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Request to be in WWE 2K16 Game

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Posted (edited)

I do not know if I posted this in the right area



 Request to be in WWE 2K16 Game

For WWE 2K16 Create arena, Creat a Tittle put back in game Uploading logos, and face everyone is happy on that we have been waiting for that for a long time nice. Without out these features in Game, the Game is not fully complete it needs to be in WWE 2K16 everyone is Requesting it to be back


Edited by blade8888

And some more morphing options, more hair styles and more entrances

Posted (edited)

the game needs to be completely redone period lol Graphics is the only thing they done right everything has lot of flaws and issues from in ring game play,to lack of modes and settings missing not to mention the horrible CAW setup. 


When they should've left the way things were but just added the new feats, but can't fault them to much because they are redoing & reworking on things from scratch for the new systems.Where as on the old gen they can copy the same formula from previous games and tweak it a bit. And it may take a few games before they get everything right.esp in the CAW part because i know UFC first game on the new systems is completely F'N useless and might as well not even be in the game lol. because u can't change anything at all just pick the ugly ass default faces and bodies and then they had some cool tats but u couldn't move them resize them or nothing. Has EA Gameface but its useless to, because it looks good on pc but when u save it and load it up on the game looks absolutely nothing like it lol. 


But what would be cool since they actually allow logo importing if they add the ability to add your own 3d objects such as clothing,weapons possibly, and maybe even full 3d characters.,upload your theme music, titan tron video. Man if they really created a game like that it would totally change the gaming scene, atleast on game consoles cause im not a pc gamer and i know that there are ways to hack into certain games and change the character to someone else or change their attire. But those are because of hacks and mods or whatever, but i dont think that theirs actually been a game come out that gives the player the complete freedom of customizing the game by importing your own 3d objects to use. i know they have a free indy game that allows you to create your own little mini games and worlds and share them but u cant actually import anything just use what they have to use on the game plus has super nes graphics lol. 


i dont think it would be that hard just like people do on the jtag360 or ps3 jailbreak where they edit the in game character and replace the edited file with the original. and just like its set up in the CC the tab u use to generate ya token to upload ya logos have it set up where u can upload logos,music,videos,weapons,wrestlers  and the website is set up the same way, so when u enter the generated token # it'll automatically bring u to the section of either the weapons,wrestlers,logo, & music site. Because im pretty sure that they each would have to be set up differently in order to import different files. 

Edited by mrelectriccity

^^^ it would most probably be the best idea but do you think it would be too complicated for some people to do this ?


^^^ it would most probably be the best idea but do you think it would be too complicated for some people to do this ?

Sure hell even i dont know how to do it lol, but theres already a bunch of 3d models free to download, i dont know how to edit them in 3d but u can still upload them str8 to the game and u can also download other 3d objects people have uploaded. 


Dont get me wrong love the idea and we'll adjust to it lol just a shame 2k wont see this :(

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