Chillalex Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 Moves Perfect Vanterminator ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D00BA4C2 0320 800B309C FCC0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B309E 800A D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A0 FCC4 D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A2 800A D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A4 FCCC D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A6 800A D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A8 13A4 D00C663E 45D8 800B312E 0950 D00C663E 45D8 800B3130 F600 D00C663E 45D8 800B312C 0300 D00C663E 45D8 800B312A 0100 D00C663E 45D8 800B3132 F900 D00C663E 45D8 800AFD62 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFD62 FEF6 D00C663E 0098 800C663E 45D8 D00BA4C2 0320 8008BED4 0000* *Replace with 8008BEF8 0000 For PAL Version Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,GeoDim. Start a match in arena 1.whip player 2 into the top left turnbuckle and if they go to the right position(where you can stomp a mudhole in them)the freeze,and they have this chair in front of them(kick ass perfect positioning)Then you can do a move on them.I used Front dropkick and @#%$ looked tha Bomb!!also,When you make contact with em(kick them etc)The Chair DENTS!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mankind Flip Off Cell(MUST TRY!) @#%$ is a hidden move!damn straight!i found this...and @#%$ looks like THQ Meant to leave @#%$ out... Player 2(CDX) D00BA23E 0320 800BA23E 068C D00BA23E 068C 800BA244 0001 D00C663E 068E 800C663E 068C Player 1(CDX) D00C663E 0320 800C663E 068C D00C663E 068C 800C6644 0001 D00BA23E 068E 800BA23E 068C Player 2(GS Pro) D00BA23E 0320 D00BA176 EDA4 800BA23E 068C D00BA23E 068C 800BA244 0001 D00C663E 068E 800C663E 068C Player 1(GS Pro) D00C663E 0320 D00C6576 EDA4 800C663E 068C D00C663E 068C 800C6644 0001 D00BA23E 068E 800BA23E 068C Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Go to a hiac match and get on top.When you whip somebody they run to the edge and do a Mankind flip!@#%$ is better because- With the flip they sorta try to land on their shoulders..... And the player throwing him off the cell actually does the undertakers little know,he grabbed mankind by the neck and threw him...wel its like that. None of you can Moan cos its THQs version so i cant do any more...except add announce breaking....which,BTW,The player actually reaches! Note-The only difference between CDX And GS Pro is that with GS Pro you only throw them off the cell when you are on top of the cell....with CDX You will throw them where ever you are... And ONLY use one at a time....... Oh and when i say Player 2,i refer to the person who you want to Throw off the cell ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Powerbomb Thru cell Thru two stacked Tables Right this is for the guy that requested @#%$.I have not tested @#%$ properly but @#%$ should work... Announce tables are wooden tables- D008527E FFFE 800E2C10 FEDC D008527E FFFE 800E2C12 800A D008527E FFFE 800E2C14 FEE0 D008527E FFFE 800E2C16 800A D008527E FFFE 800E2C18 FEF0 D008527E FFFE 800E2C1A 800A D008527E FFFE * 800E2C1C 12A4* D008527E FFFE* 800E2DE8 000C* D008527E FFFE 800E3034 FEDC D008527E FFFE 800E3036 800A D008527E FFFE 800E3038 FEE0 D008527E FFFE 800E303A 800A D008527E FFFE 800E303C FEF0 D008527E FFFE 800E303E 800A D008527E FFFE * 800E3040 12A4* D008527E FFFE* 800E318E 000C* Stacked Table Positioning- D008527E FEFF 800E2CA2 0000 D008527E FEFF 800E2CA4 0000 D008527E FEFF 800E2C9E 0000 D008527E FEFF 800A12A4 0000 D008527E FEFF 800E30C6 0000 D008527E FEFF 800E30C8 0000 D008527E FEFF 800E30C2 0000 D008527E FEFF 800E3078 2000 Must Be On- D00BA4C2 0320 800E30D6 8000 Player 1 Effects- D00BA23E 062F 800BA176 F400 D00BA23E 062F 800C6576 F400 D00A12A4 0001 800C6576 FB50 D00A12A4 0001 800BA176 FB50 D00A12A4 0001 800E287A FB50 Player 2 Effects-(I dont think u need these in...) D00C663E 062F 800BA176 F400 D00C663E 062F 800C6576 F400 D00A12A4 0001 800C6576 FB50 D00A12A4 0001 800BA176 FB50 D00A12A4 0001 800E287A FB50 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names+ More..... Rules-Start a HIAC Match in arena 1 and press select(If u used the wooden table part) Bring both tables in the ring and press L2.They will both stack,one on top of another.Only when u do the table powerbomb you will be on top of the cell doing the move,and you break thru the roof thru both tables...and the breakable piece falls down as well....Press select to rebuild. *Codes Must be entered even if you dont want to use wooden tables Problems-When the tables break one of the HIAC Walls disappears. PS-Wehn you do the powerbomb your ankles are in the HIAC roof.Its nothing bad and u still do @#%$ off the roof but i just thought id say. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pedigree Thru stacked Metal tables 80080900 0010 D00BA4C2 0320 800AAE0E 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AAE10 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AAE0A 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AB31A 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AB31C 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AB316 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AB2CC 2000 D00BA23E 138C 800BA172 0000 D00BA23E 138C 800BA174 FD00 D00BA23E 138C 800BA176 F900 D00BA23E 138C 800BA16E 0C00 D00BA23E 138C 800C6572 0000 D00BA23E 138C 800C6574 0400 D00BA23E 138C 800C6576 F900 D008527E FFFE 800C6576 0000 D008527E FFFE 800BA176 0000 D008527E FFFE 800A0A24 0001 D008527E FFFE 800A0AE4 0001 ---next part is for player 2-u dont have to put @#%$ in if ur gonna be player 1.--- D00C663E 138C 800BA172 0000 D00C663E 138C 800BA174 FD00 D00C663E 138C 800BA176 F900 D00C663E 138C 800BA16E 0C00 D00C663E 138C 800C6572 0000 D00C663E 138C 800C6574 0400 D00C663E 138C 800C6576 F900 Credit-MoonGoose07,TheMasterOfTheSwanton,SteFrankie(cool name),Darren Ainsworth Rules-Go to a singles or any other non special match(only tested in singles).And you have to have The Pedigree(Duh...).when u do the pedigree u will be on top of the two stacked metal tables(thy are there from the start)doing the move.when u hit the tables(i.e going down)press an hold select until the player that did the move stands up again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Piledriver Off ring apron thru table(cdx) D00BA23E 062c 800BA176 0000 D00BA23E 062c 800C6576 0000 D00BA23E 062c 800BA174 0000 D00BA23E 062c 800C6574 0000 D00BA23E 062c 800C6572 F400 D00BA23E 062c 800BA172 F400 D00BA23E 062c 800C656E 0400 D00BA23E 062c 800BA16E 0400 D00BA23E 062c 800B709C 12A4 D00BA23E 062c 800B6270 12A4 D00BA23E 062c 800B6694 12A4 D00BA23E 062c 800B75A8 12A4 D00BA23E 062c 800B7122 F1F1 D00BA23E 062c 800B7124 0000 D00BA23E 062c 800B711E 0000 D008527E FFFE 800A12A4 0000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MoonGoose007 Rules-Go to a TLC Singles.Choose anyone.Do the table pile driver and youll both be flying off the ring apron, and thru a table(break is perfect)!!!(use announcers tables for more chances of going thru.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ piledriver Off Turnbuckle D00BA23E 062c 800BA176 FAFF D00BA23E 062c 800C6576 FAFF D00BA23E 062c 800BA172 0A50 D00BA23E 062c 800C6572 0A50 D00BA23E 062c 800C6574 0A50 D00BA23E 062c 800BA174 0A50 D00BA23E 062c 800BA16E FD00 D00BA23E 062c 800C656E FD00 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Moongoose007 go to any match and do the table piledriver.ull both be on top of the turnbuckle,hurtling downwards 2 the mat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PowerBomb Off ring apron(cdx) D00BA23E 062f 800BA176 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800C6576 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800BA174 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800C6574 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800C6572 F200 D00BA23E 062f 800BA172 F200 D00BA23E 062f 800C656E 0C00 D00BA23E 062f 800BA16E 0C00 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MoonGoose007 Rules-Go to any match except tag team.Player 1 must not be the rock or a CAW That can do Table rock bottom.Do the table power bomb and youll both be flying off the ring apron!!!(use announcers tables for more chances of going thru.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Powerbomb Off Turnbuckle D00BA23E 062f 800BA176 FAFF D00BA23E 062f 800C6576 FAFF D00BA23E 062f 800BA172 0A50 D00BA23E 062f 800C6572 0A50 D00BA23E 062f 800C6574 0A50 D00BA23E 062f 800BA174 0A50 D00BA23E 062f 800BA16E FD00 D00BA23E 062f 800C656E FD00 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Moongoose007 go to any match and do the table powerbomb .ull both be on top of the turnbuckle,hurtling downwards 2 the mat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PowerBombOff Steps in ring thru stacked tables outside the ring (CDX) D00BA23E 062f 800BA176 FAFF D00BA23E 062f 800C6576 FAFF D00BA23E 062f 800BA174 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800C6574 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800C6572 F400 D00BA23E 062f 800BA172 F400 D00BA23E 062f 800C656E 0C00 D00BA23E 062f 800BA16E 0C00 D00BA23E 062f 800B7122 F1F1 D00BA23E 062f 800B7124 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800B711E 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800B7630 0000 D00BA23E 062f 800B762E F1F1 D00BA23E 062f 800B75E0 2000 D00BA23E 062f 800B75A8 12A4 D00BA23E 062f 800B709C 12A4 D00A12A4 0001 800BA176 0000 D00A12A4 0001 800C6576 0000 D008527E FFFE 800A12A4 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B59C6 F500 D00BA4C2 0320 800B59C8 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B59C2 0C00 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MoonGoose007,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Go To TLC singles match.The Ringsteps will be at front in middle of screen.whip an opponent into the steps,pick them up and put steps in ring.They should be in place.Now do the table powerbomb and you will both be on top of the steps in the ring,with stacked tables infront of u.player 1 will powerbomb player two thru two tables on the outside!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rock Bottom On To The Stove This makes @#%$ so when you do the rock bottom ur on the stove!!!Rules an explanation at bottom. 30096368 0001 30096369 0001 80080900 0010 D00BA23E 062E 800BA172 0B00 D00BA23E 062E 800BA174 F1F1 D00BA23E 062E 800C6572 0B50 D00BA23E 062E 800C6574 F1F1 D00C663E 062E 800BA172 0B00 D00C663E 062E 800BA174 F1F1 D00C663E 062E 800C6572 0B50 D00C663E 062E 800C6574 F1F1 D00A0A24 0001 800A0AE4 0001 D00A0AE4 0001 800A0A24 0001 D00A0A24 0001 800A0844 001B D00A0A24 0001 800A0846 0000 D008527E FFFE 800A0A24 0000 D00A0A24 0000 800A0AE4 0000 D00A0A24 0000 800A0844 FFFF D00A0A24 0000 800A0846 FFFF Credit-Moogoose07(thats how he spelled @#%$),Darren Ainsworth,TheMasterOfTheSwanton,american badass(??is that the name??) Rules-Go To any Match.You will be in WWF New York Kitchen.Go through the match as you would,then,whip someone on the table.if you do the table rock bottom you will both be on top of the stove!!!When you pull off the move you hear a satisfying crack sound, u fall to the floor and the stove explodes!!!@#%$ continues to explode until select is pressed,When you can do the thing all over again!!!Win by pinfall,knockout.Works ONLY for the table rock bottom,Not normal rock bottom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rock Bottom Off ring apron(cdx) D00BA23E 062E 800BA176 0000 D00BA23E 062E 800C6576 0000 D00BA23E 062E 800BA174 0000 D00BA23E 062E 800C6574 0000 D00BA23E 062E 800C6572 F200 D00BA23E 062E 800BA172 F200 D00BA23E 062E 800C656E 0C00 D00BA23E 062E 800BA16E 0C00 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MoonGoose007 Rules-Go to any match except tag team.Player 1 must be the rock or a CAW That can do Table rock bottom.Do the table rock bottom and youll both be flying off the ring apron!!!(use announcers tables for more chances of going thru.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Like this code cos its like a real cheat-u know, button presses but without buttons.O yeah they work everywhere-whoever, whatever etc. NO ACTIVATOR 8008BDF4 0002 D00BA23E ???? 8008BDF4 0004 D00C663E ???? 8008BDF4 0004 D00D2A3E ???? 8008BDF4 0004 D00DEE3E ???? 8008BDF4 0004*** ***THIS CODE IVE TRIED IN NTSC.IF @#%$ DOESNT WORK IN PAL THEN USE-8008BE18(IM NOT SURE-THATS JUST A CALCULATION) Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Replace ???? with whatever move you can find the move values in xclusives under-values for slo-mo. but-i reccomend- olympic slam=139A Swanton=0DF7 shooting star press=0DF3 pedigree=138c spear=15B2 chair shots=05E8 jump for belt=0643 Twist of Fate(matt)=13f8 Missle dropkick(like shane o mac at wm17)=0DB4 Chokeslam=1389 Hardyz leg drop=0DFA Hurracanrana=1391 Rock Spinebuster=1594 Superplex=1612 Sweet chin music=146b ***ONLY CHOOSE ONE.If you want more than one put the base in again*** Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Slow Motion Table moves NO ACTIVATOR 8008BDF4 0002 D00BA23E 062C 8008BDF4 0004 D00C663E 062C 8008BDF4 0004 D00D2A3E 062C 8008BDF4 0004 D00DEE3E 062C 8008BDF4 0004*** D00BA23E 062F 8008BDF4 0004 D00C663E 062F 8008BDF4 0004 D00D2A3E 062F 8008BDF4 0004 D00DEE3E 062F 8008BDF4 0004 ***THIS CODE IVE TRIED IN NTSC.IF @#%$ DOESNT WORK IN PAL THEN USE-8008BE18(IM NOT SURE-THATS JUST A CALCULATION) Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton And Moongoose007. Rules-Go to any Table an when you do the move you slow down to slo mo!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunner On Car D00BA23E 1388 800BA172 EbF1 D00BA23E 1388 800BA174 E900 D00BA23E 1388 800BA176 FBFF D00BA23E 1388 800BA16E 0800 D00BA23E 1388 800C6572 F0F1 D00BA23E 1388 800C6574 E900 D00BA23E 1388 800C6576 FBFF D00BA23E 1388 800C656E 0000 D008527E FFFE 800BA176 0000 D008527E FFFE 800C6576 0000 80080900 000f Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Darren Ainsworth. Rules-Go to any match.youll be in the parking lot.when you do the stunner(not stone cold stunner)(player 1)youre on top of the car doing your move!!!press select to get back to ground level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pedigree On Car D00BA23E 138C 800BA172 EEF1 D00BA23E 138C 800BA174 E900 D00BA23E 138C 800BA176 FBFF D00BA23E 138C 800BA16E 0800 D00BA23E 138C 800C6572 F4F1 D00BA23E 138C 800C6574 E900 D00BA23E 138C 800C6576 FBFF D00BA23E 138C 800C656E 0000 D008527E FFFE 800BA176 0000 D008527E FFFE 800C6576 0000 80080900 000f Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Darren Ainsworth. Rules-Go to any match.youll be in the parking lot.when you do the pedigree(player 1)youre on top of the car doing your move!!!press select to get back to ground level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERY SIMPLE MOVES OFF FIRST ROPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If any one has code ideas tell me. D00BA23E 0099 800BA176 F9FF D00C663E 0099 800C6576 F9FF Its only 2 players.climb up turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ moves through stacked turnbuckle tables(Inside) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ yeah,its just like the title says.sorry but i had to put an activator in,there was no other way.tell me what you think. PUT THIS IN 4 TABLES C00BA4C2 0320 800B5694 FEDC 800B5696 800A 800B5698 FEE0 800B569A 800A 800B569C FEF0 800B569E 800A 800B56A0 13A4. NOWS THE EFFECTS(THESE ARE X CLUSIVE) D008525A FFFE 800BA172 F1F1 D008525A FFFE 800BA174 F1F1 D008525A FFFE 800BA176 F800 D008525A FFFE 800C6576 F800 D008525A FFFE 800C6574 F1F1 D008525A FFFE 800C6572 F1F1 D00A27E4 0001 800BA176 FAFF D00A27E4 0001 800C6576 FAFF D00A27E4 0001 800A13A4 0001 ENTER THIS TO REBUILD D008525A FCFF 800A13A4 0000 D008525A FCFF 800A27E4 0000 RIGHT have to start putting them thru a certain table(2 i think)when u know they gonna go through,press select and youll be on the tb tables doing a move thru them.4 best results,do a move on the table IN THE RING and press up+right when you drop the table 4 the correct R2+L2 to rebuild the tables,so u can keep experimenting.THIS IS FOR TLC SINGLE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finishers are always slo mo-looks like matrix! Player 1 D008525A FBFF 80096392 0002 D0096392 0002 8008BDF4 0004 D0096392 0003 80096392 0000 D0096392 0001 80096392 0000 D0096392 0003 8008BDF4 0001 Player 2 D00852AO FBFF 80096388 0002 D0096388 0002 8008BDF4 0004 D0096388 0003 80096388 0000 D0096388 0001 80096388 0000 D0096388 0003 8008BDF4 0001 Credit/Alex Underhill Play any match...when you do you rfinisher slo motion will kick in and as soon as you finish your finisher @#%$ goes off...try this @#%$ is like the Matrix! *Note-Player 1 only tested *NTSC Version above-Here follows what may be a PAL Conversion,dont hold me on the fact @#%$ works tho. Player 1 D008527E FBFF 80096392 0002 D0096392 0002 8008BE18 0004 D0096392 0003 80096392 0000 D0096392 0001 80096392 0000 D0096392 0003 8008BE18 0001 Player 2 D00852C4 FBFF 80096388 0002 D0096388 0002 8008BE18 0004 D0096388 0003 80096388 0000 D0096388 0001 80096388 0000 D0096388 0003 8008BE18 0001 Credit/Alex Underhill Play any match...when you do you rfinisher slo motion will kick in and as soon as you finish your finisher @#%$ goes off...try this @#%$ is like the Matrix! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Mist i dont like this i was in a rush... D00BA23E 1465 D00BA246 002D 800BA246 005D D00C6646 1465 D00C6646 002D 800C6646 005D --------------\/ \/ \/ May not work.... D00C663E 1465 D00C6646 005D D00C6644 0001 800C6600 0190 D00BA23E 1465 D00BA246 005D D00BA244 0001 800BA200 0190 Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-Must have trapping Headbutts as a move.Just do the trapping headbutts.You grab them,rear your head back and then jerk your head forwards.Thats when the person goes green(i couldnt be bothered looking for green head value-rushed) Here is the CDX Version... D00BA246 002D 800BA246 005D D00C6646 002D 800C6646 005D D00C6646 005D 800C6600 0190 Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-This is very glitchy.Do not stand still or you freeze...Anyways do the trapping headbutt only and the move will look like above and only player 2 goes green,so be sure you are player 1 doing the move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kanes Fire Taunt w/ fire Player 1 D00BA23E 070A D00BA246 0064 800AF46F F518 D00BA23E 070A D00BA246 0064 800AF434 387E Player 2 D00C663E 070A D00C6646 0064 800AF46F F518 D00C663E 070A D00C6646 0064 800AF434 387E Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-Must have Kanes Raise Arms Taunt,And be in arena 1.He brings his arms up,then when they come down the turnbuckles are on fire.Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ECW Quote
Chillalex Posted April 15, 2004 Author Posted April 15, 2004 4 ECW tables Code In any match w/ effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i figured some of ya may want it. Top Left Table- D008527E FFFE 800B35AC FEDC D008527E FFFE 800B35AE 800A D008527E FFFE 800B35B0 FEE0 D008527E FFFE 800B35B2 800A D008527E FFFE 800B35B4 FEF0 D008527E FFFE 800B35B6 800A D008527E FFFE 800B35B8 12A6 800B363A 0A00 800B363C FD50 800B363E 0B50 800B3640 F300 800B3642 F900 Top Right Table- D008527E FFFE 800B3834 FEDC D008527E FFFE 800B3836 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3838 FEE0 D008527E FFFE 800B383A 800A D008527E FFFE 800B383C FEF0 D008527E FFFE 800B383E 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3840 12A6 D008527E FFFE 800B38C2 0E00 D008527E FFFE 800B38C4 FD50 D008527E FFFE 800B38C6 0B50 D008527E FFFE 800B38C8 0B50 D008527E FFFE 800B38CA F900 Bottom Left Table- D008527E FFFE 800B3ABC FEDC D008527E FFFE 800B3ABE 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3AC0 FEE0 D008527E FFFE 800B3AC2 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3AC4 FEF0 D008527E FFFE 800B3AC6 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3AC8 12A6 D008527E FFFE 800B3B4A 0600 D008527E FFFE 800B3B4C FD50 D008527E FFFE 800B3B4E F300 D008527E FFFE 800B3B50 F300 D008527E FFFE 800B3B52 F900 Bottom Right Table- D008527E FFFE 800B3D44 FEDC D008527E FFFE 800B3D46 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3D48 FEE0 D008527E FFFE 800B3D4A 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3D4C FEF0 D008527E FFFE 800B3D4E 800A D008527E FFFE 800B3D50 12A6 D008527E FFFE 800B3DD2 0200 D008527E FFFE 800B3DD4 FD50 D008527E FFFE 800B3DD6 F300 D008527E FFFE 800B3DD8 0B50 D008527E FFFE 800B3DDA F900 Effects- D00BA23E 0276 800BA23E 0174 D00C663E 0276 800C663E 0174 D00D2A3E 0276 800D2A3E 0174 D00DEE3E 0276 800DEE3E 0174 Barbed Wire- D008527E FFFE 800AFEF4 6664 D008527E FFFE 800AFEF6 0019 Press Select To break all Tables- D008527E F7FF 800AFF32 FEF6 D008527E F7FF 800AFF4A FEF6 D008527E F7FF 800AFEF0 FE5A D008527E F0FF 800AFF32 FBF6 D008527E F0FF 800AFF4A FEF6 D008527E F0FF 800AFEF0 6664 Must Be On- D00BA4C2 0320 8008BEF8 0000 80080900 0000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names,MasterOfTheSwanton,TheChocolateStarfish Rules-start any match and press select.Press R2 To break all the tables and R1+R2+L1+L2 To fix all the tables For xplorer users just remove all the Button activators and just switch the code on in the match, that way halves the code! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buried Alive Inferno Dumpster Scaffold DeathMatch wahey!how many codes can YOU Put together?? lol Buried Alive Pit- 800E2CA2 F300 800E2CA4 ED00 800E2C9E 0400 800E2C52 1500 800E2C54 1500 800E2C56 1500 Dumpster- 800E30C6 F1F1 800E30C8 FA00 800E30C2 0800 800E3076 1500 800E3078 1500 800E307A 1500 800B04B4 0026 800B04B6 46AC 800B04B8 0026 800B04BA 46AC 800B04BC 3A4E 800B04C0 3A4E Flames Around Apron- 800B2628 46AC 800B262A 001A 800E1942 0C11 800E1946 4000 800E20E2 0C11 800E20E6 4000 800E1D12 0C11 800E1D16 4000 800E24B2 0C11 800E2486 4000 Scaffold Over Ring- 800E0C9A 0000 800E1432 0000 800E11AA 0A00 800E16BA 0A00 800E0F26 0A00 800E0118 39FE 800E011A 001B 800DEC74 383E 800DEC7A 001B 800B27C2 001B D00BA176 EDA4 800BA172 0000 D00BA23E 0687 800BA172 0000 D00C6576 EDA4 800C6572 0000 D00C663E 0687 800C6572 0000 Buried alive/Dumpster winning D00BA23E 0622 800BA23E 0675 D00BA23E 0675 800BA176 0500 D00C663E 0622 800C663E 0675 D00C663E 0675 800C6576 0500 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton. Rules-Start a Hell In A Cell match in arena 1.There will be Flame barricades around the apron.There is a scaffold above the ring(it is glass with a wooden platform.)There is a dumpster @ ringside and to the left is a buried alive pit.Scaffold rules-Climb the scaffold and fight on top it-it has effects.On top is a steel plate.You can put your opponent thru the steel plate.Dumpster/Buried alive rules-Simply whip an opponent onto/into the desired thing to win-if in a dumpster they will go in it,and buried alive they will be in a pit.also there is grass on side of pit.Flames-You can break thru them any time and use as a weapon. it will work for CDX. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Working Ladders @ Ringside! D00AFEF4 39FE 800B540C F8C8 D00AFEF4 39FE 800B540E 800D D00AFEF4 39FE 800B5410 F8CC D00AFEF4 39FE 800B5412 800D D00AFEF4 39FE 800B5414 F8DC D00AFEF4 39FE 800B5416 800D D00AFEF4 39FE 800B5418 12A0 D00AFEF4 39FE 800B549C 0C00 D00AFEF4 39FE 800B459A 9999 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names Rules-Start a TLC Singles match.There will be 4 ladders @ Ringside.You can climb them from outside or from in the ring.And you can do stuff like superplexes off them! **if it doesnt work,try arena 1 w/o any new table codes barbed wire tables** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Real No Turnbuckle(Looks+effects) D008527E FFFE 800AF500 6664 D008527E FFFE 800AF504 FE5A D008527E FFFE 800AF508 FE5A D00BA23E 0276 800BA23E 0174 D00C663E 0276 800C663E 0174 D00D2A3E 0276 800D2A3E 0174 D00DEE3E 0276 800DEE3E 0174 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce Rules-Start any match.Press select to remove turnbuckle padding and there will be silver chaining like in real life.Whip an opponent into the turnbuckles and theyll get hurt(i may add pain later but it doesnt seem to worth it) I made this for some person...they requested it ages ago. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triple Tier scaffold For CDX It is triple tier glass,steel and wooden scaffold-and shock!not too long! Steel Platform- C00BA4C2 0320 800B27C2 001B 800E2882 4000 800E2886 1500 Wooden Platform- C00BA4C2 0320 800E2C10 FEDC 800E2C12 800A 800E2C14 FEE0 800E2C16 800A 800E2C18 FEF0 800E2C1A 800A 800E2C1C 12A6 800E2CA2 0000 800E2CA4 0000 800E2CB2 8000 800E2C52 3200 800E2C54 0000 D008BDB4 0020 800E2F5A F0FF 800E2C56 2500 Glass platform- C00BA4C2 0320 800E0114 FE5A 800E011A 001B 800E0F24 0000 800E0F26 09D0 D008BDB4 0020 800E0F76 F470 Support Poles- C00BA4C2 0320 800DEC74 383E 800DEC78 FE5A 800DEC76 0019 800E0C9E 0970 800E16BA 09D0 800E11AA 09D0 800E1436 0970 800B2628 FE5A Effects- D00BA176 EDA4 800BA172 0000 D00C6576 EDA4 800C6572 0000 D00BA23E 068A 800E2F5A FB50 D00BA23E 068A 800E0F76 FB50 D00C663E 068A 800E2F5A FB50 D00C663E 068A 800E0F76 FB50 Rebuild- D008527E FFFE 8008BDB4 0020 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Hell In A Cell match and it will be set up.There are three stages-Lowest is glass,middle is wooden and the top platform where you fight is steel.Climb to the top of the scaffold and fight on it.After a while someone will go through all the scaffolds and yes,the Platforms DO Come down after that.Try it it looks ace.O and press select to rebuild the scaffold. ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS- seperate slots where i have seperated. Put D00BA4C2 0320 Infront of every line if C---- Doesnt work for you.There will never be two D Codes together,so miss out D00BA4C2 0320 On the lines where i have put 800E0F24 0000 800E0F26 09D0 D008BDB4 0020 800E0F76 F470 would become- D00BA4C2 0320 800E0F24 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800E0F26 09D0 D008BDB4 0020 800E0F76 F470 And yes it will work for anything ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TMOTS Blood- D0096392 0035 800C6600 1910 D0096388 0035 800BA200 1910 TMOTS First Blood- D00BA200 1910 800BA23E 0675 D00C6600 1910 800C663E 0675 Barbed wire Board in Turnbuckle- 800B309C FEDC 800B309E 800A 800B30A0 FEE0 800B30A2 800A 800B30A4 FEF0 800B30A6 800A 800B30A8 12A2 800AFEF4 6664 800AFEF6 0019 800B312A 9999 800B312C FD50 800B312E 0B50 800B3130 F300 800B3132 F9FF 3D Barbed Wire add-on- D00BA4C2 0320 800AFF86 FA18 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFF8A FA18 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFF46 FA18 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFF06 FA18 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFF0A FA18 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFF1E FA18 Press Select To Break Board,R1 To fix Board- D008527E FFFE 800AFF32 FEF6 D008527E FFFE 800AFF4A FEF6 D008527E FDFF 800AFF32 FA18 D008527E FDFF 800AFF4A FA18 (R1 Or R2 Im not sure....) Barbed Wire Casket- D00BA4C2 0320 800DEC68 3A3E D00BA4C2 0320 800DEC6A 0019 D00BA4C2 0320 800DEC6C 3A3E D00BA4C2 0320 800DEC6E 0019 D00BA4C2 0320 800DEC88 3A3E D00BA4C2 0320 800DEC8A 0019 Must Be On- D00BA4C2 0320 8008BEF8 0000 Credit-TMOTS,ICTOAGN,MOTS,Slim,MeAndMyToaster Rules-Start a Casket Match.Theres a bw board in TB.Press select to break.If you put in 3d bw then the wire is 3d and when you put opponent thru it it is still 3d bw.The casket is bw on the inside(shortened it for ya luke)my blood code is a better red and first to bleed looses.its all pretty simple stuff,nothing new or anything.Id have given the board props but i didnt have time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ECW Warzone Table- D00B707C 0001 800B709C 12A4 D00B707C 0001 800A12A4 0001 D00B7124 F700 800A12A4 0000 D008527E FFFE 800B7122 0850 D008527E FFFE 800B7124 F700 D008527E FFFE 800B7120 FD50 D008527E FFFE 800B711E 9999 D00B711E 9999 800B707C 0001 D008527E FFFE 800B70D4 0000 D00A12A4 0001 800B70D4 1000 D00A12A4 0000 800B70D2 1700 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a TLC Single Match and press select.A Table will set up in the turnbuckle as a board.Work in the same fashion as warzone tables-Move em and theyll break.You can now dp stuff like suplexes and that thru the table in turnbuckle.Belly To Belly looks good.Press select to rebuild.Even tho its a board the breaking is still like a normal table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pick n mix dumpster match Dumpster Size+Positioning 800B59C6 F000 800B59C8 0000 800B5976 1500 800B5978 2400 800B597A 1800 800B59C2 0000 Normal Dumpster- 800DEC68 3A4E 800DEC6C 3A4E 800DEC70 0026 800DEC72 46AC 800DEC74 0026 800DEC76 46AC 800DEC78 0026 800DEC7A 46AC 800DEC7C 0026 800DEC7E 46AC 800DEC80 0026 800DEC82 46AC 800DEC84 0026 800DEC86 46AC 800DEC88 3A4E Flaming Dumpster- 800DEC68 46AC 800DEC6A 000A 800DEC6C 46AC 800DEC6E 000A 800DEC70 46AC 800DEC72 000A 800DEC74 46AC 800DEC76 000A 800DEC78 46AC 800DEC7A 000A 800DEC7C 46AC 800DEC7E 000A 800DEC80 46AC 800DEC82 000A 800DEC84 46AC 800DEC86 000A 800DEC88 46AC 800DEC8A 000A Barbed Wire Dumpster- 800DEC68 3A3E 800DEC6A 0019 800DEC6C 3A3E 800DEC6E 0019 800DEC70 6664 800DEC72 0019 800DEC74 6664 800DEC76 0019 800DEC78 6664 800DEC7A 0019 800DEC7C 6664 800DEC7E 0019 800DEC80 6664 800DEC82 0019 800DEC84 6664 800DEC86 0019 800DEC88 3A3E 800DEC8A 0019 Lid- 800B309C FEDC 800B309E 800A 800B30A0 FEE0 800B30A2 800A 800B30A4 FEF0 800B30A6 800A 800B30A8 12A5 800AFEF8 FE5A 800B30DE 1300 800B30E2 1550 D008BDB4 0020 800B312E F3F1 D008BDB4 0020 800B3132 FB50 D008BDB4 0020 800B30E0 0700 8008BEF8 0000 Normal Lid- 800AFEF4 0026 800AFEF6 46AC 800AFEF0 0026 800AFEF2 46AC Flaming Lid- 800AFEF0 46AC 800AFEF2 000A 800AFEF4 46AC 800AFEF6 000A Barbed Wire Lid- 800AFEF0 FE5A 800AFEF4 6664 800AFEF6 0019 Winning- D00BA23E 0672 800B312E F000 D00BA23E 0672 800BA23E 0675 D00C663E 0672 800B312E F000 D00C663E 0672 800C663E 0675 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names Rules-Start a Casket Match and turn Codes on.There is a Dumpster at the front of ring with an open lid.Put opponent in dumpster to close lid and win.I Think you can still pick up the dumpster in this im not sure...ill fix it soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perfect Dumpster Match In Hell In a Cell I Have added a Lid. Dumpster Colour- D00BA4C2 0320 800B04B4 0026 D00BA4C2 0320 800B04B6 46AC D00BA4C2 0320 800B04B8 0026 D00BA4C2 0320 800B04BA 46AC D008BDB4 0020 800B04BC 3A4E D008BDB4 0020 800B04C0 3A4E Dumpster Winning- D00BA23E 0622 800BA23E 0675 D00BA23E 0675 800BA176 0400 D00C663E 0622 800C663E 0675 D00C663E 0675 800C6576 0400 Dumpster- 800E2CA2 F1F1 800E2CA4 FA00 800E2C52 1300 800E2C54 1500 800E2C56 1500 800E2C9E 0800 Lid- D008BDB4 0020 800E30C6 F370 D008BDB4 0020 800E30C8 FA00 D00BA4C2 0320 800E337E FB50 D008BDB4 0020 800E30C2 0800 D008BDB4 0020 800E3076 1300 D008BDB4 0020 800E3078 1500 D008BDB4 0020 800E307A 0100 Lid Shuts- D00BA23E 0675 800E3076 0000 D00BA23E 0675 800E3078 0000 D00BA23E 0675 800B04BC 0026 D00BA23E 0675 800B04BE 46AC D00BA23E 0675 800B04C0 0026 D00BA23E 0675 800B04C2 46AC D00C663E 0675 800E3076 0000 D00C663E 0675 800E3078 0000 D00C663E 0675 800B04BC 0026 D00C663E 0675 800B04BE 46AC D00C663E 0675 800B04C0 0026 D00C663E 0675 800B04C2 46AC Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Hell In A Cell match in arena 1.There are 2 Dumpsters @ Ringside.They are green,but change color dependant on who player 2 is(Undertaker-Green Dumpster)Whip an opponent into the dumpster to win.O and you can do moves off the dumpsters.and when they go in the dumpster the lid now shuts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moon physics Option its a new option-Moon Physics!!!basically go to singles or any other match that lets you modify rules rules 1 you will see the new option called-"moon".turn it on to turn moon physics on, or off to not use Moon physics. D00A2934 4F52 800A2934 4F4D D00A2936 4550 800A2936 4E4F D00A2938 4220 800A2938 0020 D009636A 0001 800BA13C 00CF D009636A 0001 800C653C 00CF D009636A 0001 800DED3C 00CF D009636A 0001 800D293C 00CF Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Darren Ainsworth,SDP2K1 And Kurt The Right Angle+ICTOAGN AndUndertaker ba.He found the moon physics addys tho i found player 2-4,but he can take credit. Rules-Just start a match,go to rules 1 and youll see MOON.Turn on/off accordingly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Cage Match D008527E FFFE 800DEC6C 38FE D008527E FFFE 800DF188 38FE Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce Rules-Cage Match,press select.cage bars will turn Blue.Only tested in arena 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glass Cage Match D008527E FFFE 800DEC6C 6664 D008527E FFFE 800DF188 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce Rules-Cage Match,press select.cage bars will turn Into glass.Only tested in arena 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Cage Match D008527E FFFE 800DEC6C 383E D008527E FFFE 800DF188 383E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce Rules-Cage Match,press select.cage bars will turn Gold.Only tested in arena 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Landmines in Turnbuckle w/ effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Landmines in Turnbuckle D00BA4C2 0320 800B5694 0728 D00BA4C2 0320 800B5696 800B D00BA4C2 0320 800B5698 072C D00BA4C2 0320 800B569A 800B D00BA4C2 0320 800B569C 0734 D00BA4C2 0320 800B569E 800B D00BA4C2 0320 800B56A0 13A5 D00BA4C2 0320 800B0734 3A4E D00BA4C2 0320 800B0736 000A D00BA4C2 0320 800B0738 FE5A Player 1 effects- D00BA23E 0098 800BA23E 0276 D00BA23E 0276 800BA23E 021E D00BA23E 021E 800B0734 46AC Player 2 effects- D00C663E 0098 800C663E 0276 D00C663E 0276 800C663E 021E D00C663E 021E 800B0734 46AC Player 3 effects- D00D2A3E 0098 800D2A3E 0276 D00D2A3E 0276 800D2A3E 021E D00D2A3E 021E 800B0734 46AC Player 4 effects- D00DEE3E 0098 800DEE3E 0276 D00DEE3E 0276 800DEE3E 021E D00DEE3E 021E 800B0734 46AC Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,J-BoSS Rules-Start any match in arena 1.The turnbuckles have gone and are replaced by my landmines Whip an opponent into the landmines and they will flip over to the floor outside and the landmines will explode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opening Cage Door w/ effects Opening Cage Door D008BDB4 3870 800E01F6 0500 D008BDB4 3870 800E01FA E500 D008BDB4 3870 800E01FC FC00 Effects D008BDB4 3870 800B5920 0001 D008BDB4 3870 800B5976 0000 D008BDB4 3870 800B5978 0000 D008BDB4 3870 800B597A 0000 D008BDB4 3870 800B59C6 F700 D008BDB4 3870 800B59C8 F700 D008BDB4 3870 800B59C2 F300 D00BA23E 0628 800BA176 FB50 D00C663E 0628 800C6576 FB50 D008BDB4 3870 800B5940 12A4 D00BA4C2 0320 800A12A4 0000 Win Mods- D00BA23E 0101 800C663E 0675 D00C663E 0101 800BA23E 0675 D00BA23E 0101 800BA172 F100 D00BA23E 0101 800BA16E 0000 D00C663E 0101 800C6572 F100 D00C663E 0101 800C656E 0000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,GeoDim Rules- Start A cage match,any arena.After 8 Minutes the Bottom left hand door will open.From here,Run towards the door and youll stand still.When like this,Press R1 And Down to step down off the ring apron and out of the door(you can only do it here,no where else)Once out of the door the match ends and you win.Also,your winning move is different.If you stepped out thru the door then you will do the in ring winning,whereas if you climb out then you get the climbing out animation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Real Barbed Wire Ropes-Random effects(PAL Version) This is for some guy-he suggested it. Part 1-Ropes 8008BFE8 007F Part 2-Must be on D00BA23E 003D 800BA23E 003C D00C663E 003D 800C663E 003C 800DEE3E 003D 800DEE3E 003C 800D2A3E 003D 800D2A3E 003C D008BDB4 0080 8008BDB4 0020 D00BA23E 0230 800BA23E 014C D00C663E 0230 800C663E 014C D00D2A3E 0230 800D2A3E 014C D00DEE3E 0230 800DEE3E 0174 Part 3-Random Effects(Will not work on CDX) Player 1- D00BA23E 003C D008BDB4 0020 800BA23E 0174 D00BA23E 003C D008BDB4 0040 800BA23E 014C D00BA23E 003C D008BDB4 0060 800BA23E 021E Player 2- D00C663E 003C D008BDB4 0020 800C663E 0174 D00C663E 003C D008BDB4 0040 800C663E 014C D00C663E 003C D008BDB4 0060 800C663E 021E Player 3- D00D2A3E 003C D008BDB4 0020 800D2A3E 0174 D00D2A3E 003C D008BDB4 0040 800D2A3E 014C D00D2A3E 003C D008BDB4 0060 800D2A3E 021E Player 4- D00DEE3E 003C D008BDB4 0020 800DEE3E 0174 D00DEE3E 003C D008BDB4 0040 800DEE3E 014C D00DEE3E 003C D008BDB4 0060 800DEE3E 021E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-You must have a cart that can be turned on/off,or be able to use hacked moves.This works in any match or arena.Start The match,and when you hit the barbed wireyou will either-Fall over the top of the ropes,Hold your back or fall to knees. I know its sad it doesnt work on CDX But thats life.I can only use it for a few weeks until i have to swap PlayStations back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Tables,Ladders And Chairs match Gold Tables- D00BA4C2 0320 800AFEF4 383E Gold Ladder- D00BA4C2 0320 800DF8DC 383E Gold Chair- D00BA4C2 0320 800AFCCC 383E D00BA4C2 0320 800AFCD0 383E D00BA4C2 0320 800AFCD4 383E Gold Belt- D00BA4C2 0320 800AF764 383E D00BA4C2 0320 800AF768 383E Gold Steps- D00BA4C2 0320 800B0BFC 383E Gold Announcer Tables- D00BA4C2 0320 800B04BC 383E D00BA4C2 0320 800B04C0 383E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a TLC Single match in arena 1.The Tables are golden,The Chairs are golden,the belt is gold and the ladder and announce table and steps are all gold.The ladder is not very good at the moment.If you wait a bit ill reply in here with an always title match.ill just go and find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smackdown2 Beta Hell In a Cell Match Take a look at your smackdown 2 case and on the back there is a picture of an old hell in a cell match-This is it. Hell In A Cell Looks- D00BA4C2 0320 800E01F4 0C00 D00BA4C2 0320 800E01FC 2E00 D00BA4C2 0320 800E01FE F970 D00BA4C2 0320 800E01AA 2500 D00BA4C2 0320 800E01AC 1C70 D00BA4C2 0320 800E01FA E400 Hell In A Cell Rules- 30096368 0001 3009636A 0000 Press select to get on top of the cage- D008527E FFFE 800BA176 EDA4 D008527E FFFE 800C6576 EDA4 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,GeoDim,Darren Ainsworth Rules- Start A Cage Match (Any arena).There is a roof on the cage.Win by Pinfall or KnockOut.Also,there are Hardcore weapons.Press select to fight on top of the cage,but one hit knocks you down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TLC Option its a new option-tables,ladders and chairs!!!!!!basically go to singles or any other match that lets you modify rules rules 1 you will see the new option called-"T L C".turn it on to turn TLC on, or off to not use tlc. D00A2934 4F52 800A2934 2054 D00A2936 4550 800A2936 204C D00A2938 4220 800A2938 2043 D00A293A 4552 800A293A 2020 D00A293C 4B41 800A293C 0020 D009636A 0001 800808CC 1000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Darren Ainsworth,SDP2K1 And Kurt The Right Angle+ICTOAGN (for the hiac options which i learnt from) Rules-Just start a match,go to rules 1 and youll see TLC.Turn on/off accordingly.If on you get all normal tlc weapons,ie,ladder,tables,chairs etc.Also works in survivor modes etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIAC Option its a new option-HIAC.basically go to singles or any other match that lets you modify rules rules 1 you will see the new option called-"HIAC".turn it on to turn The cell on, or off to not use the cell. D00A2934 4F52 800A2934 4948 D00A2936 4550 800A2936 4341 D00A2938 4220 800A2938 0020 D009636A 0001 800808C8 0100 D009636A 0001 800808BA 010F Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,Darren Ainsworth,SDP2K1 And Kurt The Right Angle+ICTOAGN (for the hiac options which i learnt from) Rules-Just start a match,go to rules 1 and youll see HIAC.Turn on/off accordingly.If on you get a fully working cell(climable etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dangerous Rumble d00ba23e 003c 800ba23e 021e d00c663e 003c 800c663e 021e d00da23e 003c 800da23e 021e d00dee3e 003c 800dee3e 021e. Credit/ Errortype404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chain(modern)Cage D008527E FFFE 800808c8 0010 D008527E FFFE 800E0F24 FFFF D008527E FFFE 800E287A FFFF Rules-Go to HIAC and press select.(i tried it other ways but it freezes) Now it is a cage match(only win by getting out) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fullsize Hell In a Cell (like @ WWF Armageddon 2000) C00BA4C2 0320 800E0C9E 1400 800E0C92 0B00 800E0C9C 1400 800E0C9A 1400 800E1434 1400 800E1432 1400 800E142A 0B00 800E1436 1400 800E11AC 1400 800E11AA 1400 800E11A2 0B00 800E11AE 1400 800E16BC 1400 800E16BA 1400 800E16B2 0B00 800E16BE 1400 800E0F22 1400 800E0F26 1400 800E2C10 0BF0 800E2C12 800B 800E2C14 0BF4 800E2C16 800B 800E2C18 0BFC 800E2C1A 800B 800E2C1C 12A4 800E3034 0BF0 800E3036 800B 800E3038 0BF4 800E303A 800B 800E303C 0BFC 800E303E 800B 800E3040 12A4 800E2CA4 F300 800E2CA2 F300 800E2C9E 0200 800E30C6 0D00 800E30C8 0D00 800E30C2 0A00 800E193E 0C00 800E1940 0C00 800A12A4 0000 Credit: TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules: Choose Hell In a Cell and it'll activate automatically. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flames Match 800AF500 387E 800AF504 387E 800AF508 387E 800AF595 0300 800AF597 0300 800AF596 0300 800AF5AE 0170 800AF599 0300 800AF5AF FDFF 800AF598 FDFF 800AF430 39FE 800AF432 0018 Credit/AlexUnderhill rules-must be in arena 1, The turnbuckle posts have been replaced with 2x4s and are flaming. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Constrcution Yard Match D00BA4C2 0320 800AF500 6664 D00BA4C2 0320 8008BFFE FFF9 D00BA4C2 0320 8008BFE6 FFF9 D00BA4C2 0320 800AF430 39FE D00BA4C2 0320 800AF432 0018 D008BD90 0020 800AF504 FFF9 D008BD90 0020 800AF508 FFF9 D008BD90 0040 800AF504 387E D008BD90 0040 800AF508 387E D008BD90 0040 8008BD90 0000 Scaffold One- D00BA4C2 0320 800B5920 0001 D00BA4C2 0320 800B59C6 0800 D00BA4C2 0320 800B59C8 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B59C2 0400 D00BA4C2 0320 800B5A8C 000C D00BA4C2 0320 8008BED4 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B309C FEDC D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A0 FEE0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B30A4 FEF0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3132 0250 D00BA4C2 0320 800B30DE 1400 D00BA4C2 0320 800B30E0 2000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B312E 0800 Scaffold 2- D00BA4C2 0320 800B5F24 000C D00BA4C2 0320 800B0BFC 7D74 D00BA4C2 0320 800B5E5E 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B5E60 ED00 D00BA4C2 0320 800B5E5A 0400 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3324 FEDC D00BA4C2 0320 800B3328 FEE0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B332C FEF0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33B8 ED00 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33BA E7A4 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33B4 0800 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33B2 0400 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3368 2000 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFEF8 6664 Credit/AlexUnderhill + Others Rules-Start a singles match in arena 1.This code includes- +wooden poles +The poles have lights on them...they flash yellow then orange over and over +Keep Off! Tape as rope(ya know, the black and yellow caution stripes) +A Scaffold in the ring which can be climbed and you can do moves off it +the same type of scaffold but suspended out of the ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Geodims Scaffold Match Wooden Planks 800E2C10 12E4 800E2C14 12E8 800E2C18 12F0 800E3034 12E4 800E3038 12E8 800E303C 12F0 800E2CA2 0100 800E2CA4 0000 800E2C52 7000 800E2C54 2C00 800E2C56 6700 800E2F5A EDA4 800E30C6 FF00 800E30C8 0000 800E3076 7000 800E3078 2C00 800E307A 6700 800E337E EDA4 800E30D6 8000 800E2CB2 8000 Remove HIAC- 800B27C0 7D74 800E0114 7D74 800E0118 7D74 800DEC74 7D74 800DEC78 7D74 Wire Mesh- 800E1942 0000 800E1944 0000 800E20E2 0000 800E20E4 0000 800E1D12 2E00 800E24B2 2E00 800B262A 000A 800B2628 3A3E 800E1D62 FE00 800E2502 FE00 800E1D16 0800 800E20E6 0800 Effects- D008BDB4 0020 800BA176 EDA4 D008BDB4 0020 800C6576 EDA4 D00BA176 EDA4 800BA172 0000 D00C6576 EDA4 800C6572 0000 D00BA242 068A 800BA23E 0675 D00BA23E 068A D00BA244 0000 800BA23E 0000 D00C6642 068A 800C663E 0675 D00C663E 068A D00C6644 0000 800C663E 0000 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Anyway rules-start a HIAC Match and after a second you will transport to the top of the scaffold.Fight on top of the scaffold and sure enough someone will go off....eventually. I messed up on the wire mesh as i rushed the if someone could make it better go ahead....and this code is best played with Camera angles OFF. Perfect scaffold v3 Wooden Platform- 800E0118 39FE 800E011A FE5A 800E0F26 0A00 800B27C0 39FE 800B27C2 FE5A 800E2886 0A00 800E0114 39FE Support Poles- 800B262A 001B 800E1992 FC00 800E1942 3E00 800E1946 0300 800E20E2 3E00 800E20E6 0300 800E2132 FC00 800E1D12 3E00 800E1D16 0300 800E1D62 0300 800E1D5E 0000 800E24B2 3E00 800E24B6 0300 800E2502 0300 800E24FE 0000 800E198E 0400 800E1994 F400 800E212E 0400 800E2134 0C50 Front + Back(I dunno why but you need these) 800E0C9C 0300 800E0C9E 0600 800E1434 0300 800E1436 0600 800E1486 F600 800DEC78 39FE 800DEC7A 000C 800DEC74 39FE 800E0CEE F600 800E0CEA 0400 Rungs(you gotta climb it some how...) 800B04BC FE5A 800B04C0 FE5A 800E2CA2 0000 800E2CA4 0000 800E2C52 2D00 800E2C54 0300 800E30C6 0000 800E30C8 0000 800E3076 2D00 800E3078 0300 800E2F5A F200 800E337E F500 800B04B8 FE5A 800E307A 1A00 800E2C56 1A00 Safety barriers 800E11AC 0300 800E11AE 0000 800E11FE E9A4 800E11F6 0000 800E16BC 0300 800E16BE 0000 800E170E E9A4 800E1706 0000 800E11FA 0400 800E170A FC00 Advertising sign On scaffold 8008BEF8 0000 800B309C 04A0 800B309E 800B 800B30A0 04A4 800B30A2 800B 800B30A4 04B4 800E30A6 800B 800E30A8 12A4 800B3132 EDA4 800B312A 0C00 800B30DE 0000 800B04B6 0006 800B312E FC00 Effects- D00BA176 EDA4 800BA172 0000 D00C6576 EDA4 800C6572 0000 D008BDB4 0020 800BA176 EDA4 D008BD90 0020 800C6576 EDA4 D00BA242 068A 800BA23E 0675 D00C6642 068A 800C663E 0675 Rules-Must be In arena 1, hell in a cell.Knock opponent off scaffold to win ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triple cell HIAC Match Use D00BA4C2 0320 AS AN ACTIVATOR. First Cage/cell(same thing) 800E0C9E 1800 800E0C9A 1800 800E1432 1800 800E1436 1800 800E11AC 1800 800E11AE 1800 800E16BC 1800 800E16BE 1800 800E0F22 1800 800E0F26 1800 800E2882 2400 800E2886 2400 Second Normal cell(on top of ^^^^) 8008BEF8 0000* 800B309C EC68 800B309E 800D 800B30A0 EC6C 800B30A2 800D 800B30A4 EC74 800B30A6 800D 800B30A8 1324 800B3132 F370 800B312A 0000 800B3324 EC68 800B3326 800D 800B3328 EC6C 800B332A 800D 800B332C EC74 800B332E 800D 800B3330 1324 800B33BA F370 800B33B2 0000 800B35AC EC68 800B35AE 800D 800B35B0 EC6C 800B35B2 800D 800B35B4 EC74 800B35B6 800D 800B35B8 1324 800B3642 F370 800B363A 0400 800B3834 EC68 800B3836 800D 800B3838 EC6C 800B383A 800D 800B383C EC74 800B383E 800D 800B3840 1324 800B38C2 0C00 800B38CA F370 800B33B6 1800 800B3640 1900 800B38C8 E770 800B3ABC 0108 800B3ABE 800E 800B3AC0 010C 800B3AC2 800E 800B3AC4 0114 800B3AC6 800E 800B3AC8 1324 800B3B52 EF00 800B30E0 1200 800B3368 1200 800B35F0 1200 800B3878 1200 Third Smaller Cell on top of ^^^ 800B3D44 EC68 800B3D46 800D 800B3D48 EC6C 800B3D4A 800D 800B3D4C EC74 800B3D4E 800D 800B3D50 1324 800B3DDA DFA4 800B3D86 0A00 800B3D88 0E00 800B3DD6 0800 800B3FCC 0108 800B3FCE 800E 800B3FD0 010C 800B3FD2 800E 800B3FD4 0114 800B3FD6 800E 800B3FD8 1324 800B4062 E3F4 800B400E 0A00 800B4012 0A00 800B4254 EC68 800B4256 800D 800B4258 EC6C 800B425A 800D 800B425C EC74 800B425E 800D 800B4260 1324 800B44DC EC68 800B44DE 800D 800B44E0 EC6C 800B44E2 800D 800B44E4 EC74 800B44E6 800D 800B44E8 1324 800B49EC EC68 800B49EE 800D 800B49F0 EC6C 800B49F2 800D 800B49F4 EC74 800B49F6 800D 800B49F8 1324 800B4296 0A00 800B4298 0E00 800B42E6 1100 800B451E 0A00 800B4520 0E00 800B456A 0400 800B4570 1100 800B42EA DFA4 800B4572 DFA4 800B4A2E 0A00 800B4A30 0E00 800B4A82 DFA4 800B4A80 EEC0 800B4A7A 0C00 suspended Belt In Cage 3- 800B4C74 F758 800B4C76 800A 800B4C78 F75C 800B4C7A 800A 800B4C7C F764 800B4C7E 800A 800B4C80 1324 800B4D0A D2A4 800B4D04 0C00 800B4D02 0C00 Climbing- D00BA23E 068E 800BA23E 0032 D00C663E 068E 800C663E 0032 *If u got NTSC Then use this instead-8008BED4 0000=Credit-TheChocolate Starfish Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names,The Chocolate Starfish. Rules-start a HIAC Match.Use your selected activator(i recommend D00BA4C2 0320)And there are 3 cells satcked on top of each other.Climb the first,Run to the outside and youll run all the way.Run back to the middle and youll climb cage 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Real Inferno Match Flame Looks- 800DEC74 FE5A 800DEC78 ???? 800DEC7A FE5A 800E0114 3A4E 800E0118 3A4E 800B28F4 FE5A 800B275C FE5A Flames Around Apron- 800E0CEE 1600 800E1486 1600 800E11FE 1600 800E170E 1600 800E0C9E 0F50 800E1436 0F50 800E16BE 0F50 800E11AE 0F50 800E1432 0F50 800E11AA 0F50 800E0C9A 0F50 800E16BA 0F50 800E0C9C 1500 800E11AC 1500 800E16BC 1500 800E1434 1500 Ring Looks- 8008BFFE 7D74 8008BFE6 7D74 800398C0 0000 800E0F24 0000 800E0F76 0000 800E0F72 F600 Flame Effects- D00C663E 003D 800C663E 021E D00C663E 003C 800C663E 021E 800C663E 0230 800C663E 021E D00BA23E 003D 800BA23E 021E D00BA23E 003C 800BA23E 021E 800BA23E 0230 800BA23E 021E D00BA23E 0687 800BA23E 0074 D00C663E 0687 800C663E 0074 Replace ???? With FFF8 for Red flames or FE7A for orange flames. Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,TheChocolateStarfish Rules-Turn Codes off at loading screen,back on just before match.Must be in a Hell In a Cell match in Raw Is War arena.There will be flames around the apron.Red flames look best but with both types they look kick ass and you can see through them.There are no ropes or shadows,so throw an opponent to the flames and they will fall to the outside.There is no Hell in a cell climbing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warzone/Attitude Cage Match Looks- D00BA176 FB50 800DEC6C 4832 D00BA176 FB50 800DF188 4832 D00BA176 FB50 800DF68C 4832 D00BA176 FB50 800AF500 7D74 D00BA176 FB50 800AF504 7D74 D00BA176 FB50 800AF508 7D74 D00BA176 FB50 800AF430 7D74 D00BA176 FB50 800AF434 7D74 --------------1* D00BA176 FB50 8008BFFE 7D74 D00BA176 FB50 8008BFE6 7D74 --------------2* D00BA176 FB50 8008C00A 7D74 D00BA176 FB50 8008C012 7D74 Effects- D00BA23E 003C 800BA23E 0230 D00BA23E 003D 800BA23E 0230 D00C663E 003C 800C663E 0230 D00C663E 003D 800C663E 0230 Credit/Alex Underhill,BadAssGForce Rules-Start a cage match in arena 1. The cage is black bars...there are no ropes,turnbuckle pads or poles and no rope shadows.Whip an opponent into the cage and theyll stick to the cage. *If you use NTSC use the first section if you use PAL Use the second section Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed Wire Wrapped Turnbuckle Pads Part 1 8008BED4 0000 800B13C8 6664 800B13CA 0019 800B13CC 6664 800B13CE 0019 800B13D0 6664 800B13D2 0019 800B309C 13BC 800B309E 800B 800B30A0 13C0 800B30A2 800B 800B30A4 13C8 800B30A6 800B 800B312E F500 800B3130 F500 800B3132 FD60 800B30DE 1200 800B30E2 1200 Quote
Chillalex Posted April 15, 2004 Author Posted April 15, 2004 Part 2 800B3324 13BC 800B3326 800B 800B3328 13C0 800B332A 800B 800B332C 13C8 800B332E 800B 800B33B6 F500 800B33B8 0B00 800B33BA F6D0 800B3366 1200 800B336A 1200 Part 3 800B35AC 13BC 800B35AE 800B 800B35B0 13C0 800B35B2 800B 800B35B4 13C8 800B35B6 800B 800B363E 0B00 800B3640 0B00 800B3642 F6D0 800B35EE 1200 800B35F2 1200 Part 4 800B3834 13BC 800B3836 800B 800B3838 13C0 800B383A 800B 800B383C 13C8 800B383E 800B 800B38C6 0B00 800B38C8 F500 800B38CA F6D0 800B3876 1200 800B387A 1200 Effects D00BA23E 0276 800BA23E 014C D00C663E 0276 800C663E 014C D00D2A3E 0276 800D2A3E 014C D00DEE3E 0276 800DEE3E 014C D00BA23E 0098 800BA23E 01C8 D00C663E 0098 800C663E 01C8 D00D2A3E 0098 800D2A3E 01C8 D00DEE3E 0098 800DEE3E 01C8 Credit/AlexUnderhill, I Cant Think Of Any Good Names Rules-Start any match in arena 1 and the top turnbuckles are wrapped in barbed wire.Part 1 must be in, but the rest is optional, so you can choose how many pads are wrapped in wire.It has effects for all 4 players Only try this if you have an emulator as it is too long otherwise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glass Match 800E0C58 FEDC 800E0C5A 800A 800E0C5C FEE0 800E0C5E 800A 800E0C60 FEF0 800E0C62 800A 800E0C64 12A4 800AFEF0 7D74 800AFEF4 6664 800AFEF8 7D74 800E0C9E 1300 800E0CEA 0C00 800E0CEC F400 800E0CEE F770 800E0CE8 0C00 800E0CE6 0A00 800DEC74 7D74 800DEC78 7D74 800E0114 7D74 800E0118 7D74 800B01F0 6664 800B01F2 001A 800B01EC 7D74 800B01F4 7D74 800E2BFC 0001 800E2CA2 0C00 800E2CA4 F400 800E2C9E 0A00 800E2C52 0000 800E2C54 0000 800E2C56 0000 800B2624 7D74 Effects D00BA23E 0627 800BA23E 0626 D00BA23E 0626 800A12A4 0001 D00BA242 0626 800BA23E 01C8 D00C663E 0627 800C663E 0626 D00C663E 0626 800A12A4 0001 D00C6642 0626 800BA23E 01C8 D00BA23E 0623 800BA23E 0626 D00C663E 0623 800C663E 0626 Credit/AlexUnderhill,Acidhacker55 rules-Must be in HIAC In arena 1.When match begins there will be a sheet of glass propped in the turnbuckle.....its perfect and see through....whip an opponent into the glass and itll shatter-Looks perfect-and break in half.Also,the person holds their back when on the floor after going thru the glass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flaming Table Match (NTSC) D00BA4C2 0320 8008BED4 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3368 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3324 FEDC D00BA4C2 0320 800B3328 FEE0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B332C FEF0 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33B2 0400 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33B6 F700 D00BA4C2 0320 800B33B8 1900 D00BA4C2 0320 800AC356 001A D00BA4C2 0320 800AC354 FFEC D00BA4C2 0320 800AC35C 7D74 D00BA4C2 0320 800AC360 7D74 D00BA4C2 0320 800AC364 7D74 D00BA4C2 0320 800B30E2 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B312A 0400 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3130 1900 D00BA4C2 0320 800B312E EA00 D00BA4C2 0320 800B30E0 0C00 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3132 FA50 D00BA4C2 0320 800B3128 0800 D008BD90 0020 800B59C6 F700 D008BD90 0020 800B59C8 1900 D00B59C6 F700 800B5976 2000 D00B59C6 F700 800B3132 F650 D00B59C6 F700 800B3368 1000 Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules Choose an I Quit Match in arena 1.Theres a flaming table to the right hand side of the ring.It is very sensitive-It breaks when you touch it.I made it like that so you can throw people thru it easily, for example, A belly to belly suplex thru the flaming table. When it breaks it flattens like a board and remains on fire. Looks great ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cell From Hell Match K i gave JamStubb's No Mercy code the Smackdown 2 workover. Info at bottom. Cage 8008BED4 0000 800B309C EC68 800B309E 800D 800B30A0 EC6C 800B30A2 800D 800B30A4 EC74 800B30A6 800D 800B3132 F230 800B3324 EC68 800B3326 800D 800B3328 EC6C 800B332A 800D 800B332C EC74 800B332E 800D 800B336A FF00 800B33BA F230 800B35AC EC68 800B35AE 800D 800B35B0 EC6C 800B35B2 800D 800B35B4 EC74 800B35B6 800D 800B3642 F230 800B35F2 FF00 800B363A 0400 800B3834 EC68 800B3836 800D 800B3838 EC6C 800B383A 800D 800B383C EC74 800B383E 800D 800B387A FF00 800B38CA F230 800B38C2 0C00 Cage Effects D00BA23E 068E 800BA23E 029F D00BA23E 0688 800BA23E 060F D00C663E 068E 800C663E 029F D00C663E 0688 800C663E 060F Weapons- 800E1900 0EEC 800E1904 0EF0 800E1908 0EF8 800E1A58 0015 800E1A60 0002 800E1B1C 0002 800E20A0 0728 800E20A4 072C 800E20A8 0734 800E21F8 002C 800E2200 0001 800E22BC 0001 800E20E2 1200 800E20E4 1300 800E20E6 0700 800B0734 39FE 800B0738 4125 800B073A 000A 800E1CD0 12E4 800E1CD4 12E8 800E1CD8 12F0 800E1E28 0015 800E1E30 0002 800E1EEC 0002 800E2470 0D20 800E2474 0D24 800E2478 0D2C 800E25C8 0015 800E25D0 0002 800E268C 0002 800E3020 0001 800E2BFC 0001 800E2CA2 0600 800E2CA4 0600 800E2C9E 0200 800E30C6 F800 800E30C8 F800 800B04B8 7D74 800B04BE 000E 800B04C2 000E Credit/AlexUnderhill,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names,Slim **and however found breakable Pieces property addys** Includes- +Ram Opponents head into top cage +Two Barbed Wire tables in the ring +4 useable weapons in the cell below +Can also climb out of the top cage to win +Top Cage Sounds Different To bottom Cage Weapons are- 2X4 Pole baseball bat Barbed Wire 2x4 **Note-i havent tested all of this.I have tested the scond cage and effects and two Barbed wire tables.The rest should work,its only weapons** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This should definitely work....i have put asterix by the parts which may not work,but give em a go anyway. 40 Tables Looks- 8008BEF8 0000 800B309C FEDC 800B30A0 FEE0 800B30A4 FEF0 800B3324 FEDC 800B3328 FEE0 800B332C FEF0 800B35AC FEDC 800B35B0 FEE0 800B35B4 FEF0 800B3834 FEDC 800B3838 FEE0 800B383C FEF0 800B3ABC FEDC 800B3AC0 FEE0 800B3AC4 FEF0 800B3D44 FEDC 800B3D48 FEE0 800B3D4C FEF0 800B3FCC FEDC 800B3FD0 FEE0 800B3FD4 FEF0 800B4254 FEDC 800B4258 FEE0 800B425C FEF0 800B44DC FEDC 800B44E0 FEE0 800B44E4 FEF0 800B4764 FEDC 800B4768 FEE0 800B476C FEF0 800B49EC FEDC 800B49F0 FEE0 800B49F4 FEF0 800B4C74 FEDC 800B4C78 FEE0 800B4C7C FEF0 800B4EFC FEDC 800B4F00 FEE0 800B4F04 FEF0 800B5184 FEDC 800B5188 FEE0 800B518C FEF0 800B540C FEDC 800B5410 FEE0 800B5414 FEF0 800E2C10 FEDC 800E2C12 800A 800E2C14 FEE0 800E2C16 800A 800E2C18 FEF0 800E2C1A 800A 800E3034 FEDC 800E3036 800A 800E3038 FEE0 800E303A 800A 800E303C FEF0 800E303E 800A 800E1900 FEDC 800E1902 800A 800E1904 FEE0 800E1906 800A 800E1908 FEF0 800E190A 800A 800E20A0 FEDC 800E20A2 800A 800E20A4 FEE0 800E20A6 800A 800E20A8 FEF0 800E20AA 800A 800E1CD0 FEDC 800E1CD2 800A 800E1CD4 FEE0 800E1CD6 800A 800E1CD8 FEF0 800E1CDA 800A 800E2470 FEDC 800E2472 800A 800E2474 FEE0 800E2476 800A 800E2478 FEF0 800E247A 800A 800E2840 FEDC 800E2842 800A 800E2844 FEE0 800E2846 800A 800E2848 FEF0 800E284A 800A 800E0C58 FEDC 800E0C5A 800A 800E0C5C FEE0 800E0C5E 800A 800E0C60 FEF0 800E0C62 800A 800E1168 FEDC 800E116A 800A 800E116C FEE0 800E116E 800A 800E1170 FEF0 800E1172 800A 800E13F2 FEDC 800E13F4 800A 800E13F6 FEE0 800E13F8 800A 800E13FA FEF0 800E13FC 800A 800E1672 FEDC 800E1674 800A 800E1676 FEE0 800E1678 800A 800E167A FEF0 800E167C 800A 800B5694 FEDC 800B5696 800A 800B5698 FEE0 800B569A 800A 800B569C 927C 800B569E FEF0 800B56A0 11E4 800E0F76 0000 800E0F74 ED00 800B33BA FB50 800B33B8 0500 800B3640 FD00 800B3642 FB50 800B38C8 0500 800B38CA F770 800B3DD8 FD00 800B3DDA F770 800B405E FB00 800B4060 FB00 800B4062 FB50 800B42E6 FB00 800B42EA F770 800B42E2 0400* 800B405A 0400 800B4A7E FB00 800B4A7A 0400 800B4A82 F770 800B4A80 0700 800B4D06 FB00 800B4D08 FB00 800B4D02 0400 800B4D0A F770 800B456E FB00 800B4570 0700 800B456A 0400 800B4572 FB50 800B521A FB50 800B5216 FB00 800B5218 0100 800B549A 9999 800B312E F1F1 800E0CEA F1F1 800E0CEC 0700 800E11FA F1F1 800E11FC F900 800E11F6 0000 800E1482 F1F1 800E1486 FB00 800E1484 F900 800E170A F1F1 800E170C 0700 800E170E FB00 800E1706 0000 800E2CA2 F1F1 800E2C54 2000 800E2CA4 0000 800E28D4 ED00 800E28D6 0000 D008527E FFFE 800BA176 EDA4 D00BA176 EDA4 800BA172 0000 D008527E FFFE 800C6576 EDA4 D00C6576 EDA4 800C6572 0000 Effects/Winning-(Optional) D00BA242 0626 800BA23E 0675 D00BA242 062C 800C663E 0675 D00BA242 062E 800C663E 0675 D00BA23E 062F 800C663E 0675 D00C6642 0626 800BA23E 0675 D00C6642 062C 800BA23E 0675 D00C6642 062E 800BA23E 0675 D00C6642 062F 800BA23E 0675 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton, ICTOAGN & Kurt The Right Angle Quote
Chillalex Posted April 15, 2004 Author Posted April 15, 2004 Arenas Gold Smackdown Arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Floor 800A68D4 383E 800A68D8 383E 800A68DC 383E 800A68E0 383E 800A68E4 383E 800A68E8 383E 800A68EC 383E 800A68F0 383E Gold Stage Barriers 800A8610 383E 800A8614 383E Gold Back Curtain 800A8CA8 383E 800A8CAC 383E 800A8CB0 383E 800A8CB4 383E 800A8CB8 383E Gold Stage 800A8E14 383E 800A8E18 383E 800A8E1C 383E Gold Smackdown! symbol 800A902C 383E 800A9030 383E Gold ramp 800A909C 383E 800A90A0 383E Gold Barriers 800A93B8 383E 800A93BC 383E 800A97E8 383E 800A97EC 383E Gold TurnBuckles- 800AF430 383E 800AF434 383E Gold Steps- 800B0BFC 383E Gold Announcer Tables- 800B04BC 383E 800B04C0 383E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton, MasterOfTheSwanton, badassGForce Rules-Start a Match in arena 1.Use an activator and the whole arena will be gold! it looks sweet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Smackdown Arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Floor 800A68D4 6664 800A68D8 6664 800A68DC 6664 800A68E0 6664 800A68E4 6664 800A68E8 6664 800A68EC 6664 800A68F0 6664 Silver Stage Barriers 800A8610 6664 800A8614 6664 Silver Back Curtain 800A8CA8 6664 800A8CAC 6664 800A8CB0 6664 800A8CB4 6664 800A8CB8 6664 Silver Stage 800A8E14 6664 800A8E18 6664 800A8E1C 6664 Silver Smackdown! Symbol 800A902C 6664 800A9030 6664 Silver Ramp 800A909C 6664 800A90A0 6664 Silver Barriers 800A93B8 6664 800A93BC 6664 800A97E8 6664 800A97EC 6664 Silver Turnbuckles- 800AF430 6664 800AF434 6664 Silver Steps- 800B0BFC 6664 Silver Announcer Tables- 800B04BC 6664 800B04C0 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton, MasterOfTheSwanton, badassGForce, J-BoSS Rules-Start a Match in arena 1.Use an activator and the whole arena will be sliver! it looks sweet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updated SD Arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Smackdown Arena D00BA176 FB50 800A8CA8 4A76 D00BA176 FB50 800A8CAC 4A76 D00BA176 FB50 800A8CB0 4A76 D00BA176 FB50 800A8CB4 4A76 D00BA176 FB50 800A8CB8 4A76 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton & BadAssGForce Rulz-Play a match in arena 1, the back curtain is blue, not that stupid turqoise color(i hated that)so now it resembles more of a SD3 arena than the other one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Industrial PPV Arena 800A82A4 4835 800A82A6 0018 800A8294 6664 800A8298 6664 800A829C 6664 800A82A0 6664 800A8296 001C 800A829A 001C 800A829E 001C 800A82A2 001C 800A7ED4 6664 800A7ED8 6664 800A7EDC 6664 800A7EE0 6664 800A7ED6 001C 800A7EDA 001C 800A7EDE 001C 800A7EE2 001C 800A7EE4 4835 800A7EE6 0018 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules:Start any match in PPV Arena, arena 3.Take a look around!it is beast like in nature. CDX Users use an activator like D00BA176 FB50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ White Smackdown Arena Part 1 800A68D4 3098 800A68D8 3098 800A68DC 3098 800A68E0 3098 800A68E4 3098 800A68E8 3098 800A68EC 3098 800A68F0 3098 800A6E9C 3098 800A6EA0 3098 800A6EA4 3098 800A6EA8 3098 800A7DF0 3098 800A7DF4 3098 800A7DF8 3098 800A7DFC 3098 800A8610 3098 800A8614 3098 Part 2 800A8CA8 6664 800A8CAC 6664 800A8CB0 6664 800A8CB4 6664 800A8CB8 6664 800A902C 6664 800A9030 6664 800A909C 3098 800A90A0 3098 800A93B8 3098 800A93BC 3098 Part 3 800A97E8 3098 800A97EC 3098 800A9C18 3098 800AA1EC 3098 800AA1F0 3098 800AA1F4 3098 800AA458 3098 800AA45C 3098 800AA460 3098 800AA6C4 3098 800AA6C8 3098 800AA6CC 3098 White Ropes 8008BFFE 3098 8008BFE6 3098 White Ring stuff- 800B04BC 3098 800B04C0 3098 White TLC 800AFCCC 3098 800AFCD0 3098 800AFCD4 3098 800AFEF4 3098 White Crowd 800AC354 6664 800AC358 6664 800AC55C 6664 800AC360 6664 White Cage Match To Come soon Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,TheChocolateStarfish,BadAssGForce and MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Must be in smackdown arena. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Smackdown Arena Part 1 800A6E9C 4832 800A6EA0 4832 800A6EA4 4832 800A6EA8 4832 800A7DF0 4832 800A7DF4 4832 800A7DF8 4832 800A7DFC 4832 800A8610 4832 800A8614 4832 Part 2 800A8CA8 4832 800A8CAC 4832 800A8CB0 4832 800A8CB4 4832 800A8CB8 4832 800A902C 4832 800A9030 4832 800A909C 4832 800A90A0 4832 800A93B8 4832 800A93BC 4832 Part 3 800A97E8 4832 800A97EC 4832 800A9C18 4832 800AA1EC 4832 800AA1F0 4832 800AA1F4 4832 800AA458 4832 800AA45C 4832 800AA460 4832 800AA6C4 4832 800AA6C8 4832 800AA6CC 4832 Black Ropes 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 Black Ring stuff- 800B04BC 4832 800B04C0 4832 Black TLC 800AFCCC 4832 800AFCD0 4832 800AFCD4 4832 800AFEF4 4832 Black Crowd 800AC354 4832 800AC358 4832 800AC55C 4832 800AC360 4832 Black Cage Match To Come soon Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,TheChocolateStarfish,BadAssGForce and MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Must be in smackdown arena. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWF Armageddon Arena w/o cars Armageddon part 1 800A8C1C 7D74 800A8872 4835 800A8C20 7D74 800A8EFC 7D74 800A8F8C 7D74 800A901C 7D74 800A90AC 7D74 800A913C 7D74 800A91CC 7D74 Armageddon part 2 800A96DA 001A 800A96DE 001A 800A9942 001A 800A96D8 483C 800A96DC 483C 800A9940 483C 800A8988 39BE 800A8986 0018 800A8984 39BE 800A8982 0018 800A8980 39BE 800A8662 001A 800A865E 001A Armageddon part 3 800A8660 3A3E 800A865C 3A3E 800A8874 7D74 800A8878 7D74 800AD958 7D74 8008BFFE 4835 8008BFE6 4835 D00BA4C2 0320 8008BEF8 0000 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton & TheChocolateStarfish Rulz-Go to Raw Is War Arena.This is as good as it gets without cars but is still a very nice arena. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My moderately Hardcore Raw Arena Not xtreme but not lame... 8008BFFE FF38 8008BFE6 FF38 800A8EFE 0018 800A8F8E 0018 800A901E 0018 800A90AE 0018 800A913E 0018 800A91CE 0018 800A8EFC 39BE 800A8F8C 39BE 800A901C 39BE 800A90AC 39BE 800A913C 39BE 800A91CC 39BE 800A96DA 001A 800A96DE 001A 800A9942 001A 800A96D8 39FE 800A96DC 39FE 800A9940 39FE 800A8876 001A 800A887A 001A 800A8874 FFF9 800A8878 FFF9 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Actually this is around 60% hardcore.ahem. +The ropes are red but wearing away in places....thats where you can see silver +ECW Wooden PPV Ramp +Surprise on the stage... +Flaming Back Curtain(I Hope) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Smackdown Set as promised 800A8CAA 000A 800A8CAE 000A 800A8CB2 000A 800A8CB6 000A 800A8CBA 000A 800A8CA8 FF7F 800A8CAC FF7F 800A8CB0 FF7F 800A8CB4 FF7F 800A8CB8 FF7F 800A902C 6664 800A9030 6664 800A909E 0018 800A90A2 0018 800AA1F8 7D74 800AA464 7D74 800AA6D0 7D74 800A8E14 FF7F 800A8E18 FF7F 800A8E1C FF7F 800A49E0 000E Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce,MasterOfTheSwanton Includes- The shattered glass curtain,no titantron but i need to get rid of the ovaltron rim,Black and white stage and a new ramp.Also the smackdown! symbol is silver in color and i got rid of the smackdown rings which makes this very short if you think about it.I Need to add a fist which i know i can do as ive seen it with my own eyes in the game.This isnt perfect but it still looks pretty good. o CDX Users add an activator like D00BA176 FB50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWF Metal Arena Replaces Raw Is War....It is quite good. D00BA176 FB50 800A8874 FEB8 800A8878 FEB8 800A9578 FEB8 800A957C FEB8 800AD948 3A4E 800AD94C 3A4E 800AD950 3A4E 800AD954 3A4E 800ADAB0 3A4E 800ADAB4 3A4E 800ADAB8 3A4E 800ADABC 3A4E 800ADC18 3A4E 800ADC1C 3A4E 800ADC20 3A4E 800ADC24 3A4E Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rulz-Go to Raw is war arena.There are purple curtains and no Raw minitrons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Raw Stage Set This is Like badassGForces...but different 800A7DB6 001A 800A7DBA 001A 800A81DE 001A 800A81DA 001A 800A8602 001A 800A7DB4 FFF9 800A7DB8 FFF9 800A81DC FFF9 800A81D8 FFF9 800A8600 FFF9 800A991E 001E 800A991A 001E 800A9912 001E 800A9916 001E 800A990E 001E 800A9A62 001E 800A9A66 001E 800A9A6A 001E 800A9A6E 001E 800A9A72 001E 800A9BB6 001E 800A9BBA 001E 800A9BBE 001E 800A9BC2 001E 800A9BC6 001E 800A9D0A 001E 800A9D0E 001E 800A9D12 001E 800A9D16 001E 800A9D1A 001E 800A9E5E 001E 800A9E62 001E 800A9E66 001E 800A9E6A 001E 800A9E6E 001E 800A9BB2 001E 800A9BB6 001E 800A9BBA 001E 800A9BBE 001E 800A9BC2 001E 800A627A FFF9 800A627E FFF9 800A6282 FFF9 800A6286 FFF9 800A6260 FFF9 800A6264 FFF9 800A6268 FFF9 800A626C FFF9 800A6270 FFF9 800A6274 FFF9 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rulz-Go to Raw Is War Stage arena.It will be new.The barricades are flames and the staging looks like a 1950s tin toy thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halloween Arena! Firey Floor- 800A68D4 46AC 800A68D8 46AC 800A68DC 46AC 800A68E0 46AC 800A68E4 46AC 800A68E8 46AC 800A68EC 46AC 800A68F0 46AC Wood Ramp- 800A909C 39BE 800A90A0 39BE Spider web Barriers- 800A93BA 0019 800A93BE 0019 800A93B8 6664 800A93BC 6664 800A97EA 0019 800A97EE 0019 800A97E8 6664 800A97EC 6664 Pumpkin Curtain- 800A8CB6 001B 800A8CB4 387E Orange Rings- 800AA1EC 387E 800AA2F0 387E 800AA2F4 387E 800AA458 387E 800AA45C 387E 800AA460 387E 800AA6C4 387E 800AA6C8 387E 800AA6CC 387E Halloween Ring- 8008BFFE 0026 8008BFE6 0026 800AF504 387E 800AF508 387E Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce Rules-Start any match in arena 1.The ring ropes are green,there are pumpkins instead of turnbuckles,a huge pumpkin on the back curtain,wooden ramp,fire floor,spider web barriers and orange smackdown rings.I think it looks cool anyway CDX Users use D008527E FFFE And press select ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit-An-Arena! Here is the edit an arena option...Its quite long and i havent tested it yet...but it should work Turn Red Ropes On/Off- $D00A2934 4F52 $800A2934 4552 $D00A2936 4550 $800A2936 2044 $D00A2938 4220 $800A2938 4F52 $D00A293A 4552 $800A293A 4550 $D00A293C 4B41 $800A293C 2053 $D00A293C 2053 $800A293E 0020 $D00808DA 0001 $8008BFE6 387E $D00808DA 0001 $8008BFFE 387E Gold Poles on/off- $D00A294C 4952 $800A294C 4F47 $D00A294C 4F47 $800A294E 444C $D00A294E 444C $800A2950 5020 $D00A2950 5020 $800A2952 4C45 $D00A2952 4C45 $800A2954 2053 $D00A2954 2053 $800A2956 0020 $D00808DB 0001 $800AF430 383E $D00808DB 0001 $800AF434 383E Decision Says Edit- $D00A2968 4544 $800A2968 4445 $D00A296A 4943 $800A296A 5449 $D00A296A 5449 $800A296C 0020 Rules 1 Says Arena- $D00A2A14 5552 $800A2A14 5241 $D00A2A14 5241 $800A2A16 4E45 $D00A2A16 4E45 $800A2A18 2041 $D00A2A18 2041 $800A2A1A 0020 Charge speed says Barriers,Gold,Normal and silver choice $D00A2994 4843 $800A2994 4241 $D00A2996 5241 $800A2996 5252 $D00A2998 4547 $800A2998 4549 $D00A299A 5320 $800A299A 5352 $D00A299A 5352 $800A299C 0020 $D010DA6C 4146 $8010DA6C 4F47 $D010DA6E 5453 $8010DA6E 444C $D010DA6E 444C $8010DA70 0020 $D010DA74 4146 $8010DA74 4953 $D010DA76 5453 $8010DA76 564C $D010DA78 5345 $8010DA78 5245 $D010DA7A 0054 $8010DA7A 0020 $D0096366 0100 $800A93B8 383E $D0096366 0100 $800A93BC 383E $D0096366 0100 $800A97E8 383E $D0096366 0100 $800A97EC 383E $D0096366 0200 $800A93B8 6664 $D0096366 0200 $800A93BC 6664 $D0096366 0200 $800A97E8 6664 $D0096366 0200 $800A97EC 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce,Kurt The Right Angle,TheChocolateStarfish,DarrenAinsworth,MasterOfTheSwanton (sorry if i missed anyone out) Rules-Go to rules 1+2 before a match and you can edit your arena!There are loads of combinations!It is only version 1 at the moment cos i cant test it yet(My TVs Bust)and there are some addys that cant be found but it is really good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue PPV Arena 800A68F4 38FE 800A68F8 38FE 800A68fC 38FE 800A6900 38FE 800A6904 38FE 800A6908 38FE 800A690C 38FE 800A6910 38FE 800A9518 38FE 800A951C 38FE Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Match in arena 3.The Mats will be Blue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold PPV Arena 800A68F4 383E 800A68F8 383E 800A68fC 383E 800A6900 383E 800A6904 383E 800A6908 383E 800A690C 383E 800A6910 383E 800A9518 383E 800A951C 383E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Match in arena 3.The Mats will be gold. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Orange PPV Arena 800A68F4 387E 800A68F8 387E 800A68fC 387E 800A6900 387E 800A6904 387E 800A6908 387E 800A690C 387E 800A6910 387E 800A9518 387E 800A951C 387E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Match in arena 3.The Mats will be Orange. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Orange Raw Is War Arena Orange Barriers 800A9E28 387E 800A9E24 387E 800A99F8 387E 800A99F4 387E 800AA3F4 387E 800AA3F8 387E 800A808C 387E 800A8088 387E Orange Ramp 800A96D8 387E 800A96DC 387E 800A9940 387E Orange Sign 800A8988 387E Orange Stage 800A8660 387E 800A865C 387E Orange Mats 800A68B4 387E 800A68B8 387E 800A68BC 387E 800A68C0 387E 800A68C4 387E 800A68C8 387E 800A68CC 387E Orange Stage Barriers 800A8874 387E 800A8878 387E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Orange SmackDown Arena Orange Floor 800A68D4 387E 800A68D8 387E 800A68DC 387E 800A68E0 387E 800A68E4 387E 800A68E8 387E 800A68EC 387E 800A68F0 387E Orange Stage Barriers 800A8610 387E 800A8614 387E Orange Back Curtain 800A8CA8 387E 800A8CAC 387E 800A8CB0 387E 800A8CB4 387E 800A8CB8 387E Orange Stage 800A8E14 387E 800A8E18 387E 800A8E1C 387E Orange Smackdown! symbol 800A902C 387E 800A9030 387E Orange ramp 800A909C 387E 800A90A0 387E Orange Barriers 800A93B8 387E 800A93BC 387E 800A97E8 387E 800A97EC 387E Orange TurnBuckles- 800AF430 387E 800AF434 387E Orange Steps- 800B0BFC 387E Orange Announcer Tables- 800B04BC 387E 800B04C0 387E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGForce Rules-Start a Match in arena 1.Use an activator and the whole arena will be orange ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver PPV Arena 800A68F4 6664 800A68F8 6664 800A68fC 6664 800A6900 6664 800A6904 6664 800A6908 6664 800A690C 6664 800A6910 6664 800A9518 6664 800A951C 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Match in arena 3.The Mats will be silver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Raw Is War Arena Silver Barriers 800A9E28 6664 800A9E24 6664 800A99F8 6664 800A99F4 6664 800AA3F4 6664 800AA3F8 6664 800A808C 6664 800A8088 6664 Silver Ramp 800A96D8 6664 800A96DC 6664 800A9940 6664 Silver Sign 800A8988 6664 Silver Stage 800A8660 6664 800A865C 6664 Silver Mats 800A68B4 6664 800A68B8 6664 800A68BC 6664 800A68C0 6664 800A68C4 6664 800A68C8 6664 800A68CC 6664 Silver Stage Barriers 800A8874 6664 800A8878 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black And White Film Arena This is for arena 2.When you press select the whole arena goes black and white, even titantrons etc!!! D008527E FFFE 800A9E28 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A9E24 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A99F8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A99F4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AA3F4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AA3F8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A808C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8088 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8C1C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8870 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8C20 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8EFC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A80F8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A901C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A90AC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A913C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A91CC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A96D8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A96DC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A9940 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A9578 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A957C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8988 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8984 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8980 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8660 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A865C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A7714 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A7718 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8774 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8778 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AD948 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AD94C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AD950 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AD954 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800ADAB0 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800ADAB4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800ADAB8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800ADABC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68B4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68B8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68BC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68C0 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68C4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68C8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A68CC 3A3E cREDIT-TheMasterOfTheSwanton and MasterOfTheSwanton(98%) here ya go try that for on mine but ppl say some my stuff don work.tell me what u get.thnx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boarded Up Arena D008527E FFFE 800A8CAA 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A8CAE 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A8CB2 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A8CB6 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A8CBA 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A8CA8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8CAC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8CB0 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8CB4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A8CB8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A902E 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A9032 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A902C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A9030 3A3E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,BadassGforce Rules-start a match in arena select and the top entrance will be boarded up!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed Wire Arena+effects D008527E FFFE 800A97EA 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A97EE 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A93BA 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A93BE 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A97E8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A97EC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A93B8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A93BC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A909E 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A90A2 0019 D008527E FFFE 800A909C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800A90A0 3A3E D00BA23E 0298 800BA23E 029F D00C663E 0298 800C663E 029F D00D2A3E 0298 800D2A3E 029F D00DEE3E 0298 800DEE3E 029F AND IF YOU WANT TO ADD BLOOD EFFECTS ADD THIS- D00BA23E 029F 800BA200 0190 D00C663E 029F 800C6600 0190 D00D2A3E 029F 800D2A00 0190 D00DEE3E 029F 800DEE00 0190 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton and MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Go to arena 1 and press select.The barriers are now barbed wire and the ramp has gpne but there are strips of barbed wire there. I coulda made a whole load of stuff barbed wire but it doesnt look too good go for subtlety.(i swear that aint a word!!!) And Then we come to the effects.When yo get whipped into the barriers you react like the steps,so you fall down!!!Also includes metallic sound effects!!! you gotta try this out with the barbed wire ropes code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.A.F ring 8008BFFE 39FE 8008BFE6 39FE 8008BFE2 0018 8008BFFA 0018 800AF500 39FE 800AF504 7D74 800AF508 7D74 Credit/AlexUnderhill,Slim & BadAssGForce Rules-Play in arena 1.Nothin special.The ropes are proper rope and there are no turnbuckle just looks like the ropes are strapped to the poles.The ropes are not extra loose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abandoned Arena 800A6EAC 7D74 800A7734 7D74 800A7E00 7D74 800A8610 7D74 800A8618 7D74 800A9034 7D74 800A97F0 7D74 800A93C0 7D74 800AA1F8 7D74 800AA464 7D74 800AA6D0 7D74 8008C012 39FE 8008C00B 39FE 800A49E0 000E No Crowd- 800B30E0 0000 800B3368 0000 800B35F0 0000 800B3878 0000 800B3B00 0000 800B3D88 0000 800B4010 0000 800B4298 0000 800B4520 0000 800B47A8 0000 800B4A30 0000 800B4F40 0000 800B4CB8 0000 Credit/AlexUnderhill,BadAssGforce,MasterOfTheSwanton Includes- +No 'tron screen +No SD Rings +No barriers +No ringside arena-makes it feel empty +Ropes are brown ropes +No Crowd (optional) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IWA Japanese Arena V1 800A8874 7D74 800A8C24 7D74 800A8982 0018 800A8986 0006 800A68B6 0018 800A68BA 0018 800A68BE 0018 800A68C2 0018 800A68C6 0018 800A68CA 0018 800A68CE 0018 800A68D2 0018 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 800AF336 001C 800A96DA 001A 800A96DE 001A 800A9942 001A 800A8660 6664 800A685C 6664 8008BED4 0000 800AD958 7D74 800AA8D0 3A3E 800AA8D4 3A3E 800AA8D8 3A3E 800AAFC8 3A3E 800AAFCC 3A3E 800A68B4 483C 800A68B8 483C 800A68BC 483C 800A68C0 483C 800A68C4 483C 800A68C8 483C 800A68CC 483C 800A68D0 483C 800A49E0 000F 800B2F48 A3E0 800B2F4C A3E4 800B2F50 A3F4 800B2FDE EB00 800B2FDA 4C00 800A887C 7D74 800AA3F4 6664 800AA3F6 0009 800AA3F8 6664 800AA3FA 0009 800B2F8E 0000 800B2F8C 1400 800A082C 0018 800A9E26 0018 800A9E2A 0018 800A99F6 0018 800A99FA 0018 Credit/AlexUnderhill, BadAssGForce & MasterOfTheSwanton Includes- +Tiled Barriers +Tiled Floor +New Ring Apron +No Minitrons +Hardcore Scaffolding around Screen +Silver Stage +New Ramp +Black Ropes +Japanese Turnbuckle Poles +Japanese Text on Titon tron +No Screen +No Back curtain +Japanese symbols at corners of titantron +Barbed Wire entrance Rules- Player 1 must have barbed wire as all 3 crowd signs, Player 2 must have japanese Text as all 3 crowd signs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No Minitrons- 8008BEF8 0000 800A8C24 7D74 800AD958 7D74 No Titantron- 800A49E0 000E 800A8988 7D74 Credit/AlexUnderhill ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perfect HeAT Arena 800A8CA8 FFF9 800A8CAC FFF9 800A8CB0 FFF9 800A8CB4 FFF9 800A8CB8 FFF9 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 800A8E1C FFF9 800A902C 7D74 800A9030 7D74 800A7DF0 FFF9 800A7DF2 0019 800A7DF4 FFF9 800A7DF6 0019 8008BED4 0000 800AC354 7D74 800AC358 7D74 800AC35C FFF9 800AC35E 0019 800AC360 FFF9 800AC362 0019 800AC364 7D74 800B3132 FB00 800B3130 0B70 800B312E 4C00 800B30DE 0D00 800B30E0 0B00 800B30E2 0000 Credit/AlexUnderhill,BadAssGForce Rules-Must be in arena 1.Includes +Yellow back curtain +HeAT Symbol at entrance way +Black Ropes +HeAT Symbols Around the arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viva La Pests Junkyard Invitational Arena 800A8C1C 7D74 800A8C20 7D74 800A8870 4832 800A8EFC 39FE 800A8EFE 001A 800A8F8C 39FE 800A8F8E 001A 800A901C 39FE 800A901E 001A 800A90AC 39FE 800A90AE 001A 800A913C 39FE 800A913E 001A 800A91C0 39FE 800A91C2 001A 800A96D8 4832 800A96DA 001A 800A96DC 4832 800A96DE 001A 800A9940 4832 800A9942 001A 800A8988 39FE 800A8984 39FE 800A8982 0018 800A8980 39FE 800A8660 4832 800A865C 4832 800A8662 001A 800A865E 001A 8008BED4 0000 800AD948 4832 800AD94A 001C 800AD94C 4832 800AD94E 001C 800AD950 7D74 800AD954 7D74 8008BFFE 39FE 8008BFE6 39FE 800AF334 39FE 800AF336 001C Credit/AlexUnderhill,MasterOfTheSwanton Includes- +Wooden Titantron Rim +Wood stage poles-look the @#%$! +Black new ramp +Black Stage +some more stuff Replaces Raw Is War Note-This is not Viva La Pests Code,just his idea.He made this for No Mercy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BackYard Arena 800A9E2A 000E 800A9E26 000E 800A99FA 000E 800A99F6 000E 800A9E28 39BE 800A9E24 39BE 800A99F8 39BE 800A99F4 39BE 8008C00B 4832 8008B012 4832 800B3124 0000 800B349C 0000 800A49E0 000F 800B2F48 A3E0 800B2F4C A3E4 800B2F50 A3F4 800B2FDE EB00 800B2FDA 4C00 800A887C 7D74 800AA3F4 6664 800AA3F6 0009 800AA3F8 6664 800AA3FA 0009 800B2F8E 0000 800B2F8C 1400 800A96DA 000E 800A96DE 000E 800A9942 000E 800A96D8 39FE 800A96DC 39FE 800A9940 39FE 800AD94A 0B10 800AD94E 0B10 800AD952 0B10 800AD956 0B10 800A8662 0018 800A865E 0018 800A8660 39FE 800A865C 39FE 800A898A 001B 800A957A 0018 800A957E 0018 800A9578 39BE 800A957C 39BE 800A8872 0006 800A8C22 0018 800A8C20 39FE 8008BEF8 0000 800B376C 0C00 800B3726 0000 800B3776 FB50 800B3772 FA00 800B3774 0D00 800AF334 39FE 800AF336 0018 800AF404 3A4E 800AF408 3A4E 800AF40C 387E 800A082C 000C Credit/AlexUnderhill,MasterOfTheSwanton Includes- +Black ropes +Black and orange Turnbuckle Pads +Wooden Turnbuckle Poles +Floorboard ramp +Boarded Stage +Tiled Area under stage +No main crowd +sign On the ring mat +Signs on titantron +No titantron screen +Two working minitrons either side +Hardcore Minitron barriers +Wooden boarded barriers +Sign at entrance way +Plain Aprons Replaces Raw Choose a blank ring mat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ wCw Nitro Ring Area 800AF404 FFF9 800AF408 FFF9 800AF40C FFF9 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 800B0BEE 6664 800A68CC FFF9 800A68CE 001A 800AFBD0 6664 800AFBD4 6664 800AFBD8 6664 Credit/AlexUnderhill Replaces RAW arena I have only had chance to do the ringside area. Includes Black ropes Yellow turnbuckle pads Silver Chairs Silver ring steps Flame patterns on floor mats ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exposed Concrete w/ effects 800A68B6 001D 800A68BA 001D 800A68BE 001D 800A68C2 001D 800A68C6 001D 800A68CA 001D 800A68CE 001D D00BA176 FB50 80096392 0000 D00C6576 FB50 80096388 0000 D0096388 0001 800BA090 FF00 D0096392 0001 800C6490 FF00 Credit/AlexUnderhill, BadassGForce Rules- replaces RAW.Outside ring mats are concrete.Do any move outside and theyll loose all health ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No Way Out 2001 800A8CA8 7D74 800A8CAC 4A72 800A8CAE 001B 800A8CB0 4832 800A8CB2 0019 800A8CB4 4A72 800A8CB6 001B 800A8CB8 7D74 800AA1F8 7D74 800AA464 7D74 800AA6D0 7D74 800A49E0 000F 800A9034 7D74 Credit/AlexUnderhill Includes- +Red Globe At entrance +Curtains either side +No SD Rings +No titantron Replaces Smackdown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flaming Barricades 800A97E8 FFEC 800A97EC FFEC 800A93B8 FFEC 800A93BC FFEC 800A909C FFEC 800A90A0 FFEC Credit/AlexUnderhill Replaces SD arena ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWF Vengeance Arena 800A8EFC 7D74 800A8F8C 7D74 800A901C 7D74 800A90AC 7D74 800A913C 7D74 800A91CC 7D74 800A8C24 7D74 800A9578 FF7F 800A957C FF7F 800A8982 0018 800A8980 FF7F 800A8876 001B 800A887A 001B 800A8874 FF7F 800A8878 FF7F 800AD958 7D74 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 8008BED4 0000 Credit/AlexUnderhill,MasterOfTheSwanton Replaces Raw Is War Arena Nearly perfect, but the Two panels under the Titantron are not at angles.Apart from that, its one of my favourite PPV arenas. Quote
Chillalex Posted April 15, 2004 Author Posted April 15, 2004 InVasion Arena V2 Invasion Pt.1 800A8CA8 7D74 800A8CAE 0B10 800A8CB0 4832 800A8CB2 001B 800A8CB4 FEB8 800A8CB6 0019 800A902C 7D74 800A9030 7D74 InVasion Pt.2 800AA1F8 7D74 800AA464 7D74 800AA6D0 7D74 800A909C 39BE 800A909E 0018 800A90A0 39BE 800A90A2 0018 8008C012 4832 8008C00A 4832 800A8E14 39BE 800A8E18 7D74 800A8E1C FEB8 800A49E0 000E InVasion Pt.3 8008BEF8 0000 800AC354 7D74 800AC358 7D74 800AC35C 4A72 800AC35E 0019 800AC360 4A72 800AC362 0019 800AC364 7D74 800B30E2 0000 800B30E0 1400 800B3130 FD00 800B3132 F900 800B312E 4C00 Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-Replaces Smackdown Arena. Rating-8/10-In my opinion the best hacked InVasion arena offence Pest... Pros- +Titantron at top of ramp +Two Red WWF Signs on both sides +Purple Curtain Under Titantron +Two black entrance ways under signs +Black ropes +Stage split into two...resembles 'V' +Changed Ramp +Ovaltron Screen Gone Cons- +Stage is not diagonal cut +Ramp could be better +Titantron gets annoying +Ovaltron Rim still there ***For Curtains and WWF Signs to work you must choose armageddon or similar mat**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backyard Arena v2.1 8008BFFE 39FE 8008BFE6 39FE 800AF334 39FE 800AF336 001C 800AD94A 001C 800AD94E 001C 800AD952 001C 800AD956 001C 800AD948 4125 800AD94C 4125 800AD950 4125 800AD954 4125 800AA8D2 0018 800AA8D6 0018 800AA8DA 0018 800AA8D0 FF7F 800AA8D4 FF7F 800AA8D8 FF7F 800A9E2C 7D74 800A99FC 7D74 800A8C1E 0018 800A8C1C FF7F 800A8872 0018 800A8872 4125 800A8C22 0018 800A8C20 FF7F 800A8EFC 7D74 800A8F8C 7D74 800A901C 7D74 800A90AC 7D74 800A913C 7D74 800A91CC 7D74 800A96DA 000E 800A96DE 000E 800A9942 000E 800A8986 0018 800A8984 FF7F 800A8982 00A8 800A8980 FF7F 800A68B6 001D 800A68BA 001D 800A68BE 001D 800A68C2 001D 800A68C6 001D 800A68CA 001D 800A68CE 001D 800B03B8 FF7F 800B03BC 7D74 800B03C0 39FE 800B03C4 39FE 800B03BA 0018 800B03C2 001C 800B03C6 001C 800A8876 0018 800A887A 0018 800A8874 FF7F 800A8878 FF7F 8008BED4 0000 800B2F8C 1D00 800B2FDE 0800 800AF404 FF7F 800AF408 FF7F 800AF40C FF7F Car 800B31D0 FDE0 800B31D4 FDE4 800B31D8 FDF4 800B3212 0C00 800B3216 1800 800B3260 0E00 800B3262 0600 800B3264 1A00 800B3266 FB50 800B3458 FDE0 800B345C FDE4 800B3460 FDF4 800B349A 0E00 800B349E 1800 800B34EA 0600 800B34EC 1BA0 800B34EE FB10 800B36E0 FDE0 800B36E2 800A 800B36E4 FDE4 800B36E6 800A 800B36E8 FDF4 800B36EA 800A 800B3722 0E00 800B3726 1800 800B3770 0600 800B3772 1300 800B3774 FE00 800AFDF4 7D74 800AFDF8 4125 800AFDFA 001B 800AFDFC 7D74 Credit/AlexUnderhill,MasterOfTheSwanton,BadAssGforce replaces RAW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ECW PPV Arena 800A68D6 0018 800A68DA 0018 800A68DE 0018 800A68E2 0018 800A68E6 0018 800A68EA 0018 800A68EE 0018 800A68F2 0018 800A68D4 3A3E 800A68D8 3A3E 800A68DC 3A3E 800A68E0 3A3E 800A68E4 3A3E 800A68E8 3A3E 800A68EC 3A3E 800A68F0 3A3E 800AF500 3A4E 800AF504 3A4E 800AF508 3A4E 800A8CAA 001B 800A8CAE 001B 800A8CB2 001B 800A8CB6 0019 800A8CBA 001B 800A8CA8 4832 800A8CAC 4832 800A8CB0 4832 800A8CB4 39FE 800A8CB8 4832 800A93B8 7D74 800A93BC 7D74 800A97E8 7D74 800A97EC 7D74 800A8E18 39FE 800A8E1A 001A 800A8E14 39FE 800A8E16 000F 800A7724 39FE 800A7728 39FE 800A772C 39FE 800A7730 39FE 800A7726 000F 800A772A 000F 800A772E 000F 800A7732 000F 800A7DF2 0019 800A7DF6 0019 800A7DFA 0019 800A7DFE 0019 800A7DF0 FE7A 800A7DF4 FE7A 800A7DF8 FE7A 800A7DFC FE7A 800AA1F8 7D74 800AA464 7D74 800AA6D0 7D74 800A9C1A 001B 800A9C18 4832 800A909E 001C 800A90A2 001C 800A909C 4832 800A90A0 4832 800A902C 7D74 800A9030 7D74 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 Credit/AlexUnderhill,BadAssGForce Features- +Concrete Tiled Floor +Totally Black Turnbuckle pads +A back curtain you have to see to believe! +No ringside Barriers +The Back curtain is on top of a wooden platform +Wooden Boards around Ringside +PPV signs around Ringside(Play with Royal Rumble mat to get Royal rumble signs etc) +No Smackdown Rings +Spotlight scaffold replaced with black plating +Black ECW Ramp +Black Ring ropes Problems- There is no Blue ring mat Replaces Smackdown arena Anyways a description of Back Curtain- Looks exactly like ECW...the curtain blends in with the crowd so it looks like a square...the middle are two brown curtains just like ECW!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ wCw Nitro Arena 8008BFFE 4832 8008BFE6 4832 800AF404 FFF9 800AF408 FFF9 800AF40C FFF9 800A68CE 001A 800A68CC FFF9 800A8870 FF19 800A8874 387E 800A8878 387E 800A8C1C FF19 800A8C20 FF19 800A96DA 001A 800A96DE 001A 800A9942 001A 800A96D8 4832 800A96DC 4832 800A9940 4832 800A8988 FF19 800AD948 FF19 800AD94C FFF9 800AD94E 0019 800AD950 FFF9 800AD952 0019 800AD954 FF19 800A8660 4832 800A8664 4832 800A8EFC FF19 800A8F8C FF19 800A901C FF19 800A90AC FF19 800A913C FF19 800A91CC FF19 Credit/AlexUnderhill wCw Nitro Arena Quote
Chillalex Posted April 15, 2004 Author Posted April 15, 2004 Weapons Flaming Kendo Stick 800B1159 FEF6 800B10C4 46AC 800B10C6 46AC Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bending Kendo stick D008525A FFFE 800B1159 FEF0 Credit- TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Find A kendo stick and press select to break ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steel Plated Announcer Tables 80080800 000F D00BA176 FB50 800B04B6 001B D00BA176 FB50 800B04BA 001B Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Must be in arena 1,in hardcore match And the front of the announce are steel plates. Use this to pick up the table to look @ it- D00BA176 FB50 800B5A8C 000C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taxi Backstage This is beast...i would have released it earlier but i ran into some problems. K here is my first hack in ages that i bothered to complete and it looks beast 800A96E8 FFF9 800A96EC FFF9 800A9704 FFF9 800A9708 FFF9 800A970C FFF9 800A9710 FFF9 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Must be in The parking lot arena.Turn codes on.The white end car is replaced with a yellow is a perfect yellow and everything!i took pics so ill release as soon as possible o BTW CDX Users use an activator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New 2x4(Better than THQs) 800B5934 F424 800B5936 800A 800B5938 F428 800B593A 800A 800B593C F430 800B593E 800A 800B5940 12A4 800B5A8C 002C 800B5B50 0001 800B5A94 0001 800AF430 39FE 800AF432 0018 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules:Must be in arena 1 in a hardcore match.The left hand Table is replaced by a new 2x4 and looks much better than THQs and also has properties.Enjoy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle poles have slice off them inside ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is pretty badass D00BA176 FB50 800AF4C9 0400 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rulz-Go to any match in arena 1 and the turnbuckle poles look like a chunk has been sliced off.Short but badass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Chairs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D00BA176 FB50 800AFCCC 4835 D00BA176 FB50 800AFCD0 4835 D00BA176 FB50 800AFCD4 4835 Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-get a chair in arena is black ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flames @ Ringside ------------------------------------------------------------------------ this is badass D00BA176 FB50 800AC354 FFF9 D00BA176 FB50 800AC356 001A D00BA176 FB50 800AC358 FFF9 D00BA176 FB50 800AC35A 001A D00BA176 FB50 800AC35C FE5A D00BA176 FB50 800AC360 FE5A Credit/TheMasterOfTheSanton Rules-Go to arena 1 and the middle row of crowd are flames.They are perfect and work in any match.If you use this in any of your arenas gimme credit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black ropes D00BA4C2 0320 8008BFFE 4835 D00BA4C2 0320 8008BFE6 4835 Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton,TheChocolateStarfish Rules-Go to arena 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ flaming 2x4 800E1900 F4F4 800E1902 800A 800E1904 F4F8 800E1906 800A 800E1908 F500 800E190A 800A 800E1942 1500 800E1944 1100 800AF500 39FE Flames- 800AF504 387E 800AF506 0003 800AF508 387E 800AF50A 0003 800AF5AC 0400 800AF5AE FFFF Credit/TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rulz-Play a HIAC Match and the front part is a flaming is well realistic. anyways if you want something else to be a flaming 2x4 do this- Change its first size addy to 1600 and the second to 1200.leave the third the same. also this will work with my barbed wire 2x4 code. finally i dunno what props you wanna give it.i been having probs with it cos you hold it upside down,but i think if you change the second size addy to FD00 Then it will flip the weapon upside down hence solving the problem.And whilst on subject of props id give it head properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed Wire 2x4 In Hell In A Cell The 2x4 is perfect as it is a wooden board with 3d silver barbed wire on it unlike Badass' 2x4. 800E1900 0728 800E1902 800B 800E1904 072C 800E1906 800B 800E1908 0734 800E190A 800B 800E190C 13A5 800E1A58 002C 800E1A60 0001 800E1B1C 0001 800E1942 3000 800E1944 3000 800E1946 0A00 800B0734 6664 800B0736 000A 800B0738 39FE 800E19A2 8000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Hell In A Cell Match.The front Breakable piece is a barbed wire 2x4 as described^^^^it looks really good.You can also do any move onto the 2x4 as well. use DOOBA4C2 0320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Working Backstage Ladder(PAL) 800808C7 0100 80080900 ???? Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Replace ???? with the arena you want to be in-i.e parking lot,raw stage arena **If 800808C7 Doesnt work use 800808EB 0100.I have only tried NTSC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fall Down after Getting Hit with weapon (CDX) Finally!You can now level someone with a championship belt on CDX!(Well...if you want to that is....) Player 1 Falls over when hit- D0096388 0001 80096388 0000 D00C663E 05E4 80096388 0004 D0096388 0005 800BA23E 015E D00BA23E 015E 80096388 0000 Player 2 Falls over when hit- D0096392 0001 80096392 0000 D00BA23E 05E4 80096392 0004 D0096392 0005 800C663E 015E D00C663E 015E 80096392 0000 Trouble shootah System- ***Only use when there is no other solution*** D008527E FFFE 800C663E 0000 D008527E FFFE 800BA23E 0000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,ACEY2J2K,BadAssGForce Rules-Start a Hardcore match.Now is the only bad part of this code-drop your weapon at the start of the match.Pick it back up again and hit your opponent with it.It will send them to the floor.The timing is perfect on this.Also works if you go to apron and change weapon-It will reset everytime you change weapon(the code, not the game) PROBLEMS-Rarely,and i mean very rarely,the player may freeze if you hit them at the wrong time.To get around this,press select and they will get up again(itll make sense when you see it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed Wire 2x4 800B12F0 3A3E 800B12F2 0019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steel baseball bat 800B0D2C 6664 800B0D30 6664 800B0D32 0019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed wire kendo stick 800B10C6 000A 800B10C4 3A3E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flaming Kendo stick 800B1159 FEF0 800B10C4 46AC 800B10C6 000A 800B10C8 46AC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lightsabre 800B10C4 397E 800B10C8 397E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steel plates from PPV's 800AFCCC FE5A 800AFCD0 3A4E 800AFCD4 3A4E 800AFD62 FEF6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed wire baseball bat 800B0D30 6664 800B0D32 000A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bell is book- 800B0734 FE5A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bell is wooden board with Barbed wire on it- 800B0734 6664 800B0736 000A 800B0738 39FE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laser Pen- 800B0EF8 1316 800B0EFA 46AC 800B0EFC FE5A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brown WWF Tables(better than MOTS's !) These are cool as they have texture but are also a darker brown. D00AFEF4 39FE 800AFEF4 39BE D00BO1F2 000F 800BO1F0 39BE D00AFDFA 000F 800AFDF8 39BE D00B00F6 000F 800B00F4 39BE D00AE87A 000F 800AE878 39BE D00AEB76 000F 800AEB74 39BE Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton. These work in any arena. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWF Smackdown 3 Tables These are cool as they have texture but are also a darker brown. D00AFEF4 39FE 800AFEF4 39BE D00AFEF4 39BE 800AFEF0 3A3E D00AFEF0 3A3E 800AFEF8 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton. These work in arena 1 only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brown ECW Chair ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E C W! E C W! D008527E FFFE 800AFCCC 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AFCD0 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AFCD4 3A3E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-start a match in arena 1 with chair and press select, it will be brown like in ECW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tables are covered In Smoke D008527E FFFE 800AFEF6 001B D008527E FFFE 800AFEF4 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Start a Match with tables.Press select.They will be smoke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb site Hell in A Cell! D00808C8 0100 800DED09 FA18 D00808C8 0100 800DED03 FA18 D00808C8 0100 800DECFD FA18 D00808C8 0100 800E01A9 FA18 Credit-<TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Start a Hell in a cell match.Thepieces of mesh(unbreakable)have all imploded and are sticking in the HIAC!also,theres a huge strip of the top piece sticking in As well! only tested in NTSC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steel Plates in Hell In A Cell D008527E FFFE 800B262A 001B Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Go to HIAC and press select.The Breakable pieces will turn to Steel plating(really cool)and they are shiny silver ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New,Perfect Barbed Wire Table In Turnbuckle K,Last barbed wire tables i swear! serious tho,it is good and perfect.I dont know if anyone will try this,as i think its sorta been made,but i wanted to see if i could do the same. Barbed Wire Board Looks D008527E FFFE 800AFEF0 6664 D008527E FFFE 800AFEF4 6664 D008527E FFFE 800AFEF6 0019 D008527E FFFE 800AFEF8 FE5A 3D Barbed wire D008527E FFFE 800AFF86 FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF8A FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF46 FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF4A FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF32 FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF06 FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF0A FA18 D008527E FFFE 800AFF1E FA18 D00BA4C2 0320 800B75DE 1700 Board In TurnBuckle Positioning D008527E FFFE 800B7630 F300 D008527E FFFE 800B762E 0C50 D008527E FFFE 800B762C 0300 D008527E FFFE 800B762A 0100 D008527E FFFE 800B763E 8000 Press R2 to break,Select To Fix D008527E FDFF 800AFF32 FEF6 D008527E FDFF 800AFF4A FEF6 Board Effects(In Turnbuckle) D00BA23E 0627 800BA23E 0626 D00BA23E 0626 800AFF32 FEF6 D00BA23E 0626 800AFF4A FEF6 D00C663E 0627 800C663E 0626 D00C663E 0626 800AFF32 FEF6 D00C663E 0626 800AFF4A FEF6 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton (Yes this is the first code ive made myself for ages!) (and yes,i know they look like Me and my toasters addys,and they are,but i found em myself as well ) Rules-Start a TLC Singles match, and bring The Longer table in the ring.Press select and there should be a board in the turnbuckle.Unlike my Boards before,these are big reels of barbed wire,like in real life,and they stick up about a foot in the air off the board.Gotta see!Also,when you whip an opponent into the board,they break thru it and the board breaks(but remains 3d barbed wire)Press select to rebuild.But,You can if you want just press R2 to break and Select to fix. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wooden Boards In HIAC(Also-barbed wire boards) Front Breakable HIAC Piece is Wooden Board D00808C8 0100 800E1900 FEDC D00808C8 0100 800E1902 800A D00808C8 0100 800E1904 FEE0 D00808C8 0100 800E1906 800A D00808C8 0100 800E1908 FEF0 D00808C8 0100 800E190A 800A D00808C8 0100 800E190C 13A5 D00808C8 0100 800E1944 0000 Back Breakable HIAC Piece is Wooden Board D00808C8 0100 800E20A0 FEDC D00808C8 0100 800E20A2 800A D00808C8 0100 800E20A4 FEE0 D00808C8 0100 800E20A6 800A D00808C8 0100 800E20A8 FEF0 D00808C8 0100 800E20AA 800A D00808C8 0100 800E20AC 13A6 D00808C8 0100 800E20E4 0000 Left Breakable HIAC Piece is Wooden Board D00808C8 0100 800E1CD0 FEDC D00808C8 0100 800E1CD2 800A D00808C8 0100 800E1CD4 FEE0 D00808C8 0100 800E1CD6 800A D00808C8 0100 800E1CD8 FEF0 D00808C8 0100 800E1CDA 800A D00808C8 0100 800E1CDC 13A7 D00808C8 0100 800E1D14 0000 Right Breakable HIAC Piece is Wooden Board D00808C8 0100 800E2470 FEDC D00808C8 0100 800E2472 800A D00808C8 0100 800E2474 FEE0 D00808C8 0100 800E2476 800A D00808C8 0100 800E2478 FEF0 D00808C8 0100 800E247A 800A D00808C8 0100 800E247C 13A8 D00808C8 0100 800E24B4 0000 Top Breakable HIAC Piece is Wooden Board D00808C8 0100 800E2840 FEDC D00808C8 0100 800E2842 800A D00808C8 0100 800E2844 FEE0 D00808C8 0100 800E2846 800A D00808C8 0100 800E2848 FEF0 D00808C8 0100 800E284A 800A D00808C8 0100 800E284C 13A9 D00808C8 0100 800E2884 0000 Barbed Wire Boards V1- D00808C8 0100 800AFEF4 39FE D00808C8 0100 800AFEF6 0019 Barbed Wire Boards v2- D00808C8 0100 800AFEF4 3A3E D00808C8 0100 800AFEF6 0019 Barbed Wire Boards V3- D00808C8 0100 800AFEF6 000A Barbed Wire Boards V4- D00808C8 0100 800AFEF4 6664 D00808C8 0100 800AFEF6 0019 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,MasterOfTheSwanton,I Cant Think Of Any Good Names,Kurt The Right Angle,Darren Ainsworth And Lawzy. Rules-Start a Hell In A Cell.There will be boards in place of the breakable pieces.You can use these as weapons cos they aint like tables,so you dont freeze when hit.Also-The Barbed wire board parts.Choose only one.V1 Are wooden Boards with barbed wire wrapped around them,V2 Are sheets of barbed wire,V3 are wooden boards with better wire on them(I found this ) and V4 Are barbed wire sheets that are silver.Try it they are bad ass. You dont have To use all the boards.You can use one or as many as you want.Very handy if you are makin a match with boards in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bent steps!!! D00BA23E 029F 800B0C92 FEF6 D00C663E 029F 800B0C92 FEF6 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-whip an opponent into the steps.pick up steps.if u look closely ull see that on the underneath the steps are dented ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bent announce tables!!! D008527E FFFE 800B0559 FEF6 Credit-TheMasterOf3 Rules.Press select.On the announce tables,left hand side,on the board that hold em up,ull see its bent inwards! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Weapon-Baking Tray!! D008527E FFFE 800AFEF8 FE5A D008527E FFFE 800AFEF4 3A3E D00BA23E 05E8 800A27E4 0001 D00C663E 05E8 800A27E4 0001 D008527E FFFE 800A27E4 0000 D008527E FFFE 800B76F4 000b D008527E FFFE 800B76FC 0003 D008527E FFFE 800B77B8 0003 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Go to TLC Single.Press select.Tables will now have no legs and look like silver boards.Pick up the table that has the properties of a chair(you will be able to tell the difference).Swing it and itll bend in half!! cons-when it bends it goes back to looking like a table ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed Wire Casket The casket is now made of barbed wire D008527E FFFE 800DEC6C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC70 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC74 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC78 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC7C 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC80 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC84 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC88 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800DEC6E 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC72 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC76 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC7A 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC7E 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC82 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC86 0019 D008527E FFFE 800DEC8A 0019 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton(MOTS may have found these addys but i did as well, on my own.) Rules-Start a Casket Match and press select ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbed Wire Tables V2. This time they are barbed wire sheets on top held by barbed wire boards. u gotta try these cos there cool! D008527E FFFE 800AFEF4 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AFEF8 3A3E D008527E FFFE 800AFEF6 0019 D008527E FFFE 800AFEFA 0019 D008527E FFFE 800AFEF0 6664 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton and the guy who made barbed wire boards(for the texture values) Rules-Go to any match involving tables in arena 1.Press select.the table top is barbed wire and the table legs are replaced withe barbed wire boards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bent chairs- D008527E FFFE 800AFD62 FEF6 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton,GeoDim rules-Go to any match with chairs and press select.The top end of the chair will bend(only top end-i changed it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New concrete Tables dunno if this is the same as the one before but hey-its only a 2 liner, so just try it. D008527E FFFE 800AFEF4 3A3E Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bending/Denting Trash Cans!!! Oh My!!! D00BA23E 05E8 800B0F94 FEF6 D00C663E 05E8 800B0F94 FEF6 And Use MOTS trash can code- Credit--TheMasterOfTheSwanton and MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Go to any match and press will get MOTS' version of trash cans as one weapon.If you use that weapon like a chair and hit someone with it ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Weapon-Kryptonite!!! D00BA4C2 0320 800B0EFC 0028 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton rules-go to hardcore match an get a pipe.itll be a stick of kryptonite!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Ladder v2 Told you id update it.This is perfect version,and shorter. D008527E FFFE 800DFBB0 6664 D008527E FFFE 800DFEFC 6664 Credit-MasterOfTheSwanton,TheMasterOfTheSwanton and J-BoSS Rules-TLC Title or ladder,arena select an the ladder turns silver(proper silver this time) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWF Warzone style tables! This code is cool.Does anyone remember the tables in warzone? Remember the way they broke when you touched them??Well thats what these do.There cool cos they save you having to put in loads of different moves through tables, which dont even work on cdx!! D00BA4C2 0320 800A27E4 0001 D008527E FFFE 800B7630 ED00 D008527E FFFE 800B762E 0000 D008527E FFFE 800B762A 0000 D00B7630 ED00 800A27E4 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800A2724 0001 D008527E FFFE 800B7122 FA00 D008527E FFFE 800B7124 FA00 D008527E FFFE 800B711E 9999 800B7122 FA00 800A2724 0000 D00BA4C2 0320 800B707C 0000 Credit-TheMasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Its only TLC Singles at the moment.Start a TLC Single match with anyone.Press select and all the tables will be in position(one on left, one by bottom left turnbuckle). If you do a move near the table and touch it(perfect example-the suplex)it reuse press select whilst away from the table. Moves ive done- Superplex(looks awesome!!) Rock bottom-proper style Last ride Chokeslam Suplex backdrop ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A shortened Strip light - D00BA4C2 0320 800B0EFE 001D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thorn covered 2x4 With Blood on end- D00BA4C2 0320 800B12F0 001D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball 800AFA0C 7D74 800AFA10 3098 800AFA14 7D74 Credit/AlexUnderhill Arena 1 only, replaces Microphone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flaming 2x4 800AF500 39FE 800AF504 387E 800AF508 387E 800AF595 0300 800AF597 0300 800AF596 0300 800AF5AE 0170 800AF599 0300 800AF5AF FDFF 800AF598 FDFF 800B5934 F424 800B5938 F428 800B593C F500 800B5976 1300 Credit/AlexUnderhill Play an I Quit match and activate it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knuckle Dusters 800AFA0C FFF9 800AFA10 7D74 800AFA14 7D74 Credit/AlexUnderhill Replaces Microphone,arena 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stick with nail through it 800B15E4 39FE 800B15E8 6664 Credit/Alex Underhill Arena 1, Replaces Knight Stick ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flaming 2x4 v1 800B5934 0728 800B5936 800B 800B5938 072C 800B593A 800B 800B593C 0734 800B593E 800B 800B0734 387E 800B0738 39BE 800B0826 FEFC 800B0856 FE60 800B0854 FEF6 800B0824 FEF6 800B5976 2000 800B5978 1500 800B597A 0700 800B0822 FEF6 Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-Play an I Quit Match In arena 1.The microphone is replaced with a 'perfect' flaming 2x4.Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Denting Oil Drum 800B5934 0EEC 800B5936 800B 800B5938 0EF0 800B593A 800B 800B593C 0EF8 800B593E 800B 800B5976 0D00 800B5978 8000 800B597A 8000 800B0EFC 39BE 800B0EFE 001D 800B5A8C 000B 800B5B50 0003 800B5A94 0003 D00BA23E 05E8 800B0F7E FFFF D00C663E 05E8 800B0F7E FFFF Credit/AlexUnderhill,MasterOfTheSwanton Rules-Play an I Quit match.The Microphone has been replaced with an oil drum.Hit an opponent with the oil drum and it will bend inwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lightsabre r/ Microphone 800AFA0C 4125 800AFA14 4125 800AFA16 001A 800AFADC FB00 D008BD90 0020 800AFA10 7D74 D008525A FFFE 8008BD90 0020 D008525A FEFF 800AFA10 FE7A Credit/AlexUnderhill Rules-Must be in arena 1,any match.Press L2 To activate the beam.Press select to deactivate the beam.It is a blue beam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bag Of Thumbtacks D00BA4C2 0320 800AFA0C 7D74 D00BA4C2 0320 800AFA10 39FE D00BA4C2 0320 800AFA14 7D74 D008BD90 0020 800B5976 3000 D008BD90 0020 800B5978 3000 D008BD90 0020 800B597A 2000 D00BA242 05E5 800B5934 FEDC D00C6642 05E5 800B5934 FEDC D00B5934 FEDC 800B5938 FEE0 D00B5934 FEDC 800B593C FEF0 D00B593C FEF0 800AFEF0 7D74 D00B593C FEF0 800AFEF4 6633 D00B593C FEF0 800AFEF8 7D74 D00B593C FEF0 800B5976 0700 D00B593C FEF0 800B5978 0000 D00B593C FEF0 800B59D6 8000 Credit/AlexUnderhill,AcidHacker55 Rules-Play an I Quit match in arena 1.Pick up the bag of tacks at ringside.Throw the bag-it only works when you throw it-and thumbtacks will spread ot.You can do any moves onto the tacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Ladder In arena 1 800DFBB0 FFF9 800DFBB2 001B 800DFBB4 FFF9 800DFBB8 FFF9 800DFBBC FFF9 800DFBC0 FFF9 800DFEFC FFF9 800DFEFE 001B 800DFF00 FFF9 800DFF04 FFF9 800DFF08 FFF9 800DFF0C FFF9 Credit/AlexUnderhill OR MasterOftheSwanton (Credit one or the other not both) Rules-Play a TLC Title Or Ladder Match And The ladder is yellow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWF Quote
Supa #2 Posted May 2, 2004 Posted May 2, 2004 Woah....nice. Back in the day I prolly would have ended up buying a keyboard just to type those in. Quote
red+strong Posted May 17, 2004 Posted May 17, 2004 hey guys i use to hack this well I mostly made arenas i was just wondering has anyone any of my codes as i dont i would be interested in seeing them for old times sake my name was either the deadman 2000 or TDM2K thanks rob Quote
Fozy Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 Arenas... I remember people making them, not you though... Matt springs to mind that he made them, don't ask me why... Quote
badassGForce Posted June 26, 2004 Posted June 26, 2004 Those arena hacks that Alex and I started really caught on... Cool to see all those codes again. Quote
red+strong Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 Cool to see you around again Brian still working for EA are you? Quote
najeeb Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 Hello guyz, I am using Virtual Game Station Emulator ( VGS ) on my PC to play this ( SD2 ) game. Can I use these codes on that or any other emulator of this game ? Thanks in advance. Pakistani. 1 Quote
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