be done in about 3 years so dont bother ps is your name lee webb


if you can find a .PAC editing tool it could be done as its not a seperate model for some entrances, you just have an enterance gear....

so you need to find a code for this someone made a code so you could wrestle biker takers enterance gear but it was just the bandana

and jacket...

you may not be able to use the undertakers gear but you may be able to use some thing else...

maybe Edges coat??

it may also be posible to edit the enterance moves if I can get a PAC file tool I will find out as they should be in the same format as WWE RAW.


Would it be possible to at least GET RID OF his current gear, making him come out in his wrestling clothes only. That would at least get rid of the glasses and vest.


cheers m8 your help has been great i just need to know one thing

where do i get this tool from


Maximicus; Look in the forum it should be on one of the page's

wwffireuk; I'm still looking for the tools


this is an idea for some of you if you overwrite the new taker over the oldschool version and take off the bike entrance it looks good if you want the code just ask i will post it

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