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TNF Arena Mod v2.0 & Create An Arena Kit


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Erm I have the pack for the arenas it all went smooth the installation but I don't actually have the fastlane ring apron, it's changed the name and arena selection but nothing else. (just for fastlane the others work fine)

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Thank you LordJustice saved me having to do that and you did it easy.

I just want to say that your work is awesome. I think you are the first guy who actually updates arenas to the newer versions instead of adding stupid attitude era arenas which no one will use. I also like how you replace duplicates of arenas in the game and arenas such as main event, which really no one cares about lol. 

Only thing i'd wish is to keep wm 29 with 31, but hey, i'll take 31 over 29 anyways.

Exquisite work my friend.

Different strokes for different folks.

Your opinion is not fact. Just because you prefer one thing over another does not mean everyone does. Lots of people enjoy modern stuff, just as many prefer attitude era stuff, and just as many prefer golden era stuff.

You clearly prefer the newer stuff. Luckily Skeeno is doing an awesome job providing that for you.

Just remember that variety is the spice of life my friend, and the world is not a solitary hivemind focused around your particular views.

yes, i did not mean literally no one cares about it, sorry if i hurt your feelings.

Thank you LordJustice saved me having to do that and you did it easy.

I just want to say that your work is awesome. I think you are the first guy who actually updates arenas to the newer versions instead of adding stupid attitude era arenas which no one will use. I also like how you replace duplicates of arenas in the game and arenas such as main event, which really no one cares about lol. 

Only thing i'd wish is to keep wm 29 with 31, but hey, i'll take 31 over 29 anyways.

Exquisite work my friend.

you clearly don't follow our thread. Plenty prefer the attitude era and golden era. 

Actually, most prefer it.. There is a reason both wwe 2k and the real wwe keep going back to older roots. 

No, i certainly do not follow any threas. And you cant state as a fact that most people prefer this and that, i was obviously saying it sarcasticly but when you say it in a defensive reply like that it seems like you mean it. Furthermore it is only an opinion of course, and i can state it however i want.


"Stupid attitude era arenas which no one will use?"

With over 700 replies and nearly 40,000 views, The Attitude Era Conversion thread is one of the largest and most active on this entire forum. I can't possibly imagine why you would say something so ridiculous. Those rings add so much character to the game, especially the WCW/ECW/Indy varieties. If you honestly think "no one" is interested in any of that, you're clueless. If you were going for "sarcasm," the fail was equally as epic. 

Skeeno, great work, sir. 


learn to take a joke and stop being so butthurt, i have my own opinion, and of course a "attitude era conversion thread is one of the largest and most active on this entire forum", that sentence speaks for itsself, if you cant get that youre a fucking idiot.

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I'd love to know where it went wrong. I'm assuming you had issues with MITB also but now it works?

Did you just install the mod again or?

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No nothing wrong with mitb just Fastlane and wrestlemania 31 But It's all better now but I've completely lost all my DLC60 stuff but the arenas reinstalling the mod

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As in character names? You would sadly as I would have to edit them on my side of things for that to carry over.


Been working on some things but can't get this transition file to work on the opening - only on exit.

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I'm confused as you said it was all better but that sounds like something really bad?

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I couldn't upload it as it would take ages however you could just verify with steam - the downside to this is you lose all the mods you've installed but it would give you all the missing files.

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It gets rid of everything - I would recommend making folders of your favourite mods, that way when something breaks, you can just chuck them all back in.

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Make the transition video from targa files with alpha channels. It'll take forever but will work. You won't get an actual video to work. 

Edited by TheBleedingRed21
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Make the transition video from targa files with alpha channels. It'll take forever but will work. You won't get an actual video to work. 

What software would you recommend?


Could you give me a quick tutorial as I am not sure how and what I am supposed to do. @TheBleedingRed21

Edited by Skeeno
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