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If you're at all interested id love to share what I have on my Dudley's with you if you're willing to hook me up with your finalized d-von textures.... All about spreading the love here man. I got attires for days drawn up.


Does anyone know why your creations get deleted? My uploads get deleted every time does anyone know how to fix this


Mines too man and then usually i have to re-upload them


There still uploaded but don't show up on my uploaded content tags are Kush,BME.


Not a bad start on the Dudleys bro...very interested in seeing the final product

Thanks bruh

@0PERRIER0 eh I'm not too sure bro, it's just cause we both on the console and shit


Not trying to compete, just dont know what attires you have planned or not and if they're different it'd save half the battle. 


I've got one WWE and TNA if you could give me Bubba and Devons TNA attires and maybe Devins tats if that ain't asking for too much I'll give you Devons texture but if i may add you might not like it bro haha


Thanks man attires should be previewed on Friday

Sweet..can't wait to see em


devon's nose needs to be wider, looks a little small overall, his eyes could be bigger as well... the top of his head looks as though it doesn't blend with the green'ish texture (looks more red'ish)

Bubba's eyes could be bigger and the texture (goatee and shizz) need lining up better.


Aight Pete cheers for the suggestions,but I can't really make the eyes bigger in this game man


The annoying thing is every time I go into the Caw of Devon the fucking textute moves all the time


Devon's texture looks really low quality, other than that good work. Coming along nicely.


Yeah man,i get you. I've made it less pixelated done both Dudleys WWE attires not sure what Tna attires i should do,so any requests post pics and anyone willing to do move-sets for the Dudleys?


Thanks man, are there anymore pics of what is on the side of their trousers and shit?


Thanks man i cant make out what font that is, what match is those pics from?


Cheers man, i found some good references of that attire so ill get it done, can anyone please do a moveset for the Dudleys? 

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