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wwe 2k15 ps3 mods import

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hey guys i have another little problem here


everytime i try to import mods to wwe 2k15 ps3 my game freezes and then it requires reinstalling gamedata


i do everything right and i've followed every single tutorial i've found but nothing worked


also i was a modder for wwe 2k14 and mods worked for it but now on 2k15 mods don't want to work anmore


so can anybody help??

Posted (edited)

hey guys i have another little problem here


everytime i try to import mods to wwe 2k15 ps3 my game freezes and then it requires reinstalling gamedata


i do everything right and i've followed every single tutorial i've found but nothing worked


also i was a modder for wwe 2k14 and mods worked for it but now on 2k15 mods don't want to work anmore


so can anybody help??


You have tried my tuto from my thread exactly ?


HOW to Use Mods on PS3 CFW

1. Important before you start !!  delete the "f.dat" in your "game" folder (BLUS31464/PS3_GAME/USRDIR)

2. open the downloaded .pac file with xpacker and update both of your arc files (Update)

(dev/hdd0//game/BLUS31464/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/  (copy the 2 arcs and def files to your Pc. Load the pac file and update both arc files)

3. copy the downloaded .pac in /dev/hdd0/GAMEZ/BLUS31464/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/pac/ch/


4. edit both def files with the normal windows editor and delete the "ch" for ch131.pac that it looks 131.pac (CM PUNK)

click to enlarge : mzomwdhg.png peudt4x2.png

thats all - now replace the 5 files -


--pac files always in the "GAMES" folder (/dev/hdd0/GAMES/BLUS31464/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/pac/ch/)


--and the arc and def files in the "game" folder (dev/hdd0//game/BLUS31464/PS3_GAME/USRDIR)


The whole game must be installed Intern for this Methode. (Intern-Bd Mirror on in Multiman)

enjoy :-)

Edited by Andy

do i replace both arcs and defs or only in "game" folder??


I never updated so i only do it in the games folder.Never touched the game folder


i did what andy told me and it worked!!!


i played a match then restarted the ps3 and the game and it still works with no crash


i'm gonna try to import more mods and see if it crash or not thanks andy

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