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X-Rey Video Tutorials - Tutorial 3 posted


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These tutorials are for X-Rey version 1.4 which will be released soon. This software lowers the volume on every mouse click and keyboard interaction so the audio is a bit unclear at times.



Tutorial 1 Using the Inject Smaller Functionality to Extract and Inject Objects from one model to another




Tutorial 2 Working with CAW Parts




Tutorial 3 Converting and Importing objects from older models


Edited by tekken57
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It can be done with 1.3 but the weights do not import correctly and the object is corrupted.

I will be releasing 1.4 soon, been sick with the flu this week so I haven't been able to work on x-Rey.

There's a few more functions I need to code for the 2009 hardy hack I did.

Edited by tekken57
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It can be done with 1.3 but the weights do not import correctly and the object is corrupted.

I will be releasing 1.4 soon, been sick with the flu this week so I haven't been able to work on x-Rey.

There's a few more functions I need to code for the 2009 hardy hack I did.


Yeah, I noticed that... So, let's wait till the update. Thanks for the fast reply, Tek!

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Would it be possible to use inject yobj files from svr 2011? For example i would like to inject Doc Gallows trunks in a wwe 2k14 model. Would it be possible?

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Fairly simple procedure to follow, but very cool of you to put together this tutorial for everyone. Was just trying this out earlier and it works beautifully. As always, seeing as I can never say it enough, thank you for all of your hard work that you put into this stuff, man.

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can we import wrestle kingdom yobj parts


While it's probably doubtful, if you have one to upload (Nakamura would be fun to try), I could definitely test it out and at least give it a shot.

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can we import wrestle kingdom yobj parts


While it's probably doubtful, if you have one to upload (Nakamura would be fun to try), I could definitely test it out and at least give it a shot.


If that works, imagine the possibilities...

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can we import wrestle kingdom yobj parts


While it's probably doubtful, if you have one to upload (Nakamura would be fun to try), I could definitely test it out and at least give it a shot.


If that works, imagine the possibilities...



Haha, yeah, I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Pretty sure in the thread with his recent Jeff Hardy Tekken said that ones from 09 weren't working, but was able to get ones from 2010 to work. If its an age thing, that game was out way before either of those, so that's why I wouldn't exactly expect results. Always worth a shot, though. Hell, if anyone has them, it wouldn't hurt to have those models just to try with even the TopoGun method if nothing else.

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I have a qestion. X-rey works with wwe 13 wii models? :huh:  thanks


No idea. Post some of the models and I'll take a look.


Would it be possible to use inject yobj files from svr 2011? For example i would like to inject Doc Gallows trunks in a wwe 2k14 model. Would it be possible?


Yes but injecting model parts from older models require a lot more work. This will be detailed in tutorial 3.


Fairly simple procedure to follow, but very cool of you to put together this tutorial for everyone. Was just trying this out earlier and it works beautifully. As always, seeing as I can never say it enough, thank you for all of your hard work that you put into this stuff, man.


Thanks man, good to know that my work is appreciated. I'm always trying to push the boundaries with my tools so that the community can produce better mods.


can we import wrestle kingdom yobj parts


I don't have any wrestle kingdom yobj files to test. Post some and I'll take a look. However I can say this, the very old yobj format i.e. < 2010 has a different face format which takes a lot more space in terms of data. Trying to find an object which has adequate space for the face data is proving to be impossible.


This is the reason why these files cannot be imported.


Any issues with the tutorial, let me know as I will be doing tutorial 2 focusing on caw parts soon.

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Tekken, here are WK models and textures just need quick BMS to open


Post the bms script as well, I dont have it. Which game is this from? If it is from the ps2 version then the models will not be supported.

@bad news forever, the wii models are not compatible. It is in a completely different format.

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I tried the models you sent me.


The good news is that the model format is already fully supported in X-Rey without any extra coding required. Just open the ymx files using the "Yobj old format" menu.


The bad news is that the face format is the same as the old 09 and below format. This means that the model cannot be converted to the new model format with X-Rey. However you can use these models to shape your wwe models using topogun.


Does any have the UFC models models from the game that was made by THQ? I want to try opening those models as well.



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