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X-Rey Video Tutorials - Tutorial 3 posted


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Awesome stuff as always Tekken!


And for those still struggling to get to grips with modding, don't rush it thats when you screw things up...just take your time and it will come to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cant wait for the update Tekken its looking real nice. 

Will we be able to delete or add vertices to create our own parts with this version ?  i notice while playing around that if I'm exporting the obj with 3dmax , x-rey doesn't recognize them when trying to inject as a smaller object , could that even be possible for future update ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@bugsy, no you cannot import models with less verts from 3dsmax. I cannot reverse engineer the face format, hence this will not be possible.


@rollingrocky, there is a comprehensive manual in xoliul shader. If you still need help, post in the help section. As indicated before, stay on topic.


Tutorial 3 posted.

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Great tutorial, man. This latest one definitely has a few more steps than I was thinking it would've, so I appreciate the thorough explanation and the time you spent putting it together. Thanks!

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I tried to explain the concepts as best as I could. The concepts were pretty complex though, so I'm glad you guys were able to understand the tutorial.


That's about it for all the tutorials I have planned for X-Rey, unless there is something else X-Rey related you guys need info on.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Read his sig



Post your questions in the help section.


I will be deleting all pm's with noob questions without responding!!!


Not a noob question, and I've been around for a while. It doesn't relate to 2k15 or any of the later games. Which is why I'd rather discuss over pm. Regardless, I appreciate the response Red.

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you can pm me now, I've deleted a few conversations. I get a few hundred noob questions a month hence my mailbox is always full. Please ensure that your question has not already been answered on these forums before pm'ing me.

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you can pm me now, I've deleted a few conversations. I get a few hundred noob questions a month hence my mailbox is always full. Please ensure that your question has not already been answered on these forums before pm'ing me.

Thanks tekken, just got around to it.

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