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Hardy boyz -BHANGRA MAN & Kung Fu - Hardyz UPLOADED 22/01

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Posted (edited)

The Hardy Boyz uploaded..boy its been hard work. Hope you guys enjoy and thanks to Kung Fu for the well worked entrance moves for Jeff

I finally added the neck tatoo on Jeff however I couldnt make arm tatoo connect with neck as weird in game it shows up underneath on the arms and even than if you do designs it wont cover it. That besides hope you guys enjoy again

Tags for Matt:


Tags for Jeff


Also if you type Hardyz both caws will appear :)



Full attire 2 Jeff preview thanks to Smk for original textures, edited by me and thanks to WOlfie for a lot of tweak suggestions on the facepaint

and Kung Fus final Matt hardy

He has done basically face texture improvements with eyes and jaw morphing tweaks.

He has also tweaked outer part of his eyebrows, added some cheek lines and reduced the shading on his nose. Plus fixed goatee/beard so that it now fits under his chin rather than directly on it.



Final face and final attire 1 for Jeff. Attire 2 later today/ tomorrow

Thanks to Kung Fu for texture tweaks/ Wolfie for suggestions and myself for further edits overall



Kung Fu's FINAL Matt Hardy 21/01/2015

Moveset : Age of Sandown


2nd attire preview


BHANGRA MAN's Final Jeff Hardy 22/01/2015

Credit :


Kung Fu for excellent non face paint texture

and SMK for some attire textures

SML for original face paint textures (further edited loads by me with minor edits by Kung Fu)

Smk for a few attire stuff

Wolfie and Kung Fu for some face tweak morph suggestions

Age of Sandow and Righteous for moveset




Attire 1 Final









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very nice, can i ask what time frame are these hardy's going to be from?

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Wow, these Hardy's look awesome, i'm in the pm and I'd be happy to help with this. Texture wise. :D


I would go hair 2 on Jeff.

I agree, go for hair 2 :D


For Matt Hardy, is from 07-09 era

awesome, thanks


@Vici ref pic not helpful as he looks different abit in all. Actual suggestion be useful. I guess i could work on the eyebrows at the ends looking at those pics

As for eras one jeff non face paint be in the same time frame as Kung Fus and the other a more recent tna facepaint


Good stuff, I would make Jeff's chin shorter though.

Also Hair 2 for sure


Hair 2.

How about this one for the second attire.




BHANGRA MAN this look great I can't wait to download these plus there ain't any decent hardy boys caws on ps4 so good work


BHANGRA MAN this look great I can't wait to download these plus there ain't any decent hardy boys caws on ps4 so good work

Just BHANGRA MAN or you mean BMAN & Kung Fu. ;)


Matt is looking great Kung Fu and B'man  Great start on jeff (hair 2 for sure) :)

Posted (edited)

Matt looks great, although I'd work on lighting the corners of his mouth/nose on the left side of the picture. Just seems like there's a difference of complexion there, and it's quite noticeable in the full body shots.


Concerning Jeff's hair, I'd go with the masses and go with 2.

Edited by Lil Dicky

great surprise on the Hardys and awesome tag-team B-Man & Kung Fu :)


Matt looks amazing, 5* Kung Fu will you make another attire to go with that one..? and will you add more attires on Bulldog, Eddie & Mick Foley..?


Jeff looks great cant wait to see the attires & face-paint, imo hair 2 its the perfect one..


Lookin good fellas. But I expect no less from 2 of the cawing legends!

Posted (edited)

These both look amazing!

Definitely hair 2 for Jeff.

Great work here! :)

Edited by Jap™

BHANGRA MAN this look great I can't wait to download these plus there ain't any decent hardy boys caws on ps4 so good work

Just BHANGRA MAN or you mean BMAN & Kung Fu. ;)

Does it really matter I think it's implied wat I meant

Posted (edited)

Matt looks pretty good, though is cheek and jaw line is totally off (might not be fixable in this game)...upper cheek should be MUCH wider and the entire jaw should have a taper starting there, not be squared off.  That's the only thing I really see that needs a huge fix, just not sure if it can be done in this game.  Otherwise, nice work so far, Kung Fu.  :)


Good refs of him, in case you need them:







IMO, I like hair 3 for Jeff (minus the hair line needing to be fixed...just has the center based pull back look better than #2..2's lower sitting line is all that looks better on it IMO).  Told you the rest I'd fix in PM, bro.  ;)

Edited by WolfgangJT

Both are looking great, really hoping Matt's other attire is his tights! :)



Both are looking great, really hoping Matt's other attire is his tights! :)

Yes that is going to be his second attire for my Matt Hardy.


Updated matt h in first post. Hopefully Jeff tomorrow :)

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