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TheBleedingRed21 & LordJustice 17 Present: The Big Mod Tutorial


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Time has come, we are ready to release to you guys our techniques and secrets so we can all become one big modding community! This has taken quite some time to figure out, let alone write, I hope this is easy as can be for you guys as we tried in greatest detail to briefly explain the steps. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, we are a community, without the community, this becomes pointless and tiresome as we cannot come together to form great mods.

All we ask in return is you take what we share with you, expand the knowledge of modding this game and share it back. Please do not take this info, create only for yourself. This type of modding defeats the purpose of a community and again, the community is what allows all this opportunity. Without this community, LordJustice17 would never be my collab partner, and I doubt we ever figured some of this out so quickly.

Some things that WE need YOUR help with:

Arena Editing - Geometry and Cosmetics - We cannot find this stuff, HELP!
New techniques or files that are yet undiscovered
Evt files that contain the movie files, help figure out how to change them. The evt video files are bink 2.4d videos.
We need help discovering how to change the outside mat color properly

Without further ado: I present The Big Mod Tutorial by TheBleedingRed21 and LordJustice21

The Big Mod Tutorial Word Document (5 chapters of tutorials/tips)
Appendix inside the word document - List of files inside the pacs
Arena Select Template
Main Menu Template
Apron Template
Hard to Find File Location List
Red, White, Blue Rope File (Open this and extract the files to see how this was done! :D)

One thing I DID not mention is the tri-color rope, I have included it in the rar file so you can at least use it for now and test out the new changes for custom pacs! It is labeled as arrope08.pac, open it in xpacker, extract files and you can see how it was done!


Enjoy fellas!

Edited by TheBleedingRed21
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So I was able to change out my Arena selection thanks to this tutorial. However, every time I move the transparent logo of mine from PhotoShop into visual studio, it has a white background that I can't erase to make transparent. Any tips on file format or how to get this working? I can get the blue one working and I can get the background, just the logo I am having trouble with

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I've edited Arena geometry, it was one of the first things I did because I'm building an ICW arena. They're held in Entrance0x.pac inside pac>evt. Very simple process to edit and then inject. Not sure if this is what you are looking for.


The arena settings are essentially just an XML file, if I get time I'll look into make some crappy little software to make it easier to edit.

Could we get a bit more clarity on this BB? Thanks.

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ADDENDUM (Working around the single digit limitation)
We've just discovered how to work around the single digit limitation on custom pacs. To replace a single digit pac in the misc_start01.pac with a double digit pac you have to make sure that the last line of each set ends with "7B 0A 20 20" in hex.
1) Replace the number of the single digit pac with your new double digit pac (ex: "Ringmat":19,.)
2) Look at the end of your set for the hex code.
3) Delete the 00 hex in the middle until your line ends with "7B 0A 20 20" in hex (likely possible to add 00 in hex until the next line ends in "7B 0A 20 20")
6F 6E 22 3A 22 31 2E 30 22 0A 7D 00 7B 0A 20 20
on":"1.0".}.{. space space
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