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TNF Arena Mod v2.0 & Create An Arena Kit

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Hello. Skeeno, are you going to include the Nitro arena? It's the only thing that is preventing me from using your mod.

I want to but just haven't found the time to include it yet. If I do, I will use LordJustice version with the Red floor as that version is the most complete and best adaptation.

Any version will do bro. Just include it when you have the time please.

Just tried adding it and kepy having problems with it crashing the game. Might try again in a few weeks but might not.


Thanks man. Just got Summerslam to do before I put out a link.

ECW (Lordjusitce)
Wrestlemania 14
NXT Brookly
Summerslam update
Tweaks for lots of other stuff


I was hoping to see this NXT arena pop up, I was watching it last night. Great work!


Great Job! But can you update the regular nxt arena too on v1.2 ....Thanks!


Great Job! But can you update the regular nxt arena too on v1.2 ....Thanks!

SmackTalks already put a version out of that - you can download it and put it in the game. Should not break anything.

I've asked him if I could include it in my pack for convenience but he didn't respond.



how do you change the HiaC Arena to the WWE Raw and Smackdown arena?



Does anybody have the complete updated string V2 with these arenas added? As if i just overwrite i think i will lose my Community DLC names.


the updated string file will not work the older versions... but I've been building two versions for this again - one with no other mods (just default game) and one built onto the 100 attires + future string file.


skeeno will you update the raw 2015 announce table if you have time


I will not. I have no interest in updating it and personally don't think it looks that bad compared to some things that I had to change. If you want to create it, I can include it.


It will be broken in a few hours but thanks :lol


like in universal alternate attire mod 10 attires are unlocked but the dlc characters like baron corbin doesn't had that i downloaded mincho sheen's one but when i download your v1.0 mod i didnt add your misc01start.pac because of that your mod doesnt work so i replace yor misc file then the attires for dlc characters were gone like so can you add  mincho sheens misc01start.pac so i can get both the attires and your arena mods


like in universal alternate attire mod 10 attires are unlocked but the dlc characters like baron corbin doesn't had that i downloaded mincho sheen's one but when i download your v1.0 mod i didnt add your misc01start.pac because of that your mod doesnt work so i replace yor misc file then the attires for dlc characters were gone like so can you add  mincho sheens misc01start.pac so i can get both the attires and your arena mods

like in universal alternate attire mod 10 attires are unlocked but the dlc characters like baron corbin 

If you mean the modded character names then yeah as I have incorprated Pozzum's Future string file into the 100 attire unlocker so you will have lots modded character names in the game already.

If you're talking about having MichoSheen's characters to have attires enabled, you need to edit the hex file to unlock them/replace someone who has no attires - sorry if I have missed what you was saying as I am not sure what you mean.

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