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How do you put tattoos and face paint on in-game superstars?

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I can't access the "Body" section in EAS! (I'm on PS4 if that matters)


You can only change clothing to in game wrestlers sorry to dissapoint you :/



You can only change clothing to in game wrestlers sorry to dissapoint you :/

http://i.imgur.com/KXouyQV.jpg  (not my creation)



That pic tells me otherwise


That might be a glitch. I think you can access the arms by putting logos on wrist bands.


Placing logos on wristbands is the only way. Face paint isn't possible, as far as I know.


only way u can do the face is by using glasses & mask  


like i did Stone Cold




or like Dean Ambrose in this vid i did 


Anyway to put tats on the chest? To update Romans chest tattoo.


no but u could prob use one of the sleeveless tops and color same color as his skin tone and use full torso and back texture with the updated tat.


no but u could prob use one of the sleeveless tops and color same color as his skin tone and use full torso and back texture with the

updated tat.

Wish I knew the color for it

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